Quadruple split

Chapter 109 Sin-eating

The atmosphere in the alley was somewhat depressing.


After a long time, the girl finally nodded slightly and replied in a low voice: "So your talent should be ineffective against players."

Yes, Ji Xiaodao has never been controlled by Mo. When he was ordered to commit suicide not long ago, all her actions were out of her own will and had nothing to do with her talent "Original Sin".

Of course, if Mo hadn't stopped her, that sword would have definitely penetrated Ji Xiaodao's own heart, ending her gaming career as the 'Dark Elf Silent Prayer', and after that, she would have been killed when establishing her next character. Assigned to a camp that really suits me, and then reunited with my sister, after experiencing a lot, I opened my heart, gradually shed my cold shell, and became more like a normal person...

She will go on adventures with her friends, create some messy epics, win a huge war in the future, and finally slowly leave the game, find a boyfriend who suits her, get married, have children, and live a happy life. .

However, this is just a hypothesis after all. Although the above content may really happen under certain circumstances, the reality ultimately prevents her from having a different life.

It was a coincidence that she met Mo. It was a coincidence that she was not killed immediately. It was a coincidence that she guessed the effect of [Original Sin]. It was a coincidence that she bet that the other party might stop her from committing suicide. ', luckily, she made the right bet.

What a coincidence...

I’m not going to say something like ‘life is often more dramatic than fiction’.

Because we all know that, at least at this moment, these are just a story told by someone, so there is no need to be too pretentious.

But this does not mean that we can completely overthrow the so-called 'fate' and 'variables' and believe that everything exists as a 'given'.

Just like Schrödinger's half-dead cat, no one knows whether we truly control our own destiny, and no one knows whether a 'coincidence' is really a coincidence, whether 'fate' is really fate, and whether a 'miracle' is real. It's a miracle, whether 'destined' is really destined.

Since everything is unknown, then as long as you think that the possibility of everything is not zero, I think everyone can be more sympathetic to the various coincidences in the 'story' or 'work'.

that's enough.

Of course, I who make such remarks definitely do not agree that 'wrestling is doomed to amnesia', 'heroes are doomed to save beauties', 'mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are doomed to tear apart', 'love can transform cancer', 'enemies live next door', 'brains are destined to travel in the world of business', etc. There are many works that are just nonsense.

After all, the mindless fabrications that claim to be artistic exaggerations are really hard to look at. At least from a personal point of view, the rich second generation can always meet Cinderella and there is always a chance that a powerful elder will try to arrange an arranged marriage... I really don’t like it. How high...

What's more, those "stories" are casually made up by narrators who don't even understand the most basic business knowledge.

In fact, what I want to say is that everyone may have a variety of lives and also have unlimited possibilities...

This is true even if it is just a character in the story.

"Are you planning to kill me?" After Ji Xiaodao finished speaking, she felt a lot more relaxed. Seeing that Mo didn't speak, she actually took the initiative and said, "You have enough reasons to do this now."

In her impression, the man in front of her would never mind killing her, but the girl had no reason to think that the man would not do it...

Although it feels difficult to get close, even though he always wants to escape, even though he is occasionally afraid, and even though he is often dissatisfied, angry, aggrieved, and frightened in his heart, Ji Xiaodao is still unwilling to leave.

So does the other party also have a little bit of this idea besides what is 'as it should be'?

A slightly more emotional thought...

Even if it's just a little bit of insignificant resonance, he should have some, right?


"Killing you will do me no good, not to mention that many things are not suitable to be left to NPCs." Mo gave an absolutely rational answer: "Your value has nothing to do with whether the original sin is effective. Your thoughts are mine. Not interested either... As long as I get an accurate and honest answer, I don't mind your original intention and thought process."

Ji Xiaodao showed a rare weak expression and shrugged.

"What's more, it is illogical to control the minds of other humans in a spiritual virtual device." Mo Huitou showed a faint smile to Ji Xiaodao: "Do you think I really haven't doubted it?"

The girl rolled her eyes in a way that was completely inconsistent with her character: "Then why didn't you confirm with me earlier?"

"Because there are indeed some illogical things in this world." Mo said softly.

He thought of the little girl he had seen in reality before, and many other similar incidents. Many of those supernatural or bizarre things actually existed, and there was still no refutation under the premise of being illogical. room for facts.

And in his eyes, the game itself is strange enough...

However, this does not hinder his pace too much. By using [Original Sin] on Cordoba and the confirmation from Ji Xiaodao just now, Mo has been able to confirm that this talent of his cannot take effect on players, but it is not that it cannot affect the 'talisman'. Cultural Creation' takes effect, this information is still very important.

So, all that’s left is…

"You stay away a little, I'm going to give it a try." Mo turned around and told Ji Xiaodao, then slowly spread his hands, feeling the land under his feet.

This land was buried in the abyss of sin by his own hands.

Banser City turned into a cursed place. This statement is actually not rigorous.

Rather than saying it is a curse, it is better to say that it is a mixture of a large amount of residual resentment and countless sins... a realm of sin.

This is why neither the clergy of the Kaguya Sect nor Farah can 'purify' this land.

Curses, poisons, diseases, and resentments can all be purified or dispersed by various means, but the concept of 'sin' cannot be affected.

Just like we can wash away stains on clothes, but we cannot erase the shadows in the sun.

But Mo can...

He seems to have innate control and perception of 'sin', although even he himself doesn't know the reason for it.

"Just let me carry it." He closed his eyes and whispered softly.

Ji Xiaodao, who had just retreated not far away, suddenly felt a trance. There was an unreal sense of detachment in the air, as if something cold was rushing crazily in a certain direction. It was just an illusion. The brush of it made the girl feel a chill!

It seems like only a moment, and it seems like a long, long time has passed...

A ray of sunshine that was not bright fell on the girl's fair skin, causing her to wake up suddenly.

Raising his head in confusion, Ji Xiaodao discovered that the long-lasting dark clouds over Banser City were slowly becoming thinner, and wisps of tenacious light struggled to break through the obstacles, gently embracing the tortured land.

It is bright……

In Mo's ear, the system prompt sounded suddenly.

[You have mastered the skill: Sin-eating]


Active skills

Mastery requirements: Ink

Consumption/Limitations: None

Effect: 1. Sin-eating,? ? ? ,? ? ?

[Remarks: None]

"Is that so?" Mo took off the glove on his right hand and looked at the mark made of a large number of black lines on the back of his hand, with a ray of black light in his eyes.

Ji Xiaodao, who was bathing in the sun, had already run to Mo and asked in a low voice: "What did you do?"

I don't know if it was a coincidence, but she found that Mo's position happened to be in a small shadow...

"Take me to meet Garros and the others outside the city." Mo did not answer her question, but said lightly: "Tell those two people not to leave here in a hurry and return to Troon early tomorrow morning. In addition, don't send anyone yet. Go back and report to the emperor, asking everyone to stay where they are outside the city..."

Ji Xiaodao nodded immediately, and then asked curiously: "Can't you tell them yourself?"


The girl who received no response whispered nervously.

"Move quickly..."

He spat out the last words with some difficulty. Under the strong and domineering backlash of the Immortal Evil, Mo finally lost his last bit of strength and fell softly to the ground.

Game time, 1 p.m.

[You have been disconnected urgently, please choose whether to reconnect]

"you guess?"

[Reconnection begins...]

"My guess was wrong, actually I don't want to connect."

【About to end...】

"You're just kidding, you guessed it right, I actually think so."

[Reconnection begins...]

[Connection completed, reading character information]

[Welcome back, chaotic neutral Tan Mo, will soon enter the realm of innocence, wish you good night]

East of the Innocence, Black Tower City

Mo Tan, wearing a tight-fitting black leather suit, appeared at the door of the Thieves Guild. He first looked at the surrounding environment, and then quickly ran into an alley, quickly changing his tights into the ones from before. After putting on a white robe, he took off the mask that looked a little obscene.

"So, the time for the fragment is over." He turned briskly out of the dark alley, and murmured as he strolled carelessly on the street: "If we go by our previous experience, what will happen next today will There shouldn't be any more "interruptions" for a while. Well, I haven't appeared in nine chapters. Although I have been busy during this period... I still feel a little bit uncomfortable. Tsk tsk, don't air this part. "

He walked lightly through the streets, and it took him about ten minutes to reach his destination, which was located in the central area of ​​Black Tower City and the most expensive residence within a hundred miles - Liuli Pavilion.

The size of this city is not small. The smallest area of ​​​​Northern City apart from the central area is enough to accommodate a Pato City or Kalan City, although it is not as good as the more famous gathering places like Anka Market. , but the permanent population is still large. Most neutral organizations such as the Magician Guild, the Mercenary Guild, the Adventurer Guild, and the Thieves Guild have set up bases here. There is also an endless stream of merchants and adventurers. Of course, there are also The Holy Union and churches of many denominations exist.

Liuli Pavilion is one of the industries of the Gold Coin Alliance in Black Tower City, the most prestigious chamber of commerce in the entire continent. It is located in the most prosperous area of ​​the central city, and its price and luxury are beyond specifications.

casually flicking a gold coin to the respectful dwarf waiter, Mo Tan smiled and politely declined the other party's kindness, and stepped onto the second floor while playing with the harp in his hand.

two minutes later

Cole, who was restless in a huge luxurious room, finally waited for Motan.

"Sir!" The young thief took a deep breath and bowed slightly to Mo Tan: "You are finally here."

"Huh? You seem a little nervous." Mo Tan glanced at Cole with a funny look and blinked: "What happened?"

The latter shook his head awkwardly, and then whispered: "No, it's just that I'm not used to the place you're looking for. It's too luxurious..."

"Is there any?" Mo Tan sat casually on the huge snow mammoth leather chair and shrugged: "That's it. The price is not very expensive, less than 200 gold coins per night."

Cole smiled bitterly and spread his hands: "Maybe it doesn't mean anything to you, but the best place I've ever lived in is less than one-third the size of this place, and you won't sleep here at night. I Living here alone is a bit..."

It has to be said that this kind of place would indeed have a big impact on a "countryside" little thief. What's more, as a follower, his husband spent a lot of money to settle here, which really made Cole a little uneasy.

His psychological quality is pretty good, but if it were Xiao Ai, he would probably be even more panicked...

"Relax." Mo Tan glanced at him, picked up an unknown drink from the low table at hand, took a sip, shook his head and said, "You just need to regard this situation as a necessary condition. ', rather than a 'gift', that would be fine."

Cole asked with some confusion: "Necessary conditions?"

"That's right." Mo nodded: "I mainly use this place, so just think of it as guarding it for me."

"Yes." Cole relaxed immediately, and the uncomfortable feeling before was instantly gone.

The tension before was mainly due to the unknown. After all, last night, my husband informed me that he would temporarily settle down at Liuliting and left quickly. He said nothing except telling him his address and leaving his identification badge before letting him I have been so restless...

"So don't think too much. I'm not the type who is kind enough to spend a lot of money to let my followers experience life." Mo Tan put down the cup casually, stood up and said to Cole: "It's time to get down to business."

"Yes." Cole nodded vigorously.

"Next, I need you to cooperate with me in doing some small experiments." Mo Tan smiled and said: "Your task is not difficult at all. Just focus on it. You are not allowed to ask any questions during this experiment. Can you do it? ?”

"No problem, sir."

"Very good, then the first step is to leave this room, wait at the door for 20 seconds before coming in, and then..."

Chapter 106: End

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