Quadruple split

Chapter 1147 Reluctantly

Obviously, we who have a God's perspective to a certain extent can easily find that, in addition to maintaining more than three magical arts at all times, we accompanied Eliza for a long time to go shopping, and when we came back, we could hardly even walk normally. In addition to the fact that Black was really tired, whether it was Mo Tan or Fiari, they were not tired in the physical sense, but in a spiritual sense... haggard.

And if nothing else happened, the thing that made them slumped here and moaning like two dead dogs was still the same thing.

"Okay, okay, let's fight with him~"

Yuchen couldn't help but coaxed Feiyali, who rarely showed childishness, and then stared at the latter's pretty face that couldn't hide her tiredness and said seriously: "So go back to the room and sleep now, even if you just lie down and think of a solution, you can do it." , it’s time for you to go to bed.”

Feiyali puffed up her cheeks and said unhappily: "Why do I feel that Wangyu is just coaxing a child now! I protest, strong women don't need sleep!"

"Staying up late is the enemy of health."

Yuchen shook his head and continued to coax: "You are very tired now. You should have a good rest even for the sake of your skin. As girls, we must learn to be kind to ourselves~"

Feiyali slammed the table angrily and pouted: "I don't want it! I don't accept it! I must get my place back, and I can say anything today..."

"Go to sleep~"

Yuchen smiled brightly and interrupted the Saint of Fortune, who was obviously on top, and asked sweetly in a tone that left no room for doubt: "Okay?"


As the most favored person of the Goddess of Wealth, Philly Graham, who had already half-stepped into the epic realm at the age of just over 20, trembled violently at this moment and looked at it with trepidation. Take a look at the friend next to you who has a sweet smile, is gentle and lovely, and has clear eyes.

Although she didn't think that the new dawn saint named 'Chen Wangyu' in this world could do anything to her, the biting cold behind her still suppressed all her stubbornness. In the end, it turned out to be a difficult place. He nodded and responded obediently: "Okay...I...I'm going to bed right now..."


Yuchen nodded happily, then pursed his lips slightly and warned meaningfully: "I will go upstairs to see you later. I hope you will have fallen asleep well by then, Feiyali~"

The latter's face immediately stiffened: "Wangyu, didn't you just say that I could lie down and think..."


"I know! I will leave the door open for you. If I fall asleep, don't forget to lock it when you go out! Who knows if Hafan will attack me at night!"

After hurriedly saying these words, the Saint of Wealth jumped up like a frightened rabbit and ran upstairs.

"Really, I don't know how to take care of myself at all."

After watching Feiyali jump upstairs, Yu Chen smiled helplessly, and then gently poked Mo Tan, who had been lying on the table pretending to be dead: "There is someone else, you should go and rest."


Yi Zuo, who didn't care at all whether Feiyali would die of overwork, nodded vigorously like a chicken pecking at rice, and looked worriedly at Mo Tan, who was actually in a much better mental state than Feiyali: "Senior, go to bed! Although I don’t know why, but I always feel like you are tired.”

Mo Tan was not embarrassed to continue lying down and pretending to be dead. He slowly sat up straight and said with a smile: "Actually, it's not bad. After all, people like me and Wangyu are different from Feiyali. We..."

"When I was in Misha County before, you told me that even though 'here' hardly puts a burden on the body, if it is too overdrawn, it will also have an impact on the mind."

Yu Chen smiled at Mo Tan, blinked pointedly and said, "And isn't someone always busy? Doesn't it really matter if you stay here all the time?"

Mo Tan smiled coquettishly. He really didn't have anything else to be busy with today. After all, as 'Mo', he had already finished the game, and as 'Tan Mo', he was fighting fiercely with Feiyali. It was an hour ago, so without stopping to watch movies, he had surprisingly plenty of game time at the moment.

"Actually...well, how should I put it..."

Mo Tan, who didn't really want to leave Yuchen's side, scratched his cheek and showed a refreshing silly smile: "Actually, I'm quite leisurely, so it doesn't matter if I drink two more cups of coffee and go to bed a little later, right?"

[After all, in a sense, I am sleeping right now. 】

Mo Tan didn't speak too clearly, but he believed that Yu Chen should be able to understand what he meant.

Again, in order to avoid exposing his flaws in extreme situations, he has recently been reducing the number of messages he sends to Yuchen, Ji Xiaoge and others. He pretends not to see them if he can, and he doesn't use messages if he can answer verbally. Never forget to pave the way for yourself.

"Okay, let's sit there for a while~"

Yuchen didn't force Mo Tan, who was already sleeping, to pretend to go back to the room. He just reminded him casually: "Anyway, don't force yourself too much."

Mo Tan took a sip of the warm coffee in front of him, nodded happily and said, "Don't worry, I'm counting, but I'll follow suit..."

"I am not sleepy."

The female knight answered briefly and concisely.

"Okay, I don't have any plans for tomorrow anyway, so there's no need to get up early. If you want to go to bed later, just go to bed later."

Mo Tan didn't insist anymore. He leaned back in his chair comfortably, holding coffee in his hand and squinting his eyes as comfortably as a retired cadre, and his whole body relaxed.

The aroma that occasionally passed through the tip of his nose was almost exactly the same as the smell that Mo Tan had smelled several times when he had close contact with Yu Chen outside the game. At this moment, he sincerely praised the Innocence Realm Lord System in his heart. His piety index is more than ten times higher than his belief in the goddess of dawn!

However, as the saying goes, the comfortable time is always short-lived. After one second...

"Well, Hei Fan, are you really free?"

Yu Chen held his chin and blinked at Mo Tan.

"Well, yes~"

The fighting competition is over, and the negotiation time with Fiyali is in his own hands. There is no need to be a referee and go to the arena every day to show off. The unprecedentedly relaxed Mo Tan nodded almost without thinking, feeling comfortable. "I can finally take a breather," he said.

"That's right."

Yuchen immediately clapped his hands gently and said with a smile: "Then let's go get together with Xiao Ge and the others tomorrow. We already sent a message this afternoon that the three of us will have lunch together when we are free. Or dinner or something, um, and that awesome little brother Mo."

【? ! 】

Mo Tan's eyes widened immediately, and he used all his strength to barely restrain his emotions, preventing himself from spitting out the coffee or choking to death.

He was careless after all, so he didn't expect that even though he was a little free, time management didn't seem to require as much effort as before, but at the same time, with the conclusion of the comprehensive knight fighting competition, Yu Yu The "Innocent Interface Base" plan that sisters Chen and Ji Xiaoge started planning a long time ago also meets the conditions for restarting, which means...

Although Mo Tan has a lot more freedom after the fighting skills competition than before, he may also encounter difficulty levels at any time that are much higher than "being his own thug", "directing his own battles", Tasks such as "Being a judge for myself" and "Falling into a deep sleep in front of everyone", with a rollover index of five stars - "meeting online with myself who is my friend and netizen who has heard of my name for a long time".

No, to be more precise, it is no longer 'maybe coming at any time'. Based on what Yu Chen said just now, Mo Tan can be sure that there is a certain Youyi with a lively, cheerful and generous personality. Most of the beautiful girls had already settled the matter on their own after learning that Yuchen was fine.

So even if he found a way to "not be free tomorrow", Yuchen would probably go alone to have a get-together with Ji Xiaoge.

So, should I be free tomorrow? Can you be available?

Subconsciously, Mo Tan, who was immersed in thinking, frowned slightly.

"Ah, it's okay if it's hard to find time."

Yuchen didn't miss the small details on the other person's expression, and immediately added with a smile: "Actually, Xiaoge just wants to have a good time with me. You and that little brother Mo are just adding to each other, so it doesn't matter if you don't go. oh."

"Well, it's okay. Actually, it's not like I'm not free or anything."

Mo Tan waved his hand, and finally gritted his teeth and stamped his feet in his heart, and responded seriously: "Then let's make a decision first, do you mean to have dinner together?"

"It means lunch and dinner are fine, but I actually prefer to gather together in the evening when it's cooler, then walk together, and then have dinner and chat."

Yuchen said while tapping his chin gently, and then suddenly made a naughty face to Mo Tan: "Because it's too hot at noon~"

[Damn it, if only I knew Blake’s air-conditioning magic...]

Mo Tan curled his lips, turned his head away from the girl's narrow gaze, and coughed slightly in embarrassment: "Well, anyway, this matter has been settled for now."

"Are you sure?"

Yuchen hesitated for a moment, but finally muttered softly: "There was something wrong with your expression just now. If it's inconvenient, don't force it..."

"You're thinking too much."

Mo Tan waved his hand to interrupt the girl's concern, shrugged and said, "I was a little panicked just now because I heard the keywords 'eat a meal together' and 'Xiaoge classmate' in a short period of time, you know."

! ! !

Yuchen's little face also turned pale, then he coughed slightly and shook his head: "No, no, no, she said she has already reflected on it. As long as everyone doesn't take the initiative to seek death... Ah! I mean, as long as everyone doesn't I can’t think about it…well, no, no, I…”

"I know."

Mo Tan let out a long sigh and said with a heavy face: "You have worked very hard. There is no suitable adjective for this... I can't blame you."

Yu Chen: "..."

"Then I'll go and rest first."

Mo Tan stretched his body lazily, walked to the stairs with brisk steps, and waved his hands without looking back: "You two, don't sleep too late."


It wasn't until Mo Tan's figure disappeared around the corner of the stairs that Yi Zhao suddenly reacted and said in confusion: "Didn't Senior just say that it's okay to go to bed a little later?"


"But why did he suddenly decide to take a rest?"

"Who knows, maybe it's because I feel sleepy while talking."

"Well, is that so..."

"Just treat it like that."

"It feels so weird."

"That's right~"

[Chuiqing Hotel] Second floor, double room No. 205

‘Don’t push yourself too hard (`ω)’’

Mo Tan glanced at the message someone had just sent him for the last time, with a helpless curve at the corner of his mouth, and murmured with a wry smile: "I don't want to force myself."

He closed his eyes silently, trying to figure out his emotions, wondering why he didn't take the steps given by Yuchen just now, and just took advantage of the situation and didn't participate in the unexpected but reasonable little show tomorrow. gathering, but found that it was in vain.

Because he already knew the answer.

That considerate girl always tolerated her, who behaved badly from all angles. It was like this when they first met half a year ago, and it's still like this now.

Perhaps before that failed 'date', Mo Tan could still enjoy this tolerance with peace of mind, but after the window paper was pierced, he could no longer do it now.

He has neither the courage to retreat nor the courage to move forward. This kind of thing may be sick and abnormal for others, but for Mo Tan, it is not that he cannot find a suitable reason for himself.

His spiritual problems can serve as the ultimate explanation for all contradictions.

It was precisely because of the existence of such an explanation that he was able to maintain this situation through repeated self-comfort.

A ridiculous situation of being more than a friend but not yet a lover.

Extremely selfish and mean-spirited tacit understanding.

But even so, he still didn't want to overdraw the girl's tolerance and understanding indefinitely.

Even that girl who is as pure and clear as the morning light is still just an ordinary person after all.

She's smart, but she plays dumb a lot of the time.

She can also be depressed, worried, uneasy, and sad, but she can hide it much better than many people.

She has limits, and her tolerance also has limits.

And Mo Tan, who has always been consuming the other party's tolerance, although he does not expect that the knot tied to him will be solved with the passage of time, he is not willing to let the girl always bear this layer of fog that surrounds him. '.

"Oh, instead of shamelessly saying that I don't want to see the uneasiness hidden in her eyes..."

Mo Tan covered his cheeks tiredly, and raised the corner of his mouth into a mocking smile: "It's better to say that I want her to reach her limit later and enjoy the illusion of happiness for a while longer."

He slowly squatted down, leaned his back against the door, and buried his head in his arms.

"I'm really tired. Sure enough, I'm hopelessly rotten..."

"Really, didn't I already say it..."

On the other side, her back was against the door. Although she heard nothing, the girl with clear eyes sighed softly at the same time and murmured in an imperceptible voice——

"Don't force yourself too much..."

Chapter 1,140: End

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