Quadruple split

Chapter 1298 Plum Blossom 10


Evie blinked in confusion and stayed there for a long time to react.

Although she has never actually come into contact with 'poker', an entertainment activity that has recently begun to rise on a small scale, she has heard of it, especially when she caught the careless 3 of hearts before. Eyes] After extracting a lot of words from the latter's mouth, Evie even went out of her way to understand the rules of several games, such as Landlords.

Considering that the 3 of Hearts was just an extremely ordinary grassroots member, the information Evie got was actually not very much. As far as she knew, there were a lot of members of the 3 series like this. Joining... or giving The reasons why Harlequins work are varied, some want to make a little money, some want to get some information, and some even want to change their ways to pay off debts.

For example, the reason why she caught the 3 of Hearts Parker Bieber and was willing to temporarily join the Harlequin Cards and complete the task with all her heart was very simple. He wanted to apply for a small loan at the Gold Coin Chamber of Commerce two months ago but was stuck. It is said that It was the people from Harlequin who helped him solve the 'guarantee' problem. The price was that he had to temporarily join Harlequin before repaying the loan and work at least three hours a day.

Pike accepted, so he got the code name "3 of Hearts". Occasionally, he would help run errands or do surveillance, which were very simple tasks that he could do.

As for whether Parker's loan had something to do with [Harlequin Brand], Evie also investigated this secretly afterwards, but what surprised her was that it was not a deliberate game given to someone. At that time, Parker Bieber The reason for applying for a loan was to maintain laboratory equipment, which involved his final assessment for this year, and the task given to him by the Harlequin Card was indeed very easy and did not look like a conspiracy at all.

It's really just a kind of 'mutual benefit', not even mutual use.

Pike has a good character and is a hard-working student. The loan application was not approved because he was not old enough. Although the Harlequin who provided the guarantee did not show up from the beginning to the end, even the negotiations with Pike were completed through messages and letters. There are no strict requirements. Since it is impossible for the Gold Coin Chamber of Commerce to disclose the guarantor's information, it is impossible to investigate.

In fact, on the day Pike was caught by Evie, he had actually paid off the loan from the Gold Coin Chamber of Commerce. However, thinking of the help the Harlequin Card could help him, he took the initiative to stay on duty for an extra day, and finally helped keep an eye on the spy for a few hours.

There are actually a lot of temporary workers like this in Harlequin. For someone like Pike, who is relatively practical, reliable and capable, it seems that there is still a way to become a regular employee as long as he is willing.

The so-called regularization is to get a special identity card.

These were Pike's exact words. From Evie's point of view, this man seemed to have wanted to become a regular employee before, but she didn't know what he would think after being 'hijacked' by her.

In the process of doing this "part-time job", Parker also met several colleagues. Most of the situations were similar to his own. We occasionally exchanged a few words during the work and got along fairly well.

In Pike's own words, he has seen at least five 3s of Hearts with the same nature as his own, but without any 'identification', two 4s of Hearts, although they are one number larger, but also without 'cards', and one 4 of Hearts. There was a 4 of hearts with identification, and a genuine 5 of hearts that he had only seen once.

Among them, the 4 and 5 of Hearts, who seemed to be the official members of the Harlequin Card, did not show their true colors. When they met, one of them wore a mask, and the other used illusion magic on his face. Even his voice was specially processed. But their attitudes are quite friendly, and they don't look like some gloomy, dark underground organization.

However, in fact, Evie can almost conclude that [Harlequin Card] is a dark underground organization, at best it is not very gloomy, or Pike has not yet come into contact with its gloomy side.

All in all, she became very interested in this organization at that time, simply because it was really interesting.

Different from the eldest daughter of [Death Angel] and the newly promoted Queen of Hearts Yuan Rui, although Ivie is also the eldest daughter of the Lehman family, compared to the pure evil forces of the former, the Lehman family mainly She still made her fortune by doing serious business, so even if she wanted to investigate the Harlequin Card, she wouldn't have any decent breakthrough.

But Evie is not a simple girl after all. After collecting intelligence for a period of time, she has a little understanding of this organization.

First of all, the number of formal members of the Harlequin Card is very rare, and they all hide themselves well. Almost no one can find out their true identity except each other (Lian who activates the family power is an individual case, and cannot be generalized. .)

Secondly, this organization has a lot of temporary workers, and it even has many offices. There are three in Optical Park City. Although most of them only take on ordinary tasks such as searching for people and collecting intelligence, and their business capabilities seem to be quite good. Although it is limited, it is still open for business.

Third, most of the Harlequin members in Academy City are [Hearts], with the highest level being the 5 of Hearts. The numbers above may exist, but they are very well concealed.

Fourth, the hierarchy of Harlequin cards is very vague. There seems to be no absolute superior-subordinate relationship. The numbers seem to be just used to distinguish the size of energy. It’s like Pike, an ordinary fifth-grade student in an alchemy academy, is 3, but if He is the student union president of the college, has a high personal level and a wide range of interpersonal relationships, so his number may become 4, 5 or greater.

Fifth, although the hierarchy is vague and the structure seems extremely loose, there should be decision-makers, cadres and other figures within the Harlequin Card, and most of these people's 'identification certificates' are unique. In other words, If you are looking for a regular member of the 3 of Hearts, you may be able to fish out more than a dozen people in one hand, but if you are looking for big cards such as the Jack of Hearts, Queen, King, and Ace of Hearts, you will probably only have one fixed person.

Sixth, there should be a person in Academy City who has a very high status within the organization, and his suit color is visually estimated to be hearts.

Finally, Frank Hughes or Link Zelda, this person who even the Saint of Fortune can have a relationship with, has a lot of connections with the Harlequin Card. It is conservatively estimated that he must be a 'high-end client', because he is spying on people like Diana. The services of big shots do not exist in the three offices of Harlequin. In other words, they do not accept jobs of this level.

The above is all Evie Lehman’s understanding of the Harlequin Card organization.

However, despite all her calculations, she never imagined that the man in front of her who was in a mutual relationship with the great astrologer Diana, and could even compete with Fiyali in the business field, turned out to be a [King]!

The [King] of the Harlequin card.

As mentioned before, Evie has long understood what playing cards are, so she also knows what a king represents.

Immediately afterwards, before Evie had time to ask whether the other party was the big king or the little king, Mo Tan explained frankly and directly——

"I'm sorry to say it, but you can also understand that I am the founder of [Harlequin Card]."

Mo Tan touched the tip of his nose and said with a harmless smile: "It seems to be developing quite well."

Even with Evie Lehman's astuteness, she didn't know what to say at this time.

Mo Tan just looked at her with a smile and said nothing.

Finally, after a while, Evie calmed down again and broke the silence.

"Link, who...are you?"

She stared directly into Mo Tan's eyes, her tone less playful and more serious.

"I think I should be, first and foremost, a man who loves Diana A. Atchizoltti."

After thinking briefly, Mo Tan spoke slowly: "The remaining ingredients...can you roughly understand it as a person from another world who is a little restless? Haha, this may be a bit general, but that's probably the situation. Everything I did was ultimately just because I couldn’t sit still.”

Evie blinked, tilted her head and repeated: "Can't you stay still?"

"Yes, after all, in our short lives, most of the time is comfortable, boring, predictable and routine. Before I met Diana, I always hated this kind of time with no new ideas."

Mo Tan laughed a little helplessly, and smiled: "So in order to prevent myself from being too bored, I always want to find something to do. Of course, in my opinion now, maybe a peaceful and stable life with Diana It’s tempting to spend your life, but unfortunately, once you start many things, you can’t stop them whenever you want.”

Evie fell weakly into Mo Tan's arms, and covered her forehead when the latter stopped her politely: "You are really good at creating surprises for others, Honey~"

"People often say that."

Mo Tan smiled modestly, and then bluntly broke through the tacit understanding between the two, and asked lightly: "So, since I have shown so much sincerity, can you please invite Yi?" Miss Wei, tell me, what is your real purpose in approaching me?"

Evie licked the corner of her mouth and smiled charmingly: "If there is an opportunity, it will naturally be Master Kenneth's commission. However, I never planned to kill Frank Hughes personally from the beginning. The most boring thing may be to just kill you. Just tell Futaba the specific situation and let her take the credit."

Mo Tan nodded slightly: "I think so."

"But because of the Harlequin card, I didn't make a decision immediately after seeing you. Because you are an interesting person, and I just like interesting people, so I decided to observe it for a while."

Evie rubbed her eye patch and said with a sweet smile: "In the end, you brought me a bigger surprise. My dear, that experience at [Black Mary] made me so excited that I didn't sleep well all night. All I could think about was you chatting and laughing with Her Highness Fiyali, and it was after that that the original joke seemed to become a lot more concrete."

Mo Tan raised his eyebrows and asked, "Which joke is that?"

"It's the phrase 'I want to be your lover'."

Evie stuck out her tongue and said cheerfully: "After giving up the idea of ​​letting Futaba deal with you, I began to seriously think about whether I really wanted to do that. I made it clear in advance that I was not lying that day. Although you have probably had a few love affairs that were painless, I have kept the first kiss and the first night well, and you are not that kind of frivolous woman."

Mo Tan nodded noncommittally, seemingly not too touched by what Ivie just said, and just continued to ask calmly: "What next?"

"Then you once again exceeded my expectations. Not only did you perfectly negotiate the deal with a huge amount of money, you were even the 'King' of the [Harlequin Card]. Haha, although your organization doesn't seem to be well-known now, but I believe it’s just a matter of time~”

Evie closed her eyes, clasped her hands together as if she were intoxicated, and murmured: "I'm fascinated by everything about you, so..."


"So it doesn't matter what I thought before. My dear, I really...want to be your lover from the bottom of my heart."

“It would be a big help if the idea could stay in the ‘thinking’ stage.”

Mo Tan shook his head helplessly, and then tactfully expressed that he did not want to continue this topic, and said softly: "Then, I hope you can continue to keep it a secret for me, Evie, to be honest, I am actually far from what you have seen. So laid back.”

Evie understood the meaning of Mo Tan's words almost instantly, and said with a playful smile: "Are you finally tired of our way of getting along?"

"I can't say that at all, it's just..."

"Then let's do this. In order to have a chance to let you realize that Evie Lehman is a capable and good woman, how about letting me join your clown card?"


"That's what it means literally. I join your clown card, and I can also bring out a lot of good resources, and even take the initiative to give you some handles for easy control. In this way, you won't continue to be so wary of me, right?"

"Haha, am I wary of you? I have always shown my sincerity, and I hope we can have a candid chat."

"There is no conflict between sincerity and vigilance. If I guess correctly, Honey, you should have considered killing me, a huge hidden danger and trouble, more than once, right?"

"Well, I have indeed thought about it many times~"

"What! It's so sad!"

"So, the reason why you want to join the Harlequin Card..."

Mo Tan narrowed his eyes dangerously and asked with a half-smile: "You just want me to stop being wary of you and see clearly that you are actually a capable and good woman?"

Evie nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, and added: "Then let me be your lover!"

"I am a dedicated person~"

"That's because you haven't stolen fish yet."



"Ten of clubs."


"If you want to join, I'll leave it to you to do the 10 of clubs."


Chapter 1,289: End

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