"Who are you?" The Phoenix of Byodoin asked coldly. At this moment, the man was still standing in the dark shadows and his appearance could not be seen clearly.

"My name is - Duke Watanabe!"The man came out, his tall figure gave off an oppressive feeling, and his rough face made him look even more ferocious.

"The French King of Destruction - Duke Watanabe!"

Byodoin Phoenix sneered,"When did the French team learn the trick of peeping!"

"I just happened to pass by, I mean no harm!" Although Duke Watanabe was fierce, the sincerity in his eyes was still caught by the Byodoin Phoenix.

He continued,"My mother is also Japanese, so, I think you guys are kind!"

Byodoin Phoenix sneered when he heard it,"Friendly, so I came over to peek?"

How could he not know that there is such a level of kindness in the world ?

"No matter what you think, I have no ill intentions!" Duke Watanabe looked at the man in front of him who still had some brutality in his eyes, and he felt excited.

He had heard the name of Byodoin Phoenix a long time ago.

But at that time, the reputation of this name was not very good - it turned out that when he realized that it was Byodoin Phoenix who stayed here, he chose to leave.

But the faint sound of conversation made him stay.

And in the end - the result did not disappoint him!

Everything was really surprising!

However, for the overall game. This news is of no use.

But for Byodoin Phoenix, it is a big surprise. I can tell Camus later and ask him to tease Byodoin Phoenix before the game.

"Watanabe Duke——I will remember you!"

The Phoenix of Byodoin was most sensitive to people's eyes. It could be seen that Watanabe Duke might not have more malicious intent, but——for him, it was the same to cause trouble.

A drop of cold sweat dripped from Watanabe Duke's forehead."……"

Being called a tyrant is really exciting!

Duke Watanabe raised his eyes and did not hide his fighting spirit.


"Maori-senpai… We should go now!" She poked her head out to get Maori Jusaburo’s attention, and nodded to the indifferent man.

"Ah, are you leaving?"Mori Jusaburo was very disappointed. He hadn't had a good chat with this person yet.


"Didn't I add the contact information?" Niou chuckled and took Maori Jusaburo's arm.

"I've added his contact information, you can contact me later!"

Maori Jusaburo pouted,"But……"

I am more attractive!

My opportunity is in front of me, and I don't want to always pursue those illusory contacts, because I may never see them again in the future."……"

How did Mao Li Senior do it? He became a fanboy of the other person after just one look.

He looked at the tall man behind the red-haired young man with scrutiny:...

With such an icy face, can he be so charming?

Yue Zhi Yue Guang:...

Why are you looking at me?

"You go back first!" He said.

There were people coming and going here, and Yue Zhiyue didn't want to become a target in other people's eyes.


Maori Jusaburo, who was originally whining and whining and didn't want to leave, agreed immediately.


He wanted to grit his teeth. He couldn't keep this senior anymore!

Watching Niwang take the man away, Yuezhi Yueguang met the same lonely Byodoin Phoenix on the road.

"……What's wrong with that kid?"

"Humph, I thought you wouldn't ask!" The Phoenix of Byodoin sneered.

"It seems that you like that little red-haired guy very much!"

"I just don't hate her!" Yue Zhi Yue Guang said.

The little red-haired girl's personality is unexpectedly likable, and the light in her eyes is naturally clear. Even someone like him who has no expectations in life will be attracted. Although she is from Rikkai University... it doesn't matter. We are all in high school and there is no prejudice against family background.

"You haven't said yet——"Yue Zhi Yue Guang asked

"An interesting child……"

"Do you plan to train him to be your successor?

"Of course not!"

Their future is uncertain.

Moreover, he feels that this kid will not be limited to being a U17 captain.

He belongs to a higher world.

"……"Yue Zhiyue looked at him in surprise.

This sounded very unequal.


This was a very different day for Niou and Mori Jusaburo.——

"It’s really worth it to go out with you this time!"He was super excited, like a child who met his idol.……

"It’s okay, there won’t be a next time!"

He never wanted to see that [hehe] person again.

Maori Jusaburo came back to his senses:"Ah? Gone?"

He was still looking forward to it, how could it be so sudden!

"No, Nioh……"He tugged at Ren Wang's sleeve pitifully,"The holiday for the national competition is still so long.……"

Why didn't we see each other anymore?

"……"It was just one meeting...how come...it's so hard to part with you!

"Phew~ Let's see what fate has in store for him!"

Anyway, he would never go over there on his own initiative in the future.

Maori Jusaburo didn't care about that. When he heard the affirmative answer, he got excited. If the mountain didn't come to him, he would go find the mountain!


Because of the unhappy ending with Byodoin Phoenix, Niou didn't want to meet Byodoin Phoenix again during the U17 game.

But life is always full of surprises!

The biggest surprise is - the shock on a rainy night!

Niou didn't expect, and really didn't think that the person knocking on his door that day was... a tall man with a fierce face.

"Who are you……"Before opening the door, Niwang was still hesitating whether to open the door or not. After all, he was alone in a foreign country.

【Shinsengumi... There is no threat in this person! 】What Kitsunesuke meant was that he was just an ordinary person.


"You were that person that day……"

Duke Watanabe breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Niou open the door,"The Phoenix of Byodoin is injured, and he needs your help!"

"……"This sentence blocked all of Ren Wang's words.

His eyes were bright,"What's going on? What do you need?"

"Huh... He said he didn't need anything, just you go over there!" Duke Watanabe didn't understand why the Phoenix of Byodoin was so obsessed with this person, and even didn't want to call his teammates.

"Then - let's talk while we walk!" Niu looked at the next room and left quickly. Since the Phoenix of Byodoin didn't want to tell others, it was not appropriate to tell Maori Senior.

"What's going on?" he asked

"My sister went shopping for me today. When passing by a residential building, the building suddenly collapsed... Byodoin Phoenix happened to pass by, so he saved her - but he was injured!"

"The house collapsed?"Ren Wang paused.

No matter how powerful they were, they were still just human beings. Once their bodies were damaged beyond repair,……

"Yes!" Duke Watanabe's face was solemn,"Byodoin Phoenix was seriously injured! He asked me not to tell anyone, and only told me this room number and asked me to come to you!"

Niou frowned, [Kitsunesuke, notify Yagen Toushirou! Let him be ready!——】


Rio unexpectedly saw Byodoin Phoenix with a little girl standing next to him in the lobby on the first floor,"Are you crazy? Why didn't you send him to the hospital first when he was injured?" Is there something wrong with Duke Watanabe's brain?

"It's not my fault, he had to come here first!"Duke Watanabe didn't understand.

But when the Byodoin Phoenix looked over, he didn't dare to say anything.

"I didn't let him go.——"The eyes of the Phoenix of Byodoin Temple were sharp."Now it's the U17 World Championship. I need to recover from my injuries as quickly as possible!"

He looked at the white-haired boy with a sharp gaze."Niou Masaharu, only you can help me!"

He wanted to -

Niou clenched his fist, this man - whoosh... Before Niou could refuse or agree, he felt a chill on his spine, and a whistling wind blew in from the lobby on the first floor.

When he walked outside, the originally dark street outside suddenly became covered with a thick black fog. Niou and the Phoenix of Byodoin Temple looked out at the same time.——

"This is——"The King's eyes turned cold"……Time Travel!"

"But why——"

Ren Wang was puzzled.

The Time Travel Army was trying to destroy history, but this was the present world that was still developing, and there was no history to destroy!

"Haha, these guys came here because of my scent!" Byodoin Phoenix pressed his chest to stop the cry of pain that was about to come out,"I have killed a lot of these things before, I am afraid I have been marked by them!"

"hiss——"If he hadn't been injured, he could have fought alongside Niou Masaharu.

But now——

"Isn't that what you two are talking about?"

Duke Watanabe asked. He had no idea what was going on. Why did Byodoin Phoenix and Niou Masaharu start talking to themselves while looking at the pitch-black sky outside?

"It has nothing to do with you! Take your sister away first!" Ren Wang turned around, stood at the door, looked back at the people sitting in the hall,"And you, you go too!"

"Can you handle it yourself?"After saying this, Byodoin Phoenix laughed,"I forgot that you still have a lot of helpers!"

Although the black fog was rolling outside, the number of the time-traveling army must be quite a lot. But Nioh is no pushover!

Byodoin Phoenix was helped up by Duke Watanabe. When passing by, he heard Nioh say,"You go to the hospital to treat your wound first, and I'll help you with the rest!"

After all, he didn't want Byodoin Phoenix to be disappointed!

"Good!" The Phoenix of Byodoin curled the corners of her lips slightly."……Be careful!"

""Pu Li~ Who do you think you are talking to!" He is the only Shinsengumi in the world. He has countless soldiers and generals.

After watching them leave, Nioh looked back, with endless coldness in his eyes."A bunch of bastards, not only destroying history, but also daring to break into the world!" He stretched out his palm, and the blue-white light blade formed by spiritual power appeared automatically. His right hand gently grasped his left hand and stretched it to the front of his chest, and gently raised it in the air.���, his palm sank, and a heavy paper book with an ancient atmosphere suddenly fell.

The corner of Ren Wang's mouth raised a sneer, and his lips slightly opened, and the book in his hand moved without wind -

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