Quadruple split

Chapter 1121 Confirmation

A high-level knight, even a talented, skilled and aware high-level knight, under normal circumstances would only have one possibility to stand in front of an entire order of knights, and that is - not wanting to live anymore.

What's more, the opposite side is a heavy cavalry group that is almost armed to the teeth. Even if the average strength cannot be said to be outstanding, they are the elites of Academy City's famous schools. They are the elites who can crush the game compared to ordinary high-level knights.

In short, even if Mo Tan at this moment is a T1 player among the top 200 in the rankings, and even if he is fighting side by side with Wang Badan now and is much stronger than when he was an individual player, this behavior is still common sense. It's like using a mantis' arm as a chariot.

But the Paladin Knight Academy couldn't just crush this mantis to death.

There are two reasons -

First of all, based on Mo Tan's strength, if the opponent wants to eliminate him instantly, although it is not an impossible task, the charging rhythm will definitely be greatly affected, and this impact will directly cause them to be unable to follow. Go up to the rangers of the Diesel family in the distance, and the situation will become a situation where the fifteen heavy knights who were separated before are directly covered by the rangers' long-range firepower. In addition, Liadrin will inevitably choose the center. The five blooming Diesel heavy cavalry will all end up being destroyed in a short period of time.

When the time comes, Diesel can completely regroup calmly, once again rely on the configuration advantage to regain distance from the main formation of the Paladin Knight Academy, and take advantage of fifteen heads with the loss of only one Mo, and the latter's current It is already difficult for their troops to support them in breaking up and encircling them again.

There is no need for command and control. When that time comes, even if the people in the Diesel delegation are fools, they will still know how to fight.

As for the second reason, it is the iron rule in the fighting competition that it is strictly forbidden to intentionally seriously injure the opponent and not kill the opponent under any circumstances. In other words, even if Barty can react as quickly as possible, he cannot let this person The heavy cavalry ran over without slowing down, trampling the opponent to pieces, including the bastard.

It is true that the use of the competition system to this extent is not in line with the spirit of chivalry, and it also seems a bit utilitarian. However, when the plan was made, Mo Tan was not in his current mental state. He was in a relatively moral bottom line, but it was definitely not. Under the "absolutely neutral" personality who doesn't mind playing dirty tricks.

Therefore, when this method was indeed the optimal solution, although Mo Tan was a good person in every sense of the word, he was never pedantic and followed the arrangement smoothly, and There is no psychological burden.

Taking a step back, compared to Diesel's side who uses the competition system to influence the opponent's judgment, the Paladin Knight Academy has inserted Mu Xuejian, who is completely incompatible with the 'Knight', into this game. In fact, it is even more unjustifiable.

Although all of the above are quite complicated to explain, they are still within the scope of being able to see through Barty Arthur, who is the core of the Knights of the Holy Lance at this moment and the absolute soul.

So he immediately and without thinking chose the optimal solution that could break the situation.

"Everyone ignores the interference, gives up their position and continues to charge along the original path. Mu Xuejian, give you one minute to deal with him as quickly as possible!"

Following Barty's angry shout, the two wings of the Paladin Knights deflected at an imperceptible angle. At the same time, the Chinese army, which had gained more space, quickly split into two parts, leaving room for one. It's not spacious, but there is a 'safe passage' wide for three people. Without slowing down at all, he galloped past both sides of Motan without looking away. Except for the knight on the innermost side, who raised his shield for a moment of warning, everyone else Everyone regarded this half-dragon man with a tortoise and a hammer as nothing.

Except Mu Xuejian!

This girl, who was not good at riding, immediately stopped forcing herself to keep up with the rhythm after receiving Batty's instructions. She fell to the end of the team in just a few seconds, and after the last heavy cavalry passed by her, He let go of the reins and let the intelligent war horse find a place to be in a daze. He pulled out the [Wu Shuang] from behind and quickly fired towards Mo Tan who was just a short distance away.

[Quick Sword·Ben Lei]

The slender figure accelerated again less than five meters away from the opponent, and the slender sword in his hand burst out with a series of substantial lightning. The 'dedicated' Mu Xuejian did not say a word of nonsense to Mo Tan at this moment. , starting with an extremely sharp killing move, stabbing the latter's chest accurately.

Wanting to deal with the opponent in front of him who is expected to rival him in the future is actually not difficult for Mu Xuejian who no longer holds back in one minute. He has omitted the 'teaching' link and no longer focuses on 'competition'. When the goal is to strive for victory with all her strength, this girl's strength is definitely enough to sweep away 90% of the players who are below fifty in the personal combat power rankings in an instant.

It's a pity that the person standing in front of him at this moment happens to not be among the 90% of players.

Without hesitation, he raised his left hand and pushed up the delicate little round shield stuck on his forearm. Mo Tan used [Innocent Justice] to jam the gap between the two crystal clusters on Wang Ba Dan's back. Stabilizing his body, he activated the [Shield Wall] without a moment's delay, and completed the force release three times in just one second of contact, neutralizing Mu Xuejian's thunderous blow.

It is different from the Diesel family's basic combat skill [Thunder] that Liadrin loves to use. Although there is only one word difference, based on the skill [Seven Absolute Sword Qi], Mu Xuejian's skill [Quick Sword·Thunder] is It does have additional thunder and lightning attributes. Although the strength is relatively average and it is difficult to trigger the paralysis effect, it still has a high probability of affecting the opponent's subsequent actions. This is the core reason why she chose this move as her starting move.

However, her opponent was a half-dragon with thunder dragon blood, and he was riding a golden dragonborn who was almost immune to mid- to low-level magic damage. Therefore, even though two rays of lightning spread along the sword body to Mo Tan, But it did not have the slightest impact on the latter.

[spinous process]

After successfully completing the attack, Mo Tan immediately waved the [Unsullied Justice] with his backhand and blasted it towards the girl's dignified and handsome face, and Wang Badan, who was connected with him, fiercely struck at the same time. Kicking off the ground adds another 30% to the already fierce momentum of this move. .

And Mu Xuejian's reaction was also very fast. Almost at the same time that Mo Tan raised the war hammer, he immediately put the [Wushuang] in his hand against it. His secret strength was revealed, and he came first with one hand to attack Mo Tan. The used [Tai Chi Sword·Taoyue] tried to relieve the force.

However, this time, Mo Tan was not destroyed in an instant like before. Instead, he raised his left hand and knocked the shield heavily on the handle of the hammer, which actually directly destroyed the An Jin that Mu Xuejian used to fight back.

He is not a Saint, but if you want to use the same move on him a second time, the effect may not be much better.

"Brother, the idea is so tricky!"

Wang Ba, who witnessed the first round confrontation between the two at almost zero distance, took a breath of cold air and couldn't help shouting: "This bitch is so fierce!"

【Girl? 】

Mu Xuejian frowned, and then concentrated again. After all his dark energy had been offset, but the skill had not yet completely ended, he used force again, and passed a sword intention that could cause ordinary people direct internal injuries through the sword in Mo Tan's hand. The war hammer was poured over.

"Stop talking nonsense."

Mo Tan quickly gave Wang Ba Dan a lesson, but he still couldn't hold back the BB. He stabbed the turtle's shell hard with the handle of the hammer, and the sharp sword intention was transmitted to Wang Ba Dan.


Hearing the bastard's scream, a crystal cluster on the front of his back suddenly glowed brightly, and then came out three-dimensionally, shooting towards Mu Xuejian like a cannonball.


The girl, who had not expected this scene at all, first said "Hey" in surprise, then quickly moved her backhand horizontally, splitting the crystal cluster into two in mid-air, and at the same time dispersed the energy contained in it. The unstable energy fluctuations in the crystal cluster turned this crystal cluster, which was no less powerful than Ji Xiaoge's [Fragmented Tea Eggs for Humans], into a squib.

"Is this okay?!"

Wang Ba Dan was shocked at that time, and then he bared his teeth and said to Mo Tan in a serious voice: "Brother, let's admit defeat, we can't fight this battle!"

"If you say a few more words, it will really be impossible to fight."

Mo Tan raised his shield again, and while holding his breath and staring at Mu Xuejian, he chuckled: "And I didn't intend to win against her in the first place."

[Immortal Sword Ao Shenzhou]

As soon as he finished speaking, a giant sword shadow shrouded in clouds and mist suddenly appeared in front of Mo Tan, but it was Mu Xuejian who had completed the breath adjustment again and made another move.

[Shield Slam]

Without any hesitation, Mo Tan pushed out his left shield again, and pressed his whole body firmly against the largest crystal cluster behind Wang Ba Dan, attacking with attack, and withstood the attack head-on.

The last time, Mu Xuejian used this move to force him to jump up on the spot, and directly took away nearly 30% of Mo Tan's health through the derivative skill [Sword Qi Rushing into the Sky], which directly contributed to the one-sided personal defeat. The battle set the tone.

But this time, with the passive assistance of Wang Badan, Mo Tan, who was fighting with each other, only lost less than 5% of his health, and he neutralized this powerful sword light head-on, and at the same time, he destroyed the powerful sword light that could have been used. After successfully forcing the enemy to move, the derivative skills that seamlessly connect are nipped in the bud.

"Why are you fighting so happily if you don't intend to win!"

The bastard started talking and refused to stop for a moment.

"Because I can't lose too quickly."

Wiping away the sweat on his cheeks, Mo Tan smiled and whispered: "What's more, my two previous guesses have been confirmed."


Mu Xuejian, who had sharp ears, did not miss the second half of the sentence. While using the [Sword Control Technique] to control his beloved sword to fly towards Mo Tan's left shoulder, he asked curiously: "Are there any guesses about me?"

"That's right."

Mo Tan nodded, and while swinging his hammer to smash [Wu Shuang] open without hesitation, he said bluntly: "First of all, although your intuition is still accurate and your combat awareness is far superior to anyone I know, when I use the sword When using other weapons, no matter how fast you react, you still won't be able to 'see through' the unforeseen as before."


Mu Xuejian raised his slender hand lightly, and [Wushuang], which originally flew out upside down, immediately froze in mid-air, and appeared ghostly in Mo Tan's back heart in the next moment, attacking straight towards his Shentang point.

The sword skills are smooth and flowing, and the sword intention can be retracted and released freely.

If it retreats, it can cure shoulder pain and abdominal fullness, and it can cure asthma, cough, and phlegm; if it advances, it can control an injured person for hundreds of miles and take the head of an opponent's dog, which is really a great benefit!

But Wang Badan, who always paid attention to his own safety, reacted immediately. His four thick short legs suddenly kicked off the ground, and the whole turtle was spinning like a top and sliding towards Mu Xuejian. I avoided the sword in a particularly embarrassed manner, fearing that someone would blow my ass off from behind.

Mo Tan, who was connected with the former, activated [Knight Skill·Falcon Strike] at the moment Wang Ba Dan began to rub against the ground, adding two more points of agility to the latter, while he and Wang Ba Dan collided with Mu Xuejian. , while continuing: "As for the other point, although your moves are both gorgeous and practical, and have the ultimate skill, you are only a high-level one after all, so you don't account for much in terms of pure 'power'." Advantage."


Mu Xuejian nodded slightly.

"Take off your pants and fart."

Wang Ba cursed loudly and said angrily: "Brother, can't you keep silent and make a fortune? Why are you telling her that you understand so well?"

Immediately afterwards, the girl raised her hand and held Wushuang tightly in her hand, and smiled sweetly: "Although I didn't hide it too much, it's not easy for you to be able to see this in just two moves. .”

"Excessive praise."

Mo Tan activated [Thorn Charge] at the moment when Wang Ba dared to increase his short-range movement speed to the limit, and swung his hammer condescendingly towards Mu Xuejian who was just a short distance away.

"What a shame, you should have used a sword."

Naturally, Mu Xuejian did not resist when his strength attribute was not as good as the opponent's, nor did he use offense instead of defense to launch a surprise attack on Mo Tan, who was suffering from a high proportion of counter-injury effects at this moment. Instead, he directly relied on [Drunk Immortal Watching the Moon Step]. He moved five meters on the spot and easily escaped from Mo Tan's attack range.

"It's just because I don't want to feel too sorry for myself that I don't use the sword."

Mo Tan replied lightly, and the war hammer in his hand slammed down heavily.

[Knight Skill-Tiger Spear]

The war hammer that had no chance of hitting Mu Xuejian suddenly extended a red war energy and struck Mu Xuejian's left shoulder accurately.


Caught off guard, Mu Xuejian, who had just used [Drunk Immortal Watching the Moon Step], failed to calculate that Mo Tan could temporarily increase the attack range. He did not have time to use [White Horse Crossing the Gap] to evade, so he had to use the sword [Three Techniques] on the same spot. Unite], dissipating the energy attached to the war hammer by Motan.

However, Wang Badan, who was always on the move, had already rushed to Mu Xuejian at this moment. Under the premise that he deliberately controlled the rhythm, Mo Tan had just enough time to include Mu Xuejian in the moment when the [Tiger Spear] was broken. Within attack range.

The powerful half-moon flash shredded the air.

【Arc Moon Flash】


The girl's slender body flew out upside down.

The entire auditorium could hear a pin drop.

Chapter 1,114: End

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