Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1059: Suzaku Divine Beast

At this moment, the mountain shook outside, and the whole Fengshen peak began to shake.

"what happened?"

"Is the ground moving?"

The heavenly people and the disciples of the college all panicked.

Both Bu Yangzi and Rui and his team were staring anxiously at the entrance to the fairyland.

Is it Thunder? Is that girl okay?

Far away from the uncertain mountain, Huayan seems to feel something, looking anxiously at the direction of Fengshen Mountain.

It should be the ninth thunder, and in light of that girl's ability, this thunderbolt should be able to pass.


The meridians of the whole body seemed to be rushed away at once, and Baijue instantly shrank into a mass, desperately wanting to remove all the meridians of her body from her body.

The process of dilating the veins was painful and slow. The **** was sweating coldly, and his face was lying pale on the ground.

Nine Road Thunder Calamity has finally passed, is she considered to be in the **** stage?

After suffering, Baijue began to feel a warm current flowing in the meridians, and her eyes lighted up as if she was sitting up instantly and mentally.

She sat cross-legged and started to mobilize the mysterious power in her body. A silver beam was emitted from her body instantly, unlike the semi-transparent and semi-silver before. At this moment, her mysterious power was all silver. Come on.

The **** waved his silver spirit again with excitement, and then sat up satisfactorily and wanted to go out, but listened to a loud sound of "boom" in the air, the sky thunder descended from the sky, and gathered continuously, more than ever before. To be menacing.

No! Again!

Looking at the thunder that was several times thicker than the pillar, Baitan suddenly sweated coldly, wondering if it was time to run, but before she acted, the giant thunder broke openly.


When Tianlei fell, Baiju's body was sorely unconscious for a moment, but she couldn't say anything when she wanted to shout. At this moment, she even felt that her soul had come out.

After a few breaths, the **** felt that something inside her was like a flood.

Suddenly, she felt that the spiritual power in her body was constantly expanding, as if to tear her whole, and at the same time, she felt that her back was getting hotter and hotter, as if to burn.


The **** finally couldn't help screaming, and at the same time, a dazzling glare of light came from her back, and a flash of red light flew from her back instantly, making a clear hissing sound.

The **** stared blankly at the fiery red giant bird with a red halo in the air.

this is……

Suzaku Divine Beast?

The white-haired old woman far away in another space seemed to sense something, and opened her eyes narrowly.

It is the Suzaku **** beast!

At the same time, the other three old men all seemed to feel something, all of them were shocked.

Suzaku Seal was also opened?

After the white-haired old woman was excited, she jumped up from the ground and ran out.


The Suzaku Divine bird sighed with a loud throat, while flying around the beavers, as if considering his new master.

The power in her body that was beyond her control finally subsided.

The **** reached out to Suzaku's divine bird, but Suzaku stopped in front of her obediently. It was huge, several times larger than the beaver.

The **** touched its shiny feathers at a close distance, and the real fiery feeling finally gave her a little realism.

Did this guy come out of her back?

Is the tenth thunder robbery just related to the fire spiritual force in her body? It turned out that this mysterious power and spiritual power have to be robbed separately. Fortunately, there is Suzaku today. It is difficult to carry it.

The ground shaking outside hadn't completely subsided yet, Bu Yangzi frowned at the entrance to the immortal fairyland, and there was a hint of doubt in his deep eyes.

Why are there ten thunderstorms?

What other secrets does that girl carry?

At this moment, Bu Yangzi was extremely worried.

I knew there were nine thunder robbers before, and the girl's current strength should be able to bear it, but he did not expect that there would be a tenth thunder robber. Looking at the recent fluctuations, the tenth thunderbolt is definitely not going to be small. The girl doesn't know if she can't resist it?

Rui and his party on the side were also worried. She knew that she would go through so many thunder disasters. When she was retreating, he should remedy her with more elixir.

The shaking gradually subsided, and when everyone was relieved, they suddenly banged.

A red light poke out from the entrance of Juexian Wonderland, and before everyone could see anything clearly, they heard a crisp tweet.

Everyone raised their eyes for a moment, and saw a huge sparkling firebird hovering overhead.

"That is……"

"What is it, beautiful bird!"

"It looks like a Suzaku bird!"

"Oh my god, this is the ancient **** Suzaku!"

At this moment everyone's eyes were focused on the huge flamingo, completely ignoring the woman on its back.

"Look, there is someone on Godbird!"

"Is that ... Master?"

"It should be, but how did she get this way?"

"Is that the owner? Was she injured?"

Under the brilliant golden light, the **** wore a scorched black hair and a ragged shirt, and appeared so brightly in front of everyone. Everyone couldn't help wondering how much disaster this had gone through in order to become like this.

But it was so embarrassing, but still amazing.

"What a nice view!"

"It's the first time I've ever met such a beautiful person."

Against the background of that faint red halo, people who were originally like evil spirits are as beautiful as dreams at the moment.

Bu Yangzi and Xie Kun both fixedly looked at the white **** on Suzaku's back. She seemed to have changed a lot in three years. If she said that she was a flower bone with buds, it would be a full bloom at this moment. , So beautiful and eye-catching.

Bai Tan also did not expect that there would be so many people. When he saw Bu Yangzi and Rui and his party below, they immediately flew down.

"Master, second master."

The raccoon knelt directly, respectfully poking a head for Bu Yangzi and Rui.

Bu Yangzi lifted the **** and nodded with red eyes, "I didn't expect you to really reach the **** level, it's great."

Beaver smiled embarrassedly, "Thank you very much, Master."

Originally, she planned to come out only at the demi-god stage, but did not expect to reach the demi-god stage in just over a year, which is still far from the three-year period, so she continued to concentrate on her cultivation.

She expired three years ago half a year ago, but she figured it out, but at that time she faintly felt that she had the possibility of breaking through the order of the gods, so she stayed in the absolute fairyland to continue her cultivation.

I did not expect that this practice will be another half year. Fortunately, now she has really been promoted to the **** level, and all her efforts are not wasted.

No matter whether it was A Mo's request or the old man's request, she was fulfilled, and no one could stop her.

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