Quadruple split

Chapter 1148 Lover (IV)

Game time AM01:15

[Your spiritual connection has been detected and personal information is being synchronized...]

[Connection completed, reading character information]

[Welcome back, chaotic neutral Tan Mo, will soon enter the realm of innocence, wish you good night]

Academy City inner ring area, top floor of [Stars] high-end chain hotel, suite zero, master bedroom

The high-end magic crystal lamp next to the fireplace is shining with dim but unexpectedly clear light. It maintains just the right brightness to not disturb the tenants' sleep, but also prevents the entire room from being completely enveloped in darkness, silently guarding it. The dream of two people.

The aromatherapy on the wall was automatically replaced with the sweet elephant flower essence that helps to rest the mind as early as night fell. The magic carvings hidden in the patterns on the corners of the ceiling were running quietly, while constantly sending a large amount of clear and pure wind elements. It is used to keep the air fresh when entering the room, while constantly fine-tuning the room temperature to always maintain the temperature of the master bedroom at the most comfortable and pleasant level.

Even if the "science" outside the game has developed to a very hard core, there is no way to do it better.

As for the luxury of this kind of specifications, although the modern society outside the game can be said to be a crushing cost-effectiveness in terms of cost, if we think about it from another perspective, we can also understand that as long as we are willing to spend money, even if there is no hard-core modern society Technology', the local operators of the Innocence Realm can still create a comfortable environment with the same effect through a large number of means such as magic, theology, engineering, alchemy and even pharmacy.

The super luxury suite No. 8888 in every ‘Liu Li Pavilion’ under the Gold Coin Chamber of Commerce, and the No. 0 suite on the top floor of every [Stars] under the Steam Consortium, almost all have this kind of top-notch luxury configuration.

You can't live in these places with money. In fact, the upper limit that ordinary consumers can live in is the place where Mo Tan lives when he acts with a "chaotic neutral" personality and has no shortage of money. It has both safety and security. Comfortable, luxurious and expensive, the room rate per night is basically four figures for a luxury suite.

However, there are only two Rooms 8888 in each Liuli Pavilion, and there is only one Suite Zero in each Fanxing. They are not affordable just by being rich.

In fact, the vast majority of people who can live in such a place do not need to spend any money.

For example, he was born in the famous Archizolti family of mages. Not only is he one of the three most famous astrologers, he is also the cousin of Kenneth A. Archizolti, the youngest official member of the Council of Truth in hundreds of years. , Diana is one of the best in terms of strength and family status.


Curling up in the corner of the large bed, which was covered with soft velvet and had a very large area, a beautiful woman with long, smooth flaxen hair and a pleasant appearance frowned in her sleep and looked at the person beside the pillow who was not looking at her. His relatively strong and muscular chest arched, and then he grabbed the hand that had been caressing his hair since a few seconds ago, and put it next to his cheek, rubbing it, and raised the corners of his mouth. There was a hint of happiness.

Although she wore a nightgown over those conservatively styled underwear, the woman's unobstructed view of her graceful figure was still enough to make the blood of most men with good health and normal sexual orientation surge. Coupled with that cute look Her sleeping appearance and lethality are undoubtedly at the ceiling level.

However, the man next to him, who had a normal orientation and was still in good health, did not have any urge to transform into a beast. On the contrary, his warm and bright black eyes only contained pure doting and no adulteration. Impurity of love, without any original desire.

"Thank you so much for your hard work."

He murmured softly at a volume that he could barely hear, then lowered his eyes to look at the great astrologer who had squeezed into his arms in his sleep, and printed a mark on the latter's forehead like a dragonfly. kiss.

Because from a subjective point of view, Diana would not resist Frank Hughes's level of intimacy at all, and could even be said to enjoy it, so this kind of 'peck' that was not even a serious kiss was considered a system. There's no way to stop it.

Gently pulling his arms out of the other person's arms, Mo Tan carefully left the big bed, which was very tempting from all angles, without making any sound, and then picked up his bed from the cabinet. Wearing simple glasses, he walked slowly to the small box on one of the walls, added a little powder with a light fruity scent to it, and left the room quietly.

Then, just as Mo Tan carefully closed the bedroom door and breathed a sigh of relief, a sharp gaze was instantly fixed on his soft-contoured face.

"Do you want to do something shameful when you get up so late?"

The girl sitting in the middle of the hall snorted softly. While using her magic power to control several thick occult reference books to circle around her, she grabbed the robe next to her that was hanging on the armrest of the sofa and put it on her body. The shoulders are hidden.

"Use the restroom and then go outside."

Mo Tan smiled, stepped forward and twisted the portable lantern on the corner of the table that exuded a dim yellow halo. Then the latter emitted a light that was about three times stronger than before, and said very seriously: " If you read at night, you should at least brighten the light, otherwise it will affect your vision."

Futaba rolled her eyes and pushed up her glasses angrily: "You want to mind your own business? My shortsightedness has long been hopeless, right?"

"Haha, it's always good to pay more attention anyway."

Mo Tan was not angry, but while adjusting the position of the magic crystal lamp on the corner of the table, trying to make it cover the pages of the classics around Futaba as much as possible, he smiled gently and said: "And I noticed You are wearing flat glasses, so your eyesight should not be so bad that it cannot be saved."

"You are quite a bitch."

Futaba wrinkled her nose, changed to a sitting position that was relatively less exposed (she was squatting on the sofa just now), and gave Mo Tan a fierce look: "Go to your toilet, don't disturb my study. "

"Okay, okay~"

Mo Tan, who finally adjusted the angle of the magic crystal lamp, smiled, stood up straight and walked slowly to the bathroom on the left side of the hall. Then he locked the door, crossed his legs, took out a bottle of water from his bag, and unplugged the cork. Then he started to pour into the toilet that was similar in shape to modern toilets... and it looked like a realm of innocence.

After all, he can't really go to the toilet in the game, even if the game cabin is waterproof.

However, given that the sound insulation effect of each room in Suite Zero is very strong, it is not so much that Mo Tan deliberately went to let Futaba hear the subtle sound of splashing, but rather that he simply wanted to amuse himself.

All in all, after nearly two minutes of self-excitement, Mo Tan finally completed this meaningless act of 'going to the toilet', then calmly put the empty bottle back into his bag and walked to the rather gorgeous pool next to it. I washed my hands before returning to the hall.

"It's getting late. You guys have been running around outside all day. You should pay attention to the balance between work and rest."

Mo Tan chuckled and warned Futaba, who didn't even pay attention to him this time. Then he walked to the small bar on the other side of the hall, closer to the kitchen, and asked casually: "Are you used to drinking coffee? I remember this place. The beans seem to be pretty good.”

Futaba snorted, and while quickly using a quill to record something on the parchment in front of him, he said in a cold voice: "First, I asked people to pay attention to the balance between work and rest, and then asked if they wanted to have something to go with sleep. A drink that is an antonym, there is something wrong with you."

"Because the chances of you taking the advice honestly are too low."

Seeing that Futaba did not refuse directly, Mo Tan brewed coffee in a pleasing way, and soon received two cups of consumables [Marquis of Green Fields] of excellent quality.

Taking down a pair of delicate spoons from the shelf, Mo Tan looked back at Futaba: "Would you like more sweetness?"


The petite girl was concise and to the point.


Mo Tan smiled, put a few sugar cubes in Futaba's cup, then walked up to the girl with two cups of coffee, and placed one cup in front of her: "Please~"

"Give me another glass, just leave it there, thanks."

The girl said lightly while controlling the invisible magic thread to quickly turn the pages.

"Well, actually I'm not very used to sweet food, but... okay."

Mo Tan reluctantly exchanged the cup of coffee prepared for himself for Futaba, and took a bitter look on his face as he took a sip of the special cup that was too sweet for Frank Hughes: "Do you think I will poison you? ?”

"Who knows, even if you don't poison, you still have to be careful."

The corners of Futaba's mouth raised slightly, and she glanced at Mo Tan in the middle of her busy schedule: "After all, I'm so cute, and Diana fell asleep again, what if you want to knock me out and then move on me? "

[Even if I jump from the 20-meter-floor building on this floor, there is absolutely no way I can do anything to you, a four-eyed bean sprout who wants nothing. 】

Mo Tan complained in his heart, and then touched the tip of his nose with some embarrassment: "You are overthinking, Miss Shuangye."

"It's just a joke. You have such a bad sense of humor. I really don't know how you chased Diana... Well, well, you don't seem to have any sense of humor to chase her."

Futaba muttered a lot, then clapped his hands gently and concluded solemnly: "Scum!"

"I don't know much about the sense of humor."

Mo Tan smiled bitterly and shook his head, shrugging: "But in terms of imagination, Miss Futaba, you must be richer."

"Thanks for the compliment."

Futaba leaned lazily on the sofa, grabbed the book "Elementary Magic·Infrastructure Overview and Elemental Proportions ①" next to him, and asked casually while flipping through it: "So, Diana's dear Frank... Mr. Hughes, what are you planning to do by getting up so late?"

"Get out of the house."

Mo Tan gave a crisp answer and said with some helplessness: "Actually, I planned to go out during the day, but I didn't expect Miss Lehman to come over suddenly. It is said that her family has a close relationship with Brother Kenneth, so I can't handle it." If people leave it there, it will be delayed.”

Futaba's eyes hidden behind the pages of the book narrowed slightly: "Oh? So what are you going to do?"

"Go buy Diana a gift."

Mo Tan touched his pocket with some embarrassment, and said coquettishly: "As you know, when we were together, I rarely had the opportunity to buy anything for Diana, although I knew that she took care of me, and we had a lot of financial resources between us. There is indeed a big gap, but if I always ask her to foot the bill and say it’s a favor, I really feel..."

"To put it simply, you don't want to eat soft rice?"

Futaba twitched the corner of his mouth and said with a dry smile: "Give up. If you are really lucky enough to live with Diana for the rest of your life, believe me, the label of soft rice boy will definitely stick with you for the rest of your life, scumbag!"

Mo Tan smiled very freely: "It doesn't matter, I don't care what others think, I just want to do something that I can do within my own capabilities."

"Oh, so you want to buy her something?"

Futaba glanced lazily at Mo Tan, her tone lacking interest.

"Please allow me to keep this a secret."

Mo Tan shrugged, then turned and walked towards the foyer: "It's not an expensive item in the first place. If you lose the concept of surprise, you really can't get rid of it."

"You still have some self-awareness, but after all, is there really a store open so late at night?"

"The items were ordered from a store called Weird and Weird and a store owned by the Church of Fortune. They are both open 24 hours a day."

"Okay, keep your voice down when you go out, don't wake up Diana and cause the plan to go bankrupt and end up being blamed on me."

"Probably not. I just added some Ningshen flower powder to the aromatherapy. I believe she should be able to sleep well."

"Wow! You are really despicable and shameless!"

"I can't help it. Diana slept too lightly, and she's been so busy these past two days. I feel like she didn't get enough rest."

"Okay, okay, go ahead and do whatever you need to do. Remember to get the key card, I'm too lazy to open the door for you."

"Okay, see you later, Miss Futaba."

"Slip away, Ma."

one minute later

Wearing thin light-colored pajamas, with two smooth long legs exposed without scruples, the sleepy-eyed Diana A. Azizolti appeared in front of Futaba, with a red face and muttered: " Well...surprise...Frank is really...a surprise or something, actually..."

"You really want it, right?"

Futaba sighed and glanced helplessly at the mentor in front of him: "But Diana, did you really hear everything?"

"Ah...I...I actually didn't mean it..."

Diana, who was less than 30 years old, waved her hands blushingly like a shy girl, and explained stumblingly: "It's just that I'm a light sleeper, and I'm a little sensitive to Frank's smell and temperature, so I accidentally Just woke up... He won't be angry with me, right? He's obviously prepared the calming pollen deliberately, woo!"

Inexplicably, the great astrologer, who was passionately in love, let out a mournful cry. He pursed his lips and squatted down, feeling aggrieved as much as he wanted, and began to lose his temper with himself.

"I said, Diana..."

"Ah! Here!"

"You are so stupid."


"To be honest, if you continue like this, it will be really, really, really dangerous! Unless..."

"Unless what?"

"Unless that guy really... likes you as much as he makes me feel."


"It's okay! Go back to your room and wait for your surprise while sleeping!"

"Oh, good night then!"

"Well, good night, good night..."

Chapter 1141: End

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