Quadruple split

Chapter 133 Learn battlefield engineering from me!

[Is this girl mentally disturbed or is she starved? 】

The livid-faced Lu Wei couldn't help but think of this. Then he waved his hand to Cordoba, who was hesitant to speak, and hummed: "Put the things out and let me take a look."

"Oh." Cordoba immediately took out the space rune used to recover the "Absolute Complete Express" before, released the flying vehicle that looked like a 7.62-caliber bomb, and then said lowly to Lu Wei He said: "What, actually..."

"Shut up!" Master Lu rushed to the side of the express and waved to Mo Tan and others: "You guys rest here for a while while I study this..."

After that, he started to jump up and down around the express to observe, and from time to time he would use pipe wrench and wrench to chisel on it. His two little eyes were wide open, and he kept muttering all kinds of things that were far beyond the scope of ordinary people's understanding. The professional term has obviously entered the working state.

"This is the virtue of an old man." Cordoba sighed, and spread his hands to Mo Tan and others beside him: "Don't mind, it shouldn't take too long this time..."

Mo Tan shook his head and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, everyone happens to be very tired. Master Lu will take a rest after a while."

Then Ji Xiaoge couldn't stand it anymore...

"Master Lu...Master Lu...Puff, puff haha...Puff hahahahaha! Master Lu!"

The girl blinked her eyes first, and then repeated in a low voice the three words 'Master Lu' that Mo Tan had just said on both sides, and then burst into uncontrollable laughter. Cordoba and Lu Jiang watched. Confused.

[What’s going on with this girl! ? 】

Cordoba was horrified and quickly asked Ji Xiaoge, who was laughing so hard that he couldn't stand up, "Are you okay?"

"Pfft, haha, Master Lu, haha...hahahahaha...Master Lu! Master Lu!" Ji Xiaoge, who was caught in the puzzle, burst out laughing and said: "There is also a Lu in my computer at home... Haha, Master Hahalu, they look a bit similar..."

computer? !

Cordoba thought for a moment and immediately realized the fact that Ji Xiaoge was also a player. Then he subconsciously thought about 'Master Lu' and found that the LOGO of that thing did seem to be a bit like Lu Wei. Similar, but…

[As for smiling, is this a virtue? ! 】

Cordoba was confused.

"Well, Ye Ge has a weird smile." Mo Tanqian smiled and shrugged at Cordoba, then turned back to the NPCs Jadeka and Yaya and added: "This seems to be unique to her hometown. It’s a joke… Let’s just ignore it…”

The two nodded in understanding, not sure whether they really understood or pretended to understand.

At this time, Lu Jiang ran up to Ji Xiaoge with excitement on his face and whispered to her, "You too?"

The latter did not react for a moment, but barely stopped laughing and tilted his head: "What?"

"Yes, she too." Mo Tan immediately guessed the meaning of Lu Jiang's words, and said to him in the same low voice: "Not just her, but Cordoba and I too."

Lu Jiang immediately clapped his hands happily and exclaimed in a low voice: "Wow! This is my first time meeting the same kind."

Her fair and smooth oval face was slightly red due to excitement, and her pair of eyes that seemed to be able to speak were also sparkling. Although her appearance was not as exaggerated as that of Ji Xiaoge, she was definitely pretty and pretty. Just let Cordoba...

It’s just a back jump on the spot!

"Brother! Let's talk carefully if we have something to say, don't get so close!" Because of the previous introduction and guessing that Lujiang was not an NPC, Cordoba smiled bitterly and waved his hands: "I'm afraid!"

Lu Jiang was stunned for a moment and asked subconsciously: "Are you afraid of Shenma?"

Cordoba fell silent.

[I guess I’m afraid of bending...]

Mo Tan gave a dry laugh, then shrugged at Lu Jiang and said, "It's nothing. Let's talk about these later."

After saying that, he sent a friend request to Lu Jiang. After Lu Jiang accepted it, he immediately sent a friend request to Ji Xiaoge and Cordoba respectively. After playing for more than half a month, he didn't meet a single player. 'Obviously very excited, it feels like a fellow villager meeting a fellow villager.

After all, Innocence is different from other mental simulation games. There is no novice village, main city, player gathering place, etc. Not to mention things like 'world channel' and 'matching queue', this game even There is not even a dungeon or team system, and the map is extremely huge. It is not easy to meet some players in it. Of course, this does not mean how deserted the Innocence Continent is. After all, there are NPCs here. They are all no different from players. Lujiang, who has become a soft girl in the game, understands this very well.

However, this situation will not last long. After all, it has only been more than half a month since the game was launched. During this period, both word-of-mouth and popularity have steadily increased, so the proportion of players in the game has It will get higher and higher in the future, and many well-known professional players and studios are also waiting and watching. When these people come in, it means that this game has received enough recognition. As long as the official does not seek death, the popularity of the game will increase. It's just a matter of time...

The perfect mental simulation experience that is far better than most games on the market, the NPCs who are no different from real people, the vast game map, the compulsion, the lack of any krypton gold content, etc., have all won an excellent reputation for Innocence. .

Of course, the future only exists in expectations and imaginations. There are still not enough players in the Innocence World, and there are also many people like Lu Jiang who have played for more than half a month without meeting anyone of the same kind.

That's why 'he' is so excited...

"Cordoba, were you here at Tianzhu Mountain from the beginning?" Lu Jiang looked at a rune creation that was considered unconventional among players with some curiosity, and asked cautiously.

I don’t know how cautious he is...

Cordoba shook his head: "No, I have experienced many things before Tianzhu Mountain."

"For example?"

"Death, death, death, death..."

Lu Jiang was a little confused.

"Oh, it's hard to explain in words." Cordoba sighed with emotion, then spread his hands and said: "But I am indeed a local of Tianzhu Mountain now. Is there any problem?"

Lujiang was silent for a moment, and then asked in a low voice: "Then do you know a person named 'Long'? It's called Hazy, Hazy Hazy."

【hazy? 】

Mo Tan was a little surprised. If he remembered correctly, that person should be...

"Of course I know you." Cordoba nodded and glanced at Mo Tan: "Mo has also seen it. Mr. Hao is the thirteenth-ranked high-level observer in our Tianzhu Mountain. Looking back, he has been in charge. He, do you know him?"

Lu Jiang shook his head: "I don't know him, but I want to find him..."

"Looking for him?" Cordoba was a little confused: "What are you looking for him for?"

Mo Tan was also quite curious about this. He had a very deep impression of Long. Although he had not been in contact with the high-level observer for a long time, he could always give him an elusive feeling. Of course, Everything in Tianzhu Mountain is quite elusive, and so are chief engineer Lu Wei and another high-level observer, Lessard.

But Lu is different from those two. He gives Mo Tan a more mysterious feeling...

"My brother asked me to find him." Lujiang shrugged, then looked back at Jadeka and Yaya not far away, found that they were not paying attention, and whispered to Cordoba: "I My guidance mission was to find my brother, but I still haven’t found him for more than half a month, and I couldn’t add him as a friend. Later, he told me to try to find a Master ‘Long’ here in Tianzhu Mountain, so I came over.”

Cordoba said in shock: "You couldn't find him? Then how did he tell you?"

Lu Jiang smiled: "After leaving the game, we lived together and studied in the same school."

Cordoba: "..."

Mo Tan: "..."

At this moment, Lu Wei, who had been circling around the express, suddenly turned around and shouted: "That girl with wings, come here!"

Ji Xiaoge, who was listening to the three people chatting, tilted his head, then pointed at himself: "Me?"

"Yes, it's you, come here..." Lu Wei, who was slumped on the ground, said feebly: "Hurry up."

Ji Xiaoge nodded: "Oh, good!"

Then he made a face at Mo Tan and others, trotted all the way to Lu Wei, leaned over and asked, "Master Lu, are you looking for me?"

"Yes." Lu Wei nodded with some frustration, then raised his hand and pointed at a 'patch' on the express and an unknown substance under the two floating runes, with a particularly resentful expression: "What materials did you use?" Is my alloy beta repaired? Also, what is the substance used to bond the floating runes, and how can it be so terrifyingly sticky!?"

Ji Xiaoge blinked: "The gap is patched with millet porridge and black sesame paste, and the glue is glued with sticky bean buns..."

"I'm not kidding you!" Lu Wei roared with a livid face: "This may involve a completely new field, whether it is engineering or materials science. Tell me the truth, and I will give you whatever you want! As long as I have it!”

Ji Xiaoge looked back at Mo Tan with a frown: "Help..."

The latter smiled bitterly and nodded, letting Cordoba and Lujiang chat first. Then he walked quickly to Lu Wei, spread his hands and said, "I can testify that she is really not joking with you."

"Are you kidding!?" Lu Wei still trusted Mo Tan's character. He was immediately shocked after hearing what he said. He stretched out his dirty hands towards Ji Xiaoge: "Bring it here!"

Ji Xiaoge's face was full of confusion: "What to take?"

"Those things you just mentioned!" Lu Wei shouted angrily: "Millet porridge! What black paste! And those bean bags!"

The girl immediately obediently took out a bowl of fragrant and dark stuff from her bag, handed it to Lu Wei, and said with a smile: "I made a lot, this is black sesame paste~"

Lu Wei raised his hand to take it with a solemn expression, then went up to smell it, frowned, and then carefully poured some on the ground...

Then, under Mo Tan's horrified gaze and Ji Xiaoge's slightly distressed gaze, the small lump of fragrant, dark, and viscous liquid solidified the moment it hit the ground!

Exactly the same as the inconspicuous patch on the Express!

"It's true!" Lu Wei's pupils shrank for a moment, and then he looked in disbelief at Ji Xiaoge, who had the word 'pity' written all over his face, and said in shock: "How did you do it!?"

The girl recalled for a moment and said hesitantly: "Wash something that looks like sesame seeds, fry them, fry something that looks like glutinous rice, grind the sesame seeds, and then..."

"Wait a minute, wait a minute!!" Lu Wei immediately interrupted: "This is all such a mess, do you think it's cooking?"

The girl looked innocent: "Just cooking..."

Master Lu was silent.

Mo Tan, on the other hand, is struggling with what is 'something like sesame' and 'something like glutinous rice'.

After a while, Lu Wei looked at the bowl of 'black sesame paste' in his hand, and asked Ji Xiaoge with his mouth twitching: "Is this really... food?"

The girl nodded seriously.

Then, after Lu Wei hesitated for a moment, he actually picked up the bowl, stuck out his tongue and took a lick...

Take a lick...

Take a bite...

One bite...


In the next minute, the chief engineer of Tianzhu Mountain used wrenches, pipe wrenches, chain saws, micro explosives, and explosive runes until he was about to kill himself... The mass on the tip of his tongue, which was no less textured than rune alloy, was removed.

"Haha, Hui Changha..." However, Lu Wei was not angry at all. Instead, he asked Ji Xiaoge enthusiastically: "There seems to be a lot of talent in the room! How about the materials and cuttings?"

Ji Xiaoge: "?"

Mo Tan: "?"

Lu Wei thought about it for a moment, raised his hand and summoned a blue light curtain in front of him, and wrote on it——

‘Girl, you are fine! It's a talent! Do you want to learn a craft from me? ’

Because Cordoba and Mo Tan had both told themselves how powerful Lu Wei was, how powerful Tianzhu Mountain was, and how unscrupulous and domineering Lu Wei was in Tianzhu Mountain, Ji Xiaoge immediately became a little worried Feeling flattered, he quickly asked, "What kind of craftsmanship?"

Master Lu smiled proudly, raised his hand and wrote five big characters plus a punctuation mark on the light screen...

‘Battlefield engineering! ’

at the same time

Inner mountains of Tianzhu Mountain, looking back

A tall, silver-haired elf stood up gently from the mist. He was wearing a white robe, with a layer of linen wrapped around his eyes, and his expression was calm and indifferent.

He had a relationship with Mo Tan. He was the last of the thirteen high-level observers in Tianzhu Mountain and was in charge of looking back - Hazy.

"The light of the apocalypse is back..." Long raised his hand, brushed away the mist that filled the entire recollection, and murmured: "There is also a silver elf who looks very similar to A Sang. Could it be that he is here to find me? Of?"

He raised his head slightly, and those eyes hidden behind the thin cloth seemed to be staring at something...

After a while

"Sure enough, I still can't see anything." Hao showed a self-deprecating smile, and then his whole person gradually turned from real to virtual, and slowly turned into a blurry shadow.

"However, even if there is only a glimmer of hope... I must never lose it, and I must never... give up."

Chapter 130: End

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