The three major forces, Xuanmen, Pangu Alliance, and the Human Race, are busy preparing to attack Hengyu World. A shocking change is taking place in a force outside these three major forces.

Prajna Heaven, Bodhi Palace.

"You can't find it after wearing iron shoes, but it takes no effort to get it. The third-grade golden lotus of merit that was lost by my Buddhist sect is finally back in my Buddhist hands."

Sage Zhunti held the third-grade golden lotus of merit offered by his disciples. He was so happy that he couldn't even tell the difference between east, west and north.

Ever since Ran Deng Buddha became the leader of Buddhism, Buddhism has been experiencing constant disasters. Not to mention that the Western Heavenly Palace, which was finally established, was completely destroyed. Buddhist great powers such as Lian Ran Deng Buddha and Long Guang Ancient Buddha were liquidated by Fang Yang.

After this back and forth, the fortune of Buddhism dropped to the bottom. Everything in Buddhism was not going smoothly, and even the effectiveness of preaching was greatly reduced.

However, there is no need to worry anymore, because the third-grade golden lotus of merit is back.

Saint Zhunti waved his hand and took out the ninth-grade golden lotus of merit. He looked at the Golden Lotus of Ninth Grade Merits and thought of the dead Buddha Deng Deng, and murderous intent surged in his heart.

No one has ever dared to treat Buddhism like this, never!

Fang Yang, a small casual cultivator, actually dared to plot against the head of the Buddhist sect together with Yangmei World. Not only that, Fang Yang also tried Buddhism in front of all the immortals in the world and exposed the scandals of Buddhism.

If he could enter the ancient world, he would definitely cut Fang Yang into pieces. However, precisely because he could not enter the primitive world, his hatred for Fang Yang became even deeper.

He originally thought of staying in the chaotic world. As soon as Fang Yang left Honghuang, he would take action against Fang Yang. After destroying Fang Yang, he then killed all the Wu Sheng Sect members in the chaotic world to avenge the Buddhist sect.

However, Saint Zhunti did not wait for Fang Yang to leave the prehistoric era. What he waited for was the news of Fang Yang's enlightenment.

With Fang Yang's enlightenment, Saint Zhunti could not express his resentment no matter how much he felt. No matter how high his cultivation level is and how powerful his magic power is, there is nothing he can do against an enlightened person.

All these unspeakable resentments turned into murderous intent.

"Fang Yang, I will let you be proud for a while. The matter of lighting the lamp will be discussed in the future. Our Buddhist sect has almost wiped out the Jie Sect, so why should we be afraid of your little Wusheng Sect?"

Saint Zhunti took a deep breath, and the murderous intention in his heart disappeared.

It is obviously meaningless to act murderous towards an immortal person. If you keep the murderous intention in your heart, you will only hurt yourself. Therefore, Saint Zhunti decisively gave up the murderous intention.

When his state of mind returned to peace, Saint Zhunti held the ninth-grade golden lotus in one hand and the third-grade golden lotus in the other. He used his magic power with both hands to start the fusion of the ninth-grade golden lotus and the third-grade golden lotus.

In the conception of Saint Zhunti, this integration should be smooth, because the ninth-grade golden lotus and the third-grade golden lotus are originally one body.

However, as the fusion progressed, Sage Zhunti discovered that the ninth-grade golden lotus was a little aloof from the third-grade golden lotus, and wanted to refuse but welcome it.

It seems that the ninth-grade golden lotus is very eager to merge with the third-grade golden lotus. However, whenever the two are about to truly merge, the ninth-grade golden lotus will begin to reject the third-grade golden lotus.

Saint Zhunti was afraid that his magic power would be too strong and cause damage to the two lotus terraces, so he had to withdraw his magic power.

"Strange, these two lotuses were originally made from the twelfth-grade golden lotus of merit. This is absolutely correct. Why does the ninth-grade golden lotus of merit exclude the third-grade golden lotus?"

Even though Saint Chunti was a saint, he couldn't figure out the reason for a while.

"There is no other way but to refine the two lotuses first and then let them fuse. Before the retreat, senior brother gave Lao Na the task of finding the ninth-grade golden lotus of merit and virtue and the task of finding the third-grade golden lotus of merit, probably just to prevent things like this from happening. "

Saint Zhunti burst out with stronger magic power and started refining the third-grade golden lotus of merit and the ninth-grade golden lotus of merit.

The saint's magic power is unfathomable. In a moment, the third-grade golden lotus with merit was completely refined. The ninth-grade golden lotus with merit was slightly less refined, but most of it was refined.

Seeing that the progress was going well, Saint Zhunti couldn't help but look happy and nodded repeatedly.

However, just when Saint Zhunti was getting carried away, a burst of Sanskrit sounds came out from the golden lotus of third-grade merit. These sounds were permeable and penetrated directly into Saint Zhunti's body.

Saint Zhunti was shocked. He never thought in his wildest dreams that someone would actually plant a trick into the golden lotus of the third grade meritorious deeds.

He wanted to throw away the third-grade golden lotus of merit and get rid of the Sanskrit sounds in his body, but the ninth-grade golden lotus of merit suddenly changed and turned into a golden-robed monk with golden light all over his body.

The golden-robed monk raised his hand, and countless blue and silver threads flew out from his palm, densely packed, entangling Saint Zhunti in them. It turned out to be the most powerful entanglement technique among the three thousand avenues!

Suddenly entangled by the great entanglement technique, Saint Zhunti immediately struggled, but it was already too late.

The great entanglement technique used by the saint is activated by the avenue of cause and effect. The saint zhunti can break away from the ordinary great entanglement technique, but cannot escape from the cause and effect.

"You, senior brother?"

Saint Zhunti couldn't believe his eyes at all. Until he was plotted against, he never doubted the reception of Saint Zhunti.

"Yes, it's me! But you should call me Buddha."

The saint said with an expressionless face.

As he spoke, more blue and silver threads flew out from his palms, one by one, binding Saint Zhunti into a cocoon of light.

Saint Zhunti was betrayed by the people closest to him, first unexpectedly, and then with boundless anger.

He has always regarded guiding the saint as everything to him.

When the Saint Jieyin wanted to revitalize the West, he accompanied the Saint Jieyin to revitalize the West. When the Saint Jieyin wanted to become a saint, he seized the sainthood for the Saint Jieyin. When the Saint Jieyin wanted to become the Buddha, he and the Saint Jieyin left the Xuanmen and founded the Buddhist sect.

He gave his heart and lungs to the Saint Jieyin with all his heart and gave them to the Saint Jieyin.

But the Saint Jieyin actually plotted against him?


The Saint Zhunti asked loudly in great pain.

Hearing this, the Saint Jieyin smiled: "Brother, I am fulfilling your wish! Didn't you always say that as long as I say a word, you will go into the water or into the fire. Now is the time for you to fulfill your promise. As a saint, you won't lie, right?"

The Saint Zhunti was stunned and had nothing to say.

It was one thing for him to be willing, and it was another thing for someone to ask him to do it.

He felt that the Saint Jieyin had done him a great favor, so he was willing. However, the Saint Jie Yin actually plotted against him, how could he still be willing?

"My karma is your karma, my retribution is your retribution. The karma of all living beings and all the karma should be borne by you."

The Saint Jie Yin ignored the fiery gaze of the Saint Zhunti, chanted a spell, and countless red karma lines emerged from his body, and an ominous breath came over him.

How could the Saint Zhunti not understand the purpose of the Saint Jie Yin? The Saint Jie Yin wanted to transfer all the debts on his body to himself! (End of this chapter)

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