Prehistoric: Starting from Foolish Old Man Moving Mountains

Chapter 930: Confrontation between the New and Old Saints

With Fang Yang's departure, the powerful Wushengjiao who besieged the Confucian world also lifted the blockade of the Confucian world, and everything in the Confucian world returned to normal.

In Wenchang Palace, the ancestor of Confucianism and Taoism and the master and apprentice Qianqiu Rujun stared at each other with helplessness on their faces.

Now it's good, they don't need to fight anymore. Confucianism and Taoism have been incorporated into Wushengjiao, and how to treat the human race is just to obey Fang Yang's orders.

"What's this? All my previous efforts in Confucianism and Taoism have gone down the drain?"

After the ancestor of Confucianism and Taoism sat down, he felt dizzy and always felt unreal.

You know, in order to enter the human world, he gave all the resources that Confucianism and Taoism had treasured for several kalpas to the human race. In a blink of an eye, he joined Wushengjiao.

All his resources were given away for nothing!

Qianqiu Rujun had a different opinion on this point. He hesitated slightly and reminded: "In fact, the moment Master gave all the resources to the human race, those resources were wasted. The human race has always been treacherous. They can betray the Wusheng Sect and Confucianism."

The words of Qianqiu Rujun were like a sharp blade, deeply piercing the heart of the ancestor of Confucianism and Taoism, making him heartbroken.

Only when the strength of each other is equal can we talk about trust and loyalty.

The human race dared to stab the Wusheng Sect in the back, relying on their status as the protagonist of the world. They expected that the Wusheng Sect could not do anything to the human race.

Similarly, the strength of Confucianism and Taoism is not even comparable to that of the Wusheng Sect. Will the human race take Confucianism and Taoism seriously?

"Yes, I made a wrong move, a ridiculous mistake. But fortunately, we still have a chance. Although the leader of Wusheng Sect does things by any means, he never treats his own people unfairly. Taiyuan, Wuji, and Wuchen were once enemies of Wusheng Sect. After joining Wusheng Sect, they were soon rewarded by the leader of Wusheng Sect. We, Confucianism and Taoism, also have a chance."

The ancestor of Confucianism and Taoism thought about the situation in Wusheng Sect, and his eyes lit up. This time, he really saw hope.

This is the benefit of Fang Yang's emphasis on credibility. With credibility, others can be convinced naturally. Those who have no credibility, not only will outsiders not believe him, but even his subordinates and disciples will have a different heart towards him.

Qianqiu Rujun also agreed with the ancestor of Confucianism and Taoism: "There is a chance, but we must also seize the opportunity. There are many masters in Wusheng Sect, and there are many people who want to prove the truth and become saints. If we are outdone by others, the opportunity to prove the truth will be someone else's."

No one dares to guarantee the competition for the great way and helping people become saints.

Ancestor Hongyun is a typical example. He first obtained the sainthood, and then obtained the Hongmeng Purple Qi after giving up the sainthood, but he was not able to prove his way to sainthood.

Even if Fang Yang could obtain the purple qi of humanity from humanity and give it to the ancestor of Confucianism and Taoism, would the ancestor of Confucianism and Taoism be able to become a saint?

The ancestor of Confucianism and Taoism listened to Qianqiu Rujun's reminder. He nodded: "You are right. We must not only hold on to the big tree of Wushengjiao, but also hold it firmly. Only when we have a firm foothold in Wushengjiao can we plan other plans."

The gate of Wenchang Palace closed automatically, and the voice in the hall gradually became smaller.

Soon, the human race received a response from Confucianism and Taoism. Confucianism and Taoism promised to bring masters of Confucianism to help the human race.

In order to make the play more realistic, the ancestor of Confucianism and Taoism also specially purchased a large number of elixirs and talismans from Pangu League, as if he was really preparing for this battle.

After buying the elixir and talisman, the cunning Confucian and Taoist ancestors took the bill and went to Fang Yang for reimbursement. Fang Yang saw the thick account book and reimbursed all the expenses for the Confucian and Taoist ancestors without saying a word.

There was no way, he was now working for the Wusheng Sect. He should give enough support to Confucianism and Taoism.

Fang Yang was not afraid that the Confucian and Taoist ancestors would cheat him of his resources, because even if Confucianism and Taoism fully supported the human race, the Wusheng Sect would not be defeated. If the Confucian and Taoist ancestors dared to cheat him, only Confucianism and Taoism would suffer.

While the human race was preparing for war urgently, other forces in the prehistoric world also began to fight.

Today's world is an era where new saints and old saints coexist. Fang Yang and his three people confronted the human race, and other new saints also found their opponents.

The first to take action were the demons, and the ancestor Kunpeng directly launched a war of preaching against the Chan Sect.

Yuanshi Tianzun has always been proud of his status as the authentic Pangu. In order to consolidate the status of Pangu, Yuanshi Tianzun promoted the concept of legitimate and illegitimate children among the human race.

The ancestor Kunpeng saw this point and used the trick to let the demon god pretend to be a disciple of the Chan Sect and established a righteous and illegitimate sect.

The doctrine of the righteous and illegitimate sect is that the legitimate bloodline is supreme, and the status of legitimate sons and daughters is madly strengthened, and illegitimate sons and daughters are degraded to the abyss.

This one is exactly in line with Yuanshi Tianzun's thoughts.

Yuanshi Tianzun has always felt that he is the incarnation of Pangu's primordial spirit, and is Pangu's legitimate son. The twelve ancestor witches and other innate gods in the prehistoric world are just Pangu's illegitimate sons.

The status of illegitimate sons is naturally lower than that of legitimate sons.

After the emergence of the righteous and illegitimate sect, the disciples of the Chan Sect who did not know the truth were very happy. They also thought that the one who established the righteous and illegitimate sect was really the disciple that Yuanshi Tianzun accepted in the prehistoric world.

However, they could not see the hidden dangers at all.

Where there is oppression, there is resistance. The prehistoric world is a world where strength is supreme, not a world where birth is supreme.

How big can the difference be between Pangu's legitimate son and illegitimate son?

The Three Pure Ones are indeed blessed with great fortune and immeasurable merits. Are people like Dijun, Taiyi, Wangshu, and Xihe so inferior that they are shameful?

Taiyi was born holding the Chaos Bell. Except for the sage Laozi, no one can compare with him.

In the near future, when the dissatisfaction of all beings with the distinction between legitimate and illegitimate children accumulates to the extreme, it will surely erupt.

At that time, it will be the time when Pangu's authentic sect falls from the altar.

After the emergence of the authentic and illegitimate sect, although Fang Yang did not know who did it, he also deduced that the person behind it was going after Pangu's authentic sect.

As for whether Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun can see it, that is another matter.

The authorities are confused. For the vested interests of "Pangu's authentic sect", they agree with the doctrines of the authentic and illegitimate sect in their hearts.

"I am Pangu's authentic sect, I am the most noble", Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun have always thought so.

Whether they can feel the malice in it depends on their respective cultivation.

When the ancestor Kunpeng attacked Yuanshi Tianzun, the ancestor Minghe also attacked Buddhism. Under the leadership of Mo Luo, the Asura sect came out in full force, and the army was mighty and marched towards Xiniu Hezhou.

Before the ancestor Minghe became a saint, he suffered a lot from the two saints in the West. Now that he has become a saint, of course he wants revenge.

For Mara, Buddhism is also his enemy. This time, his motivation to attack Lingshan is stronger than anyone else.

After the Asura Cult came to Xiniu Hezhou, they launched an operation to destroy Buddhism. They killed all Buddhist disciples they saw without even asking questions.

At this point, only Laozi the Saint and Nuwa the Goddess were not targeted by the new saint.

There was nothing they could do about it.

The Human Cult and the human race have almost merged, and the Wa Palace is also closely related to the human race. When the Wusheng Cult attacked the human race, it also attacked the Human Cult and the Wa Palace.

Jiang Ziya, Fengdu Emperor, etc. wanted to take action, but they couldn't find an opportunity. (End of this chapter)

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