Quadruple split

Chapter 134 Gaheres

next day

Real time 18:40

City Q, a high-end apartment

Zhou Si yawned and walked into the house. He glanced at his mother who was busy in the kitchen, returned to his room without even saying hello, and closed the door without saying a word.

"Food will be ready in a moment~" Mother's voice came from outside the room.

"What a shame!" Zhou Si, who was sitting on the game cabin, tore open a bag of snacks and shouted out the door, "I won't eat them."

The young mother who was serving the dishes smiled bitterly and sighed helplessly.

It's normal for children of this age to be a little rebellious. They should be fine in a few years, right?

As someone who has been through this, this is what she thinks.

I think it's a little too simple...

Zhou Sike, who is in his third year of high school this year, is not just a 'rebel'. In fact, he has become a school bully in school due to his wealthy family and strong body.

School of schools, bullies of bullies.

A rich family background, a weak mother who is not good at communicating, a father who rarely comes home all the time, overindulging elders, slavish classmates, handsome and sunny appearance, a strong and powerful body... All kinds of factors combined together, and finally... Let him become what he is now.

He can bully and scold students he dislikes at will, and even the teachers are quite afraid of him. He is like an emperor on campus and can do whatever he wants...

This is not an exaggeration.

Although human beings' social structure, per capita quality, science and technology are always improving, this does not mean that some filthy, dark, dirty and disgusting things do not exist, whether they are human beings or others. , or something.

Even on the contrary, those distorted products that are human derivatives still exist and endure.

Zhou Si is just one of the most normal examples.

The busy father has no time to take care of his children and only gives them money. The mother who gets along day and night does not notice anything is wrong. The teachers in the school who are supposed to play a role in supervision and education pretend to be deaf because they are afraid of their families. dumb……

Of course, there are exceptions. There was once a teacher who was dissatisfied with his style and was going to tell his parents about Zhou Si's great achievements in school. As a result, his legs were broken by seven or eight members of the public that night.

This matter was done by Zhou Si, but this smart young man made other teachers think that it was done by his family. Therefore, his mother is still kept in the dark until now, thinking that her child is just an ordinary rebellious child. 'That's all.

Again, this is not an exaggeration, and it does not mean that some judicial agencies or educational institutions are a bunch of losers who are enthusiastic about malfeasance. It’s just that in many cases, rules are not the same for everyone...

So let’s get back to the story.

In short, classmate Zhou Si is in a bad mood today. In fact, he has been in a bad mood during this period!

Because of an annoying bug, a bug with no characteristics other than achievements, a coward, a coward, a bastard!

He actually tried to 'make friends' with Zhou Si through the games he played!

Not only did I find out the game IDs of myself and several other friends, but even the initial location was luckily not far from them.

As disgusting as a slug that can't be shaken off!

[If I hadn’t figured out what the ‘guilt value’ was, I would have killed him long ago! 】

Zhou Si couldn't help but angrily think that being cautious is a common problem among players of Innocence at this stage. After all, this game is too realistic and the death penalty is too serious.

But Zhou Si still felt that this could not go on...

What a big deal that a big shot like him was entangled by a slug!

"If you want to come in for revenge, I might even look down on you." Zhou Si sneered, then picked up his mobile phone, opened a certain social software, and sent a voice message to one of the groups.

"Hey guys, I thought of a great idea..."

at the same time

City Q, a certain unfinished building

He Lei returned to his empty home. He was carrying his schoolbag neatly and had a crew cut. His appearance was quite delicate, but his expression was very dull. His thin body was covered in a wrinkled school uniform. There were some cracks around the black-rimmed glasses on his face, and one of the temples was missing.

He is Zhou Si's classmate. Like Zhou Si, he is also considered the top dog in the school...

Straight A student.

As long as you are an academic who has never gotten any ranking other than first place in the exam, it is of no use.

Even if he is a top student, even if he has won a provincial scholarship, even if he has won good rankings in many mathematics competitions, he is still a coward and idiot in the eyes of most people, and a maggot, garbage, joke, trash and waste in the eyes of a few people. firewood.

Achievements cannot prove everything. This conclusion, which is supposed to be a result of social optimization, is not a good thing in a sense.

This is no longer a society where test scores alone can win applause and praise.

Of course, if you can win any international awards or take first place, the gold content will naturally be different, but He Lei obviously has not reached that level. In addition, he is weak and dull by nature, and his family does not have a good background, so The place of life is also very difficult.

My parents are just ordinary working-class people with mediocre abilities.

In addition, the title of 'student master' can easily attract the attention of some people. Yes, I am referring to the group of people headed by Zhou Si...

He Lei's high school career obviously didn't go well.

I don’t know since when, beatings have become a common occurrence. The little pocket money I had was forcibly transferred to people who didn’t need it. I was played a good-natured prank during class, and I was blocked in random places after school. Humiliated, forced in the toilet, stripped of all clothes except underpants and thrown into the classroom...

If he had been a person with poor psychological quality, he would have transferred to another school or died long ago. As for calling the police or something, he would have just brought shame on himself.

But maybe because he was dull or too broad-minded, He Lei did not choose to die.

He did not transfer to another school. After all, when this school accepted him, he had already waived most of his tuition due to his grades. If he changed schools, the quality of teaching would not only be worse, but it would also add a lot of burden to his family.

Just get over it, it's only three years in total, as long as you get over it, it's over...

He Lei has always thought so.

But it is also foreseeable how unhappy this process is.

So it's not like he hasn't thought of a way before... but with little success...

However, recently, He Lei felt that his opportunity seemed to have come. He was not very interested in various games before, and Zhou Si and others, who only had three minutes of enthusiasm, suddenly became obsessed with a game called 'Innocence'.

This might be a good opportunity!

This is what He Lei thinks. He feels that if he can establish a good relationship with the opponent in the game, or can help Zhou Si and others, maybe the current situation will change!

There is no need to change too much, as long as he is not beaten so badly, and preferably it does not affect his normal study.

So, he resolutely used the winnings from various competitions that he had secretly saved to order a game cabin from Innocence, and then lied to his parents that he had won a prize...

"I'm really lucky that it wasn't sold." He returned to the room, nodded looking at the only valuable item in the whole room in front of him, then walked forward and lay down, trying to shield himself from the ubiquitous Feeling the pain, waiting for the game to be launched.

[Although the purpose is not pure, I want to make friends with them no matter what...]

He slowly closed his eyes.

Real time PM19:02

[Your spiritual connection has been detected and personal information is being synchronized...]

[Connection completed, reading character information]

[Welcome back, lawful and neutral Gaheres, will soon be loaded into the realm of innocence, I wish you a good night]

Innocence Continent, Misha County, Hofer City

He Lei, no, it should be said that Gaheres appeared in a certain alley.

The name Gaheris is taken from King Arthur's Twelve Knights of the Round Table. Although there are many translation versions, such as Gaheris, He Lei still prefers the name he uses now.

Of course, in fact, this kind of grand and classy-sounding name does not fit his personality. If He Lei played this game by himself, he would definitely not use such a nickname, but this is also a helpless move... …

Because Zhou Si is called Lancelot here, his dog-leg number one is called Geraint, dog-leg number two is called Galahad, number three is called Berry Lin, number four is called Bedwywe, and so on. It is a reference to the name of the Knights of the Round Table.

So He Lei, who was committed to building a good relationship with them, thought about it for a long time and finally decided to call him Gaheres.

Of course, he's super weak...


Race: Human

Sex: Male

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Level: Warrior Level 2, Alchemist Level 2, Engineer Level 1

Belief: None

Health: 40/40

Physical value: 120/120

Talent: Weak, timid, top student in science

Basic attributes: Strength 3, Wisdom 10, Dexterity 3, Constitution 2

Civilization attributes: Eloquence 1, Charm 1, Knowledge 5, Leadership 0

Combat attributes: One-handed weapon specialization level 1, two-handed weapon specialization level 1

Skills: Slam, Basic Alchemy, Junior Engineering

For a player who has been playing for nearly half a month, it is really weak.

But there was no way around it. After all, Gaheres had spent several days on the road before, and it also took him a while to find Zhou Si and others. After that, although they were also fighting monsters and doing quests and leveling up, He was following behind, but he was basically just eating dust. In addition, his talent was really not that good. He didn't gain anything but weakened a lot, which made it even more difficult for him to become stronger.

In short, Gaheres waited like this for about two or three minutes before Zhou Si and a group of his friends came online one after another, and they appeared in this alley.

The system will not avoid other players when they are online, so Gaheres has the confidence to wait for them.

"Hey, where are you?" Zhou Sichong, who was named 'Lancelot' in the game, smiled maliciously at Gaheres, and then waved to the people around him: "Give him a daily routine." Tendon activating service, don’t beat yourself up..."

People around him rushed forward.

A few minutes later, Gahres, who was flattened to the point of losing his blood, stood up slowly while holding on to the wall, and whispered to Zhou Si, who was wearing dark blue knight armor in front of him: "I think... everyone should leave this city. .”

"Oh?" Zhou Si raised his eyebrows slightly: "Why?"

Gaheres immediately said: "Now the plague has completely spread across Misha County, and I have seen examples of players being infected on the forum before. I think we should leave here as soon as possible, and pass through before everyone is infected. Blockade and go to another place to level up..."

[If they think I can help, then we can gradually achieve a relatively equal dialogue, right? 】

Gahres, who was trying to find a way to help the group in front of him, was simply delusional.

Yes, it is a delusion...

"Oh, little Leilei, you are really smart!" Zhou Si smiled and nodded, exchanged a look with his companions around him, shrugged and said, "Let's go together!"

【Very good! 】

Gaheres also laughed suddenly. Just when he was about to say something more, he was suddenly stood up by people on both sides.

He suddenly said in astonishment: "Everyone, this is..."

"Oh, it's nothing." Zhou Si smiled, stepped forward and whispered to Gaheres: "We are indeed planning to cross the blockade, but everyone thinks you are very suitable to stay here."

Gahres smiled bitterly and shook his head: "I just want to be with everyone and won't cause any trouble."

"Whether it will cause trouble or not is up to you." Zhou Si sneered, then looked at a player dressed as a thief next to him: "Go, be careful on the road."

The other party nodded and quickly turned and left the alley...

fifteen minutes later

"I'm back." The player dressed as a thief returned to everyone, holding a small bottle filled with dark red liquid in his hand, and said with a smile: "I got the stuff, and it's still fresh."

Gahres was in a daze: "What is this?"

"This is good stuff." Zhou Si took the bottle handed by his companion and said with a smile: "It's the blood in the bodies of those unlucky people who died because of the plague..."

【No way! ? 】

Gahres froze.

"You know, I really hate you, very, very, very much!" Zhou Si's face suddenly darkened, and he pulled out the long sword from his waist and said in a cold voice: "You are just a maggot. Moreover, he is still a maggot who dreams of being equal to me, a slime that cannot be shaken off, and a bastard that will be disgusted wherever he throws it. He pretends to be aloof every day, does not cry, make trouble, noisy, or scream, and is beaten continuously. You don’t even have the slightest sense of accomplishment! Instead, you make me look like a laughing stock because of your virtues, and you can’t even play a game to make people feel comfortable..."

The more he spoke, the angrier he became, and the more he spoke, the angrier he became. Finally, his sword cut Gahres's arm.

“To have fun, you need to have fun consciousness!”

Stinky blood dripped into Gahres's wound...

"Let's rot here alone!"

Zhou Si sneered and shook off the bottle in his hand.

"No one will accept you! No one will care about you! Scum!"

[You have been infected with: rotten plague, erosion plague, abscess plague]

Chapter 131: End

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