Quadruple split

Chapter 1315 Principle of Justice

"This game...should not last a whole day..."

Lei Yisi rubbed her eyes, stared at the map summary on the small screen in front of her in disbelief, and asked blankly.

She couldn't help but be surprised. In fact, the scale of this randomly generated deduction map was a bit outrageous. It is worth mentioning that the 'scale' referred to here refers to comprehensiveness, not a specific characteristic.

To give a simple example, in normal deductions, there are not many maps with such a huge combat area, but it is by no means unheard of; it is not uncommon for players on both sides to obtain the highest commander authority; the total exceeds 30 The total strength of a group army does not deviate from common sense; the strategic goal of repelling the opponent's camp is not too much, but——

The probability that these features come together on the same map is ridiculously low.

To explain, as the latest simulation sandbox, [Baizhan Type Six] is not intelligent, but with the help of the powerful technical team behind it, its calculation mechanism can be said to be quite mature, even though it has different technology trees. The reason is very different from the famous antique game StarCraft ("StarCraft", the first generation was born in 1997 AD and officially released on March 31, 1998 AD) half a century ago in reality. In terms of 'playability On the one hand, he is not even qualified to eat dust, but he still has absolute professional authority.

After all, those who play SC well may receive large amounts of bonuses, flowers and applause, while those who can play [Hundred Battles and Six Types] well in authoritative competitions will receive olive branches from various countries and forces. For ordinary people, It is said that it can at least save dozens, hundreds or even hundreds of years of struggle.

Of course, those who can get rankings in the so-called "authoritative competitions" are probably not ordinary. There are many people who are truly ordinary and talented people who have never even touched a deduction system. They don’t even know that they actually have potential in this area.

At least in Mo Tan's view, the idea that 'gold will always shine' is nonsense, a turtle bastard, because he thinks 'it is gold' is just 'it is gold', you bury it under sedimentary rocks and it will It is also gold, but whether it shines or when it shines... to a large extent has nothing to do with gold itself.

On a brighter note, Van Gogh must be a gold mine. Leaving aside familiar works like "Starry Night", "Irises" sold for 53.9 million US dollars, and "Doctor Gachet" It even sold for a sky-high price of US$82.5 million in 1990. Isn’t this dazzling enough? Bit Meow’s supernova is dazzling!

Not to mention that Teacher Fan even completed his sexual transformation in a parallel universe after his death. Not only was he beautiful, but he also gained the ability to play cards with the CEOs of the Gramps. It can be said that he was so sad.

But this was all after the death of Teacher Fan. Did his piece of gold, which was as bright as a supernova, shine during his lifetime? Oh, it was a bit of a fortune, after all, the teacher even sold a painting before his death. Well, it was sold for 400 francs, which is approximately equivalent to about 1,000 US dollars today.

There is one thing to say, if we put this into perspective now, let alone a painting, even if Teacher Fan sneezed while painting, the boogers splashed on the canvas would be worth more than this.

Well, the above is a positive statement of the so-called "gold always shines". After all, no matter how Teacher Fan lives, he sold a painting while he was alive. This must have shone, and it will shine even more after his death. It has achieved a terrifying brightness comparable to that of a neutron star.

Not so positive and sunny example...

Tsk, I feel like it’s a bit too heavy, so let’s get back to the point.

All in all, [Baizhan Six Type] is undoubtedly a powerful deduction system and the pinnacle of engineering and alchemy creation in the field of mass production, so this thing is quite logical.

For example, in the process of randomizing maps, if the first component to be randomized is [Super Large Map], then the probability of randomly selecting [Both Sides are the Supreme Commanders of their respective camps] will drop to less than 1%. , and if Good Death happens to hit this less than 1%, then the probability of conditions such as [a large number of affiliated troops] and [the combat goal is to defeat the enemy camp] will even be compressed to less than 0.001%, although it is not zero. But it's infinitely close to zero.

It is precisely because of this that sisters La Yisi and Lei Yisi were so surprised that they felt like they had seen a ghost, because this was really too outrageous.

Therefore, out of respect for probability, I feel it is necessary to explain here——

This is not a coincidence, not an accident, not a miracle, and not some nonsense destiny, but a shady secret!

It’s a complete and utter shady story!

The shady story comes from Foster Ward, the student council president of Danu Military Academy and the captain of the Academy City Law Enforcement Team, who plays an important role among the organizers!

With extremely high authority, he came to the venue early this morning without anyone noticing, and sneaked into the main control room located directly below the competition area with ease, through some... method that is difficult for normal people to understand. It interferes with the core machine that has no 'mind' at all, confuses and distorts it, and there is no 'cognition' in it.

This matter is undoubtedly very outrageous. How outrageous is it? To explain it simply, you have successfully used some means to make your mobile phone catch... a cold.

That's right, it's not some weird electronic virus, but a 'cold' that exists as a 'mobile phone' and doesn't even have the conditions to cause it. It even causes 'cough', 'nasal congestion', and 'upper respiratory tract infection' and a series of complications.

That’s why we say this kind of thing is very ‘outrageous’!

And this 'outrageous' is the guarantee that clears away all suspicions about Foster Ward. In fact, this is not something that people can do at all, and the principle is not something that people can understand. In a situation that cannot be explained in any way, even if a thoughtful person tries to investigate in the end, the conclusion he can draw can only be a coincidence, accident, miracle or even destiny.

that's all--

"The game begins!"

With Lei Yisi's soft cry, the players from both sides reflected on both sides of the big screen were suddenly replaced with tactical maps from their subjective perspectives, and the huge positions under their command also started to move in an instant.

Two minutes later, Yuchen and Lian, both of whom looked unattractive, appeared in front of the central sand table at the same time, smiling at each other implicitly.

Immediately afterwards, La Yisi in the commentator's seat suddenly leaned forward and said in shock: "Departure! The game has just started, and the blue team has sent out three armies. If I guessed correctly, according to this course of action... Sure enough! He wanted to break out of his absolute control area and drive out without any scouts! Is he crazy!"

Just as the girl said, three sets of visually striking blue triangles rushed out of the formation group in the third minute after the start of the game and inserted straight into the center of the battlefield. In the process, they completed two formation changes. Tens of seconds later, the originally square formation was in pieces, sweeping out like a group of out-of-control asteroids, carrying an astonishing momentum.

Just like two pots of ice and snow being thrown into the air during a snowball fight in Northeast China, they were as chaotic as they were violent.

"What formation is this!?"

La Yisi bit her silver teeth lightly and said angrily: "It's a complete mess. Everyone is working on their own from the beginning to the end. Don't talk about the rules. If I have a full heavy cavalry legion in my hand, don't talk about this guy. He has three army groups in his hand, even if there are three or five, I can pierce him directly! This guy is simply an amateur!"

Lei Yisi, who was shocked by her sister, shrank her neck and whispered: "You can't... let's put it this way, after all, the workload of dispatching a team of this size should be huge..."

"Nonsense! It's not about workload at all!"

La Yisi shook her head angrily and said angrily: "Fortunately, I still had expectations for this kid just now, but in the end... this is nothing. Even if no specific operations are done, they are only given a gathering place to let the legion It’s better to decide how to move by yourself than this...Eh!?”

Lei Yisi, who thought something had changed on the field, immediately turned her gaze to the small screen. While carefully observing every move of both parties, she asked curiously: "What's wrong, sister?"

"Obviously the troops under my command can make their own decisions..."

La Yisi pursed her lips and narrowed her beautiful eyes slightly: "Why would he intervene personally and deliberately tear apart the benchmark marching formation into pieces, which would not produce any outstanding performance, but at least it would not deduct points... Why... …I need a reason.”

Lei Yisi blinked, tilted her head cutely and asked, "Reason? Could it be because player Hei Fan hasn't used the deduction sandbox much before, so he doesn't have enough experience in this area, so this happened?" What about this situation?"

"It makes sense, and it's not far-fetched, but something feels wrong."

La Yisi shook her head, and then her eyes suddenly widened: "Wait! I know!"

Lei Yisi was immediately surprised and said in amazement: "Sister, what do you know?"



"I know why in the previous game Lamorlock seemed to be able to see through the map and judge who would take the route, and then intercepted the opponent like cheating!"

"Ah...although Lei Yisi is also very curious, sister, what does that have to do with this game..."

"Of course it does matter!"

La Yisi hammered the table lightly and said loudly: "Whether it was Lamorlock before or the Black Van Priest now, they all vaguely judged their relative positions to each other, and even the terrain! "

Lei Yisi was shocked at that time: "Huh?!"

"This is a loophole in the deduction system... No, it can't be said to be a loophole!"

La Yisi's pretty face turned red with excitement, and she spoke quickly: "It should be said that it is a helpless matter, because the deduction system in the fair confrontation mode must remain 'relatively fair', so both sides of the battle have the same strategic goals. Under the circumstances, various conditions will be set to the extent that they will hardly affect the balance, do you understand what I mean?"

Lei Yisi, who also has extremely high military literacy and is very familiar with the deduction system, nodded and whispered: "I think I should understand, but...sister, many people actually understand this..."

"Yes, many people understand, especially for those of us who often use deduction systems to simulate, or those who like to be opportunistic, this is actually not difficult to find."

La Yisi interrupted her sister and said with her lips curled up: "Assuming that two people are in a fair confrontation mode and have the same strategic goals, then as long as the blue side has two strategic points within five kilometers, the red side will definitely have one too. There are two identical strategic points. If the blue side controls three highlands, then the red side will never have only two or four, because 'fairness' is the foundation of the foundation."

"But sister, it's one thing to master these vague conditions, but it's another thing to be able to effectively use these conditions."

Lei Yisi rubbed her forehead and said feebly: "There is usually a difference between the time in the deduction and the normal time. After an encounter, it may only be the time for us to drink a glass of juice, so in such a tight-paced deduction We have to think about this kind of thing extra...this..."

"You can't do this with Thunder Baisi, right?"

La Yisi put her hand into the camera next door and pinched her sister's little face.

"It can't be done, it's absolutely impossible!"

Lei Yisi nodded particularly vigorously and gave the answer without thinking.

"Yes, you can't do it, and neither can I."

La Yisi sighed and glanced hesitantly at Mo Tan's three armies on the screen, which were like a pile of scattered sand. She smiled bitterly for the first time: "But what if someone can do it?"

Lei Yisi's eyes widened and she murmured in a low voice: "If someone can do it..."

"Then he can take advantage of the loopholes in the deduction system that are almost impossible to call loopholes. They can see that there is only a dark fog of war, and they... can do many things that we can't do. .”

La Yisi took a deep breath and said sternly: "For example, predicting the opponent's optimal course of action before predicting it, and then using the fleet's early speed advantage to intercept at a designated location in advance."

Lei Baisi opened her mouth subconsciously and whispered: "That's why, sister, you said that Priest Lamolock didn't cheat! It's because you guessed that he did it in this way!"

"That's it."

La Yisi nodded heavily and gritted her teeth: "And the same is true for what happened in this kind of competition. The Black Vatican Priest from the Dawn Sect... Although I don't want to admit it at all, I'm afraid that guy has already We have already calculated the 'safe distance' between the two sides, so we are like crazy and let our troops adopt this method of movement that has no merit except not having to adapt to the marching speed!"

"Is this... is this really possible..."

"Of course I hope it's impossible, but if I guess correctly, he will change his formation soon!"

Game time PM14:03

[War League], round of 16, third minute after the start of the first round

The three armies under Hei Fan completed their formation changes the moment they approached the red side's fuzzy control zone!

A variant of the double-pronged pincer killing array filled with chilling aura.

Also known as——

"Baroka's inverted ram's horn formation."

A seductive smile quietly bloomed at the corner of [Witch]'s mouth.

Chapter 1,306: End

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