"This child, has he grown up?"

After Dong Shilang rejected his kindness and left alone, Nanashi couldn't help but complain.

"Go back to sleep."

Since Dong Shilang didn't let her follow him, Nanami decided to go back to her room and sleep.

But she and Dong Shilang seemed to have forgotten her super bad sense of direction.


Standing in the middle of the barracks, Nanami was very distressed.

In order to take care of Nanami, Toushirou specially arranged her room near his own room.

Originally, Nanami just had to turn around and walk back a few steps along the way she had walked before, and she would be at the door.

But no one knew how she walked, and she ended up in the middle of the yard, and this was not even the yard of the 10th Squad barracks....

"Nanashi-chan? Why are you here? Are you here to play with me?"

Yachiryu appeared out of nowhere, probably because he sensed her coming.

"Yachiryu? Uh, which division is this?"

Nanami already had a bad feeling.

"Of course it's our 10th Division."

Yachiryu looked at Tanaka Nanami strangely, thinking, you came to find me, and you asked me where this is?

Yachiryu may not know that Tanaka Nanami is even more directionally challenged than she is.

Yes, this is not a remarkable thing, Tanaka Nanami will not take the initiative to tell others, and she was able to tell Rangiku because of their special relationship.

Don't forget that Tanaka Nanami and Toushirou were sent to the Shinō Spiritual Academy by Rangiku herself, and they were finally admitted to the same division.

But there is no need to tell Yachiryu, and this girl is a bit of a big mouth.

""It's the 10th Division, I thought I was in the wrong place."

Nanashi laughed dryly, not wanting to say that she got lost from the 11th Division and came here.

She was really amazing, she could walk all the way from her own door to the 10th Division, and she didn't even dare to let Toushirou know.


Just then, a rough voice came and shouted,"It's time to set off."

""Here comes Xiaojian."

Yachiru shouted first, then asked Nanami:"Xiaoqi, Xiaojian and I are going to play with Lihuo, do you want to come with us?"

Nanami blinked. In fact, she really wanted Yachiru to take her back.

But then she thought again, forget it, it would be embarrassing.

Besides, there would be a lot of fun to watch if she followed Kenpachi Zaraki.

"Let's go then, I just happen to have nothing to do right now, haha, haha."

The smile was very forced, she had originally planned to go back to the room to catch up on some sleep, but now all her plans were ruined.

"Let's go, Xiaojian can't wait any longer."

Yachiru quickly grabbed Nanami's hand, and the two ran in the direction of the previous voice.

Around nine in the morning


In a certain section of the sewer, Gan Jiu, who was still fast asleep a moment ago, suddenly sat up, making meaningless noises from his mouth. It seemed that he had a nightmare.

"You're awake."

Ichigo's voice came from the side.

After the encounter with Ikkaku yesterday, he also met Renji, and after a hard fight, he was injured on top of the injury.

Later, it was through Hanatarō's emergency treatment overnight that he was able to recover in such a short time, otherwise he would have to continue lying down.


Ganju looked forward in surprise.

After arriving at the Soul Society, they were the only two walking together, and he had no idea where the others were.

Moreover, he felt extremely confident in Ichigo's strength. It could be said that without Ichigo, Ganju was really worried that he would have been killed long ago.

"It's time to go."

Ichigo said so, and reminded Ganju:"By the way, don't forget to wake up Hanatarō, he was really exhausted last night."

Ichigo's injuries were too serious, and Ganju also had some minor injuries, so you can imagine how tired Hanatarō must have been last night.

After waking up Hanatarō, the three of them followed the underground pipes to the direction of the Palace of Confession.

But when they climbed up to the exit closest to the Palace of Confession, a huge pressure as huge as a mountain suddenly pressed down on them.

"What is this? This terrifying spiritual pressure is too exaggerated, is n't it?"The unseen Yanjiu couldn't help but exclaimed, and felt that he could hardly breathe.


Ichigo was in a better position, and quickly shouted to Ganju and Hanatarō to run faster. Although they didn't know what they had encountered, it was definitely not a good thing.

At that moment, the three of them climbed up from the exit as fast as they could, and ran towards the Palace of Confession.

It's not that they didn't know that the enemy might be waiting in front of them, but their target was there. If they turned around and left now, what about later? Wouldn't they still have to face it?

Maybe they could catch the enemy off guard now, but if they delayed any further, not only would Rukia's execution date be getting closer, but the enemy would also be prepared, making it even more difficult to attack in the future.

So, none of the three said a word, but just kept running forward with their heads down.

As a result, they were stopped just before they were about to step onto the stairs leading to the Palace of Confession.

""Hello, Ichigo."

Nanami was not bothered by Kenpachi Zaraki's spiritual pressure at all. When she saw Ichigo appear in front of her, she smiled and greeted him.

"It's you? Sister Nanami?"

Ichigo's eyes lit up. It would be easy if he met someone he knew.

But he didn't know how Nanami asked him to call her sister. Maybe she was using her age to force him to do so?

"Don't be too happy too soon, because it's useless even if you call me."

Nanami smiled bitterly and gestured to the person next to him, and said to Ichigo:"He is the captain of the 11th Division, Kenpachi Zaraki, and also the captain of the little bald guy you defeated before. He heard that you are very powerful, so he wants to fight you. I can't do anything about it."

"I see."

Ichigo nodded, and then he turned his gaze to the main person who put a lot of pressure on him, and said without turning his head:"Ganju, Hanatarō, since he is here to see me, you guys go upstairs and wait for me."

When facing Zaraki Kenpachi, Ichigo could be said to have no confidence at all, so he wanted Ganju and the other two to go first, instead of keeping them around as spectators like he did when he dealt with Renji before.

Ganju and Hanatarō naturally knew the urgency of the situation, and did not say much nonsense. They just asked Ichigo to be careful, and then left quickly.

Zaraki Kenpachi did not stop the two men, but just stood there waiting coldly, until then he slowly drew out the shallow sword with a serrated blade.

""Nanami-chan, come with me over there and take a look. I have a few pieces of konpeito here. Do you want some?"

Yachiru even pulled Nanami Kagami onto the roof of a nearby tall building, acting like a bystander.

But Yachiru's words made Kenpachi Zaraki couldn't help but turn his head and look at Nanami Kagami.

He naturally knew that Nanami Kagami was Toushirou's sister, so he didn't doubt it just now, thinking that Nanami Kagami could ignore his spiritual pressure because she was often with Toushirou. What surprised him now was that Yachiru was not the kind of person who knew how to share. Few people could get things from her, not to mention her favorite konpeito.

But now was not the time to be surprised by these things.

"Kurosaki Ichigo, huh?"

Kenpachi Zaraki smiled grimly at Ichigo, who was already ready, and said,"Don't let me down."

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