"Ichigo Kurosaki, I came here specially to meet you."

When he was finally able to confront Ichigo alone, Kenpachi Zaraki was not in a hurry to fight right away, and said:"I heard from Ikkaku that you are very powerful?"

"Ikkaku? Madarame Ikkaku?"

Ichigo thought of the first opponent he encountered yesterday. That guy was very difficult to deal with, and he also praised his captain highly. So it seems that the guy in front of him is not just difficult to deal with.

"The posture is very good, but it's a pity that there are flaws all over it."

Zaraki began to comment on Ichigo's posture.

Especially Ichigo's spiritual pressure, he said:"Also the level of spiritual pressure, although it has exceeded the vice-captain level, it is far behind me."

This is not bragging, but a statement of fact.

Ichigo didn't say anything, but even he could feel that the spiritual pressure of the two was not at the same level, and he wanted to see what Zaraki wanted to say.

"How about this, I'll let you do this."

Suddenly, Zaraki tore open the front of his clothes and pointed his hand at his heart, allowing Ichigo to chop there at will.


Ichigo was shocked. Is this guy crazy?

"It's okay, Ichigo, he told you to chop, just go for it."

The voice of Nanami Kaku came from the roof.

"Yes, Xiaoyi.

Yachiru also joined in the fun and gave Ichigo a nickname, calling him Xiaoyi.

"The small sword lets you chop, just go and try it out."

Yachiru didn't care at all that Zaraki was his captain, and urged Ichigo to chop Zaraki.

In fact, this was a manifestation of her immense trust in Zaraki, and she also saw that Ichigo couldn't hurt Zaraki at this moment.

However, Nanami was a little entangled, and instead of watching what happened next, he turned around and discussed with Yachiru:"Yachiru, you call me Xiaoqi, but you call Ichigo Xiaoyi, what does that mean, he is older than me?"

"Besides, I am obviously older than you, I think you should call me Nanami-sister.

She actually planned to trick Yachiru into calling her sister.

"Xiaoqi, I'll give you some candy."

Yachiryu was smart enough to pretend he didn't hear anything, and he took out a piece of candy from his clothes and handed it to Nanami, and then he continued to lower his head and pay attention to the confrontation between Ichigo and Zaraki. Nanami sighed helplessly. This girl was also difficult to deal with, and he couldn't use tough measures on her, which was very troublesome.

Since the matter about the title could not be changed, Nanami had to peel the kinpeito and put it in his mouth out of boredom, and also looked down.

Just now, Ichigo still tried to rush over and cut Zaraki's body.

But what shocked Ichigo was that this knife could not hurt Zaraki's fur, and there was not even a trace left on his body.

This result made Ichigo doubt whether he had just cut the other party.

In fact, he did, and Ichigo himself felt it, as if Zaraki's skin had turned into steel, and even when the blade cut his body, there was a sound of metal clashing.

But can the human body really reach the hardness of steel?

"Is this all you can do?"

Zaraki looked at Ichigo who was in a daze, slowly raised his long sword, and said:"It's my turn next, don't die all at once."

Hearing Zaraki's words, Ichigo dared not to be distracted anymore, and immediately focused on Zaraki's every move.

"It's coming."

Zaraki kindly reminded him, perhaps because he didn't want Ichigo to die immediately.


As soon as he said that, Zaraki came to him in an instant and swung his sword to chop him.


Ichigo subconsciously raised his sword to block, only to feel a huge force coming. Although he blocked Zaraki's blade, he could not stop his huge force.


With a muffled groan, Ichigo took a dozen steps back in one breath.

"Damn it, what on earth is this monster?"

Ichigo suddenly cursed in his heart. It was really that Zaraki was too tai. Not only could he not cut his skin, but his attack was also so powerful.

There was no way.

"I can only run away first."

Ichigo realized that he was a little confused, so he turned around and ran away, not fighting Zaraki head-on, and thinking of countermeasures quickly while running.

But he couldn't think of how to defeat such a strong enemy.

"Where are you going?"

Suddenly, Zaraki caught up with him.


He was so busy running away and thinking about his own things that he didn't even notice when Zaraki caught up with him. Ichigo glanced behind him and when he saw Zaraki had already raised his sword to chop at him, he quickly raised his sword to block it again.


The huge force poured onto Ichigo's sword again, breaking his knuckles in the first place.

Ichigo was originally a power type, but he suffered losses from Zaraki one after another. It can be seen that Zaraki's power is really terrifying. At least Ichigo can't resist it at all.

"Chad's spiritual pressure disappeared?

Suddenly, Ichigo could not find Chad's spiritual pressure.

Chad Taisho was Ichigo's friend and one of the troublemakers who broke into the Soul Society.

"Not yet."

After carefully searching again, Ichigo breathed a sigh of relief. Although Chad's spiritual pressure had become extremely weak, at least it had not disappeared, which meant that he had only encountered something and became weak.

"That's right."

This sudden slap finally calmed Ichigo down, and he said to himself in his heart:"What am I afraid of? Once I am defeated, Chad, Inoue, Ishida, Ganju, Yoruichi, and Hanatarō, all the people who gave me strength will lose their lives."

Although he didn't want to say it, Ichigo was indeed the strongest person in the team at present. Unless Yoruichi was willing to reveal his true identity,

"I don't have time to be afraid right now."

Ichigo's expression finally returned to normal, no longer running around like a frightened little beast.

"This kid finally calmed down."

On the roof, Nanami breathed a sigh of relief for Ichigo.

She could clearly see that Zaraki was getting impatient because of Ichigo's running around, and he himself was not a very patient person. If Ichigo couldn't get back on track soon, he might not be able to withstand this attack.

Once that time came, Nanami doubted whether she could continue to sit on the sidelines and watch like she was now.

""Oh? Not running away anymore?"

Soon, Zaraki caught up with Ichigo again, but to his surprise, Ichigo no longer ran away, but held the hilt of the sword with both hands again with a serious expression, as if he was ready to fight with him.

This made Zaraki happy. If this guy was just that kind of waste, wouldn't he have come here in vain?

"Fight me, Ichigo."

Zaraki laughed and rushed towards Ichigo again.

"Come on then."

Ichigo finally stopped wavering, even though he had no countermeasures and no chance of winning, he still rushed forward with the sword in hand.

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