In the ancient times, the winds and clouds were raging, but the Wusheng Cult did not stop its pace of attacking the human world.

After establishing the military camp in the human world, Wusheng Cult disciples entered the human world one after another, igniting the war again.

It is convenient to wage war on other people's territory. The Wu Sheng Cult does not need to have any scruples. Anyway, it is not their own home that is damaged. In turn, the human race was very frustrated.

Facing the artillery fire of Wusheng Cult, the human race not only cannot dodge, but also tries its best to block it. Even on the periphery of the human world, the damage is too serious and repairing is not easy.

"This is the price a traitor should pay!"

The Great Luo Dao Fruit of the Five Thunder Dharma King was operating to the extreme, extracting boundless magic power. Five groups of thunder and lightning of different colors condensed into a giant palm, killing the opponent in one fell swoop.

This grasp tore the world apart, and the five fingers were as big as the pillars of heaven, firmly locking one side of time and space.


Facing this blow, a Da Luo Jinxian from the human race couldn't resist at all. He was hit by the thunder and his whole body twitched, and his mouth was twisted.

"Transformation Divine Fist!"

Huashengzi punched out, and endless divine power blasted out, transforming life into death, and everything into nothingness. Upon seeing this, his opponent immediately offered an acquired spiritual treasure, hoping to resist it.

However, everything was in vain. Under the fist of the Metamorphosis Son, everything was shattered.

"Golden Silk Rain!"

Tang Ao, the boy of Wuji Dao Zun, also joined the battle. His whole body was covered with golden threads. All enemies who came close to him were entangled in these threads in the blink of an eye, and were wrapped into cocoons.

Of course, on such a battlefield, Wusheng Cult cannot always suffer losses. Human beings have strong and weak powers. They can win when they encounter the weak, but they may not win when they encounter the strong.

No, Immortal Lord Shui Jing fell into the plan of the powerful human race and was trapped in the encirclement.

"Okay! In that case, let's all die together!"

Faced with a desperate situation, Shui Jingxianjun did not hesitate and blew himself up on the spot. Most of the humans who surrounded Shui Jingxian could never have imagined that Shui Jingxian could use such a move, and they were so frightened that they fled like crazy.

However, Shui Jingxianjun has already locked onto them.


The violent explosion spread throughout the human world, and the Shui Jing Immortal Lord sacrificed a Dharma body, causing the four human beings to temporarily lose their combat effectiveness.

How could the top leaders of Wusheng Cult personally end a war of this scale? This war is not a life and death battle, and it has not yet come to an end for the powerful men themselves.

"Okay, well done, fellow Taoist Shui Jing!"

Seeing this, some other Wu Sheng Cult masters who were at a disadvantage immediately had inspiration and pounced on their opponents and began to self-destruct.

They couldn't defeat their opponents anyway, so they might as well use this Dharma Body in exchange for a chance to win.

Bang bang bang!

The human world turned on the vibration mode, and waves of terrifying explosions spread throughout the human world. Every explosion would cause the human race's Daluo Jinxian to be severely injured.

Seeing such a situation, the powerful human race was also stunned. How can there be such a kind of war? If you can't win, you will blow yourself up. Are the people of Wusheng Cult so strong in temperament?

Even the Five Emperors were afraid of this desperate fighting style.

Don’t be afraid! After fighting for a long time, he finally gained the upper hand. However, before the opponent showed his defeat, he pounced on him and blew himself up.

Who can stand this kind of play?

Taoist Wuji was keenly aware of the fear in Emperor Zhuanxu's heart. He found an opportunity to deliberately show weakness and let Emperor Zhuanxu take advantage. Then, he suddenly pounced on Emperor Zhuanxu.

Seeing Taoist Wuji rushing toward him, Emperor Zhuanxu's mind went blank: Something is going to happen in the human world!

I think back then, Luo Hu blew himself up and destroyed the Western land. From this we can see the power of a great supernatural power user’s self-destruction. If Wuji Taoist self-destructs in the human world, the damage to the human world will be fatal.

However, Taoist Wuji took advantage of Emperor Zhuanxu's mind to be frightened, gathered the power of thousands of stars, and bombarded Emperor Zhuanxu.


At this moment, the sky and the earth turned pale. Countless people opened their mouths and wanted to speak out, but no sound came out.

Emperor Zhuanxu's physical body was exploded on the spot, and even his soul was shattered and turned into countless pieces of light.

The other four Human Emperors who saw this scene were completely dumbfounded!

How many years have passed and when were the five of them injured? Since they became the Human Emperor, the monks in the world have been in awe of them. No one dared to offend them, let alone hurt them.

No one would have thought that today, Emperor Zhuanxu, the leader of the Five Emperors, would be beaten to death.

"Brother Royal!"

The four Human Emperors let out heart-rending shouts.

Emperor Shun didn't care to help Emperor Yu. In a blink of an eye, he came to Taoist Wuji and struck his head with a thunder axe.

He couldn't let Taoist Wuji continue to take action, otherwise it would be difficult for Emperor Zhuanxu to be resurrected.

As a result, on the other side, Emperor Yu, who faced the true form of Martial Ancestor alone, would be miserable. After only three or five rounds, Emperor Yu was completely at a disadvantage and was surrounded by dangers.

"Your Majesty Zhuanxu!"

"His Majesty!"

On the human side, because Emperor Zhuanxu was both physically and mentally destroyed, morale was greatly affected. Even the Human Emperor was defeated, did they still have any hope of winning?

When the morale of the human race is low, the Wusheng Cult is fighting more and more courageously.


In a burst of shouts of killing, Wusheng Cult tore apart the defense line of the human army, and the army entered a star field.

Each of the star fields on the periphery of the human world is a formation. These star fields are strung together to form the defensive barrier of the human race.

A thousand-mile embankment is destroyed by an ant hole. Once this defensive barrier is broken, the human race's defense line collapses completely and is driven straight into by the Wusheng Sect.

When Emperor Zhuanxu was resurrected, he saw the Wusheng Sect chasing the enemy and killing them. Fortunately, after he died once, his state of mind improved a lot.

In order to reduce losses, he immediately issued an order: "Everyone, retreat three hundred light years and retreat to the second line of defense!"

After hearing Emperor Zhuanxu's order, the human army retreated in an orderly manner.

The Wusheng Sect won the battle, but did not pursue the victory. They stopped and set up a new camp on a new star.

The advancement of the Wusheng Sect's front line put great pressure on the human race, and the entire human race fell into a cloud of sorrow.

After these two beatings, they finally understood that the human race has never been the only one. The Heavenly Dao Saint was like this in the prehistoric times, and the Heavenly Dao Saint was still like this after leaving the prehistoric times.

Before, because of the departure of the Heavenly Saint and the formation of the human world, the human race became arrogant. The artillery fire of the Wusheng Sect awakened the human race.

However, it was too late to understand this truth at this time.

Fang Yang also found that he had always misunderstood. In fact, the human race in the earthly immortal world is the real treasure, and the human race in the human world is not suitable for preaching.

The human race in the human world is too arrogant and arrogant, and is not as down-to-earth as the human race in the earthly immortal world. (End of this chapter)

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