Quadruple split

Chapter 1314 Super Large Composite Map

"Okay, welcome back, this is the first game of the top 16 of the [War League]!"

The girl with beautiful long blue hair and a gentle temperament smiled slightly and appeared on the crystal screens 5-8 that had been assembled in mid-air (previously these things had been rotating and playing sponsor advertisements), and said sternly : "I am the commentator of this game, [Mercury Military Academy] Sixth Grader Lightning Lugnika."

"I'm Labis Lugnica."

A pink-haired girl with the same appearance as the former, but with a much sharper expression and eyes, also appeared on the crystal screen No. 1-4, and said in a slightly impatient tone: "By the way, during the break before, I heard something. Few people discuss who the Black Vatican priest from the Holy Religion Union is."

Lei Yisi's little face suddenly stiffened: "Ahem, sister..."

"Don't worry, I've always been knowledgeable, sensible, gentle and virtuous."

La Yisi waved her hand gently, and then said in a tone that was not gentle or virtuous at all, but perhaps knowledgeable: "Let's put it this way, actually I don't know who that dear fellow is, so in order to satisfy your curiosity, I I made a special trip to Danu’s archives to ask for some battle examples about the Black Vatican Priest.”

Lei Yisi's eyes suddenly lit up and she exclaimed softly: "Wow! So sister, you just went to look up information! It's so amazing, Lei Yisi didn't even expect it!"

"Well, although there are very few things that can be found..."

La Yisi smiled slightly and winked playfully: "But they are all very interesting contents!"

Lei Yisi immediately and curiously moved closer to where the camera was pulling Yisi, and asked curiously: "What is the interesting content?"


La Yisi, who had just claimed that she ‘went to the museum specifically to satisfy the audience’s curiosity’, gently shook her index finger and stuck out her tongue playfully.

Lei Baisi: "..."

All audience: "..."

"That kid seems to like playing pranks."

Richard at the judges' table frowned and whispered to Andre sitting next to him: "Are you not paying too much attention to the character development of your students?"

"The Lei Baisi next to me is also my student."

Andre's angular face was calm and he just said lightly: "Character cannot be cultivated."

"Oh, Teresa is very well-behaved."

"Well, this is all my fault."

"Do you want face?"



Richard, who was not good at words, finally had nothing to say.

"Ahaha, I believe sister will definitely tell us the interesting content soon."

Lei Yisi forced a smile to break the embarrassment, then gently tapped the small screen in front of him, and said seriously: "Well, although I have already said it in advance, I still need to formally introduce the players from both sides. First of all, on the red side, Yes, he is the No. 1 seed player in this competition, a sixth-grade student from [Danu Military Academy], classmate Foster Ward.”

Suddenly, the audience burst into applause. Although the audience knew that their cheers and cheers could no longer reach the competition seats, this did not stop them from desperately releasing their enthusiasm.

"Well, the response was predictably great."

The shocked Lai Si plucked her ears in displeasure and said, "But there's nothing we can do about it. After all, Foster-senpai is indeed a man of the hour in our Academy City. After all, he is the first member of the law enforcement team. He is the person who topped the voting list for 'The man I most want to have a one-night stand with'. This is the first time since the founding of Academy City, and he is also the captain of the law enforcement team."

Lei Yisi was shocked at the time: "What the hell is that weird-sounding vote!"

"Lei Bai Si Lei Bai Si, it's better not to know some things."

Laisi nodded to her sister with a serious expression, and then continued: "All in all, Foster Ward is very outstanding in terms of strength and popularity, although he has hardly shown it in public in the past. It depends on his deduction ability, but everyone including me feels that Foster, who has outstanding abilities in all fields, will not let anyone down."

It is not difficult to see that Foster's influence is indeed sufficient, and the expectations she receives are also great. After all, everyone has now somewhat figured out La Yisi's character, and it is clear that her small mouth can praise someone. How difficult it is.

You must know that just before the game, even Lamorlock had never received such treatment.

"The blue side on the opposite side is the sixth seed player in this league, the Black Vatican Priest from [Holy Religion United]."

After her sister finished speaking, Lei Yisi immediately followed up and said: "Although, as Sister La Yisi said, there is very little information about Pastor Hei Fan, he is undoubtedly someone who the Dawn Sect has high hopes for. In addition to being able to serve as a trainee, In addition to participating in this exchange meeting as a minister, he also participated in the wonderful crusade against cultists with the Northern Expedition of the Holy Religion a few months ago as a chaplain accompanying the army."

Polite and reserved applause erupted from the audience. After all, as I said before, everyone, whether they are Academy City locals or members of various exchange groups, is very personable. So after the initial shock, everyone has now I can calmly give applause to the unknown priest contestant.

"Oh, by the way, that Black Van Priest also has another identity."

La Yisi suddenly laughed and said with a slightly raised corner of her mouth: "He is also a saint of the Shuguang Sect and the boyfriend of His Highness Chen Wangyu."


As expected, the audience immediately became excited.

"Not only that, it is said that the two of them have been living together for a long time. Even when they came to the exchange meeting this time, they stayed in the same room."

La Yisi added to the fire with a cheerful smile.


Suddenly, the noise became louder. After all, most people are very interested in this kind of tidbits, even if it has nothing to do with them.

In the player area, Elisa, who was gently combing Blake's hair, turned to look at the Saint of Fortune behind her, raised her eyebrows and said, "Did you leak it?"

Fiyali quickly shook her head: "I don't admit it."

"Haha...thank you for your hard work."

Elisa immediately understood and said with a smile: "Your Highness Feiyali, you seem to like hiding behind the scenes."

Fiyali wrinkled her nose, leaned back on the chair and said lazily: "Your Highness Eliza, please pay attention to your words. You like to hide behind the scenes and so on. It's almost as if I am a bad woman."

"What should I say?"

Eliza lazily put her chin on Blake's head and chuckled, "Pretending to be stupid?"

Feiyali laughed infatuatedly, and after a long while she said: "How can I say that I am pretending to be stupid? I am just following the will of the goddess to keep our followers low-key and humble."


Eliza also laughed, tilted her head and gave Feyali a charming look: "It's not so uncommon for people like you who are incompatible with humility."

"Haha, hahahaha~"

Feiyali leaned back and forth and patted the back of the chair in front of her. After a while, she managed to stop laughing and grinned: "I thought you wanted to say that shameless people like me are not too rare."

Eliza just blinked and did not answer this sentence. After a long silence, she said calmly: "Would you consider doing a business with me, Your Highness Fiyali?"

"Of course."

Fiyali nodded vigorously and replied without thinking: "If I just do business with 'you'."

Elisa was stunned for a moment, then sighed softly: "I see, I didn't expect that Your Highness would be so determined."

"I can't help it. After all, no matter what, I am the saint of the Wealth Sect."

Fiyali gently twisted the hair hanging on her shoulders, put away her playful smile, and replied calmly: "Some businesses that are too involved cannot be done after all."

"You'll have the Griffin Dynasty grateful for generations."

Elisa also straightened her expression and looked seriously into Fiyali's eyes: "Of course, so does the Wealth Sect."


Fiyali shook her head and said without hesitation: "Not enough."

"The Cult of Fortune can become the state religion of the Griffin Dynasty."

"not enough."

"I, Eliza Logan, can join the Wealth Sect and stay in the City of Light."

"No... you brat, don't look at me like that! If you can't do it, you can't do it!"

Ignoring the Sun Son's expression that instantly brightened up, Fiyali viciously slapped Blake's head and said fiercely: "Your happiness in life is worth at most two gold coins!"

Black twitched the corner of his mouth and said dryly: "Then I will pay 20 million gold coins."

"Oh, the kid actually wants to use the small treasury to buy..."

Fiyali subconsciously criticized Blake for a while, and then her eyes suddenly widened: "Two...two, two, two, twenty million!?"

The Son of the Sun nodded calmly, and then added two words lightly: "Cash."


Fiyali immediately fell off the chair.

Eliza also looked down at the young man with a serious expression on his face in astonishment. After being silent for a while, she smiled charmingly: "Oh? Is this my price in your mind, sister?"

"Sister Eliza, what if the price you are talking about is not 20 million gold coins, but the entire property of Day Black."

The young man scratched his cheek and said with a refreshing smile: "Probably about half."

Eliza narrowed her eyes with a smile and pinched Blake's face: "Glib tongue~"

"Hey! Don't ignore me!"

Fiyali angrily interrupted the interaction between the two, bit her silver teeth and growled: "Not enough! Even if we add another 20 million, it won't be enough!"

"Soon, I will let a not-so-smart woman give birth to an heir for my brother. That boy will become the next emperor of the Griffin Dynasty."

"What does it have to do with me..."

"He can enter the Church of Fortune from a young age. If you don't mind, Your Highness, he can also recognize you as his godmother. I can make my own decision and let him grow up in the Church of Fortune and by your side. Let him compare with you and his biological father. You’re still close, making him willing to do whatever it takes to please you.”

"The blood lion emperor's own son calls me mom? I can't stand it, I can't stand it, I can't handle it."

"I noticed you didn't say 'not enough' this time."

"I'm too lazy to say it, because no matter what conditions you put forward, they will definitely not be enough."

"Is it……"

Eliza sighed softly and smiled helplessly: "Then what is enough?"

"It's very simple. Didn't you say that if this deal is completed, the whole Griffin will be grateful to us?"

Fiyali waved her hand and said cheerfully: "If the scope of this favor can be expanded a little bit, for example, the whole world will be grateful to us after the business is completed, that would be enough."

Eliza burst into laughter: "A business of that scale, let alone not exist at all, even if it does exist, I'm afraid it would be difficult for a woman from your sect to handle it in person, right?"

"Whether or not we can decide, let's put it aside for now..."

Fiyali smiled brightly, and then clasped her hands together devoutly: "The goddess should be willing to come in person."

"Haha, I see, that was my presumption."

"Haha, it's better to say I'm too stubborn."

"But...it's not without gain~"

"Yeah, that's right!"

The two women, who were full of evil intentions, looked at each other and smiled, and then they unanimously turned their attention to the somewhat red-faced Holy Son of the Sun, and said in unison: "Twenty million gold coins~"

The young man rolled his eyes and spread his hands: "I lied to you."

"Your Highness Eliza!"


"I don't think we can have a man who has been talking about trains since he was a child!"

"What is a train?"

"It means lying a lot!"

"That's right. Sure enough, you still have to find an honest man to marry."

Day Black: "..."

at the same time

Sisters La Yisi and Lei Yisi have finally finished introducing the players from both sides, and are waiting with the audience for the [Baizhan Six Type] main system to generate the combat map and corresponding data.

The large screen divided into two showed the situation in the command rooms of both sides.

Foster Ward leaned back in his chair with a calm expression, his dark elf-specific bright red pupils narrowed slightly behind his lenses, thoughtfully.

Pastor Hei Fan from the Dawn Sect had just moved a chair for the girl next to him, and was currently playing with a finely crafted chess piece.

His Royal Highness Chen Wangyu, who is the counselor, is trembling.

Lian Yuanrui, who was a staff member, was also trembling.

I have to say that compared to the commanders of the red and blue sides, these two staff ladies seem to enter the state faster. Just looking at them makes people feel nervous!


"The random map is generated!"

Lei Yisi first noticed the 'loading completed' logo on the screen, and immediately replaced the picture of the large crystal screen, and introduced: "As you can see, this is another relatively comprehensive map. ……ah!"

With an exclamation, Lei Yisi suddenly seemed to be choked and was speechless.

"It's a super large map! A super large composite map with an area of ​​more than 300 square kilometers and a total strength of more than thirty armies on both sides!"

La Yisi also let out a scream, and her pupils suddenly shrank in the next second——

"The identities of the players on both sides are different... No! They are both the highest commanders with absolute authority in their own camp! The strategic goals are..."

"Destroy the enemy!"

Chapter 1305: End

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