Quadruple split

Chapter 1120 Deduction

"Diesel is in danger."

In the stands, Lamorlock narrowed his eyes slightly and muttered softly.

"Is it dangerous?"

Gawen frowned and moved his gaze away from the main formation of the Paladin Knight Academy, which had begun to charge. He turned to look at the 'authoritative person' next to him and asked curiously: "Did the Diesel family make any mistakes? ?”

Lamorlock laughed dumbly and shook his head: "No, in my opinion they did not make any mistakes. In fact, even if I was personally responsible for the command of the Diesel delegation, I couldn't do any better, but... This is not inconsistent with them being cornered.”

"Is that so? I thought you were very optimistic about Diesel's side."

Gawen shrugged, shook her slender legs, and chuckled: "After all, you just told me how exquisite their previous arrangements were."

"That's not a 'favourite' thing. I just admire them."

Lamorlock shook his head slightly, spread his hands and said, "But this appreciation has no conflict with the disadvantage they are in now. Ha, thank you, Miss Yintian."

He just handed Lamorlock a cup of specially prepared Yintian and smiled politely. Then he took out a bottle of refreshing medicinal tea that he specially made for Gawen from his luggage. After inserting the straw and small parasol, he handed it to the latter. .

"So, are you interested in giving me some knowledge about the secrets that only an expert like you can see?"

Gawen took a sip of a high-cost drink that didn't taste very good, but could slowly increase the upper limit of his basic attributes before he reached a certain level. He looked at the turtle with a different style in Diesel's main formation with interest. The knight asked casually.

"For example?"

"For example, why did those Diesel Knights and their commanders find themselves in a dangerous situation and were forced into a desperate situation even though they made no mistakes?"

"Because the configuration flaws are so serious."

Lamorlock didn't mean to show off at all, and gave the correct answer without hesitation: "In terms of average quality, Diesel's guys undoubtedly have the advantage, but the rangers they serve as the main body today are actually very environment-hungry. Military type~"

He did not continue speaking, because Lamorlock clearly captured that when he said the word 'environment', a glimmer of understanding flashed in the eyes of the woman next to him who had never known her true face.

Obviously, Gawen had already guessed the answer that Lamorlock originally planned to put in the second half of the sentence.

Rangers with flexibility, high range, and high mobility are not inferior to heavy cavalry. In fact, regardless of the factors of personal strength and equipment, there is no difference between professions or between arms. What are the advantages and disadvantages? To put it simply, each has its own strengths and weaknesses.

And in today's game...or to be more precise, in the team competitions of previous comprehensive knight fighting competitions, the ranger unit was almost completely unable to give full play to its advantages.

The reason is simple, the venue is simply not big enough.

The area of ​​​​a football field sounds large, but it is actually not a decent distance for most high-level professionals, let alone these knights galloping on horseback.

In other words, the Rangers are actually unable to operate in such a place. Even the Diesel family's Rangers, at best, only move faster and have more handsome postures in horizontal comparisons. This does not change the fact that they are easily defeated. The fact that heavy cavalry groups at the same level are restrained.

In fact, except for the Diesel delegation, since the establishment of the comprehensive knight fighting competition, no one has ever sent a team mainly composed of Rangers in the team competition, including the Diesel delegation itself. , before the finals, they all had the same heavy cavalry configuration, and the emphasis was on one that could destroy everything.

"But in this game today, they had no choice."

Before Gawen could continue to ask questions, Lamorlock continued to explain in a considerate manner: "Mu Xuejian in the Paladin Knights Academy team obviously has outside-level strength. Although he has the same rank, ordinary people are simply not as powerful as him." I don’t have the qualifications to stand in front of that home page boss.”

Jia Wen lowered his eyes and looked at Mu Xuejian, who was following the middle of the large army. He tightly hugged the mount in front of him with both hands, almost suffocating the poor horse, and said in confusion: "But before you Didn't I say that those 'real Paladin Knight Academy students' want to show off their talents on this gorgeous stage and no longer serve as a foil?"

"First of all, that's just my guess, although judging from the current situation, I'm probably right."

Lamorlock smiled and said with a smile: "Also, even if those students are standing in the leading role, and Mu Xuejian is willing to serve as a foil for others, so what? Originally? Will ten points of strength become five points, three points, or two points because of being a foil?"

Jia Wenruo nodded slightly and said softly: "So she is just no longer dazzling, not no longer dangerous, is that what you mean?"


While Lamorlock rolled up his sleeves and let the 'pet' hidden under his clothes take a few sips of Yin Tian's special super-delicious drink, he also turned his attention to the main formation of the Paladin Knight Academy. Although his presence was not The white-haired girl, who was tall but definitely not thin, said lightly: "Unless Mu Xuejian does not participate in the team competition, no matter where she is placed, her lethality will not be reduced even one bit, and this This intangible advantage is the biggest resource there.”

"Well, even if you don't play it out, the trump card is still the trump card..."

"To use a backgammon analogy, not only did the Knights of the Paladin Academy attack first with their black stones, but they also cheated and dropped two stones on the first hand. As long as we play step by step and don't make mistakes, we can't lose."

"The white side..."

"No matter how hard you struggle, the chance of snatching victory from the opponent is very slim. Even if you try your best, you can only maintain the situation. No matter how proactive you are on the surface, it is difficult to change the fundamentals. disadvantages."

Lamorlock handed the cup that Tom had drank back to Yin Tian, ​​and said calmly: "Because of this, without making any mistakes, Diesel was still forced to a dead end, and it is difficult to come back. ."

"It's hard to make a comeback?"

Gavin, who almost sentenced Dieselfang to death in his heart, was slightly stunned and said in surprise: "Your Highness Lamorlock, do you think there is still a chance of winning there?"

"Theoretically, no."

Lamorlock rarely frowned, closed his eyes, and after a long while, he murmured in an uncertain tone: "But I always feel that something is wrong. Although it is just a feeling, Diesel Those people did not give me the courage to survive in death... They seemed... to want to win..."

Gawen laughed dumbly: "Isn't that certain? If they don't want to win, wouldn't it be better if they just admit defeat from the beginning?"

"No, something's wrong."

Lamorlock shook his head slightly, and seemed to organize his words for a while before speaking softly: "That's not a feeling that can be explained clearly in a few sentences. Let me think about it... The strategic intentions of Diesel's people are really It’s so clear, so clear that it doesn’t look like something a conductor can do on the spot, more like... a play that has been rehearsed countless times... a play?”

At the end of the sentence, Lamorlock suddenly froze, suddenly opened his eyes that no longer contained any smile, covered his cheeks and muttered to himself quickly——

"The repertoire...the repertoire...every action, every reaction, every line of dialogue has been arranged in advance..."

"There is no on-the-spot reaction at all. All of Diesel's changes... including the half-dragon who changed his mind from playing the same cards as the opponent, are actually just acting according to the script that has been planned for a long time!"

"Every detail is planned, every change is expected, every reaction is arranged, everyone is a puppet, whether it is Diesel's side... or the Holy Spear's side …”

“It’s not like they’re seeking to win, they’re seeking to win!”

"And so far, the direction of the war situation still does not deviate from the outline of the 'script'."

"The thread puller has calculated everything. Although not necessarily all possibilities, he has tightly grasped the rhythm of the entire game...wait, the rhythm!?"

"That's it! I asked you why you should deliberately give the opponent a chance to support you, and why you should refuse to let the game fall into a stalemate when you are already at a disadvantage, but instead take the lead in changing your moves a little hastily..."

"That's not a change of tactics at all! It's not hasty at all, it's simply an arrogant reduction of the opponent's originally uncontrollable options to two, turning the fill-in-the-blank question into a multiple-choice question, and preparing corresponding solutions! "

"There are not hundreds or thousands of plans on Diesel's side, but they have been guiding and containing them, and it is not at the tactical level, but at the strategic level."

"This style..."

Lamorlock took a deep breath and subconsciously looked at the empty seat to his left.

In a daze, he seemed to see the polite and kind young priest with black hair staring at both sides of the field just like him, muttering something in his mouth——

"Tone, rhythm..."

"Split up, coordinate..."

"Containment, bait..."

"Guidance, decision..."

His warm black eyes were calm and indifferent, looking down at the people dancing under his baton, with a happy smile on the corner of his mouth.


Lamorlock suddenly laughed and went back to the figure in his mind that did not exist here. He shook his head under Gawen's slightly blank gaze and said nothing more.

Logically speaking, fifty people versus fifty people cannot produce any sophisticated tactics. The purpose of the commander will be compressed to the extreme in this small-scale friction.

But in Lamorlock's eyes, the so-called common sense has gradually begun to be broken. The invisible hand is turning over one 'surprise' after another from the cards at a dizzying speed.

From a strategic or tactical perspective, in the eyes of most people, this is destined not to be a glamorous and exciting team battle.

But Lamorlock knew very well that from a certain perspective, the strategic value of this game was even greater than the 'great deeds' he had created in the northern border of the Griffin Dynasty.

It's a pity that the highbrow and lowbrow...

[Come on, let me see, what is the last card you hold tightly in your hand, the card that entrusts your belief in winning! 】

[In a situation where tactical planning is meaningless and force is used to defeat skill, what exactly are you going to do to compete with that Mu Xuejian! 】

at the same time

"ladies and gentlemen."

Mo Tan, who was charging in the middle of the team, suddenly laughed, no longer loudly, but loudly enough that the thirty or so companions around him could hear clearly: "I don't need to elaborate on what should be done next. Now, it’s time for us to implement the final steps of the first set of plans and complete the final split.”

There was no answer, but Mo Tan could clearly feel that the marching rhythm of the Diesel Knights around him had changed.

"Then, I hope everyone can cheer for the next time of personal heroism. Of course, I will cheer for you just like you."

Mo Tan gently knocked on Wang Ba Dan's tortoise shell, tightened the handle of [Innocent Justice] in his hand, and smiled: "Time is tight and the task is heavy, so I won't continue to be pretentious. In short, I wish you all the best." Prosperous military fortune——"

Bang! ! !

The next moment, Wang Badan's figure spun on the spot, and unexpectedly completed an emergency stop and a turn in just one second. He was walking with heavy, fierce and unwilling steps, like an out-of-control giant. He rushed towards the main formation of the Paladin Knight Academy behind him like a beast!

All the Diesel knights raised their left hands at the same time, knocked them hard on their breastplates, and shouted in unison——

"I wish you good luck in martial arts!"

Leaving Mo Tan's back behind, the knights of the Diesel family completed the synchronization in an instant and began the final acceleration of the game!

On the other side, one man and one turtle had appeared less than twenty meters away from the main formation of the Paladin Knight Academy, and stopped when a trace of astonishment flashed across Barty's handsome face.

Hengdao immediately!


The horizontal hammer stands upright!

He actually stopped in front of the opponent's accelerating heavy cavalry all by himself!

[Is he going to commit suicide? 】

This was the thought that popped up in the minds of all the onlookers.

You should know that although this one feels very powerful, it is far inferior to Mu Xuejian's half-dragon knight. Even if Mu Xuejian were to stand here and face such a close-range heavy cavalry charge, She could only choose to turn around and run away.

But Mo Tan didn't move.

It's not that he really wants to die, but he knows very well that if the opponent chooses to focus the attack on himself, then the rangers of the Diesel family can definitely get rid of this tail in an instant and attack in three directions without interference. Eliminate the fifteen heavy cavalry encircling the point within one round of volley.

Mo Tan knew this, and so did the other party's commander.

And in this case, Batty still has an optimal solution that is ideal in all aspects!

"Everyone ignores the interference, gives up their position and continues to charge along the original path. Mu Xuejian, give you one minute to deal with him as quickly as possible!"



Chapter 1,113: End

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