【——Yagen Toushirou!】

【——The Five Tigers retreat!】

【——Aizen Kunitoshi!】

【——Suzumaru Tsuneji!】

【——Candlestick-Kiri Mitsutada! 】


【——One issue, one shock! 】

As soon as the voice fell, six huge shadows suddenly appeared in the dark street. In an instant, several men in gorgeous clothes fell from the sky.

The light illuminated the darkness, and the figures in the darkness had nowhere to hide, revealing their true form.

On the dark and wide street, countless black gatherings of strange shapes stood there neatly... They were all black, but their bodies were strange, convex and concave. Only their eyes were red and emitted dazzling and soul-stirring light, weird and abnormal!

This is - the Time Travel Army!

"Haha, I didn't expect the black fog to be so thick, but there aren't that many of them. Are you bluffing?——"The candlestick cut the light and sneered

"Haha, lord, you finally summoned me!" Aizen Kunitoshi who came out was super excited,"Wow, there is a time-traveling army in this world. Look, I'm going to cut them up now!" It was not the first time for him to go into battle, but it was definitely the first time to go into battle with the lord. He was super excited!

Nioh said,"You guys deal with them first, Yaoyan, Suzumaru——"

"general——"Yagen Toushirou came over with his medicine box. Suzumaru Tsuneji also came over with his knife.

"Go over there and help.……"Niou looked at Suzumaru Tsuneji with complicated eyes,"Although, I don't know if praying will work."

"But - after all, he was injured while saving others, and I still don’t want him to miss the game because of this reason!"

"I will do my best to pray for him, my lord, don't worry!" Suzumaru Tsuneji smiled and said


The level of Nioh's Honmaru is very high, and the summoned Aizen Kunitoshi and Ichiki Ichikin are already extreme, with high training and fast movements. Even Candelabris Mitsutada will not be affected by the darkness.

More than a dozen Time Travelers, plus the Five Tigers who retreated, everyone is dancing wildly - basically it's almost done!

It's just that one of Nioh's escaped, but... He raised the shadow of the knife in his hand, and the sharp sword made a sound of breaking through the air,"Do you think I'm a noob who needs protection from others?"

He sneered,"Pu Li~ If you dare to think so, you are wrong!" He shouted

, turned his wrist, and a knife flower spun in the air. The dazzling spiritual sword shot out, like a day breaking through the sky, cutting through the twisted body of the Time Traveler.

Nioh frowned:"……"How do you feel?……

""My lord, your sword is getting faster and faster!" said Mitsutada Cangdai with relief.

King Nio frowned even more tightly, shook the sword in his hand, and carefully felt the spiritual power drifting in the air, and said sternly,"No, this is not the main force, they are luring the tiger away from the mountain!"

The black fog just now almost filled the entire street. It is impossible that there were only a dozen time-tracing troops.

There must be more things that took advantage of the night to leave the battlefield and go somewhere else.

Thinking of what the Phoenix of Byodoin said before, this group of guys came for him...

King Nio suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart.

At the end of this street, it seems that there is a hospital. Just heard the phoenix, they set out from the back door to the hospital for treatment.

"Damn it!" With his lips tightly pursed and a solemn expression on his fair face, Ren Wang gritted his teeth. If things were really as he thought, it would be really bad!


"Everyone, can you hold on any longer?"Ren Wang asked

"No problem at all!"Ichikiichizhen answered on behalf of everyone

"Let's go!"

The swords looked at each other and followed Niou in a sprint.

The scene in the hospital was just as Niou guessed. This was a diversion by the Time Travel Army.

To be more precise, this should be the result of the Time Travel Army's excessive focus on the Byodoin Phoenix.

After sensing the breath of the Byodoin Phoenix leaving, they directly separated a large part of it to chase it!

Originally, with the strength of the Byodoin Phoenix, it would have no problem resisting the counterattack, but now his human body is injured!

Fortunately, Yaken Toushirou and Suzumaru Tsuneji are here, otherwise - ding - the swords and shadows are intertwined, and Yaken Toushirou protects the Byodoin Phoenix and struggles to split the black shadow in front of him.

"Are you okay?" asked the young swordsman.

"hiss——"Taking a deep breath in pain, the Phoenix of Byodoin propped herself up with the help of the knife and sneered,"I am the Phoenix of Byodoin, how can I be defeated by these things!"

"You shouldn't be so stubborn.——"Suzumaru Tsuneji disagreed.

"Humph, this is the enemy I recruited, so of course I have to deal with it!" The Byodoin Phoenix is not so weak that he has to stand behind others to be protected.

As long as he can still fight, he will fight with this group of people to the end!

The Byodoin Phoenix was full of momentum, and the two swords spread out around him with him as the center. For a while, he was able to fight the Time Travel Army to a standstill, and even gradually gained the upper hand with his momentum.

Everything is moving in a good direction... but- this is a hospital!

The hospital is the darkest and brightest place in the world, but the night breeds darkness. The power of the Time Travel Army is fully exerted here...

Their eyes gradually became smart, and at that moment they seemed to have an idea.

When Nioh arrived-he happened to see- behind the Byodoin Phoenix who was fighting with a knife in front, a Time Travel Army with a red glow secretly followed.

""Bidaoin Phoenix - be careful!"

He screamed and rushed over at the fastest speed in his life. But at this moment, a dark figure blocked his way.

"Get out of here!——"He chopped with an angry knife, and rushed forward without stopping.

Unfortunately...���Stop in seconds!


I have never felt that the color of blood is so dazzling……

"Byodoin Phoenix!"

He watched the sharp black blade pierce through his clothes and into his fragile back.

Niou could even see every bit of astonishment on Byodoin Phoenix's face, and his slightly opened lips seemed to be saying something...

Niou moved in a flash and flashed in front of him. At the moment when his body was about to fall to the ground, he held him in his arms.

Suzumaru Tsuneji stood in front of the two of them and killed the enemy at the fastest speed.

"My lord, are you and Byodoin-kun okay?"

"Byodoin Phoenix - Hey! Byodoin Phoenix!" Niou could no longer care about the surrounding environment.

He looked at the figure in his arms sadly... The astonishment in the man's eyes had not completely dissipated, and a large amount of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth,"Cough cough……"

The Byodoin Phoenix laughed,"I never thought that one day I would be so miserable!"

He was the Byodoin Phoenix who looked down upon the world - but there would be a day when a phoenix would be accidentally dragged into the abyss. The light in his bright eyes gradually dissipated, and the Byodoin Phoenix said weakly,"Boy, maybe I really need your help this time!"

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