After the meeting, the saints returned to their positions with mixed feelings, ready to welcome the arrival of the world fusion.

In the process of the fusion of the two worlds, the saints need to enter the interior of the two worlds and use their own magic power to stabilize the world. For this reason, the three spokespersons temporarily lifted the ban on saints from entering the prehistoric world.

"Brother Lunhui, the Hengyu Underworld has been taken over by Fengdu. You take all the people of our sect and leave the underworld and enter the human world. The matter of suppressing the human world is left to you."

"Don't worry, Master. But how sure are you about that matter?"

The "that matter" that Master Lunhui said refers to the matter of swallowing the prehistoric human way with the human way of the Hengyu world and making Fang Yang the spokesperson of the human way.

This matter is of vital importance. Once successful, the Wusheng Sect will be able to replace the human race and stand on equal footing with Xuanmen and Pangu League.

Therefore, when the three brothers talked about this matter, they all referred to it as "that matter", even in the world of destiny.

Fang Yang sighed and said, "You can't get a tiger cub without going into the tiger's den. Even if you are not sure, you have to give it a try."

When the Master of the Wheel of Reincarnation heard Fang Yang say "not sure", he couldn't help but worry.

You know, Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun, the brothers, just fell into the hands of the Honghuang Heavenly Dao. He was worried that Fang Yang and Shengxin Daojun would follow in the footsteps of Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun.

"Master, do you want to think about it again?"

When the matter came to an end, the Master of the Wheel of Reincarnation hesitated.

Fang Yang said, "At this point, there is no room for regret. I understand what Junior Brother means. However, our situation is different."

How can it be the same?

Hengyu Human Dao is stronger than Hengyu Heavenly Dao, but Honghuang Human Dao is weaker than Honghuang Heavenly Dao. The gap between Fang Yang and Fuxi Shenghuang is not as big as that between Yuanshi Tianzun and Hongjun Laozu.

More importantly, Honghuang Human Dao can be weakened. If the human world is strong, the prehistoric human way will be strong, and if the human world is weak, the prehistoric human way will be weak.

Fang Yang dare not say that this matter can be 100% successful, but the chance is greater than that of Yuanshi Tianzun against the prehistoric heavenly way.

"Junior brother is overthinking. Master brother, rest assured, junior brother will definitely do what he should do."


After discussing with the Master of Samsara, Fang Yang and the Holy Heart Taoist returned to the Wusheng Sect.

This time, the Wusheng Sect must be prepared to fight on two fronts.

Devouring the prehistoric human way is a big deal, and devouring the three thousand worlds is equally important.

Fang Yang has calculated that at the moment when the prehistoric world and the Hengyu world collide, the time and space of the entire world will be violently shaken.

At that time, some relatively weak worlds will definitely appear on their own initiative.

What the Wusheng Sect has to do is to brand these worlds before they are born, and fight as many as they can. When the world fusion is completed, the Wusheng Sect will immediately send troops to attack the three thousand worlds.

In short, no matter from which aspect, this world fusion is a rare opportunity for Wushengjiao.

However, in order to prevent being attacked from both sides, Yang Jiao is already on high alert, and Hong Zhou, a strong ally, is also ready to support at any time.

Unfortunately, Jiang Ziya received a lawyer's letter from Hongjun Patriarch warning that he could no longer openly help Wushengjiao. Of course, under the premise of the permission of the Heavenly Law, it is not a problem to give Wushengjiao some conveniences. Hongjun Patriarch is unlikely to find fault with such a small matter.

Not long after, all the creatures in the two worlds learned the news that the worlds were going to merge. As soon as this news came out, it caused an uproar in the two worlds.

Whether it is the creatures of the prehistoric world or the creatures of the Hengyu world, they have waited too long for this day. Some immortals have even lived their lives and still can't wait for the fusion of the two worlds.

In the eyes of many immortals, the fusion of the two worlds has become a series in their lifetime, and it is a question whether they can see it.

And those mortals are even more excited.

Life is only a few decades long, how lucky are they to witness the fusion of the world?

And according to official statements, after the fusion of the two worlds, the world will undergo new changes, and it is not certain that the life span of mortals will be greatly improved.

When the news spread throughout the two worlds, all living beings looked up at the sky from time to time, looking forward to the fusion of the worlds. Some mortals even stayed up all day and night, making themselves kidney-deficient.

They waited for 25 years.


The sun and the moon in the two worlds flashed at the same time, like light bulbs with unstable voltage.

After flashing for nearly an hour, a loud bang broke the earth, and everything between heaven and earth stopped. Then, the earth's plates began to shake wildly.

Whether it was the prehistoric world or the Hengyu world, the sky collapsed, the earth sank, and all things lost their voices.

From the perspective of the chaotic world, it was the two behemoths that gently and slowly touched each other.

However, the prehistoric world and the Hengyu world were too big, and even the slightest collision would burst out unimaginable energy on the bodies of these two behemoths.

At the moment of the world collision, a halo of energy burst out from the contact surface of the two worlds.



This halo exploded in the chaotic world, easily cutting through the infinite space. Countless heavens and earth were opened up and destroyed in an instant. The ring-shaped black crack spread out and cut the chaotic void in half.

Its power even spread to the depths of chaos, and it was unknown how far away it was.

"Fellow Taoists, please take action immediately and protect all living beings!"

The voice of the ancestor Hongjun resounded through the world, notifying the saints to take action.

Most of the saints took action at the beginning, but some saints were half a beat slower. The person that Hongjun Patriarch notified was the one who was half a beat slower.

"Why are you in such a hurry? Hasn't the collision happened yet? This time, the world fusion will not benefit me, the Asura world."

The Styx Patriarch complained in his heart, but on the surface he worked very hard and sent all the great powers of the Asura Sect to help him suppress the sea of ​​blood.

The one who was under the greatest pressure was Nuwa. Not only did she have to protect all living beings, but she also had to suppress the immortal volcano in the south.

Once the immortal volcano erupted, the fire veins of the entire prehistoric world would erupt at the same time, and the prehistoric world would be torn into pieces again.

In order to prevent the eruption of the immortal volcano, Nuwa not only took action herself, but also invited her bestie group.

Nuwa's bestie group was composed of powerful women from the ancient and prehistoric times. There were so many of them that even the Kunpeng Patriarch did not dare to provoke them easily.

These powerful women were originally the besties of the Queen Mother of the West. They once joined forces with the Queen Mother of the West to fight with the Kunpeng Patriarch. Later, they were poached by Nuwa and became her besties.

Amid the constant roar, huge worlds flew out from the past, future and other hidden time and space.

The Moral World, the Tathagata World, the Sword Spirit World, the Magic Wand World, the Magic Fairy World

Under the world-class collision, the three thousand worlds were exposed and appeared one after another. (End of this chapter)

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