Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1058: Three years later

On this day, the disciples of Fengshen College were in the morning class, and suddenly a super strong spiritual force surged from the cave.

"Good power, it seems to be coming from the top of the mountain."

"Is it Wonderland? Is she going to leave?"

"Not necessarily. Didn't you have this level of spiritual power fluctuations two years ago? Didn't you see the master sister go out?" At that time, they all thought that the master sister was going to go out, and they all ran to the top of the mountain, but waited. One day and one night, I did not see her come out.

At the Tianji Peak, Bu Yangzi opened his eyes wryly, got up sharply, and flew to the top of the mountain.

"Is it Tanuki?"

Elder Tu stared at each other and ran to the top of Fengshen Mountain.

Not only did the people at Fengshen College feel the fluctuations, but even the Holy City below felt the strong spiritual power.

"Is it the leader?"

Huo Bin's eyes were bright, looking forward.

"Go and see." Xie Kun immediately got up and flew to the top of the mountain.

Huo Bin, Qin Tian, ​​Qin Lang, and Yu Chongjin all ran to the top of the mountain.

From Shengtian City to Fengshen Mountain Peak, there was only the Fengshen Academy. Only three people have climbed in the past three years, and the people have opened up another channel.

When they reached the top of the mountain, they saw Bu Yangzi already waiting.

"Elder Bu, Elder Rui, Elder Yuan, Elder Tu ..."

The crowd saluted Bu Yangzi one by one.

Bu Yangzi also nodded kindly to them. They had a good acquaintance three years ago, and they had a good relationship since then.

"Is the head going out?" Huo Bin looked with anticipation at the entrance to the immortal wonderland.

"I'm not sure." Bu Yangzi shook his head silently. After all, similar spiritual fluctuations occurred two years ago, but she didn't come out.

Three and a half years ago, the **** came back from the uncertain mountain, and went directly into the fascinating fairyland. This is more than three years. No matter what happened in the past three years, she never came out.

The disciples at Fengshen College seemed to have got the news, and they all climbed to the top of the mountain.

Ever since the spiritual power fluctuated two years ago, everyone has been looking forward to the appearance of this master sister.

I heard that the master and sister were very talented. At the time of the retreat, it was only sixteen or seven years old, and they had already reached Bailing.

Then, it was the holy heaven people. Compared with the disciples of Fengshen Seminary, the people of the holy heaven city expected their city owners to close early.

After the battle of Holy Heaven three years ago, many new people poured into the city of Holy Heaven. All of them were red and blue magical exiles. After Holy Heaven, they heard the legend of the city owner the most.

It is said that she is extraordinary and martial, and she is as beautiful as a fairy.

Just as everyone kept climbing to the top of the mountain, the entrance to the wonderland suddenly trembled.

Everyone was tense for a moment, and they all stared at the entrance momentarily.

The tremor became more and more fierce, and the entrance to Wonderland began to fluctuate.

At this time in the absolute fairyland, the transparent air wave of the beaver's whole body gradually turned silver.

With a bang, a thunderous thunder struck in the air.

The raccoon opened his eyes narrowly, and immediately fled to try to avoid it, but the lightning seemed to have eyes and followed her to make a twist in midair.


The thick lightning slashed from the top of his head, and the **** was chopped to the outer focus.

"Oh! Keke ..." Baitan spit out a white cigarette and coughed violently.

But before she calmed down, a second thunder appeared again.

"Come again!"

The **** stared, this time she did not hide, but directly transported mysterious power to the air.

The half-silver mystic power meets with thunder in midair, but it is like the sea encounters the current and is directly swallowed up.


It was another lightning split, and Beaver felt that his heart was burnt, and it hurt.

Still, it didn't stop there, and a third flash of lightning soon appeared.


The **** couldn't care about the pain anymore, and she ran straight up and ran, but no matter how she ran, the half-lightning lightning was still straight down from her head.

The raccoon shook her body with Venus in her eyes. Why the **** had she been hacking from the top of her head. Could she still have long hair?

By the time the fourth mine appeared, it was clearly more than three times wider than the first.

"Ahem ..."

Once again, the chest hurt, and the **** gnashed his teeth and sat directly on the ground. Then he began to mobilize the spiritual and mysterious power of his whole body, and soon a half silver and half red protective cover was formed.


The thunder broke, and the half-silver-red protective cover was smashed instantly, and a few turns of lightning thicker than the thighs were accidentally split from the top of the beaver's head.

The beaver's head suddenly seemed to explode. At this moment, nothing was left in her mind except for a white one.

Whoa! Do you want to be so powerful! This is the fourth one. It is said that this **** step has to withstand nine thunder robbers. The nine sky thunder are split down, so she still has no life to find A Mo.

The raccoon lay groggy on the ground without running or hiding, nor meditating with luck, lying directly on the body waiting to be hacked by thunder.

Anyway, I can't hide it anyway, so just wait.


It was another thunder, and the beaver's temple hurt painfully.

The **** withstood three thunders for a while, hurting her trembling power.


She spit out a black smoky mouth, and now she is no longer in outer focus, she is fully cooked.

It's the seventh, and two more, she must insist, A Mo is waiting for her.

The **** gritted his teeth and stood up tremblingly.

"come on!"

As soon as the **** raised his hand, he thundered again.

"Boom", the **** straight down straight.

There was no strength in the whole body, and the **** stupidly gave the illusion of death.

She opened her eyes strenuously, looking at the sky that was constantly gathering and growing in midair, and unconsciously raised a bitter smile.

Her body had reached the limit, and this ninth sky thunder split down, and she was afraid to see the king.


She missed him, she thought about it for the last three years, she didn't miss him all the time. If it wasn't for him, she was afraid she wouldn't be able to persist for so long.

No, she can't die, even for A Mo she can't die.

Baitan wants to sit up, but she has no strength in her whole body, so she can only lie on the ground, close all her acupuncture points, and mobilize all her spiritual power.

Although these defenses are not very useful, they can prevent a little bit.


Tian Lei, a thick-legged man, slashed fiercely, and Beaver closed his eyes tightly, waiting for the moment when the pain hit.

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