Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 49: Vine Soul Technique

Ye Han also didn't expect that before he had finished learning the basic kneading techniques and mantra chanting, senior brother Zhang Qingshan would teach him spells.

However, these days, in his own cave, Zhang Qingshan needs peace and quiet to heal his wounds, as well as a practice room with abundant spiritual energy from heaven and earth...

So Ye Han let Zhang Qingshan use the practice room.

You must know that the practice room of a monk's cave is not that simple. There are several formations in it that can naturally concentrate the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the cave into it, making the spiritual energy of heaven and earth inside more abundant.

On the other hand, if there are enough spiritual stones or spiritual energy gathering array disks, they can also be embedded in the formation disks inside.

At that time, more heaven and earth spiritual energy can be added for cultivation. Although the effect is not as fast as taking elixirs, there will be no sequelae, drug resistance, and a series of problems with elixirs such as erysipelas.

However, Ye Han and Zhang Qingshan, two extremely poor guys, how can they have spiritual stones to increase the spiritual energy of heaven and earth? What a luxury it is.

On the other hand, this practice room also has a layer of defense against the invasion of external evils, which means it is quieter and easier to practice inside.

Of course, Ye Han's cave has many magical functions, but Ye Han's cultivation level is too low, and he does not have complete control over the cave, so many functions of this cave cannot be used yet. .

Zhang Qingshan Lao Zhong was deeply grateful to Ye Han for letting him use the practice room.

Looking at his surprised look, Zhang Qingshan smiled and said: "Actually, I don't plan to teach you so early. I think that although your cultivation level is at the fourth level of the Qi Refining Stage, your foundation is very solid and solid, as solid as a rock. This is so rare, otherwise your basic mantras and kneading techniques will not resonate with the magic power. Maybe it has a lot to do with the Qingxuan Gong you learned."

After a pause, he looked at Ye Han in amazement and said, "What's even more rare is that you understand the deeper meaning of pinching and chanting. This is something that accompanies us monks throughout our lives, so I think I can teach you spells! Your Very talented, much better than me.”

Listening to Zhang Qingshan's praise, Ye Han felt a little embarrassed and said: "You are too much of a reward to be a senior brother. Can you teach me a spell? What spell are you going to teach me?"

Zhang Qingshan immediately said: "Vine Soul Technique."

Ye Han looked puzzled and asked: "Vine Soul Technique? What kind of magic is this?"

Zhang Qingshan then explained in detail: "The vine soul technique I obtained is a trophy from killing those casual cultivators who sneaked up on me. If this spell is performed well, it will be very powerful." "

"When you cast this spell, you can use mana to summon vines to attack and entangle the enemy. Sometimes it will have unexpected magical effects. Of course, the extent to which you can use it depends on how far you have practiced."

After hearing this, Ye Han couldn't wait to say: "Senior brother, please teach me."

It sounds like this vine soul spell is a trap, a Yin man's spell. Of course, this is his first spell, so of course he wants to learn it.

Zhang Qingshan then said: "No problem! This is the secret book of the exercises. You can read it first. If you don't understand, ask me again!"

After saying that, he patted his waist, and with a flash of inspiration, an old yellow book appeared in his hand. It was thin, not very big, only the size of a palm, and he threw it to Ye Han.

Ye Han took it and saw the words Vine Soul Technique written on it. He immediately said: "Okay! Senior brother! Thank you!"

"What's the relationship between you and me? Thank you!"

"That's right! Senior brother is the best to me!"

"Practice well and ask me if you don't understand."


Ye Han took this book of Vine Soul Technique and read it carefully. It recorded first the formula, then the matching incantation hand gestures, the principles of the formation, etc.

Moreover, there are some marked words on it, which seem to be the experiences recorded by the previous owner of this secret book during this period of practice.

In this case, Ye Han seemed to be very convenient, but he still encountered some things that he didn't understand, so he kept asking Zhang Qingshan to tell him the principles behind it.

In the cave.

Ye Han made fast hand gestures and kept chanting incantations. The incantations he recited were like whispering in a dream. It was unclear what he was saying, but his tone had a special rhythm, which was beautiful and pleasant.

His hands were making various gestures dizzyingly.

As he recited the incantation, a thread of swirling wood spiritual light appeared not far in front of him, emitting a faint green light...

Ye Han recited the incantation, took seven or eight breaths, suddenly opened his eyes, looked forward fiercely, and shouted: "Vine Soul Technique."

Ye Han pointed his finger toward a stone pier in front of him.


A circle of twisted mana ripples suddenly appeared around the stone pier, with dots of green light. The mana formed a circle of rattan shape, directly wrapping the stone pier, and slowly entangled it...

Seeing this situation, Ye Han couldn't help but show a hint of surprise: "Succeeded?"

His words just came out.

Snapped! ! !

The rattan that had just formed its shape suddenly shattered and exploded, turning into little green lights and dissipating.

Ye Han couldn't help but look disappointed: "Failed again?"

After saying that, he squatted on the ground feebly. He had only used this vine soul technique three times, and it was not successful. He felt that his mana was almost empty. He suddenly felt a sense of weakness in his body and his head was a little dizzy. of.

This is because his cultivation has reached the fourth level of Qi Refining. If he was at the first or second level of Qi Refining, he would not be able to mobilize enough mana and could not perform it at all.

No wonder Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan told him that before his cultivation level was up, it was unnecessary to practice any magic because he could not perform it at all.

However, this time, Ye Han was happy from the bottom of his heart, because he felt that although he failed when he performed the Vine Soul Technique this time, the effect was obviously much better than before. At least this time it has taken shape and even circled the stone pillar...

More importantly, he saw the stone pillar sway slightly. You know, the stone pillar is more than 200 pounds, and the Vine Soul Technique can actually make it tremble slightly...

And this is only the first level of the Vine Soul Technique. This spell is divided into three levels. The first level is just a simple entanglement. The second level is to summon multiple vines to attack, entangle, etc. according to the amount of mana cultivation. The third level can summon vines to form a formation.

However, Ye Han wanted to learn the first level. Not to mention the next two levels.

Moreover, he didn't have enough mana to perform...

However, being able to reach this level, Ye Han was very satisfied and continued to practice.

However, he practiced for more than an hour.


"Ye Han, come out!" A familiar voice came from outside the cave, and the voice was full of anger!

When Ye Han heard this, his face changed slightly: "Damn it! Don't they know who I am?"

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