Quadruple split

Chapter 1301 Double-Edge Resistance

The two of them just chatted casually while strolling along the path towards the south city gate not far away.

Although for many jet-lagged young people, nightlife has just begun. The main tone of the entire city is still bustling and brightly lit. Even the shops with the lowest overtime pay have not yet closed, but this tree-lined trail still looks quite... It's quiet and quiet, with no pedestrians coming and going.

Rows of magic crystal street lamps more than three meters high stubbornly compete with the new moon in the sky, trying hard to emit a warm and quiet light. Dai' is burning quietly on the top of the magic crystal lantern, continuing to drive away the flying insects that are extremely active every summer, and the effect is outstanding.

If it weren’t for the current exchange meeting, and if it weren’t for the fact that several couples were reported by an FFF group member who didn’t want to be named for making out on this trail at night, and were deducted double-digit credits, this The atmosphere on the trail should have been more ambiguous.

"To be honest, I think Leah hasn't given up on you yet~"

Ji Xiaoge carelessly put his arm on Mo Tan's shoulders and winked at the latter and said, "But you can't blame me for this. In the end, 99% of the responsibility lies with you."

Mo Tan gave a bitter laugh and touched the tip of his nose awkwardly: "How can you blame me..."

"If you don't blame who you blame, how can you blame me? It's not the person I provoked."

Ji Xiaoge punched Mo Tan narrowly, opened her red lips lightly, and exhaled like a blue: "Scumbag."

Mo Tan blinked twice and stared blankly at the girl in front of him who was trying to pretend to be yin and yang, but had no talent in the relevant field at all. He was stunned and didn't say a word.

Speaking of which, he has been busy with this and that during this period. Even if he seems to be free, he is actually busy with lawsuits and has never gotten along well with everyone.

Because of this, just a few seconds ago, Mo Tan was still in some subtle illusion.

For example - I thought I was already immune to Ji Xiaoge's external-level charm that far exceeded the norm.

It was only at this moment, under the gaze of the girl's clear almond eyes, that he suddenly became alert. This woman named Ji Xiaoge was still very dangerous!

This seemed like nonsense. After all, he was the only girl in the entire Innocence Realm who had the talent of "Qingguo". But only Mo Tan knew it, because he was quite close to Ji Xiaoge both inside and outside the game. The familiar self is much more special than others.

This specialization has advantages and disadvantages.

The good thing is that when [Ye Song] in the game takes off his head equipment and transforms the effect of [Left and Independent] into [A Glance at the Charming City], Mo Tan is less affected than others. There are a lot of things going on. Although occasionally he will be breached and agree to some unreasonable demands of the other party without thinking, but this situation is becoming less and less now. In other words, if nothing else happens, he will treat [Gu Qingren again] The country's resistance may also be higher than others.

The reason why this is classified as an 'advantage' is not because Mo Tan thinks that one day he will fight against Ji Xiaoge in the future (Flag will insert it here first), and then he will bow to the opponent for non-war crimes. Under the pomegranate skirt, it was because he had been worried for a long time whether spending time with this guy every day would break his guard and inevitably fall in love with this girl who was too beautiful to be human.

This is not unfounded worry. After all, people have the instinct to pursue beautiful things. Although Mo Tan's mental state is sick, he can still be regarded as a human being, and Ji Xiaoge's charm... There is no saying that it is difficult for anyone to be convinced. What normal people resist, Ji Xiaodao's seemingly overprotective vigilance is not unreasonable.

So this unknowingly developed 'resistance' is really good news for Mo Tan, especially since he spends nearly one-third of his time thinking about Yu Chen every day.

The situation is already chaotic enough. If I can't control myself at the moment, I will definitely cause a big mess.

As for the so-called 'disadvantage', Mo Tan, who frequently saw Ji Xiaoge's 'true face' to a certain extent, not only became resistant to Ji Xiaoge's charm, but also became attracted to her [reclusive and independent] His talent has created resistance. In other words, he has been able to directly see its essence through performance to a certain extent.

In human terms, even if Ji Xiaoge had not taken off the goggles that were stuck on her head every day, her talent of 'reducing presence and charm' would not have much effect on Mo Tan.

Not only that, Mo Tan even discovered that even in reality, as long as he was in his current personality, Ji Xiaoge, who originally only made others think that she was a pure and natural beauty, would occasionally look different in his own eyes.

It may sound a bit abstract, but it's like a person who was originally shrouded in mist and others could only see a hazy silhouette. In Mo Tan's eyes, his true appearance occasionally appears.

And the existence of that layer of mist is very hidden, pretending as if it has never existed, and even makes most people think that the so-called silhouette is the person.

Only 'Mo', who has an extremely strong mind and has witnessed Ji Xiaoge taking off his headdress in games countless times, and even being tricked by Bosh with illusions in the Dragon King's tomb, can tell this.

Until not long ago, he was wondering why this was the case, why even outside the realm of innocence, Ji Xiaoge always seemed to have activated a talent called "Independence from the World" that could be used without equipping a headgear.

But now he understands.

The problem probably lies with Ji Xiaoge, because she is probably not an 'ordinary person' in the true sense.

What Yao Qianhan said to him before explained many of Mo Tan's doubts.

For example, why is it that Yidong, who has never had any gaming talent, can play the Necromancer... well, his profession called [Psychic Medium] so smoothly? In the occasional discussions between the two, whether it is 'Tan Mo' 'Mo', who is still not as brave as Wang Ba and has not activated [Reverse Scale], is almost no match for him. As for the role of 'Hei Fan'... it would be a shame not to mention it.

For example, why is Cui Xiaoyu's luck so outrageous? Even if everyone is lucky and unlucky, the frequency and intensity of that guy's clicks are also a bit strange. The reason why he is said to be 'unlucky' is mainly because There is nothing more appropriate than this word. After all, we are all friends. It would be too much if you just call someone a "gunman". Wouldn't that be a curse?

For example, Kang Lan occasionally has a very precise, almost prophetic sense of crisis.

For example, Huo Yanyang can hold his breath in the water for 20 minutes without any training. (Cui Xiaoyu lost 200 yuan to Kang Lan because of this)

For example, Yu Chen's personality is not so much a personal temperament, but more like some kind of superpower that can make the surroundings calm and peaceful.

For example, Ji Xiaoge's amazing cooking skills... er, I mean beauty.

If these cases are scattered, then only words such as 'coincidence' and 'accident' are enough to explain it. But when these factors are gathered in the same circle, I am afraid that it cannot be so simple to make a decision. .

Mo Tan had thought about this matter before, but had not come to any reliable conclusion.

After briefly chatting with his school director, the female leader of Tanhua University...that is, the chairman, he finally found the truth of the matter.

That is, these friends around me are not ‘ordinary people’ in a strict sense.

Of course, this does not mean that everyone is a superman like Yao Qianhan and the power plant uncle. Let alone others, if Yidong really awakens some extraordinary ability, then the person he will discuss first will most likely not be him. Parents, but his most trusted best friend Mo Tan.

So to be precise, these friends of mine should be a group of 'outsiders' who have extraordinary 'qualities' but do not have sufficient self-awareness.

Cui Xiaoyu, for example, thinks he is just a little unlucky. Yidong, who is famous for playing ghosts in the game, is a staunch materialist.

But now it seems that this is not the case.

Superman exists. If Mo Tan's judgment is correct, then most of the friends and elders in his small circle are not normal people.

Under this premise, we finally turned back——

Ji Xiaoge's extraordinarily beautiful appearance when she didn't activate [Leave the World and Be Independent] was probably real.

It's not a game effect, it's a natural beauty.

In order for her to live like a normal person, this beauty was interfered with, and the perpetrators were probably either her parents or her parents' friends.

As an 'outsider', Mo Tan couldn't understand what this 'interference' meant, but he felt that it should have a similar effect to the [Isolation and Independence] in the World of Innocence. Simply put, it reduced the sense of existence, not Reduce Ji Xiaoge's sense of existence, but reduce her 'beautiful' sense of existence.

So the question is, Ji Xiaoge in the Innocence Realm relies on [head equipment] to achieve the talent triggering conditions, but what about her in reality?

【short hair! 】

This is the most suspicious 'medium' that Mo Tan can think of.

I have to say that this guess is very abstract, and can even be said to be unbelievable, but the existence of 'Superman' is already unbelievable, so there is only one more.

All in all, from Mo Tan's point of view, the reason why he could vaguely see through the layer of mist that covered Ji Xiaoge's "beauty" in reality was probably because he was baptized by the latter's "One Glance at the Charming City" in the game. If there are too many, the result will be resistance with different approaches but the same effect.

This is not a good thing. After all, it directly means that outside the game, whenever Mo Tan is in his current personality, he will realize how beautiful Ji Xiaoge is more deeply than others.

It's a headache.

It's really a headache.

Mo Tan, who was thinking like this, didn't notice at all that he had been staring at Ji Xiaoge's pretty face for nearly two minutes.


Ji Xiaoge flicked Mo Tan's forehead hard, causing the latter to come back to his senses through a devastating brain collapse, and looked at him sideways with a half-smile: "You are looking at me so straight, could it be? Are you conveying the real reason why you didn't respond to Leah's feelings in some way that doesn't require words?"

Mo Tan coughed lightly and subconsciously quickened his pace. He stared at a flying insect and said without looking back: "I who don't belong to this world can't be like Liad who belongs to this world." We are together with Ms. Lin, so there is no need to convey this reason in any way, right?"


Ji Xiaoge fluttered her wings twice, trotted up to her partner, and asked with a smile: "Then why did you stare at me for so long just now?"

"Because you're pretty."


"What's wrong?"

"You want to be so direct! People can be shy!"

"There is no way, I have [Chivalry - Honesty], so I can only tell the truth."

"Then what?"

"What then?"

"Is it just because I look good?"

"if not?"

"There are many good-looking people, but I don't see you staring at the street every day."

"Oh, you're so pretty."


Faced with Mo Tan's straightforward answer that had no fault at all, Ji Xiaoge lost his temper.

After a while, the girl floated to Mo Tan with a bitter look, pouted her little mouth and muttered: "What, let me say something hypocritical..."


Mo Tan, who had already guessed what Ji Xiaoge wanted to say and had even thought of the answer, smiled and said with a smile: "Tell me, it's not easy for you to be pretentious even once."

The girl rolled her eyes at Mo Tan angrily, and then twisted her fingers in confusion: "I sometimes... just occasionally, I feel that it would be better if I didn't look so good."

Mo Tan nodded without surprise: "Oh."

five seconds later


Ji Xiaoge slapped Mo Tan hard with her wings and said angrily: "Faced with the cute thoughts of a cute girl, do you just say 'Oh'!"

Mo Tan shrugged and said innocently: "You haven't finished speaking yet, right?"

"You're so annoying...Forget it, I didn't intend to seek comfort from you in the first place."

Ji Xiaoge pouted angrily, and then continued talking to himself: "Because... think about it, just because you are beautiful, you are treated differently by others, because you are beautiful, you are liked by others, because you are beautiful It’s easy to be forgiven, because because you are beautiful, your true self, whether it’s good or bad, is ignored, don’t you think it’s despicable?”

Mo Tan nodded, then yawned lazily: "Bullshit."


Ji Xiaoge, who had rarely been treated so excessively by Mo Tan. To be precise, Ji Xiaoge, who had never seen Mo speak in such a tone, was shocked at the time: "Why are you talking nonsense! I'm telling you seriously. .”

"Serious? Where is the seriousness?"

"It's a philosophical question! Well, I don't know if it is true, but I just added it because I always feel that just talking about philosophy will make it high-end!"

"It's nonsense."

"Why are you talking nonsense!"

"You just said that your true self has been ignored, right?"


"So, may I ask, what is the real you? Ms. Yege, with a skull on your neck?"


Chapter 1,292: End

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