Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 50 They were wrong.

Only a few people in Qixuan Peak know him and are familiar with him.

Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan counts as one, that damn Jinfeng counts as one, and there are Zhang Sanlei, Li Zongqing, and Wang Fulai.

In addition, there are Fairy Qingfeng and the Seventh Elder. These two cannot possibly come here, and it is not their voice.

But it is not Jinfeng either. Jinfeng has not come to see him for a long time, and no one knows where he has gone.

It was Zhang Sanlei's voice that came. Did they know that he was here? Or did they recognize him?

Sure enough, at this time, Zhang Sanlei, Li Zongqing, and Wang Fulai were at the door of his cave, staring at his cave and shouting aggressively.

"Ye Han! Don't think that we can't do anything to you just because you hide in the cave!"

"You little brat, don't think that we can't find you. Are you going to let go of what you promised us?"

"Ye Han, come out. We won't hurt you. Didn't we make an appointment? Go and help us deal with that monster."

"Yes, come out! You are the only suitable person. Just help us. We will never treat you unfairly!"

"That's right. You promised us something and you wanted to make an appointment and lied to us. In the end, we don't care. But if you don't help us, we'll see what happens in the future."

Ye Han frowned as he listened to their words. These three guys threatened and lured him. From their tone and words, Ye Han immediately knew that these three guys really recognized him?

How could that be possible? If they remembered his appearance, they should have recognized him the last time they met him inside the gate.

They should have come to find him a long time ago.

Now they come to his cave to find him again.

He thought someone might have told him who he was. Could it be...

Ye Han didn't plan to go out. He didn't care what they said outside. He was just thinking, who leaked his true identity?

And he had grown so much taller and bigger, and his body had changed a lot.

Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan said that practicing blood refining can accelerate the growth of his body. On the one hand, it was because his cultivation had improved. On the other hand, the most important thing was the result of practicing blood refining.

How could an ordinary child grow more than a head taller in a few months?

So his body changed a lot.

When he was in Qingniu Village, he didn't eat well, sleep well, and his nutrition was not enough. He was much smaller than ordinary children.

So he looked just about ten years old, and his skin was a little dark. Now Ye Han has discharged impurities from his body several times, and his skin is white and his body is like a young man, so Ye Han has changed a lot.

It's not so easy for Zhang Sanlei and the other two to recognize him, so they didn't recognize him last time in the sect.

But now he suddenly found his cave, which clearly means someone told him that the boy they met was him.

Who is it?

Could it be that damned Jin Feng?

Or the Fifth Elder?

Ye Han's face darkened, but the only people in Qingxuan Sect who had grudges against him should be Jin Feng and the Fifth Elder.

But Jin Feng had not harassed him since he was driven away by Fairy Qingfeng.

He should not know that his appearance had changed.

So it was the Fifth Elder?

Damn! How could he, a Jindan cultivator, be so stingy?

Ye Han thought about it and felt that there was only one result, that the person who might deal with him was the damned Fifth Elder.

But it had been so long since the incident, why did the Fifth Elder still not let him go?

As a Jindan cultivator, this was too magnanimous, wasn't it?

But this was just a guess, and he didn't know what was going on.

Although he didn't provoke others, others always kept thinking about him, which made Ye Han quite helpless.

Zhang Sanlei and others outside were getting more and more impatient with their shouting.


Wang Fulai blurted out, "Ye Han! Don't think we can't do anything to you if you hide in the cave and don't come out. Zhang Qingshan is your role model."

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Sanlei and Li Zongqing immediately stared at Wang Fulai, their eyes full of warnings.

Zhang Sanlei lowered his voice and shouted, "You guy! Don't say what you shouldn't say."

Li Zongqing also scolded, "You fool, is this something you can say?"

After hearing what the two said, Wang Fulai also reacted. He was anxious for a moment, why did he say something he shouldn't say?

He said without confidence, "He shouldn't have seen Zhang Qingshan yet, right?"

Zhang Sanlei and Li Zongqing looked at him gloomily, which made Wang Fulai's face look weak.

However, Wang Fulai still whispered, "What are you afraid of? Zhang Qingshan has become like that, and our backers are much stronger than him."

Zhang Sanlei and Li Zongqing heard this, and their faces eased slightly. It is strictly forbidden to harm the disciples of this sect.

But the other party had no evidence either. Of course, it was just a sentence, and no one would investigate it.

It was just that this guy was just shouting nonsense.

The speaker was unintentional, but the listener was intentional.

Ye Han was so smart that he knew immediately that Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan was right in his suspicion. He had never been sure of the mission he had gone out to perform.

It was indeed successful, but the mission he completed was besieged by outsiders with ulterior motives.

Zhang Qingshan suspected that he was betrayed by someone, and the target was Zhang Sanlei and the other two...

As for what enmity they had with Zhang Qingshan, Ye Han didn't know, but he knew that Zhang Qingshan was a person who would never take the initiative to provoke them.

On the contrary, it should be that these three people caused Zhang Qingshan to destroy something, and then they held a grudge against Zhang Qingshan.

Now that Wang Fulai accidentally revealed this matter.

That means that Zhang Qingshan lost his arm and was seriously injured this time, and it was them who did it.

Thinking of this, Ye Han's face darkened. Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan was such a good person, but he was harmed like this by them.

What's more, they are from the same sect.

But Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan...

Ye Han didn't wait to think about it.


The door to the practice room opened, and Zhang Qingshan walked out. His face was plain, neither happy nor sad.

Seeing that Ye Han's expression was very ugly, he grinned and said, "Don't worry! Although we are allies, we are also in a competitive relationship. Immortal cultivators focus on plundering resources. The last time I had a dispute with them, it was them The task was completed by me.”

Having said this, Zhang Qingshan's face darkened again, and he said coldly: "But if they think of me as a sick cat that is easy to bully, then they are wrong."

Then he looked at Ye Han gloomily and said, "Junior brother Ye! You said before that you had a plan to deal with them. What can you do?"

Ye Han looked at Zhang Qingshan's gloomy look. It was the first time he saw him like this. His eyes moved, he thought for a moment, and told his plan...

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