"In order for me to become a complete human being, I must incorporate more races into the human system. However, there are too few races in the ancient world that can be compared with the human race. After experiencing several calamities, the Wu clan entered the tunnel. The demon clan has not established a complete civilization system, so I can only stay in the human world. "

Humanity's narration was very plain, and there was no emotion in his tone. However, Fang Yang could clearly feel Humanity's helplessness.

The human way definitely wants to become stronger, to become as strong as the heavenly way and the earth way.

However, its birth was controlled by Xuanmen. After it is formed, it becomes a tool. It was the birth of the human world that made it free from the constraints of heaven and become independent.

However, after entering the human world, it was bound to the human race.

"So, Taoist fellow Taoist can't leave the human world?"

Suddenly, Fang Yang caught a loophole.

The human realm is separated from the heavenly realm with the help of the power of the human world. In this way, humanity will merge with the power of the human world.

If it leaves the human world, it is equivalent to the fetus being separated from the mother's body, and it will be miscarried midway.

Humanity shook its head. This was the first body language it learned: "Why not? Do fellow Taoists think that I escaped from the control of Heavenly Dao because of the power of the human world?"

Fang Yang was speechless after hearing this. In just a short moment, Humanity not only learned body language, but also learned to read people's hearts.

Moreover, while controlling the body, humanity also refines part of the power of humanity in the world of destiny. Although the power of humanity in the world of destiny is very weak, it is complete.

With this crucial power of humanity, humanity becomes a little bit more complete.

"No wonder, the Humanity Society is willing to exchange the energy of the origin of humanity. If it can absorb the power of humanity from the Destiny World for a long time, it will get more benefits. However, I gave it these powers of humanity. If I don't give it , it cannot be refined."

Fang Yang thought about it thousands of times, and finally just asked: "Why is that?"

Humanity asked Fang Yang for help and did not hide it. He told Fang Yang a big secret between heaven and earth.

"Do you know, Taoist Taoist Sister Nuwa, who is clearly the Holy Mother of the human race, why did she condemn the entire human race because of Di Xin?"

Fang Yang pretended not to understand, and said bluntly: "I don't know."

To be honest, I don't care what people who have no interest in me think, whether now or before. No matter how high the status of Empress Nuwa is, no matter how compassionate she is, no matter how many fans she has in ancient times, it has nothing to do with him.

Next, Humanity told Fang Yang the story of Nuwa.

Every saint has a dream of realizing the Tao and Hunyuan. Empress Nuwa, the first saint under Hongjun, naturally wanted to attain Hunyuan.

Before the Fengshen Calamity broke out, Nuwa's cultivation was already very high. Therefore, she came up with the idea of ​​taking back her natal world and natal soul from Heaven and prove the Hunyuan.

However, how easy is it to take back the natal world and natal soul from Heaven? This is simply more difficult than proving the Tao through force.

Empress Nuwa did not back down or give up. She quickly figured out a plan.

In addition to being a saint of heaven, she is also a spokesperson for humanity. She can take advantage of the battle between heaven and humanity to increase her success rate.

Empress Nuwa knew deeply that human nature was no match for heaven. Therefore, she has to wait for an opportunity.

The time she chose was to confer the gods and measure the calamity.

During the calamity period, Heaven must allocate energy to arrange the calamity. This period of time is when Tiandao is at its weakest and least powerful.

At that time, humanity had developed a consciousness of its own. Therefore, it took the opportunity to propose conditions to Nuwa. It helps Nuwa Empress to regain its natal world and natal soul, and Nuwa Empress wants to help it escape from the control of heaven.

Humanity and Nuwa were full of confidence and declared war on Heaven on the day when the calamity was launched. However, they still underestimated the power of heaven.

The two joined forces and attacked from inside and outside, but they were only able to suppress Tiandao slightly, and were unable to seize what they wanted from Tiandao.

Empress Nuwa was very desperate at the time, because if she failed this time, she would never have the chance to regain her natal world and natal soul when Heavenly Dao returned to its heyday.

Eventually, Humanity came up with a plan. As long as Empress Nuwa helps it escape from the way of heaven, it will make Emperor Fuxi the spokesperson of humanity and assist Emperor Fuxi in rescuing her.

Empress Nuwa had no other choice but to divide herself and cut off the connection between humanity and heaven.

The way of heaven controls the way of humanity through Nuwa, the saint of heaven. The connection between humanity and Nuwa is hidden in Nuwa’s humanity.

Empress Nuwa let go of humanity at the cost of losing her humanity, gave Holy Emperor Fuxi the position of spokesperson for humanity, and also gave herself hope.

It must be said that Nuwa is a brave and resourceful female saint. If the power of Heavenly Dao hadn't been too overwhelming, she might have achieved Hunyuan Dao.

Fang Yang then thought about it, even if Nuwa had not attained Hunyuan, her strength was not comparable to that of other saints.

"In other words, as long as Fellow Taoist Fuxi is the spokesperson of humanity, Fellow Taoist Taoist Brother Fuxi will not violate the agreement with Fellow Taoist Nuwa?"

Humanity has received such great favor from Empress Nuwa, and only Holy Emperor Fuxi can hold the position of Humanity spokesperson. Empress Nuwa must have made preparations to prevent humanity from going back on her word and burning bridges across rivers.

"That's true. Fellow Daoist Nuwa has done me a favor, otherwise I wouldn't have given the human race a thousand years. The human race is full of intrigue and profiteering, which has caused wars to break out in the human world, and the people are living in misery. After seeing Fellow Daoist's world, I feel that a thousand years is too long."

"Fellow Daoist, you are too serious. War and peace appear alternately, and no world is always stable. Fellow Daoist, don't you realize that my world of destiny has begun to brew the first catastrophe?"

Fang Yang didn't want the human way of the prehistoric world to stay in the world of destiny, which is not good for the world of destiny.

The world of destiny has its own human way. As long as there are enough merged worlds, human way will one day be as strong as the human way of the prehistoric world.

"Do you agree with my conditions?"

Human way doesn't want to talk too much about this matter, it won't listen at all.

The benefits of introducing a new race into human way are self-evident. If the human race of Hengyu world and the prehistoric human race merge, there will be one less race in the world.

Fang Yang nodded: "Of course I agree, but I want the origin of humanity from you."

If nothing unexpected happens, when the two worlds merge, the humanity of the Hengyu world will also be swallowed up by the humanity of the Honghuang world. He wants the origin of humanity to make up for the loss. (End of this chapter)

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