"Fellow Daoist wants my origin, what a big appetite. Just based on this small condition, you want me to hand over my origin?"

How important is the origin of humanity to humanity. Asking it to hand over its origin is equivalent to asking the Three Pure Ones to hand over their own Pangu imprints. If this were in the prehistoric world, humanity might have activated the rules of humanity and sanctioned Fang Yang.

Fang Yang expected humanity's opposition. If he were in their place, he would not be willing to do so either. However, since he dared to propose this condition, he was sure to convince humanity.

"For others, whether to allow the human race of Hengyu World to merge with the human race of Honghuang is just a matter of words from me, but for you, it is related to your future. Scarcity makes things valuable. The human race of Hengyu World is unique, and it can be said to be a priceless treasure for you. Since it is a priceless treasure, of course it must be exchanged with something of equal value."

"Don't forget, you are the one who conquered the human world of Hengyu World. If the two worlds merge, you will swallow up the human world that I have finally condensed. Just for this point, you can't be too stingy, right?"

Fang Yang adheres to the principle of never suffering a loss, and he is not polite at all when talking about the conditions. Even though Hengyu World was not conquered by him alone, he is not right and he is also angry.

Now, it is the human world that needs help, not him. If he doesn't take advantage of the opportunity to make a profit, he will be sorry for the sentient beings in the world of destiny.

The human religion has learned how difficult Fang Yang is, and it can't help but think of Nuwa. Compared with Fang Yang's conditions, Nuwa's conditions are too easy to meet.

Someone has to be the spokesperson for humanity anyway. Coincidentally, Emperor Fuxi is one of the most qualified candidates to be the spokesperson for humanity.

"Fang Yang, you have a big appetite and are easily choked."

"No, no, no, I have always had a good appetite. Otherwise, I can't swallow the human world of Hengyu World alone. On the contrary, fellow Taoist, you finally got rid of the control of the Heavenly Dao, you don't want to be swallowed up by the Heavenly Dao and the Earthly Dao again, right?"

If humanity knows how to get angry and has lungs, its lungs have been blown up. Even so, humanity also feels unhappy.

It doesn't know why it is unhappy, but this unhappiness makes it have the urge to mobilize the power of humanity and punish Fang Yang.

"Okay, very good! I agree."

However, humanity is absolutely rational, and its instinct tells it that it must agree. As Fang Yang said, there will be no such shop after this village.

Fang Yang heard this, his eyes were filled with smiles: "Daoyou is straightforward, I like to negotiate with straightforward people. I want to make a deal with you?"

Humanity was just killed by Fang Yang once, so it was very vigilant against Fang Yang.

"I don't have as many origins as Heavenly Dao and Earthly Dao, Daoyou should go find them!"

It was afraid that Fang Yang would take out something that he couldn't refuse, so it simply refused directly to avoid being at a disadvantage.

If the human race in Hengyu World was not too important, it would not trade with Fang Yang.

Fang Yang smiled slightly when he saw this: "Daoyou, don't worry, this deal is more beneficial to you."


Humanity was moved again.

After all, Fang Yang was a saint, and he wouldn't use such a thing to deceive him.

"Daoyou, tell me your conditions first."

Humanity was cautious in advance, for fear that it would not be able to resist the temptation.

Fang Yang was a little amused by the reaction of humanity. A dignified human, the pattern is too low. Just asking for a little bit of the origin of humanity, it's afraid of this and that.

He stared at humanity and said solemnly: "Daoyou was once under the Heavenly Dao, so you must know many secrets between heaven and earth. I want to know how to upgrade the innate spiritual treasure to the innate supreme treasure."

The Heaven-Deceiving Wheel and the Seven-Aperture Exquisite Heart are so useful. The former can deceive others and the heaven and earth without any problems, while the latter can greatly improve one's own understanding and protect the mind, making the heart of Tao flawless and unobstructed.

The effects of these two magic weapons are comparable to the innate supreme treasure.

Fang Yang originally planned to figure out how to upgrade the innate spiritual treasure to the innate supreme treasure after becoming a saint. However, he had limited secrets and could not figure it out at all.

He did not plan to ask for advice from Hou Tu Niangniang. He owed the Wu clan a promise, and he didn't know when he could fulfill it. He didn't want to owe the Wu clan more.

Now that humanity is delivered to his door, he must seize this opportunity.

If even the three paths of heaven, earth and man do not know the secrets of the innate spiritual treasures and the innate supreme treasures, then there is no existence in the world that knows.

The human path felt relieved when it heard Fang Yang's conditions. This condition is nothing to it.

"Daoyou has become a saint, and it is indeed necessary to cultivate the innate supreme treasure to improve its own strength. However, this secret is too important. If Daoyou wants to know the secret, you must also take out something of equal value."

Human path learns and uses it immediately. It will control Fang Yang the same way Fang Yang controlled it just now.

But how could Fang Yang be controlled?

He raised his hand, and a magic lamp appeared out of thin air. The aura of the avenue was vast, and endless divine light was wafting. The heavens and the worlds were shrouded in light.

"You may have misunderstood me, I want to cultivate an innate treasure because I have too many resources in Wusheng Sect, so many that I can't use them all. In order to avoid waste, I want to use these resources to cultivate an innate treasure and make the best use of good things. Please look, this treasure is my innate treasure - the Immortal Heart Lamp."

If you want to avoid being manipulated, the best way is to prove to the other party that what you want is not indispensable.

"The Immortal Heart Lamp, this is indeed a genuine innate treasure."

When Rendao saw the Immortal Heart Lamp, he immediately gave up his previous idea. He was also prepared to use the method of cultivating innate treasures to exchange for his own origin.

"What does Daoyou want to exchange?"

Fang Yang said: "Of course, it is the underworld creatures of Hengyu World."

Since Rendao likes creatures so much, Fang Yang will send him a batch of creatures. I just hope that Rendao can like this batch of creatures.

The underworld of Hengyu World was originally the demon world, and those creatures are naturally demon creatures.

Fang Yang can pack the ghosts in the underworld with the underworld and send them to the witch clan to cut off the favors of the witch clan for helping him when he was weak. Anyway, these ghosts are useless to him.

The demons in the underworld are not very useful and have no value in preaching. However, he can recycle them and exchange them with Rendao for useful information.

"Demons? Daoyou, are you serious?"

Rendao is a little unconvinced. It doesn't believe Fang Yang will be so good.

Fang Yang nodded seriously: "Of course it's true! Daoyou, don't think that I am a profit-seeking person. I also like to make friends. In the past, my Wusheng Sect treated the human race as a friend and did a lot for the human world. Daoyou is the best person to know. What happened just now was just a joke with Daoyou."

This sounded fake. Humans are not living creatures, what kind of joke is this.

However, after listening to Fang Yang's words, the human really began to believe it. It has never dealt with Fang Yang, but it has seen the style of the Wusheng Sect.

In the human world, the Wusheng Sect is indeed very generous and does not seem to be fussy. (End of this chapter)

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