Quadruple split

Chapter 1178 The Fatal Game Begins (IV) Sunset


The summary given by Angus Georgia did not shock Futaba in the slightest. It could even be said to be expected. After all, for her as a 'future person' who lived in the year 9571 of the Holy Calendar, the land in the northwest continent The land called Georgia Territory was originally independent. Although it did not call itself a 'country', it was essentially a small principality with all the internal organs.

As for the specific time when Georgia became independent, Futaba didn't know, nor was he interested, but judging from the development of this story, it was probably the time he was currently experiencing.

In the early days of the fall of the Sun Dynasty, although a large amount of land centered on the royal capital of Undersher was razed to the ground, as a giant insect with more than a hundred legs, those loyal people who held high positions and cherished glory did not sit still and wait for death. In fact, After a brief period of panic, they almost immediately launched self-rescue measures, desperately trying to maintain the dynasty's survival.

Although the Grand Consul and the entire high-level parliament at that time were blown up by the fortressed 'Great Meteor Technique', those who were not in the heart of the dynasty at that time, that is, the central administrative region of Undersher and the four directly governed provinces The lucky ones still created the [Provisional Parliament] immediately, completed the high-level reconstruction within half a month, and then started running wildly across the country.

Obviously, the [Provisional Parliament], which never thought of putting a bag of wine and rice into it when it was founded, is very clear about what the biggest trouble is right now.

It was not the murderer who was highly suspected of being in Tianzhu Mountain and had dealt a devastating blow to the dynasty in a way that was neither scientific nor magical. Nor was it the fact that he had just destroyed his hometown and purged the royal family, and was now a giant dragon in loose sand. These are the lands that have been conquered by the dynasty over the past hundred years and have become part of the dynasty.

At the second dawn when the heart of the dynasty was reduced to the ground overnight, the restless atmosphere spread at an unimaginable speed.

Those who were kneeling on the ground, diligent and silent, looked up and found that the high throne had collapsed, and those arrogant figures had melted into the soil.

"Under such circumstances, how will those subjects who have not yet been fully educated view our great dynasty? Will they still worship Undersher and be proud of being a member of the dynasty as they did in the past? ?”

On the day when the Provisional Parliament was established, one of their leaders, the Consul of the Macabaka Territory who had escaped death because he was out on inspection, raised his hands in the air and shouted loudly under the huge coat of arms of the Sun Dynasty in the center of the assembly hall: "Many people will , because they have become respectable citizens, and their thirsty and needy hearts have been infused with faith and glory, but some people, they will not..."

The tall beast elf archon narrowed his eyes, and his orange eyes coldly swept across the 'colleagues' in the assembly hall who were equally loyal, equally talented, and even more gloomy as himself, and sighed deeply. In one breath——

"Time is running out, ladies and gentlemen, I'm afraid we have to start immediately to contact those smart people who have always been 'aware of current affairs'."

"I'm not exactly a smart person, Rose."

Angus Georgia smiled self-deprecatingly, and then fixed his gaze: "But I know very well that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, an opportunity to get rid of dynastic rule and make everyone eligible to embrace freedom."

Futaba frowned, perfectly portraying the female knight who knew nothing about herself and could only guess the behavior patterns through other people's words and attitudes. While trying to make herself look like a fool, she said in confusion Asked: "Freedom? Don't we have freedom now?"

Angus shrugged and smiled: "Of course we have freedom. In fact, whether I am the head of the province under the rule of the dynasty, or you, who is no different from my biological daughter, we all have very broad freedoms. .”

Futaba was slightly startled: "Then..."

"But freedom should never belong to a few."

Angus interrupted the other party and sighed: "How ironic, this sentence is still firmly imprinted on Chapter 3, Section 2 of the Dynasty Code to this day."

[Good guy, based on your nonsense, it’s a pity that you didn’t become a great man. 】

Futaba guessed what Angus wanted to say almost instantly, and finished the precise complaint in her heart. She blinked and said nonsense with a blank look on her face: "I... don't understand."

"Well, I'm not surprised by that."

Angus, who knew his adopted daughter's nature well, smiled lovingly and said slowly: "But Qiang, you don't need to think about it that much. If you believe me, you must understand that this once great country has been swallowed up by bigotry. , turned into a deformed body destined to destruction. Under the false prosperity, countless filthy darkness is growing crazily. The political system that originally pursued "greatness" did not know when it began to claim to be "great". The original climber We have regarded ourselves as the pinnacle and look down upon everything arrogantly. Just think about the 'holy war' not long ago. Those powerful dragons did nothing and were deprived of everything by our dynasty."

Futaba was silent. Although she was still complaining at a high frequency in her heart, her mouth was still silent.

"I'm glad you didn't refute me with the rhetoric used by the dynasty as a whitewash."

Angus looked at Futaba with relief and said softly: "You must know, my son, there are only two reasons why the Dragon Clan's Pride was destroyed. First, the dragons were unwilling to let their habitat become A province of the dynasty; secondly, they are so powerful that the dynasty feels threatened, and it is also a threat that can be killed."

Futaba continued to remain silent, because she felt that with her 'own' intelligence, it would be difficult to be convinced by such factual rhetoric.

This was not beyond Angus's expectations, so the lord did not continue to talk about this angle, but pragmatically changed his statement: "Maybe I should tell you this, son, if the dynasty continues to follow the If this out-of-control path continues, its only outcome will be destruction, and I don’t want to be destroyed with it, and I don’t want you, Philo, or your future children to be destroyed with it.”


There was a touch of softness in 'Rose''s eyes, and she lowered her head with a reddish complexion, as if she was already a little lame.

"Believe me, Qiangwei, this is by no means alarmist. If this continues, we will one day become the victims of the dynasty."

Angus turned his head and glanced at the empty wall behind him where a certain coat of arms once hung. The corner of his mouth curled up in a complicated arc: "In fact, we have already passed through the gate of hell once."

Futaba was a little tangled because she wanted to act more naive, but she didn't know what kind of reaction she had to make to achieve her goal.

However, Angus did not let her struggle for too long. The lord quickly turned around and said seriously: "There is no time to think about it, my child. The dynasty has paid the price, even though I know that I don't even know what happened that day. But the destruction of Undersheriff and the four surrounding provinces is an indisputable fact, so we must act."

"let's move?"

Futaba asked subconsciously, as if he hadn't recovered from what the other party had just said.

"Yes, you should know that I sent away the herald representing [Reestablishing the Regime] not long ago in a not very gentle way. The reason was that the disaster could not be proven to have nothing to do with the current people in power, but any Anyone can see that this is just a lame statement."

Angus put his hands on the table and gritted his teeth: "Everyone is waiting and watching, but someone must stand up, we must stand up, because this opportunity will never happen again in my lifetime, and Philo... ...To be honest, although he is my most beloved son, he is not qualified to be a lord who can stand firm in chaos, he is too gentle!"

"Yes, Philo is so gentle..."

The two leaves are reddish in color and look like a flower.


Then Angus was choked directly. It took him a long time to recover and said dryly: "Now is the best opportunity. Although they rebuilt the administrative system as quickly as possible, if I am not wrong, , the main battle regiment of the dynasty has probably been completely wiped out."

Futaba opened his eyes wide and said in astonishment: "Did you mean..."

"That's right, I'm talking about the highest military force of the dynasty, the Knights of Victory and Glory, the Fire Explosive Engineering Group, the Thousand Relics Mage Group, and the Soul Casting Kingdom Guards that you admire."

Angus narrowed his eyes slightly and said in a deep voice: "They should have been completely destroyed. Otherwise, how could the herald who took great risks to come to me not even have an epic-level Kingdom Guard member by his side. "

Futaba understood and acted shocked.

"Let's get down to business, kid."

After a long period of preparation, Angus finally got to the point and said in a deep voice to Futaba, who was still in shock: "I hope you will do something."

It took the latter several seconds to react, and then he immediately performed a knightly salute with his bare hands: "Yes!"

"I have already said it, now I hope you will regard me as your father, not as the administrator of the Georgia Territory and the person you want to be loyal to."

Showing a wry smile to the serious Futaba, Angus was silent for a while before saying: "The young man named San Joe who arrived here almost at the same time as the herald, you should know, is the Brilliant City The eldest son of the city lord."

Futaba nodded immediately. Of course she knew San Qiao. After all, the latter's name was currently on the top of her mission log, which was very eye-catching.

"kill him."

Angus said calmly.


Futaba suddenly felt a huge surprise, which was so flattering.

"I'm sorry, kid, but there are actually not many people I can trust now. After all, including the army under our own rule, many people blindly worship the country we are in, and the people of the Brilliant City faction, with their Led by the city lord, they are the most loyal people to the dynasty."

Angus looked at Qiangwei apologetically and said in a deep voice: "But if we want to be the first Mars, we must show our own attitude. For example... an accident may seem like an accident, but in fact everyone can guess the cause and effect. The assassination."

Futaba pointed to the tip of her nose and said blankly: "I...are going to assassinate Mr. San Qiao?"

"I will also give you about fifty personal guards. They are all high-level and strong enough to guarantee their loyalty."

Angus casually threw a badge that was probably a token to Futaba and said seriously: "This is already the limit. After all, the territory has been in panic recently, but if we want a smooth transition instead of causing countless riots, I We can only slowly reveal some of our 'distinctiveness'."

Qiangwei didn't speak anymore, but fell into a long silence.

Angus didn't urge him, he just waited patiently.


"Can I trust you to be right?"

'Rose' lowered her eyes and looked at the mission item in her hand, and murmured in a low voice: "Father."

[Oh my god, it’s okay if I recognize a father! 】

As a middle-aged person, Futaba began to lament her fate.

"I may not be right, kid."

Angus shook his head, looked at Qiangwei fondly, who was obviously struggling to endure a certain emotion, and said in a deep voice: "But I can be sure that Dynasty is definitely wrong, and we will not let this mistake continue. , whether it is public or private, this is what we in Georgia must do.”

Futaba clenched her fists, and drops of blood flowed from her palms that were scratched by the badge. She gritted her teeth and said, "Father, I will definitely kill San Joe and fulfill your wish."

Until the end, she did not admit that this was her own will, but regarded it as 'Angus Georgia's wish'.

Then turned around and left.


As a result, Georgia suddenly called her from behind.

[Damn it, you damn meow, don’t ever change your mind and don’t have the heart to let me do it! 】

Futaba, who accidentally got himself into the drama, was shocked and turned around with some anxiety: "Father?"

"San Qiao doesn't have many guards on this trip, but they are all elite. Even if we have the advantage of location and numbers, I'm afraid there will still be great risks, so promise me..."

Angus Georgia took a deep breath and looked lovingly at the tall and heroic female knight in front of him who seemed to be just a toddler yesterday: "If you encounter danger, you must give priority to protecting yourself. It was my father’s request, not the lord’s command.”

"Yes, father."

Futaba showed a refreshing and bright smile.



"You can refuse."

"It's okay, Father."


"I am leaving."

Maybe if Futaba were replaced by a real Rose, she would have a lot to say to Angus at this moment, but after all, Futaba is not the female knight named Rose with a C bust.


【Noisy. 】

The girl walked out of the room with a sneer, the curve of her mouth full of unruly and unruly.

Chapter 1171: End

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