Quadruple split

Chapter 1303 What a coincidence, right?

As mentioned before, the insect-repelling aromatherapy product from Master Guna's alma mater named 'Nirvana·Manhua Mirror·Annihilation Incense Nine Generations' has already been popularized in every magic crystal lamp in Academy City. This is An engineering creation that will not cause harm to any intelligent species, but can effectively repel all kinds of mosquitoes and poisonous insects. Its principle has been listed as one of Academy City's top secrets. Others only know that the effect is outstanding, but it is difficult to imitate it.

Since the end of the last Academy City Exchange Conference, many forces have issued a large number of "Destroy Incense" orders to Academy City, including but not limited to the country, various associations, large mercenary groups, and many well-known chambers of commerce and chaebols. In short Quite popular.

By the way, when the Saint of Fortune Fairy Graham participated in the last exchange meeting as a trainee, she negotiated an order for the 'Destroyer Incense' on behalf of the Fortune Church. This is one of her most proud deeds. One, I told Mo Tan, Yu Chen and others countless times on the way here.

To sum up, there is no doubt about the effectiveness of this thing, not to mention the 'ninth generation' that only Academy City can install first. In the words of an insider, 'the evolution speed of those bugs is not high enough. Slow, but they evolve at zero cost after all. With large funds, we will undoubtedly be better in terms of research and development speed. ’

Ever since, we can easily come to the conclusion that if there is such a bug that is immune to the latest ‘Destroyer Incense’, then it is definitely not an ordinary bug.

Mo Tan specifically asked Master Guna before. There is no doubt that even in the outer ring area of ​​Academy City, the 'Destroyer Incense' in the magic crystal lanterns on both sides of the road are the latest models.

The 'Black Van' who spends most of his time in the [Favorite] Hotel, with Tom, a top powerhouse, protecting him is not an ideal surveillance target. If there is really someone secretly paying attention to 'his group', then the first priority will be Targeting the 'Black Priest' is definitely not a wise move.

In the same way, Tan Mo/Frank/Zelda are in a similar situation, and are even more difficult to control than Black Brahma. On the one hand, Tan Mo is too elusive, and on the other hand, the person named Diana A ·Achizolti's woman, although she is quite cute in character and has a standard scholarly temper, but if someone is really eyeing her dear Frank... it would be too easy for a great astrologer to find out. .

So if nothing else happens, the opponent should still take advantage of Cole.

In this regard, Mo Tan was already prepared.

All in all, after listing most of the possibilities neatly, Mo Tan was troubled, but he already knew what he wanted to do.

If the other party wants to make some small moves, Mo Tan himself at this moment is undoubtedly the perfect surveillance target. Under this premise, even if he is passive and cannot lie, Mo Tan can still achieve his goal.

For example, on today's day, go for a walk outdoors alone with Ji Xiaoge, and under this premise, naturally lead the topic to today's topic, that is, 'Yege's temporary job career is finally over, and we can have fun.' .

From now on, according to Ji Xiaoge's character, she will inevitably think of the agreement she made with Yu Chen. It happened that when Mo Tan sent a message to Ji Xiaoge before, she 'accidentally' mentioned that 'she' was busy in the War League recently. Then you can completely relax, so you can completely set the time through the other party's mouth.

After the [War League] is over, the four characters Chen Wangyu, Hei Fan, Ye Ge and Mo will have a small gathering again. At that time, Yaya, Jadeka, Cordoba and others may also participate. This is undoubtedly a very troublesome scene.

But unlike the previous negative attitude that he was afraid to avoid, this small gathering that seemed to bother Mo Tan was actually caused by him himself.

He will create a difficult situation and put layers of shackles on himself, just to attract the person hiding behind the scenes to appear.

Every link does not reveal any additional information, and every detail is carefully disguised to be natural.

If you want to get a glimpse of the whole plan, the only way is to read the mind of 'Mo Tan', otherwise no one will be able to escape the slightest glitch.

Not only that, even if the incredible hypothesis above is true, it will be a gain for Mo Tan, although it is a gain that he never wants.

In any case, in this matter, no matter what kind of personality Mo Tan is, he has reached absolute unity on the subjective level. Instead of creating a situation of holding each other back, he will do his best to cooperate with each other.

A plan wrapped in a harmless shell, but full of conspiracy inside, and a conspiracy at its core has been quietly launched, just to get a glimpse of the cunning 'hunter'.

Under unreasonable circumstances, it is highly suspected that his identity has been learned by an unknown person. Compared with it, neither the [War League] nor the [Library Copy] has become insignificant.

[No one is flawless... Even if you are hiding in the deepest shadows, I will find you out. 】

After the flying insect completely disappeared from his peripheral vision, Mo Tan raised the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing a smile unconsciously.

"Hey, aren't you very happy?"

Ji Xiaoge patted Mo Tan on the back with a smile and made a cute face: "There was something wrong with you at the last party. I thought you didn't like them."

! ?

The smile on Mo Tan's face suddenly disappeared without a trace, and he said in shock: "Something's wrong? Why is something wrong?"

"Eh? Well...even if you ask...I can't tell you."

Ji Xiaoge was stunned for a moment, then pursed his lips with some annoyance: "Anyway, something is not right. Although it is exactly the same as usual, I still feel that something is strange. If I think about it carefully, I can't put it in words. It seems like... phew..."

Mo Tan secretly wiped the sweat from his forehead and guided softly: "Can you give me an example?"

"Example, well, let me think about it."

The girl shook her ankle-length, waterfall-like black hair with a frown on her face. After a while, she suddenly clapped her hands: "Yes! Mo, you know I have a sister, right?"

Mo Tan nodded. Not only did he know, but he also knew that the low pressure on Ji Xiao Island was completely inversely proportional to its existence. It was quite impressive.

"Then you should also know that my sister is very good to me, loves me and dotes on me, right?"

"I know...but don't older sisters generally spoil their younger sisters?"

"I dote on her too! I love sleeping with Xiaodao in my arms the most!"

"That's not what I'm talking about... uh, forget it, you continue."

"That is to say, logically speaking, a sister who likes me very much will definitely want me to be happy, right?"

"Of course, there's no doubt about it."

"Then you say, a beautiful love must be part of happiness, right?"


"Of course! Otherwise, why would everyone call their lover 'other half'?"

"What you said makes sense."

"So, the feeling you made me feel that day was as if my sister suddenly asked me to find a close boyfriend, the kind of high-quality and good man who cares about me, loves me, likes me and treats me well!"

Ji Xiaoge jumped up and down happily, nodded vigorously and said, "Yeah! Yes, that's what it feels like!"

【I actually understood it...】

Mo Tan twitched the corner of his mouth, coughed slightly in embarrassment, and then put on a rather curious expression and asked, "Why do you say that?"

"Well, it makes perfect sense to ask my sister to find a good man because she wants her to be happy, so there is no logical problem at all."

Ji Xiaoge wrinkled his nose, and then showed a fond smile: "But I always feel that my sister wouldn't say that kind of thing, ah... I'm not saying that there was something abnormal about you, Mo Tan, that day, just a little bit A little bit...well, really just a little bit...a sense of dissonance?"

Mo Tan: "..."

[So it turns out that Xiao Ge is not the kind of person who is easy to fool? 】

With such doubts, he naturally changed the topic back to buying drinks, and then he and the girl beside him quickened their pace and hurried towards the brightly lit South City Gate.

By the way, when the two of them rushed back with the drinks, they found that the special juice they had worked so hard to buy in line was no longer popular. Everyone, including Wang Badan, had at least two juices in front of them. The bottle of drink has a rather unique shape, and there are a large number of empty bottles piled in the center of the table.

According to Jadeka, it was a souvenir given to Scarlett Diesel by her friend in Academy City two days ago. It tasted very good and came in many flavors. It was called 'soda' because of the gas. , its essence is also 'soda'.

As a player, Ji Xiaoge was shocked at the time. After exchanging a surprised look with Cordoba who had already started drinking the third bottle, he immediately picked up a bottle of sweet lemon flavor, opened the cork and went in. Put it in your mouth.

Then tears of excitement filled my eyes...

Carbonated drinks!

A perfect carbonated drink!

When you have carbonated drinks to drink, who wouldn’t want to touch those special juices from Laoshizi!

cheers! For carbonated drinks!

The winged beautiful girl who was still a little depressed immediately started to fuck with everyone.

And Mo Tan had no choice but to chat with the astonished Cordoba and Ji Xiaoge about the incredibleness of soda in the message board, while glancing at Scarlett Dee who was surrounded by everyone and was smiling like a flower. Serge sighed and complained in his heart about how unreliable this seven of clubs was.

next day

Game time AM07:29

Academy City Central District, [Danu Military Academy], edge of the player preparation area

"Ying...should have arrived..."

He rarely changed his signature three-strand braid into a loose braid, wore a pair of exaggerated large sunglasses, and wore the very youthful female student uniform of [Danu Military Academy] (beige jacket + black pullover + and Teresa Tarossa, wearing a knee-length skirt + boots, was holding a copy of "One Thousand and One Battles" and wandering around the outside of the not-so-busy venue.

The start time of today's first round of the main competition is 8:30 in the morning, and now it is one minute to 7:30. It will be a full hour in advance that there are not many people at the competition site, and most of the people in the player area are also It's the staff.

However, according to reliable information, the Holy Church United Delegation had already set off a quarter of an hour ago. If you calculate the time, they would have probably arrived by now!

【As expected, I still want to see him in person! 】

Teresa secretly clenched her little fists, secretly complaining that she had been delayed for several minutes because she took the wrong way and arrived too late.

Obviously, she escaped secretly.

The reason for sneaking out early was simpler, that is, this hypotensive girl who rarely got up quickly could not hold back her mood and wanted to take a look at the living 'Black Van Priest'.

In the end, I still haven’t completely caught up...

[Where are they... They couldn't have gone to have breakfast, right... No, even if they had breakfast, they should have eaten here. I remember the school cafeteria is not open to the public! 】

The girl glanced over and over again at the crowd where there was no Black Van Priest at all, and sighed deeply.

As a result, he accidentally stepped on a smooth stone and fell backwards with an exclamation of "Oops".

【Woo! At least protect your head! 】

The girl who had already lost experience in falling tried her best to lift her little face up, hoping that she would land on her back first.

at this time--

"Be careful!"

Accompanied by a somewhat panicked cry, two small white hands put on Theresa's shoulders, supporting the girl who was about to have close contact with the earth.

"Thank...thank you! I'm so sorry!"

Teresa, who finally regained her balance, immediately turned around, blushed and bowed to the girl standing in front of her, and then froze.

【What a dazzling person! 】

This was the only thought that came to her mind the moment she saw the other person clearly.

Although Teresa herself was a beautiful girl, she never hesitated to praise her, and just standing in front of this girl wearing a light golden robe, with a soft appearance and an outstanding temperament, You can feel a warm and refreshing feeling like morning light.

It was a clean and clear temperament that was difficult to describe in words, as if it could be washed and healed just by looking at her.

And then……

【What big breasts! 】

Although the other party was wearing a rather thick robe, Teresa, who was also a girl, was still aware of the huge gap between them for the first time. Although she herself was definitely a beautiful girl with an exquisite figure in proportion, the person in front of her was The bit is really...a very devilish curve.

"Are you OK?"

The clean and clear devil asked cautiously, then leaned over to pick up the pebble that Theresa stepped on just now, trotted and threw it into the bushes on the side of the road, and then turned to smile at the latter with a waxy smile. Laughing: "I often accidentally trip over something. It would be great if you weren't hurt."

Although the other party was a stranger, Teresa rarely showed any resistance. Instead, she nodded vigorously with a red face and said, "Yeah! I'm not... not hurt! Thank you!"

"You're welcome~"

"I am a student at [Danu Military Academy], in the fourth grade, my name is..."

"Nice to meet you, Miss Tarosha."

"Hey! You know me!"

"Well, yesterday we were sitting very close to the battle area, and my friend introduced you to me."

"Ah...this...that...thank you, senior, it's a great honor!"

"Pfft, although I'm older than you, I'm probably not a senior."

"If you're not from the same academy...you can also call me senior."

"I'm not studying here. I'm a member of the United Holy Church delegation. The main reason for coming here is to see the world."

"Oh, it turns out that you, senior, are the representative of the Holy Religion Alliance... the Holy Religion Alliance!?"

"Well, my name is Chen Wangyu, and I am a priest of the Shuguang Sect~"

Chapter 1,294: End

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