Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1094: Nightmare


Feeling something, the **** unbuttoned his clothes and turned around.

A dark shadow flashed, and the claws rushed towards the beaver's clothes.

The **** was startled, and immediately waved his own power.

"Lier ..." Chu Xiangjun outside the screen heard the movement and hurried over immediately.

The mother and daughter attacked the man in black together, but the practice of the man in black was obviously much higher than them.

The fighting sounds in the room soon alarmed the dark guards outside, and Chu Feng quickly rushed in with a group of dark guards.

Seeing Chu Feng, there was a panic in the eyes of the man in black, and he jumped out of the window and ran away.

"Stop chasing."

Chu Feng was going to chase immediately, but was stopped by the beaver.

"Youtan, are you okay."

"You okay."

Chu Feng and Chu Xiangjun looked at Baiju nervously.

The **** shook his head and looked at Chu Feng. "Are you a grandmother?"

Chu Feng immediately knelt down, "Subordinate is the dark guard of the Chu family."

The **** frowned. "Go back and tell your grandmother that I don't need protection. Don't follow me."


Chu Feng looked at Baiju with some difficulty.

"You pass on my original words to my grandmother, and she will tell you how to do it."

"Yes." Chu Feng looked down and bowed back.

As soon as Chu Feng left, Chu Xiangjun sighed with a beaver, "You shouldn't drive them away."

The mother should have no other intention, just to protect the raccoon.

The **** twitched his lips, and said helplessly: "I know my grandmother has no bad intentions, but I'm used to it freely, and I really don't like the feeling of being stared at."

Chu Xiangjun frowned. "But those people ..."

The **** chuckled, "Mother, don't worry, I'll be fine."

She is not unprotected. The masters whom Master gave her are all there. Where can she be so easy?

"The man in black should be your aunt just now." Chu Xiangjun frowned and looked at the **** with an apology.

The **** raised her eyebrows without any surprise, "It should be, she just wanted to pull my clothes, it should be to see the marks on me."

Chu Xiangjun sighed anxiously, "The elder sister is an unsatisfied character. Your maternal grandmother told you to recognize your ancestor, and she was afraid she would hate you."

The Beaver sneered, "I have no interest in the Chu family, but if they rush me, then I might as well wish them."

Chu Xiaoqing is not a good temper, nor is she a good temper.


Chu Xiangjun smiled and nodded Baitan's head, took the dress on the side and said, "Come on, mother, please replace it for you."

Chu Xiaoqing spared two laps outside Chu's house, and returned to Nanyuan only after he was sure that no one followed.

Chu Xiyao anxiously greeted, "Mother, what's the matter, is there no mark on that wild species?"

Chu Xiaoqing shook her head. "I didn't see that your grandmother sent Chu Feng to the courtyard."

"What?" Chu Xiyao narrowed his eyes and wondered: "Grandma sent Chu Feng to that wild girl, why?"

Chu Xiaoqing frowned, gritting her teeth, "What else can your grandmother care about?"

Chu Xiyao's face turned white, and she took a step, "Mother meant that the wild species really had a mark?"

"Eighty-nine is inseparable from ten." Although she didn't see it with her own eyes, what makes her mother so laborious is that there can be no other than the Suzaku mark.

"But why? Her mother doesn't have a Suzaku mark. How could she have a Suzaku mark?" Chu Xiyao still shook her head desperately.

She was the daughter of Chu's parents, and she didn't even inherit the Suzaku mark. What was that wild seed?

Chu Xiaoqing also raised her fist unwillingly, and she didn't want to believe, but according to her mother's attention to her, she had to think so.

"So what now? If she really has the Suzaku mark, then the next homeowner will be passed on to her by her grandmother." Seeing that her homeowner was about to fly, Chu Xiyao was completely anxious.

The heads of the four major families have always been passed down from generation to generation. She has waited for the head of the family for more than 20 years, and she never wants to give up.

Chu Xiaoqing squinted and squinted.

In any case, she couldn't let her mother pass the position of the owner to that wild girl. The position of the owner must be Yaoer.


Baitan tried the dress and went to the house in Mo Beichen.


In the room, the man was already waiting.

"I'll change your medicine."

The **** smiled and lifted the medicine box in his hand, then went to the man and removed the gauze from his face.

"This medicine works well, and those scars have begun to recover." After the **** examined the recovery of the scar, the man reapplied the medicine.

The man looked at the **** steadily, a warmth flashed in the temperatureless eyes.

How good it would be to stay at this moment for a lifetime.

Re-tie the gauze to the man, and Beaver laughed, "In a few days, your face will be fully restored."

"Actually I don't care about these." The man raised his eyebrows indifferently.

The Beaver glared at him strangely, "You don't care if I care, I don't want you to be harmed in any way."

The **** said he took another small jade bottle out of his arms and handed it to the man, "This is the elixir that can help you restore your voice. Eat this bottle and you can restore your voice."

The man's eyes flashed, and he took the jade bottle and shoved it into his arms.

After changing the medicine, the two sat opposite each other, but for a moment there was nothing to say.

The **** had the intention to ease the embarrassing atmosphere, but when she saw those strange eyes, all the words flickered back instantly.

"It's getting late, I'll go back first."

The white **** got up, picked up the medicine box, and went out.

"I'll send you." The man immediately followed.

The two walked on quiet streets and no one spoke.

The **** clutched the medicine box strap tightly, feeling a little uncomfortable in his heart.

When did they even become like this, such a Mo is really strange to her. It was just amnesia, but the feeling of separation made her feel like she had changed.

"I'm here, see you tomorrow."

As soon as he arrived at the door of Chufu, the **** fled and ran in.

The man looked at the beaver's back, and there was a glimmer of light in his eyes.

"Amo ... Amo ..."

In the middle of the night, the **** was awakened by a nightmare.

"What's wrong with you? Have you had a nightmare?" Chu Xiangjun followed, looking anxiously at the beaver.

Recalling the dream just now, there was a cold sweat on the beaver's forehead.

She had found A Mo, why did she have such a terrible dream?

Seeing Baiju like a magic wand, Chu Xiangjun immediately carried her into his arms with distress, "Don't be afraid, it's just a dream."

The warmth struck, and the **** was awake now.

She had just dreamed that A Mo was immersed in a pool of blood and was dying.

No, it's not true, it's just a dream.

The **** took a deep breath, desperately suppressing the fear in his heart.

It must be just a dream, she has found A Mo.

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