Quadruple split

Chapter 1322 Black Fan’s Disadvantages

In a certain area in the center of the sand table, a group of triangular signs flashing blue fluorescence are slowly moving eastward.

If you are a person with rich mental ability, you may be able to automatically transform this set of simple geometric figures into a silent tactical team, which contains two squadrons of rangers, a bunch of scouts wandering around the outer edge of the team, The base is slightly smaller than a dozen spellcasters.

They are undoubtedly an elite force. If we zoom in on the map several times, we can clearly see that there are two to three five-pointed stars shining with light gold next to each unit, which is a very intuitive symbol of the elite force.

In this kind of fair deduction and confrontation, each large-scale group army has a certain proportion of elite units. Compared with the same arms, their combat effectiveness is more powerful, the speed of feedback orders will be faster, and they can perform many complicated and detailed tasks. instruction.

In addition to the elite units directly allocated by the main system, such as the top three combat corps of each group army, the top three brigades of each combat corps, and the squad leader units of each squad, those who meet the "experienced battle" conditions Ordinary troops can also be promoted to elites, but the requirements are very extreme.

For example, if an ordinary cavalry squadron has experienced several fierce battles with high death rates, the survivors will have a certain probability of completing the promotion. The specific rules are hidden, but this is not a problem for Mo Tan. .

Just when he came back online and there was only a short period of time before the start of the game, Fiyali pulled herself aside and quietly handed him a stack of information.

"I asked a familiar business partner for the specific parameters of [Baizhan Six Type]. I took the time to refine it for you last night and summarized the more useful contents. Remember as much as you can."

At that time, the Saint of Fortune patted Mo Tan on the shoulder with a smile and said: "Don't feel that you are taking advantage. I don't know about others. That guy Foster must know these things. We just let you stand with him." We’re just starting from the same starting line, do you understand?”

Mo Tan did not give an answer, but silently took the pile of information that had been purified by Feiyali, and quickly screened and took shorthand.

After excluding all the information that he had analyzed while watching the game before, and filtering out the information that was of little use to the specific deduction but that Fiyali had not seen, Mo Tan probably memorized about 700 words of text.

One of them is about the soldier promotion mechanism.

Obviously, Feiyali, who was worried about whether Mo Tan would resist such a 'little move', had thought too much, not to mention that under his current personality, he would never mind such a good thing, even if he was on the defensive. With Xu's kind personality, Mo Tan would not refuse such a 'fair' proposal. After all, Foster knew this information.

As for the other person who has the advantage and does not take advantage of the bastard, there is no need to say more.

Well, let’s get down to business.

The specific location of this team's current location on the sandbox of both sides is a jungle near the 'preset location No. 19' and the 'temporary number [Jam]', surrounded by six high-risk areas of fighting points.

It was obviously just a covert operation.

In his mind, the silent and tall knights tightened their reins and stood silently on the spot, while the scouts who had been walking near their comrades suddenly accelerated, expanding the search area by more than three times. As for the spell caster who was protected in the center of the team All of them sat down cross-legged in unison, recovering their physical strength and magic power in meditation.

Suddenly, a series of deafening roars came from the distance. It was the portable magic cannon in the Red Square position. This kind of high-level unit that can be quickly deployed in the position by engineering units cannot move, and the range is not very far, but But it has a very strong range of strike capabilities. In positional warfare, it can be almost equivalent to five standard caster units. Although it consumes a lot of supplies, as long as it is used properly, it is definitely a very cost-effective firepower point.

The scouts, knights, and spellcasters were all indifferent. .

I say literary because these soldiers made of iron and blood only know how to be loyal to their orders and do not care about anything including their own life and death.

To put it bluntly, these simple symbols have not received any commands, so naturally they will not react in any way.

That's right, they are just symbols, signs that are given certain functions and will only react in certain situations. They are not people. They... or 'them'...

"No breathing, no thinking, no heartbeat."

Teresa murmured softly, casting her gaze into the mist not far from the [Jam] position, and chuckled: "They are the most perfect soldiers in the minds of most commanders. It's a pity that Hei Fan is not here. That 'majority'."

Lian, who was busy writing beside her, did not respond. On the one hand, she did not understand, and on the other hand, she was very busy and had no time to pay attention to him.

Unlike Mo Tan in the command room opposite, who was responsible for most of the thinking tasks, Teresa completely used her senior Lian as a real staff officer. In other words, she limitedly used some irrelevant things. Basic work that is important but not very difficult is left to the staff.

It's really not that difficult. Even Lian, whose grades are not outstanding, can easily control it. As long as you work hard, you won't make any mistakes.

Since a few minutes ago, Teresa's instructions have become more and more concise, and Lian needs to convert these concise contents into instructions that can be understood by [Baizhan Six Type], and carry out them within the specified range. Some innocuous optimizations.

Logically speaking, this kind of thing shouldn't cause any burden to her. After all, as someone close to Foster Ward (if you saw it wrong, face the wall), Lian herself does not have high military attainments, but she is a A very powerful secretary, whether it is the secretarial work in the student union or the daily chores in the law enforcement team, she can perfectly implement the instructions given by Foster.

These instructions often have one thing in common, that is, the higher the level of the person who issues the instruction, the lower the work pressure experienced by others in the system.

This is the difference between a good leader and a loser. The former often allows his team to get twice the result with half the effort, while the latter not only has side effects, but also makes others take the blame after messing up.

Foster Ward is undoubtedly a good leader.

And at this moment, Teresa Tarosha, who is wearing the former's vest and sitting in front of the sand table with a coquettish smile, is naturally an excellent commander.

So it stands to reason that Lian's job should actually be very easy.

So, why ‘supposedly’ and not ‘actually’?

The reason is very simple, that is, Her Highness [Witch] actually does not like to play cards according to the routine, or in other words, the opponent she is currently facing does not allow her to play the cards according to the routine.

If you play according to the routine, you will die...

As for how to die, you can refer to Richard Lane and the poor Mr. Morrison of the Principality of Scaran.

So Teresa didn't play according to the routine. In her own words, she just raised the tempo a little.

Then Lian started to feel a little overwhelmed.

Here we can continue to use ‘chess’ as an example.

For example, in most cases, whether it is a simulated confrontation or a real war, it can be compared to the commanders of both sides playing chess around a chessboard.

It might be chess, backgammon, chess, Go, or even beast chess, but it's not flying chess anyway.

It's just that depending on the battle situation, troop strength, environment, and the commander's personal level, this kind of chess is not very fair. A poor commander may only make one move in two rounds, while a better one may even make it in one round. Drop two pieces.

All in all, everyone is having a good time sizing up the situation.

But Mo Tan and Teresa played more wildly...

How wild is it? To put it simply, these two people are not limited to 'one chessboard', but have opened many small chessboards in many grids of this big chessboard.

The interesting thing is that in many cases, only if you can win the game on the small chessboard can you place the stone in the corresponding grid.

In fact, this kind of thing is not uncommon. After all, war is a relatively complicated thing. For example, the water battle between Lamorlock and Morrison was a small chessboard in a big chessboard. If you achieve the goal, you can drop the key pieces. kind of.

But... there are too many little chessboards between Mo Tan and Teresa!

Did you see the large red light on the big screen that heralded a 'death battle'? It was the small chessboard between the two of them.

A whole dozen!

Dozens of them that would drive any ordinary commander crazy!

Each one must be taken into account, each one must be thought about, each one must be made, and each one must be considered with utmost concentration.

Priorities must be set, the most appropriate guidance must be given at the right time, the role of each chess piece must be fully utilized, and the connections between each other must be carefully considered.

Two people playing dozens of games of chess at the same time, this kind of thing is crazy enough from any angle.

At least in Lian's eyes, he is absolutely insane.

But for the parties involved, it is not the same thing.

Needless to say, Teresa, this girl who won the War League at the age of only fourteen and earned herself the title [Witch], although she has no actual combat experience, is absolutely capable in the deduction and confrontation. It’s unfathomable, I don’t know how many years it has been since I tried my best.

As for Mo Tan, it stands to reason that he is just an otaku. He has never even dabbled in related fields in the past and there is no reason for him to be so strong. However, he is somewhat unreasonable in this regard.

It was okay when he was in the other two personalities, but when he was the 'Black Brahman', he was really blessed.


"He now has three disadvantages."

Teresa didn't mind that Senior Lian ignored her, and just said to herself: "First of all, as I just said, the combat power in the deduction is not a real person. This is the first point that hinders his performance; secondly, his body As a practical person, he has never been exposed to deductions. Even if he can find the trick, the fluency of his commands will be greatly reduced. Finally, and most importantly, his tactics are not systematic and lack of precipitation. At best, they are unconstrained, but at worst, his tactics are unscrupulous. The point is just to follow your feelings.”

Lian breathed a sigh of relief, looked up at Theresa in the midst of her busy schedule, shrugged and said, "I'm the second one to understand."

"My Lord Prince (Lian shuddered), he is very sensitive to people's hearts, whether they are those of his enemies or his own people."

Teresa raised her index finger and shook it, lightly crossing the shadow in the center of her sight. Then she picked up a special quill and wrote on an instruction card. She said in a soft tone: "In this deduction, , whether it is the troops under his command or the soldiers under my command, they are all symbols without emotions. Even if he wants to speculate, he cannot do it. In other words, he who was originally able to do many things, at this moment In fact, I am the only one who can speculate."

"Well, I already understand the first disadvantage of Black Van Priest."

Lian nodded slightly and asked curiously: "What about the third one? What do you mean by unsystematic tactics?"

"It means that his military background is actually very poor. Except for some of the most simple and easy-to-understand formations and tactics, he is almost no different from a layman."

Theresa wrote unhurriedly and spoke unhurriedly: "The advantage of this kind of thing is that he can break the shackles of conventional vision and jump out of a lot of military common sense to do something. The disadvantage is that he lacks rules and order. , after all, the tactics that have been followed until now have withstood the test, but he can't master them proficiently, so... I will teach him."

Lian's eyes narrowed and she said in astonishment: "Teach him? When?!"

"One sunny afternoon, we sat together under the umbrella in front of a certain dessert shop, discussing and analyzing classic cases with smiles on our faces, and reviewing each of the exquisite tactics."

Teresa closed the folding fan in her hand and shrugged: "This kind of thing is probably impossible, so my choice is to teach him through this game."

Lian frowned, then smiled with relief: "You want to have a teaching battle?"

"Teaching battle?"

Teresa blinked and laughed dumbly: "Of course not. If I really have this intention, I'm afraid it won't take half an hour for him to bloom more and directly destroy the front line, and then watch helplessly as he rolls the snowball. , defeating the troops in my hands step by step, there will be no other possibility."

Lian skillfully raised her little hand and flicked Theresa's cheek, signaling her not to show off.

"The so-called teaching him is actually just talking nicely."

Teresa smiled and said leisurely: "In fact, I don't need to do anything extra. In the process of fighting against me, who has solid basic skills, he will be able to learn everything he needs."

"Can he do it?"

"Of course he can do it, otherwise he wouldn't be eyeing [Jam]."

"[Jam] is being targeted?!"

"If I'm not wrong, it's probably a small-scale elite force, mainly composed of rangers and spellcasters."

"Then let's..."

"Blow it up."


"Just blow up the forest together with it."

Chapter 1,313: End

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