Quadruple split

Chapter 110 Crazy temptation


Cole stood in a daze at the door of the room occupied by Mo Tan. Although he didn't know what the gentleman he was serving was thinking, he still counted the time in silence.


Twenty seconds passed in a blink of an eye. Cole followed Mo Tan's previous request and stayed outside the room briefly for twenty seconds. Then he immediately turned around and entered the room, and searched the entire room as quickly as possible.

"Sure enough, he is no longer here." Cole, who had found nothing, returned to the front hall, and while staring at the purely decorative gilt pattern on the door, he murmured softly: "Although I know that Mr. It’s really unimaginable to leave this place within such a short period of time..."

It's not surprising that he would think so. The layout of the No. 11 Superior Room in Liuli Pavilion is not complicated. It consists of five parts: the front hall, the master bedroom, the living room, the bathroom and the lounge. Although the area is quite large, it is There was no place to hide, and because several ventilation circles that operated all year round replaced the windows, there were no other entrances and exits except the main door that Cole had been guarding, but Mo Tan still disappeared inside out of thin air, and No trace left...

[The gentleman has definitely left this room! 】

Continuing to study the meaningless pattern on the door, Cole made this judgment without hesitation. Because he had a night's rest here yesterday, he knew the layout here very well, not to mention this room. There was no place to hide someone in the guest room, and even if there was, it would be difficult to escape his eyes.

According to Mo Tan's instructions, the young thief searched carefully after returning to the room, but still found no trace...

There is absolutely no other person here except Cole!

Even a top thief or ranger would definitely come to the same conclusion in this situation.

"But why did Sir ask me to study these patterns on the door?" Cole gently pinched his chin and looked at the gorgeous door in front of him with some doubts. He was very puzzled.

As a result, in the next second, a hand pressed on his shoulder from behind and patted him gently.

"Ah!" Cole immediately let out a short exclamation, and while quickly breaking away from the hand, he ducked, and the two daggers hidden on the outside of the boots were already unsheathed!


"The reaction was pretty quick." Mo Tan smiled and looked at Cole, who had disbelief written all over his face, and nodded happily: "It seems that you did follow my instructions."

"First... sir!?" Cole's jaw was almost dropped at this moment, and he looked at Mo Tan in front of him with a confused look on his face: "How did you get in?! I just..."

But Mo Tan raised his hand to interrupt him: "Keep staring at the door, right? And logically there is no other place for entry and exit here."

Cole nodded in confusion.

He is really a little confused now. After all, even if his husband can leave this room without anyone noticing, he can actually appear directly behind him while he keeps staring at the door. It's really too scary.

You must know that Liuli Pavilion's security measures are quite good. Each room has a matching magic badge, which is similar to the room card in major hotels in the real world. When the door is completely closed, only Only by relying on the badge can the magic restriction above be lifted, which is not too complicated. If the door is broken open forcibly, the alarm will be triggered 100% of the time...

There is only one badge in this room, and it is still in Cole's hands.

Even if we take a step back and say that Mo Tan has some tools that can ignore the magic restrictions, or he is a very powerful thief or mage, he can easily open the door...

But even so, Cole, who had been staring at the door of the room, would never be able to slip in without him noticing.

A certain trainee thief has begun to doubt life...

"I'll explain it to you later~" Mo Tan did not intend to satisfy Cole's curiosity immediately. He stretched contentedly, and then seriously confirmed to Cole: "You have been staying at the door of the room for twenty Turn back after a few seconds, then search every corner here as efficiently as possible, and finally stare at the pattern of the door intently until I appear, are you sure it's right?"

Cole nodded immediately: "Yes, everything was done according to your instructions."

What Mo Tan confirmed just now were all his previous instructions to Cole, and the latter followed them all meticulously.

"Then during your search..." Mo Tan looked around and continued to ask: "You can be absolutely sure that I am not in this room, right?"

Cole hesitated for a moment, then nodded again, and whispered: "Yes, at least I didn't notice you just now."

He seemed to judge Mo Tan's actions as some kind of test for himself. For example, the gentleman actually didn't leave the room at all, but just hid it in some way. If he successfully discovered it, he would be considered qualified, and if he couldn't, he would have failed. …

"Don't think too much, I told you, this is just a small experiment that requires your cooperation." Mo Tan immediately saw through the other party's thoughts, shook his head and said, "There is no other purpose."

Colt was immediately relieved.

"And even if there is... it's not directed at you."

A trace of amusement flashed in Mo Tan's eyes, and he laughed happily.

What just happened was not unexpected...

After Cole left the room, he immediately went offline. Because there was no NPC around him, he undoubtedly completely disappeared into the realm of innocence. In this case, Cole, who returned to the room, certainly could not May find him.

Because the person ‘Tan Mo’ had already left this world during that time.

Then he logged in again after a while. At the same time, Cole, who had just finished searching, walked to the door according to Mo Tan's previous instructions and studied the patterns on it intently...

Of course, there is nothing to study about patterns, but the act itself has two meanings.

First, it allows Cole to confirm that there is nothing unusual about the only entrance to the room. It is also Mo Tan's test of the word "reasonable" in the system's "relatively reasonable appearance" of players.

The second is to let Cole divert all his attention to the door, thereby reducing his sensitivity to the surrounding environment. Although this kid is a very talented thief, he is very familiar with it and has just completed a comprehensive inspection. He studied the door vigorously in the guest room, which was enough to reduce his perception of the surroundings to the extreme.

So, without the NPC noticing, Mo Tan, who was online again, appeared directly behind Cole...

[So, the so-called rationality of the system does not actually follow absolute logic. My 'online' and 'offline' behaviors were simply 'disappeared' and 'appeared' without being noticed by any NPC. ', it wouldn't even move without anyone noticing, and it didn't correct the concept in the NPC's mind to force this thing to become 'normal'. That's why Cole was so surprised, tsk tsk, this game is still It’s really perfunctory...]

Mo Tan showed an imperceptible sneer, then stretched out his index finger and shook Cole gently: "Let's do it again..."

"Again?" Cole asked curiously: "The process just now?"

"That's right." Mo Tan snapped his fingers and chuckled: "But there are two aspects that need to be changed. First, you can save the search after you come back from outside the room, and then..."

He took two steps back and stood in the center of the front hall.

"Remember where I am standing now." Mo Tan pointed at his feet and said to Cole: "You need to pay close attention to this front hall after you come in, especially where I am standing now. Do you understand?"

Cole nodded immediately and replied: "No problem, sir."

"Very well, go ahead."


Two minutes later, Mo Tan walked out of the lounge and successfully surprised Cole again.

[I still successfully 'disappeared' after going offline, but because there were NPCs vigilantly paying attention to the surrounding movements, I did not appear where I was after going online, but was refreshed in a location that was closest to the other party and relatively safe. In the space, that is, the lounge, it’s very good~]

"Then next, I plan to meditate for five minutes." Mo Tan turned around and sat on the sofa, and casually joked to Cole: "Please observe whether there are any colorful auspicious clouds, purple clouds, divine light, etc. around me."

"Uh..." Cole scratched his hair: "Okay."

five minutes later

Mo Tan slowly opened his eyes and immediately asked Cole in front of him: "How is it? Isn't it cool?"

"Well..." Cole shook his head hesitantly and said, "There doesn't seem to be any strange phenomenon. I feel like you are just closing your eyes to rest your mind, or..."

"Asleep?" Mo Tan answered with a smile.

"Yes." Cole shrugged: "It's like falling asleep."

[The result is really not surprising at all. It is exactly the same as when I was 'Mo' and 'Hei Fan'. After all, there is almost no difference between the two conditions of coma and sleep to outsiders, both are breathing evenly. , calm expression, unconscious... Therefore, as long as you go offline in front of the NPC, you will not be able to disappear on the spot. Even if your consciousness has left the game, the body of the corresponding character will still stay. Well, I I seem to have come up with a lot of interesting ideas...]

"Cole, come here." After thinking for a moment, Mo Tan suddenly waved to Cole.

The latter walked over quickly.

"Stretch out your hand and don't resist." Mo Tan said casually, and then he pulled out a bright dagger from his waist and raised his eyebrows at Cole: "Is it okay?"

Without saying anything, Cole immediately stretched out his left hand.


A flash of cold light suddenly appeared on Cole's forearm, and a shallow blood mark appeared on it. Mo Tan's strength was very good, and it almost only broke a layer of skin, without injuring Cole's muscles and bones at all. To describe it in a simpler way...it means losing about a dozen drops of blood...

"How do you feel?" Mo Tan waved his hand to indicate that Cole was done, and then asked with a smile: "Does it hurt?"

Cole, who was physically stronger than Mo Tan, immediately shook his head and said: "It's not an injury at all."

"Very good, then." After Mo Tan said that, he threw the dagger in his hand directly to Cole: "Listen carefully, I will 'fall asleep' again in a minute, and what you need to do is to pull me out of here. Move a chair to the chair opposite, and then use this thing to slash my arm with the same force that I just slashed you with. Is there a problem?"

Cole took the street dagger thrown by Mo Tan and hesitated a little: "It's okay to move you to another chair, but..."

"It doesn't matter." Mo Tan smiled inexplicably: "Just do as I say, not to mention you may not be able to hurt me."

"Then...okay." Cole thought for a moment and decided to obey the leader's instructions unconditionally.

Another five minutes later

Mo Tan, who 'awakened' again, found that he had indeed appeared on another chair, and Cole was standing next to him with a dazed look on his face, holding a dagger.

He immediately looked up at his arms...

"As expected." Mo Tan nodded thoughtfully, then turned to Cole and asked: "It failed, right?"

"Yes." Cole handed the dagger back to Mo Tan with a wry smile, nodded and said: "After I helped you to this chair just now, I did what you said before, but when the dagger was about to touch When you lift your arms...you can't move your arms anymore..."

"Tell me more details."

"I just can't swing it inexplicably, as if there is some invisible obstacle blocking it. I tried several times, but the effect is the same."

"Okay, I understand."

[Sure enough, not only are other players unable to harm or sexually harass the unconscious characters who are offline, even NPCs cannot carry out any offensive behavior when the players are offline, and they themselves are also very aware of this matter, which is relatively mysterious to Cole. I'm fine, but if just an ordinary weakling can't be killed by a murderer or a devil muscleman in an offline state... then the existence of the 'player' will be noticed sooner or later. ...After all, not everyone will be as cautious as me... After all, there are still more idiots in this world...]



"I'll be here first this time, and I'll be ready to go out with you later to do some errands."

"Okay, sir, what do you need me to do?"

"First of all, dress yourself up to be more popular. You are a bit handsome...and then..."

After one hour

Heita City North District, Amber Trail, Traveler Hostel

A gentle half-elf man trotted to the counter with a harp in his arms. He smiled at the waitress who was busy writing in front of him and took out a small, dusty box. …

"Hello, I am sent by Mr. Jun Wu to deliver something. I would like to meet the boss here~"

Chapter 107: End

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