After the sermon, Hou Tu Niangniang started to talk about business.

Attacking Hengyu World is both a challenge and an opportunity.

If a great supernatural being can enter a new world, he may be able to break the shackles of the current realm and cultivate the Great Dao.

Although the earth has two saints, Hou Tu Niangniang will not be satisfied. If possible, she hopes to cultivate another saint-level combat power for the earth through the Hengyu World.

As soon as the news of Hengyu World came out, it caused an uproar among the great powers.

Many great powers have never doubted the existence of other worlds. Pangu can create the world, and other chaotic demons can do the same.

However, believing in the existence of other worlds is one thing, and discovering a new world is another.

When a new world appears in front of the great powers, the shock in their hearts can be imagined.

But they are still calm, they know how much they are worth. Without the saint-level combat power to lead, even if they were given a hundred courage, they would not dare to dream of the Hengyu World.

Fang Yang and Emperor Fengdu were as steady as old dogs, turning a blind eye to the sights cast by the mighty.

Pangu League is a very loose alliance, and it will only join forces briefly when dealing with Xuanmen. Apart from that, the relationship between the members of the alliance is maintained by interests.

Since it is a relationship of interest, Fang Yang and Emperor Fengdu will only help others to the best of their ability. In other words, once these mighty people encounter a crisis that makes Fang Yang and Emperor Fengdu feel troubled, whether they will help is worth discussing.

Even Fang Yang and Emperor Fengdu can't trust each other. They have never interacted, let alone friendship.

In Pangu League, it is better to rely on oneself than on allies.

When Fang Yang and Emperor Fengdu were preaching, Hou Tu Niangniang saw through their thoughts. The two of them obviously didn't want to be contaminated by the power in Pangu League.

Power and responsibility are twins. If you enjoy power, you must take responsibility.

In fact, Hou Tu Niangniang understands Fang Yang and his friends' ideas very well.

This Pangu League has always been centered on the Wu Clan. When the Pangu League was first established, the Wu Clan had been paying. When the Pangu League was completely defeated and the members of the league could only rely on Hou Tu Niangniang, the Wu Clan began to get rewards.

If Fang Yang and his friends pursue power, they will immediately become the scapegoats, solving all kinds of troubles for these great powers all day long.

"Pangu League is just a group of rabble. Such an alliance still wants to defeat Xuanmen, don't dream."

Fang Yang noticed the eager eyes of the great powers looking at him and Fengdu Emperor, and evaluated in his heart.

If you have the ability to get the opportunity, then go for it. If you can't get it, you must know how to give up, instead of putting your hope on others.

Fang Yang asked himself, he has never owed these great powers anything.

What he owed to Bixia Yuanjun, he had already paid it off with the pen of truth. He and the Wu Clan also mostly communicated in a fair trade manner. He owed Hou Tu Niangniang a condition, and perhaps gave Hou Tu Niangniang a promise.

These powerful people regarded him as a safe haven, which was a big mistake.

"Fellow Daoists, I have discussed with the two spokespersons of Tian Dao and Ren Dao, and decided to send people to attack the other side's world. You are all elites of my Pangu League, and you should contribute to this matter."

"The Queen Mother is right, and we are willing to obey the Queen Mother's orders!"

Hou Tu Niangniang had no opinions on these powerful people. As early as when she established the Pangu League, she accepted all of this.

With her mental preparation, no matter what happened in the Pangu League, it would not affect her state of mind.

"Very good! I have asked Fang Yang and Feng Du, two Daoists. They are willing to represent my Pangu League to attack the other side's world. In addition to them, I hope that there are other Daoists willing to go."

Feng Du Emperor quickly responded to prevent being morally kidnapped.

"I don't know the strength of the other world. So, after entering the other world, I am not sure that I can escape unscathed."

The Emperor of Fengdu meant that I can't even take care of myself. If you want to attack the Hengyu World, you must be prepared to die in another world.

"That's right!"

Fang Yang nodded in agreement, "I hope you will think it over carefully. The chaotic world is not a joke. No one dares to say that they can be safe and sound. I will say this in advance. If you encounter a strong enemy that I can't deal with, I will never come forward to rescue you."

Although the great masters understood the decision of Fang Yang and the others, their cold and ruthless attitude still scared them.

When they thought about being killed by a powerful opponent on the other side of the distant chaotic sea and dying in a foreign world, their scalps tingled.

If they died in the prehistoric world, their true spirits could still enter Guixu. If they died in a foreign world, would their innate immortal true spirits float forever in the chaos and never return?

"What you two fellow Taoists said is exactly what I want to remind you. The war between the two worlds is extraordinary, and I cannot guarantee your safety. In the new world, you may get a chance to reach a higher level, but it is more likely that you will die. However, no matter what, I hope that you fellow Taoists can fight for it."

After saying this, Hou Tu Niangniang stopped talking.

With her status, she should not have said so much. It's just that she is too eager for strength. She finally saw the hope of the rise of Pangu League, and she didn't want to miss it.

After hearing what Hou Tu Niangniang said, most of the powerful people were able to accept it calmly. A small number of powerful people, however, hated Hou Tu Niangniang, Fang Yang, and Fengdu Emperor.

In their opinion, Hou Tu Niangniang and the other two wanted the horse to run, but they didn't let the horse eat grass. They never thought that Hou Tu Niangniang was just providing them with an opportunity. Whether to go or not was ultimately up to them.

The blonde Athena asked: "Hou Tu Niangniang, can you tell me more about the situation in the other world?"

The Wu clan killed her beastly father and rescued her and her sister Helen Keller. She was willing to join the Wu clan.

Hou Tu Niangniang nodded: "Of course."

So, the powerful people of Pangu League also gained knowledge and knew a world full of love brains.

Seeing that the powerful people despised the Hengyu World, Hou Tu Niangniang quickly brought out what Fang Yang said to Fengdu Emperor and warned the powerful people.

Only a few people could listen to Hou Tu Niangniang's words. After all, their realms could not be compared with that of the Emperor of Fengdu, and they simply could not accept the power of the Hengyu World.

If the Hengyu World was so powerful, what was the point of their hard work?

In the end, nearly thirty powerful people were qualified to go to the Hengyu World. The others were not afraid, but their cultivation was not enough, so they were rejected by the Queen Mother Hou Tu. (End of this chapter)

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