"As the Emperor of Heaven, one should be fair and just, and treat all living beings under the Heavenly Dao equally. But teacher, fellow Daoist Jiang Ziya has always been partial to the Wusheng Sect. He has allocated most of the heaven to the Wusheng Sect, and let the Wusheng Sect preach. How can such a person be worthy of the position of the Emperor of Heaven?"

Nuwa Niangniang was obviously not persuaded by Hongjun Laozu, and continued to oppose Hongjun Laozu's decision.

She didn't understand why Hongjun Laozu treated Jiang Ziya so well even though he was not a disciple of Xuanmen. When Haotian God became the Emperor of Heaven, Hongjun Laozu didn't support him so much.

She didn't believe that Hongjun Laozu didn't know what Fang Yang had done to Xuanmen.

A Hate Heaven Sect, a Tujie Alliance, and a Penglai Conference almost made Xuanmen the target of public criticism.

Could it be that Hongjun Laozu really didn't have any sectarianism in his heart?

When Jieyin Saint and Minghe Laozu heard what Nuwa Niangniang said, they secretly applauded.

They were not disciples of Hongjun Laozu, so they did not dare to question his decision, but Nuwa was different. The words of close people always carry more weight.

Unexpectedly, Hongjun Laozu looked at Nuwa with disappointment: "Nuwa, since you know that the Emperor of Heaven should be fair and just, do you know what the purpose of fairness and justice is?"

How could Nuwa not know that, she is a saint. However, she did not care about the purpose. Maybe she would care about it before she lost her humanity, but now she does not care about it at all.

"I founded the Heavenly Court to benefit the people and strengthen the power of my prehistoric world. In the eyes of you and your fellow disciples, the power of the Heavenly Emperor is supreme, but you only see this. The power that I gave to the Heavenly Emperor is not for him to abuse his power, but to govern the world."

"After Jiang Ziya succeeded the Heavenly Emperor, he managed the Heavenly Realm in an orderly manner, and the fortune of the Heavenly Realm was flourishing, and all living beings lived and worked in peace and contentment. If Guangchengzi, Maitreya, Duobao, and Lu Ya were replaced as the Heavenly Emperor, do you think they could do what Jiang Ziya did?"

Hearing the names of these four people, Nuwa Niangniang couldn't help but recall the situation when Hongjun Laozu appointed the second Heavenly Emperor.

At that time, Yuanshi Tianzun, Tongtian Jiaozhu, Bodhi Laozu, and she respectively recommended Guangchengzi, Duobao Taoist, Maitreya Buddha, and Lu Ya Daojun.

When Hongjun Laozu mentioned this matter again, Nuwa Niangniang was speechless.

These four Heavenly Emperors that they favored couldn't even manage a sect. If they were to manage the Heavenly Court, they wouldn't know what kind of mess they would make.

"I don't care what the Heavenly Emperor's background or identity is. As long as he can earnestly perform his duties as Heavenly Emperor, make the Three Realms prosperous, and not harm the Three Realms, I will always support him to be Heavenly Emperor."

The voice of Hongjun Patriarch was like a huge bell, constantly echoing in the hall, constantly impacting the heart of Nuwa Niangniang.

Nuwa Niangniang finally determined that Hongjun Patriarch's thoughts had jumped out of Xuanmen. Hongjun Patriarch was not only the ancestor of Xuanmen, but also the Taoist Patriarch of the entire prehistoric world.

The identity of Taoist Patriarch allowed Hongjun Patriarch to be free from the constraints of Taoist tradition, race, country, and other concepts.

What he thought was right was right. Other people's views on right and wrong could not affect Hongjun Patriarch at all.

Hou Tu Niangniang and Fuxi Shenghuang were also shocked by Hongjun Patriarch's pattern when they heard this. They are also spokesperson-level figures, but they can't put aside their sectarianism.

However, there is one person who is very unconvinced, and that person is the Saint of Reception. In his opinion, Hongjun Patriarch is very hypocritical, and this paragraph is simply insincere.

There is a big difference between how Hongjun Patriarch treats the Three Pure Ones and how he treats him.

In his impression, as long as there is a good thing, Hongjun Patriarch will think of the Three Pure Ones, and never think of them in the West.

This is enough to show that Hongjun Patriarch's heart is full of sectarianism.

The Saint of Reception doesn't understand that a person's thoughts and behaviors are not immutable.

During the Zixiao Palace period, Hongjun Patriarch did have a deep sectarianism in his heart. After all, at that time, he had just become a saint, and his realm had not reached today's level.

After the Xuanmen ruled the prehistoric world, the various behaviors of the saints disappointed Hongjun Patriarch. He realized another truth from it, so he abandoned the sectarianism and began to cultivate Fang Yang with clones such as Yugong and Jidu Patriarch.

Of course, this kind of growth of Hongjun Patriarch may not be fair to the Saint of Jieyin. But in the prehistoric world, the strongest are respected, which is the greatest fairness.

As long as a person is strong enough, no matter what his previous background is, no matter how big a crime he has committed, no matter how disgraceful his past is, he can be respected by others.

Just like now, no matter how dissatisfied and angry the Saint of Jieyin is, he dare not speak out, and can only hold it in his heart.

"My two Taoist friends, Hengyu Heaven has been allocated to my Xuanmen in the last meeting. You two should not regret it, right?"

After persuading Nuwa, Patriarch Hongjun looked at Hou Tu Niangniang and Fuxi Shenghuang.

"I have no objection."

Hou Tu Niangniang shook her head. Anyway, Didao has obtained the underworld, and Wushengjiao also has the human world. She doesn't care about the heaven.

Only Fuxi Shenghuang regrets it very much.

The heaven belongs to Xuanmen, the underworld belongs to Didao, and the human world belongs to Wushengjiao. He can't get anything from the human world.

Before, Fang Yang obtained the ownership of the human world at the cost of the Hengyu human race.

In Fuxi Saint Emperor's opinion, all the people living in the human world are the Hengyu people. Even the Hengyu people belong to the Honghuang people, and the Honghuang people swallowed up the Hengyu people, so the human world naturally belongs to the Honghuang people. What the Wusheng Sect has left is only the right to preach and the right to move in the Hengyu human world.

In this deal, the human race is sure to win.

Who knew that at the most critical moment, some of the crouching dragons and phoenixes in the human world offended the Wusheng Sect, causing the human race in the human world to break with the Wusheng Sect.

At present, the Wusheng Sect will never hand over the Hengyu people to the human race in the human world.

This is equivalent to saying that the human race fought a great war in the Hengyu world and got nothing.

Fuxi Saint Emperor was very unwilling, and he decided to fight for the human race: "Daoyou Hongjun, my human race also participated in the war to attack the Hengyu world. Now, my human race has no spoils of war, which is a bit unreasonable, right?"

Fang Yang smiled before the Hongjun Patriarch spoke.

"Daoyou Fuxi, your human race has indeed made contributions. But having contributions is one thing, and the grudges with my Wusheng Sect are another. Your human race betrayed their faith and lost all the benefits in the Hengyu human world. What's wrong with that?"

He never knew what it meant to forgive others when you can. The human race dared to offend the Wusheng Sect, and the Wusheng Sect dared to let the human race gain nothing.

Ancestor Hongjun nodded and said lightly: "Daoyou Fangyang is right. This is the grudge between your human world and the Wusheng Sect. I am not in a position to intervene."

His words blocked all the thoughts of the Holy Emperor Fuxi. (End of this chapter)

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