Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1095: Chu Family Head

Without sleep all night, Chu Yan sent someone to dress the **** early in the morning.

The **** sat absently in front of the bronze mirror and let the maids play with it.

"Miss, you look so good."

Dressing the beaver, the maids were all shocked.

The **** looked at the bronze mirror indefinitely, as if he did not hear the maid's praise.

Chu Xiangjun waved the maid, walked to the beaver, and stroked her silky hair, "Still thinking about that nightmare last night?"

Since she was awakened by that nightmare at midnight yesterday, she hasn't slept. What kind of dream has scared her into this.

The white **** leaned against Chu Xiangjun's arms, frowning, "Is that right?"

Obviously just a dream, why is she so upset?

Chu Xiangjun smiled and stunned the beaver, "It's a dream, don't be afraid, both father and mother are here, we don't have anything to fear."

Baitan looked up at Chu Xiangjun's loving face, and laughed.

Yeah, both father and mother and A Mo are alive. How could she have such a nightmare? It must be just a dream.

"Okay, the hour is here, let's go over." Chu Xiangjun smiled and squeezed the small beaver's face.


The white **** got up, adjusted his clothes, and went to the Chu family ancestral hall with Chu Xiangjun.

When Baitan arrived at the ancestral temple, she saw Chu Yan standing by the door and waiting for her.


Chu Yan looked at Baiju's makeup with satisfaction and stretched out his hand.

Baici looked at Chu Xiangjun, and Chu Xiangjun smiled and put Baici's hand into Chu's hand.

Chu Yan led the **** and entered the ancestral temple together.

Chu Xiangjun followed them.

Seeing Baiju and Chu Yan coming in, everyone's eyes came over instantly.

"This is the daughter of the third lady of the Chu family. It really looks alike."

"So pretty woman, look at her eyes as if they are hooking."

"The ancestor went to the door to pick up the person in person, and it seems that he takes the new sister very seriously."

Chu Yan led Baiju to the crowd. "This is my third granddaughter, Chuju, and she is officially included in my Chu family tree starting today."

The faces of Chu Xiaoqing and Chu Xiyao's mother and daughter were hard to look at instantly.

Even Chu Xiaopan and Chu Yuning's mother and daughter are jealous and indifferent.

Chu Yan turned and looked at the ancestral tablet of the Chu family. "Beaver, kneel."

Beaver raised his eyes and looked at the tablets, kneeling in a robe.

"The eleventh-generation grandson of the Chu family, Chu Tan acknowledged his ancestors today and asked the ancestors of the Chu family to bless her with joy and health."

After a full set of ancestor recognition rituals, Baijuku's legs were kneeling.

There are so many rules in this Chu family, no wonder this ancestor still has a big feast.

After the family tree was changed, the ancestor recognition ceremony was officially completed, and everyone went out of the shrine to the front yard.

Today, because the **** acknowledged the ancestor's return to the ancestors, Chu Yan invited a lot of people, not only all the old people of the Chu family arrived, but also many famous families in the city.

Mo Hongming, Leng Yuanxun, Lan Yetian also brought Mo Xixiao, cold and cold, and Lan Yetian came.

Everyone saw that Beavers widened their eyes strangely, because many of the former robbers and fighting doctors recognized Beavers, but no one thought that the white fairy who went to the Lan family to rob a relative turned out to be Chu's daughter.

When I saw Bai Tan again, Mexi Xiao still couldn't help turning over.

This woman is really beautiful, especially in such a costume, she can hook people's souls.

Two big beauties like Chu Xiyao and Chu Yuning are standing next to her.

"Everybody, let me introduce it to you, this is the third granddaughter of the old age, Chu Tan, and I would like to ask everyone to take care of it in the future." Chu Yan pulled Bai Tan to explain to everyone in a good mood.

Seeing Chu Yan attaching so much importance to beavers, everyone expressed joy.

"Congratulations, congratulations."

"Congratulations to the old lady for another beautiful grandson."

"This White Fairy is not only superb in medicine, but also kind-hearted. It is really a blessing for the old lady to have such a good grandson."

After hearing the praises of the beaver, Chu Yan smiled and closed his mouth.

Chu Xiyao and Chu Yuning on both sides were unconvinced.

In the past, they were the two who showed the limelight. Now the wild girl is here. These people don't even look at them.

Leng Yuanxun looked at Chu Xi's smiling eyes, and couldn't help joking towards Lan Yetian: "It seems that your grandmother and granddaughter can't get it."

Lan Ye's weather gave Leng Yuanxun an annoyed glance. This grumpy old guy wasn't the same without his grandson, and even laughed at him.

But it was really troublesome. He had a headache for it last night.

Chu Yan raised his hand to the crowd with a smile, "Today, the laborer invited everyone to come because there is one more thing for the old man to announce."

"whats the matter?"

Everyone looked at each other instantly, all guessing.

Chu Xiyao nervously raised his fist, terrified in his heart.

What does grandma want to announce, is it to tell everyone that the Suzaku mark is the wild species?

Chu Xiaoqing also narrowed her eyes, feeling a little uneasy.

Looking at everyone's expectation, Chu Xun smiled and looked at Baiju, "My grandson Chuju, smart and alert, kind-hearted, the old man decided to pass on the title of the Chu family to his grandson Chuju."

After Chu Yan spoke, everyone was shocked.

"What's going on, the ancestor of the Chu family actually wanted to pass on the title of the owner to this new granddaughter?"

"Did not the young master of the Chu family always be Miss Xiyao? The title of this master was passed to Chuju, what about Miss Xiyao?"

Mo Hongming and the three other homeowners all looked at Chu Yun in shock.

The Chu family's imprint in this life is clearly Chu Xiyao. How could this Chu Zhuan pass the head of the household to Chu Tan? This is strange.

Not only were the people outside shocked, but even the Chu family looked incredible.

Chu Xiaopan and Chu Yuning knew that Chu Xiyao had no mark, but they did not understand why Chu Yi passed the title of the head to Baijuer.

Chu Xiangjun did not expect that Chu Yi passed the position of the owner to the **** so quickly, but he was also worried.

According to the appearance of the elder sister, I am afraid that she will never watch the head of the family fall into the hands of Tanuki. Later, Tanuki may become a nail in her eyes and a thorn in the flesh.

Chu Xiyao stepped back with a pale face, looking at Chu Yan incredibly.

She originally thought that she was about to announce that she had no mark, but she didn't expect her grandmother to give her the position of the owner directly, and she was unwilling to give her any chance.

Chu Xiaoqing frowned at the beaver, anxious to pinch her to death.

The raccoon glanced at Chu Xiaoqing with an expressionless expression. Why was she staring at her like this? Does she think she wants to be the owner of this son of Rush?

"White beaver, you slut, even deceived my grandmother, why are you a wild seed to be the owner of my Chu family?" Chu Xiyao stared angrily at the beaver, raised his hand and attacked her.

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