Quadruple split

Chapter 1297 JOKER


Evie looked at Mo Tan with curiosity, and called him nervously.

By the way, since the first day the two of them went to [Black Mary], Evie's private address to Mo Tan changed from 'Frank' to 'Link', and what this detail implies, It was the fact that she wished to distinguish herself from Frank Hughes' love interest, Diana.

Although Mo Tan knew that Evie had 100% ulterior motives, for most men, the latter's just-right little emotion was a bit infatuating and impossible to stop.

However, Mo Tan's resistance to this kind of operation was almost thicker than his current personality, so he didn't have any emotions at all. He just calmly expressed his acceptance and reminded Evie several times not to do anything to others. Call yourself that in front of me.

"Nothing, I'm just thinking about business."

Mo Tan closed his friend list and smiled apologetically at Evie: "Sorry, I was distracted."

Evie shook her head, thoughtfully stood up on tiptoes and gently massaged Mo Tan's forehead, and said with a smile: "There is no need to apologize. After all, the other party is Her Royal Highness Fiyali. Link, you must be very happy during this period." Thank you for your hard work. Oh, I wish I could help..."

"Evie, you will already be of great help if you can help me keep an eye on the movements of Diana and Miss Futaba."

Mo Tan smiled at the quirky and fashionable girl in front of him, blinked and said, "After all, it's not very convenient for them to know about these things."

Evie also laughed and said cheerfully: "Because Futaba will probably kill you without any explanation after knowing this? And Lady Diana will be very worried about you, right?"

"Yes, although I have always dreamed of being a good-for-nothing person."

Mo Tan shrugged and said helplessly: "But when I meet someone who can make me stop working hard, I want to become more promising."

While gently massaging Mo Tan's head, Evie said seriously: "No, in my eyes, both Frank Hughes and Link Zelda are very powerful people, not at all. I feel like I’m worthless or something.”

"Maybe, but for a mediocre person like me, it's often difficult to see yourself clearly."

Mo Tan made a funny expression, spread his hands and said: "So even if you are right, Evie, Frank Hughes or Link Zelda are all very powerful people, but as long as I If you don’t feel that you are promising yet, you will probably continue to work so hard~”

A flash of surprise flashed in Ivie's smart left eye, and she asked curiously: "Isn't it considered powerful to have negotiated such a big deal with Her Highness Fiyali?"

Mo Tan chuckled, and Feng Qingyun shook her head calmly: "Not really."

"Well, this is really..."

Ewei walked around in front of Mo Tan, holding her little hands behind her back and looking at the man in front of her seriously. After a while, she said with a flat mouth: "Are all you people from other worlds like this?"

Mo Tan immediately shook his head and said with a sly smile: "That's not true. I... can be considered a special case."

"Speaking of which, Link!"

Because holding her arms would lead to being broken free, Ivi took the next step and grabbed Mo Tan's sleeves again, and asked with some confusion: "Although I don't know people from other worlds very well, but logically speaking, it should be difficult for you." Are you really with someone like Master Diana? Why are you so persistent?"

Mo Tan did not answer directly, but smiled and said: "Similarly, why are you so persistent with me, Evie?"

"Because you like it?"

"I like it...then I think it's because of love."

"Oh, as expected, I was still crushed."

"Anyway, thank you for taking care of me during this time."

Mo Tan casually changed the topic and said to Evie solemnly: "If you have the chance, please let me return the favor."

Evie covered her small mouth and let out a laughter as clear and sweet as silver bells. She waved her hand and said: "Link, you are really serious. Okay, okay, let's not talk about this. Master Diana and Shuangye are probably still here." It will take two hours to get away, so why not go to where I live first? You are so tired, why don't you lie down for a while and let me massage you? "

"I appreciate your kindness, but I still have a few things to do, so I won't bother you for now."

Mo Tan shook his head and politely expressed his refusal: "So Miss Ivie should go back first."

"They won't eat you! Well, although I did wear bold underwear today..."

Evie muttered at first, and then said sternly: "But I will never do anything to you, Link. Even if Master Diana suddenly falls from the sky, it will be no problem. I have prepared many excuses. We just need to rehearse it first!" "

Mo Tan sighed: "I really have something to do..."

"Ah! It means that as long as nothing happens, you will promise me!"

"If nothing happens, I'd rather go back and prepare supper for Diana."

"It hurts people to talk like that!"

Evie pouted, but still let go of Mo Tan's sleeves obediently, and said with an aggrieved face: "Then... Link, just go and do your work first. My mother told me that a good woman should not let My sweetheart feels embarrassed."

[Then if your poor mother wants to be my lover, why don’t you break your legs? ! 】

Mo Tan complained in his heart, and then smiled gratefully: "Thank you for your thoughtfulness, Evie, then we will..."

He did not finish his words, but turned his gaze to a figure standing quietly not far away.

And Evie Lehman also subconsciously followed Mo Tan's line of sight and looked over there.

It was a tall woman covered in a gray cloak. Yes, it must be a woman.

Although Evie couldn't see the other person's face, she still relied on her intuition to draw the correct conclusion immediately. The figure that appeared silently was a woman, and she was also closely related to the Link Zelda next to her. woman.

"Sorry, it's a friend of mine."

When Mo Tan saw Evie casting a searching look at him, he touched the tip of his nose with some embarrassment and explained: "We have an appointment to meet today."

Evie smiled considerately, nodded and said, "I know, if that's the case, then I'll go back first~"


Mo Tan nodded first, and then paused in confusion. He was silent for five seconds before saying with a wry smile: "If you don't mind, do you want to come together?"

Evie's rather depressed pretty face suddenly radiated light, and she whispered softly: "Is it okay! I really won't get in the way!"

"The main reason is that I am afraid that you will misunderstand me and then fulfill your promise to Brother Kenneth and kill me."

Seemingly concluding that Evie had guessed the gender of the visitor, Mo Tan sighed deeply: "But although I don't mind you following, please do..."

"Keep it secret! I know! I have the strictest words!"

Evie immediately gave Mo Tan an extremely sweet smile.

The latter twitched his lips with lingering fear: "If I remember correctly, you said before that you have never been the kind of person who can hide secrets. For example, you gave away the information that Brother Kenneth doesn't like me very much. Speak out."

"Evil-minded! It's different from the secrets you share with Link."

Ewei raised her head and bumped Mo Tan's shoulder lightly, and said angrily: "I won't betray you!"

"That really helps a lot."

Mo Tan nodded with a wry smile, and then walked towards the figure who was always standing quietly not far from the two of them: "Then, let's go together."

Soon, they came to the 'friend' who had an appointment with Mo Tan, and Ewei also saw clearly the other person's face under the hood.

It was a face that was not as beautiful as Evie. Although it was pretty, it was heavily made up. It looked like a human woman around 26 or 27 years old. Although she was dressed very low-key, her hair was dyed blue. Her blond hair was quite flamboyant, and her temperament was difficult to evaluate, but it gave Evie a sense of danger, as if the woman standing in front of her would scream and draw a weapon and slash at her at any time, even though she saw It looks very peaceful, even tranquil.

This is really an...interesting 'friend'.

Standing obediently behind Mo Tan, the corners of Evie's mouth curled up in a naughty arc unconsciously.

Then she jumped a little in fright.

The reason is very simple, that is, after Link said lightly, "My friend, there is no need to be shy," the woman immediately knelt down on one knee, and spoke without hesitation in a voice full of longing, full of joy. The ground trembled and he said: "Your Excellency."

Even though there were only two words, Evie could definitely tell how tall the image of the man beside her was in the eyes of the woman in front of her.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Mo Tan smiled, looking no different from the Frank Hughes whom Evie knew, and asked in a soft tone: "You didn't encounter any accidents, did you?"

"No, everything is going well, Your Excellency."

The other party shook his head and fully followed Mo Tan's previous command of "no need to avoid". He ignored Evie as if it were nothing but the air or a background, and said softly: "Although I didn't get to meet that new partner, I He gave your gift and the only Queen of Hearts to the King of Hearts, and he said that he would soon send that card to its new owner."

Mo Tan nodded slightly: "Very good, that's enough. Did the King of Hearts ask you to bring me anything?"

"He said that he doesn't plan to consider getting married for the time being, so I'm afraid he will live up to your expectations. He also expressed his gratitude to you on behalf of the Queen of Hearts."

The other party immediately faithfully conveyed the feedback from the King of Hearts and said without missing a word: "In addition, he said that he is very satisfied with the gift you gave him."

Mo Tan chuckled lightly, nodded and said: "It doesn't matter, I just said it casually anyway. If you have time to see him, you can tell him not to feel any psychological pressure. Is there anything else that needs to be reported?"

"No more, Your Excellency."

"Very well, then do what I asked you to do before."


The other party nodded briefly, raised his face and stared at Mo Tan with greedy eyes for a long time, as if he wanted to imprint his appearance firmly in his mind, and then stood up and looked at Mo Tan again. He bowed and melted into the deep darkness.

After a while

"Link~Who was that lady just now?"

After Ewei was sure that the other party had completely left, she breathed a sigh of relief, and then tugged on Mo Tan's sleeves like a baby: "She seems to respect you very much!"

Mo Tan smiled sheepishly and replied: "She is one of the [Harlequin Cards] that you have dealt with before."

Evie immediately clapped her hands happily and said with a smile: "Wow, I guessed it right! Just when I heard you talking about the King of Hearts and the Queen of Hearts, I was wondering if it was the [Harlequin Card]! "


Mo Tan gave an affirmative answer in a brisk tone, and smiled: "Her name is Spider. She can be said to be a cadre of the [Harlequin Card]. It is still different from the 3 you caught before."

Evie blinked: "What about the Queen of Hearts and King of Hearts that I just mentioned?"

"The King of Hearts is another cadre who helped me a lot during this period."

Mo Tan did not hide anything and said completely truthfully: "As for the Queen of Hearts, it is a newly recruited cadre-level member of [Harlequin]. The introducer is the King of Hearts we just mentioned. Although I talked to that I have never met Ms. Queen of Hearts, but she is undoubtedly an excellent person."

Evie chuckled and hugged Mo Tan's arm: "If you can be a cadre, you will definitely be an outstanding talent, right, right, Link, can you tell me what color the spider lady is? Although I tentatively asked some things from that 3's mouth before, but they were basically ambiguous, and the information known to the people at the bottom was too limited."

"Spider colors."

Mo Tan was stunned for a moment, and then said openly: "It's the Ace of Clubs. He's also a cadre of [Harlequin Card]. He has been in contact with me more recently. Although he is occasionally a little nervous, there are also many likable people." Advantages, in my opinion, he is a good friend worth keeping.”

A smile flashed across Evie's beautiful left eye, and she smiled: "Then, can I ask another question more carefully?"

"If it's convenient for me to answer, it doesn't matter if I ask a few more questions."

Mo Tan also showed a smile that was like a spring breeze.

"I like you so much!"

Evie happily rubbed her cheek against Mo Tan's shoulder, and then smiled and asked her rather 'extensive' question: "Can you tell me what your color is?"


"Hehe, Link, stop pretending, I can see it~"

"I don't have any color..."

"Ah, did I guess wrong! I thought you, Link, must also be a member of the [Harlequin Card]! In the end, are you really just an ordinary employer?! What a powerful employer, able to deal with so many cadres in the organization Very good..."

"Well, actually you guessed it right."

"Huh? Then you still say that you don't have..."

"I don't have any color."

"Then Link, what are you..."



"I am the 'JOKER' in [Joker Card]."

Chapter 1,288: End

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