Quadruple split

Chapter 1177 The Fatal Game Begins (III) - Sunset

Game time AM11:47

Impression Space-"Inherent Boundary: Blank Book·Sunset"

Sacred calendar? ? ? ? Year, Frost Moon, Melody 6

Georgian Territory, White Sakura City, City Hall 2F, Lounge

A female knight with long blond hair and wearing knight armor woke up from her sleep and slowly opened her amber eyes.

She was adopted as a child by the ruler of Georgia, the Earl of Georgia, Angus, and was given the name "Rose". She has shown high fighting talent since she was a girl. To this day, even though she has just passed After her twenty-first birthday, she was still at the peak of the high-level, but everyone around her knew that it was only a matter of time before this heroic and unsmiling female knight would break through to the epic realm.

However, compared to her achievements in strength, Ms. Rose's talents in other areas are not that high. For example, in the second year after the collapse of that extremely prosperous dynasty, it was obvious that everyone in the Georgian Territory could hear it. The restless heartbeat of their lord, the Earl of Angus Georgia, has never been discovered by Qiangwei, who is almost the adopted daughter of the latter...

The man to whom he was loyal frequently showed his favor to the 'mountain' and significantly modified the core purpose of the territorial system with extremely high frequency.

From the day the disgraced herald was sent away 'tactfully', as one of the most prosperous provinces of the Sun Dynasty, the independence of the Georgian Territory was only a matter of time.

But Qiangwei didn't notice this. She still habitually wiped the [Sunfire Guardian Medal] that symbolized honor every morning and praised the sun on her lips.

The increasingly weird looks from the people around her were misinterpreted by Qiangwei.

For example, I am about to marry a young lord from the Georgia Territory, but I am not worthy of the young lord without the slightest bit of noble blood.

After all, as a prominent family member of the Sun Dynasty, Philo Georgia's future wife should have been a well-matched lady, such as the eldest daughter of the second-class consul's family that Qiangwei met three years ago. Only that kind of person is worthy of her. Philo married.

No matter what, it's not my turn to be a 'childhood sweetheart' who has nothing but good fighting skills.

It is precisely because of this that Qiangwei, who has always been in love with Philo Georgia and is also admired by the latter, always controls the distance from the latter. In order to prevent Philo from having a conflict with her future wife, Qiangwei even decided to marry her at a certain date in order to prevent Philo from having a conflict with her future wife. On a night where the atmosphere was quite good, I burst into tears and knocked unconscious the man who hugged me tightly, and more than wanted to hug me tightly.

As a result of fate, just two months ago, Lord Angus announced without any warning (from Rose's perspective) that he and Philo would get married in the Moon of Song next year.

A kind of 'dying illness, I sat up in shock, my fiancée turned out to be me! ? ’ The illusion immediately swallowed up Qiangwei.

In order to prove that she was not dreaming, she even went to the distant wild mountains that night and killed two explosive bears through hand-to-hand combat. Only then did she realize that she seemed... maybe... probably, could really be with Philo. Got it!

Then she became confused in happiness. This confusion lasted for two full months.

By the way, in the past two months, she used the same technique to knock down Philo Georgia who tried to be intimate with her at least twenty times because she was shy.

All in all, even though the lord to whom she was loyal, and the Earl of Georgia whom she would soon be able to legitimately call her father, quietly sent someone to the city hall, Qiangwei was still a little distracted at this moment.


"Fuck, fuck, I'm so tall!"

'Rose', who is 183 centimeters tall, and Futaba, who is less than 1.6 meters tall even if you include the stupid hair, let out an exclamation after standing up, and was shocked by the wide field of vision that she had never imagined. .

Yes, in this story, the existence of the person 'Rose' has been replaced by a player named 'Futaba', but unlike many common literary routines, Futaba's memory, knowledge, and experience of Rose, It can be said that she knew nothing about the past. In fact, if it were not for the heavy weight of the pair of frontal armors on her chest that she had never imagined, this girl would not even be able to detect whether she was a boy or a girl at the first time.

Therefore, after appearing in this world, Futaba's first reaction was - 'Damn, I'm so tall' and 'Damn, my breasts are really big'.


She put her hands into her breastplate and started rubbing it. While rubbing it, she made a very weird giggle, which looked very scary.

Fortunately, there was no one in this place, otherwise Futaba's mission might have failed before it even started due to "suddenly becoming abnormal and being detained".

[Blank Book 1: Sunset: Sword of Purification]

Mission Level: The only legendary mission chain

Task Difficulty: Flexible

Requirements for receiving: Complete the prerequisite task [Shu Ling's Transaction], and the completion degree should not be less than 105%.

Receive rewards: None

Mission content: As ‘Rose’, complete the assassination of [San Joe], the son of the chief consul of the Brilliant City.

Mission Restrictions: Rose Georgia

Mission progress: 25%

Basic reward: Academy City Comprehensive Library - access to the sixth floor of the restricted book area.

Additional rewards: If the completion level at the end of the mission is \u003e125%, random specialization level +1; if the completion level at the end of the mission is \u003e150%, you will get a random piece of epic quality equipment; if the completion level at the end of the mission is 200% , the profession [Dharma Controller] will be converted into an epic level profession.

[Note 1: No, no, no, some people really think that a big frame and big breasts that can’t be seen from the bottom of the head are a kind of beauty, right? 】

[Note 2: Wake up, it’s fake. 】

"Wake up, mother, wake up!"

After a brief overview of the mission, although she didn't look as cute as her original self, the addicted girl scolded her, gritted her teeth, closed the taskbar, and observed the surrounding environment efficiently and carefully.

She thinks that her current situation is not very good, although it is not bad, and the goals given by the mission are quite clear, but given that she knows nothing about the current era, her identity or even where this place is, So it's not weird when the car rolls over.

It's not a good feeling at all, but it's not a bad feeling either.

After all, Futaba, who has almost cured her 'human phobia' in the game, is very online in terms of adaptability, bullshit ability, lying ability and orchestration ability, and she is also quite rich in knowledge reserves.

Different from what he showed in front of Frank Hughes, although Futaba does not have the breadth of knowledge of 'Motan', he is definitely not 'ignorant'.

In fact, her knowledge of the world exceeds that of many indigenous NPCs.

[Rose Georgia...should be a person related to the Georgian Territory, but I have not seen this name in relevant information, so the weight should not be very heavy. 】

[The son of the Chief Consul of the Brilliant City... The Brilliant City... The Chief Consul... Wait, why not the City Lord but the Chief Consul? Could it be that the 'now' time is before the fall of the Sun Dynasty? 】

[No, no, if it was before the fall of the Sun Dynasty, how could I, a person with a Georgian surname, assassinate the man named San Joe? A Georgia going to assassinate the son who is the leader of the Brilliant City? There is no way the Soul Casting Kingdom Guards would just sit back and watch this happen. 】

[Could it be that the man named San Qiao was betrayed by his father? Because he is a man who is only interested in men? Gee, that mission is a bit weird. 】

[No, 200% completion will directly allow me to advance to the epic level. With such an incredible reward, it doesn’t seem to be a problem even if I’m crazy. 】

[So that San Joe is really a crook? If you want to get an extra 200% completion, you have to straighten him? Use my mother's beauty? 】

【its not right! Killing that person is the mission goal. Since you want to kill him, it doesn't matter whether he kills him straight or not, right? If you put it this way, does it mean that his death should be more artistic? Uh... Is dying from choking on shit art enough? 】

Futaba's smart mind was running rapidly, and countless thoughts flashed through him in an instant. Although he went a little off track later, his calmness and mentality were really valuable.

But her thinking stopped there. The next second, an old man wearing a butler's uniform strode into the lounge and looked at Futaba, who was standing there with his hands behind his back, looking like he was gazing at a mountain... Or should I say It was Qiangwei who smiled: "It's been a long wait, let's go."

【What have you been waiting for? Where to go? Just go and kill that GAY named San Qiao? 】

While Futaba was thinking this, she nodded nervously, straightened her clothes in a decent manner, walked forward slowly and said, "Okay."

"Don't be nervous, Rose."

The old man who has been the housekeeper of the Georgia family for more than 40 years, and who can almost be said to have watched Qiangwei grow up, blinked and said briskly: "To be honest, you have become a little unlike yourself recently, please relax. , My child, your marriage to Master Philo was personally appointed by the master, so don’t be too neurotic."

[Good guy, I have a partner~]

Futaba whistled in her heart, then turned away with a blushing face, and whispered: "Even if you say that, I still feel... it's a little unreal."

"Stop thinking nonsense, you really love each other."

The old housekeeper patted Qiangwei's shoulder affectionately, and without saying anything else, turned around and walked out of the room first. Then he turned around with a wry smile and waved to Qiangwei, who was still in a daze, to follow.

The two walked on the second floor of the rather plainly decorated city hall. Although it was not complicated, it was enough for Mo Tan and his ilk to get lost for three days and three nights. Finally, they came to a door located at the east end of the second floor ( Futaba has almost completed the architectural structure and floor plan of this place on the way).

"Go ahead."

The old man knocked on the door twice, then suddenly frowned, took off the [Yangyan Guards Medal] pinned to Qiangwei's shoulder, and whispered: "Don't go out wearing this thing again, if you If you don't want to throw it away, if you want to keep it as a memory, just find a place to hide it, and I will keep it for you now."

【Careless? Not conscious? Don't know the atmosphere? 】

Futaba frowned subconsciously, then turned her gaze to the badge that she hadn't noticed before and was currently being held by the old man. She nodded hesitantly: "Okay."

The old man was not surprised by Qiangwei's reaction. He just pushed aside the heavy wooden door engraved with the Georgia family's coat of arms and moved out of the way.

Futaba took a deep breath and slowly walked into the room.

[Lord’s office? 】

Looking around the surrounding environment covertly, Futaba secretly made a judgment in his heart, and then turned his gaze to the tall figure opposite, facing the spacious floor-to-ceiling window, with his back turned to himself.

"You came."

After a long while, the man with a square face, dressed in fine clothes and a little taller than Qiangwei, turned around, then subconsciously cast his gaze on her shoulder, and then was slightly stunned, showing a pleased smile, gentle. He smiled and said, "You finally know how to take off that thing."

Futaba twitched her lips in embarrassment, then "subconsciously" glanced at the door behind her, and sold the old man who was probably still at the door without hesitation.

Sure enough, the middle-aged man in front of him frowned and asked, "Could it be that old Swann took it off for you?"


Futaba nodded honestly.

"Oh, he does have good intentions. He is probably afraid that you still bring that thing with you and it will make me unhappy."

The man shrugged, sat back on the chair, and complained, "He didn't even think about how I could...huh..."

When he came to the end, he suddenly stopped talking. After a while, he smiled bitterly and said, "Well, I do seem to be unhappy because of this kind of thing, but that's not important. The important thing is..."

He turned his attention to Rose again.

Futaba immediately straightened his body 'subconsciously' without squinting.

"That's what we're going to talk about next, kid."

The man stared at Futaba with deep eyes and said calmly: "Also, there is no need to be so serious. At least during this period of time, I hope you will treat me as your own father...or rather as an adoptive father, not as someone from Georgia. Administrator, Angus Georgia, one of the dynasty’s most loyal lackeys.”

【This is a rebellion! 】

Futaba immediately made a judgment and deduced that the other party was not trying to rebel against the Sun Dynasty, but...

[After the Sun Dynasty was just overthrown, those people who were determined to regain its glory, I am afraid this guy is not trying to rebel against those people. 】

Having already judged the current timeline and situation through various clues, Futaba immediately guessed the correct answer.

"Perhaps you have already guessed...well, maybe you are the only one who has not guessed now, child."

The man who called himself Angus Georgia sighed and looked at Qiangwei like an old landowner looking at his silly daughter: "In the future, there may be some changes in the Georgian Territory, some... well, big changes. "

Futaba blinked in confusion and looked at Angus with the bright eyes of a silly girl from an old landlord's house: "What's the change?"

"Give this land the long-lost freedom."


"Break off the shackles on us, break free from the heavy cages and shackles."


"Step out of the shadows and take a new step."


“Simply put, it’s independence.”

"Oh ah?!"

Chapter 1,170: End

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