Quadruple split

Chapter 1323 Precision

one second later

Without warning, the group of blue elite troops stationed quietly in the woods from God's perspective was suddenly covered by a series of sparkling lights. The grid where they were located shook violently, and even the preset terrain there was destroyed by [Jam] The three magic cannons in the position were turned upside down and turned into something else. To put it simply, they were literally razed to the ground.


Lei Yisi let out a soft cry, quickly marked the corresponding position on the big screen, and said quickly: "One of the red side's positions launched two rounds of magic cannon volleys without warning, directly It blew away the woods where an elite team from the Blue side was hiding, and then... Oh my God! Another volley! They can't run away!"

After finding out the cause of the previous "fragmentation feeling", Lei Yisi had regained her composure and continued to explain professionally, although she was still unable to analyze the battlefield that was completely chaotic and raging at the macro level at this moment. But this girl is still desperately following the rhythm of both players, trying to find the key points from a large number of heated exchanges.

Borrowing from the previous example, although the commentator with a God's perspective cannot explain the big chessboard, she is trying to find the small chessboards where pieces are being placed quickly.

Since this girl has considerable military attainments and talents, and also has a relatively ideal perspective as a chess spectator, most of the content she picks out to talk to everyone can be regarded as the highlight, and she has basically covered the level of explanation. It was done to the extreme.

Of course, in terms of level alone, the two principals, Andre and Richard, who are both official personnel, are definitely more powerful. Their analysis of the battle situation and control of the context are far superior to those of La Yisi and La Yisi. The two sisters Lei Yisi, but we all know that explaining this kind of thing is not something that can only be done with good skills.

You have to be humorous enough, right?

You have to be able to tell jokes, right?

You have to liven things up, right?

Is Mandarin standard?

The most important thing is, you have to at least not look uncomfortable, right?

To be honest, in fact, the two deans are not ugly. Although dean Andre's skin color is healthier and dean Richard's face is a bit long, they were both top-notch when they were young. Handsome guys, even now, have the charm of mature uncles, especially the sharp-edged Dean Andre, who is definitely a T0-level existence in the eyes of some uncles.


These two facially paralyzed people are really not suitable for sitting in the commentary position. If nothing else, the demeanor of the dean in them is enough to make most of the young people at the scene shrink away and remain silent.

If they were to be the commentators, the audience would probably be on pins and needles.

Therefore, La bait silk and Thunder bait silk are the best choices.

And these two girls are indeed worthy of the extra twenty credits awarded to them by the school. Even in this situation, they still perform quite stably, and their cooperation with each other is also very good.

"Not seen!"

However, La Yisi quickly switched the main screen to the perspective of the blue commander, put an eye-catching mark on the same position, pointed at the small patch of dark fog of war above and said sternly: "In Foster's eyes, That area is completely unknown, and with the large number of blue troops nearby, he has no chance to extend his control to that location."

Lei Yisi blinked and said in astonishment: "Could it be that he was tricked?"


La Yisi twitched the corner of her mouth, shook her head vigorously and said: "There were three full rounds of volleys, and they were all fixed-point strikes at the extreme distance. How crazy and crazy does Foster have to be to be so confused? You must know that the supply line behind them is not there yet. After it is fully operational, the resources in each position of both sides are now very tight, who dares to waste the cost of three rounds of volleys for no reason!"

Lei Yisi swallowed her saliva and looked at the sand table scene from the blue commander's perspective in disbelief: "In other words..."

"I guessed it."

Mo Tan sighed quietly and looked down at the command sand table in front of him. Then he turned to the girl next to him who had a pretty face full of nervousness, and comforted him in a calm voice: "It's okay. If he can't guess, I will." It’s a headache, so go ahead.”

At this moment, with both sides having fully deployed their scouting units, a lot of information can be displayed on the sand table instantly without the need for the staff to go to the host to get it. For example, Teresa's round of shelling just now was almost At the same time that Lian entered the order, Mo Tan had already seen on the sand table that his team had been directly wiped out in the hiding place.

Yu Chen pursed his lips, and despite the stomachache caused by nervousness, gave Mo Tan a reassuring smile, and then trotted out of the command room.


"It's tricky..."

Mo Tan's soft eyes suddenly condensed, and he quickly wiped away the fine cold sweat on his forehead. He breathed a sigh of relief and murmured in a low voice: "You are really good at surprising people, Foster."

Looking down at the sand table in front of him with cold eyes, Mo Tan, who no longer concealed his emotions because Yu Chen left, narrowed his eyes and quickly synchronized, sorted and integrated a large amount of information in his mind, restoring the operations of the Blue Army at an incredible speed. system.

The sand table in his eyes gradually twisted and deformed, and was soon shrouded in a layer of turbid fog. It became clear again after layers of water-like shimmering light spread out.

Mo Tan saw countless red signs 'flowing' in an orderly manner in front of him, dancing like exquisite and unique musical notes. Under his baton, they shuttled through the sand table like flowing clouds and flowing water, each time Every movement is precise and elegant.

That is the picture that should appear in front of the other party. It is empathy that can only be achieved when you are highly concentrated.

Speculating on the enemy's strategies and tactics is not uncommon in wars. It can even be said to be a required course for every qualified commander. But someone who can do it to the level of Mo Tan can even directly command from the perspective of the opponent... It cannot be said that it is unprecedented, but it is definitely unprecedented.

It's not that he was given some kind of formidable plug-in, or that it even has anything to do with the word talent. It's really because Mo Tan, who has an 'absolutely neutral' personality, has already regarded observing and acting as someone else's instinct, and many times he doesn't even do it. You need to do it intentionally, and you can inadvertently change your position and consider it from the perspective of others.

The initial starting point was actually just to protect himself from being sent to a mental hospital, but after truly developing this habit, even in the innocent world where there is almost no need to worry about losing his vest, Mo Tan under his current personality will still subconsciously To bring others in.

Whether it's a mistake or fate, in short, this trait is a unique advantage for a commander, and it's the kind that no one can ask for.

Although Mo Tan kept saying that he just wanted to be a quiet salted fish, he had already begun to deliberately develop his potential in this area as early as Sumir's period.

To put it more grandly, I may be able to use this characteristic to help others in the future, protect everyone from threats similar to the 'Whispering Cult', and contribute to Te Miao's world peace.

But in fact, Mo Tan under his current personality is very clear that he is just a little unfair...

Ordinary characters will also have ordinary troubles, and salted fish with no ambitions will also have petty resentment. When the people around him...including himself are good enough, even the "black man" in the world of innocence Fan' occasionally feels a little bit upset.

‘Foster Ward’ is very strong, very strong, beyond imagination!

Mo Tan, who was originally quite confident and felt that he could deal with the opponent without too much effort, had already gained this mentality and regarded the opponent as an opponent that he had no confidence in winning even if he tried his best.

It is true that I, who have only fought in actual combat, suffer a lot in deductions and confrontations. There is a huge gap between me and a college student like Foster who often plays with the magic sand table.

It is true that the troops on both sides have no ideas at all, but things like puppets on strings are not compatible with Mo Tan's own command style.

It is true that although Yuchen has worked very hard, her experience in staff management is almost zero, and her qualities in all aspects are all under Lianxia.

But these are just excuses after all.

There is only one reason that really makes Mo Tan feel difficult, and that is that 'Foster Ward' is really strong.

Even a layman can easily discover that the blue commander's basic skills are almost unbelievably solid. Whether it is formation changes, marches, layouts, troop ratios or even real-time command, there are no loopholes that can be called loopholes. And this At first glance, it seems that any top student in the military academy can create a scene as long as they are serious enough, but it is extremely difficult to operate on a battlefield of this scale.

To borrow the words of the commentator La Yisi, the larger the scale of the war, the more troops under his command, and the longer the battlefield, the worse the commander’s precision will be, because concentration is limited, and perhaps one Excellent military students can perfectly direct an army to carry out a high-efficiency rapid march, but what if there are ten troops?

What if the scale and configuration of these ten troops are not the same?

What if their starting point and destination point are different?

What if a large number of enemy forces appear to obstruct the process?

What if we also need to protect the fragile supply lines behind the position?

What if each force had distinct strategic goals?

What if we still need to find ways to maintain the connection between them?

For every additional "if", the difficulty faced by the commander is guaranteed to double. In most wars, the side that manages more "ifs" usually wins the final victory.

However, no matter which commander he is, his command accuracy will plummet when dealing with more and more 'what ifs'. This kind of thing is inevitable, just like when we play games and watch TV in our daily lives, Just like listening to cross talk and eating at the same time, you may be able to do one thing well, but it is almost impossible to do it all.

So there have to be trade-offs.

If we start from the difficulty level, we can at least understand the food through habit and instinct. After all, in daily life, it is quite difficult to dip the ink into something like Marshal Chen Yi and eat it without realizing it.

Or we can also focus on playing games. After all, we can’t starve to death if we eat one more bite or one bite less. At best, we will give ourselves indigestion. But if it is a game with a relatively high level of interactivity, a Being distracted may disrupt the mentality of your teammates.

As for watching animations and listening to cross talk, because the difficulty is neither higher nor lower, the price/performance ratio may be slightly lower, but the same principle applies.

All in all, there must be emphasis and there must be trade-offs.

This is not shameful, on the contrary, how to weight all aspects well is also one of the necessary qualities of a qualified commander. What matters can be left to the staff group to decide, and what matters can be left to the frontline generals to make independent judgments , something must be handled by oneself. Depending on the battle situation, the commander's thinking must constantly switch, otherwise it will easily cause a bad chain reaction.

This style of handling different situations is what people in the industry often refer to as ‘rhythm’.

An excellent rhythm controller can either exploit strengths and avoid weaknesses to the point of making the enemy feel uncomfortable, or can make the system under his command flow smoothly. Anyway, the styles are not very similar, but the truth is that different paths lead to the same goal.

Among them, what most tests the commander's ability is not the links that require their personal control, but how to cover up the almost inevitable low-precision links.

To give the simplest example, after the start of this game, the three armies of the blue team made rapid progress.

Mo Tan did not carefully consider and weave a lineup for them that had characteristics such as movement speed, adaptability, and perfect troop configuration. He just let the soldiers under his command roll out like a sandstorm.

While retaining his speed, he turned the three armies into a living target before reaching their destination, so chaotic that they would be smashed to pieces in any normal battle.

But does it matter?

The answer is that it has no impact, because Mo Tan has already considered that this urgent march will not encounter any enemies before reaching a certain node, so as long as it reaches that node, let alone turning them into a piece of loose sand, even if it is allowed Those people took off their armor and ran naked without any danger.

In this way, apart from spending some time on speed, Mo Tan invested absolutely zero energy in other aspects of these three group armies, but it would not cause any side effects.

So if we make an irresponsible conclusion, it is probably that he has more than two-thirds of his energy left in this march, and the price he paid is zero.

But ‘Foster’…

Let’s be honest, but Teresa Tarosha seems to be different.

If you want to ask why, it’s probably——

No matter in which aspect, her command precision has always been maintained at a very, very, very high level, and has never fallen off!

Chapter 1314: End

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