Prehistoric: Starting from Foolish Old Man Moving Mountains

Chapter 742: Beware of the dangers of killing rats

"Let me say a few words."

"Randeng Buddha, Qingxu Daodezhenjun, Longguang Ancient Buddha and others, as disciples of saints, should have set an example for all immortals and benefited all living beings in the three realms. However, they have evil intentions, caused trouble in the three realms, and harmed all living beings. They have already He is not qualified to exist in the wilderness again."

"There are so many unscrupulous people in Xuanmen. It can be seen that Xuanmen is a place of filth and evil that is bright on the outside but dirty on the inside. The Qiankun Sect and the Yin and Yang Sect inherited the will of the Yangmei Immortal and came to the ancient times, in order to Give the three worlds a clear day, and bring peace to the wilderness."

"Today, anyone who has enmity against the disciples of these saints can come to the stage to express their grievances. I raise my eyebrows to the world and will be your eternal support."

Taiyuan Dao Zun's voice penetrated the clouds and cracked the rocks, and was clearly transmitted into the minds of everyone in the venue.

After hearing this, the immortals in the venue were all eager to go on stage and tell their own experiences.

"Master Taiyuan, can the Qiankun Sect make decisions for Xiaoxian?"

Finally, a weak voice sounded in the crowd. This voice was as thin as a gnat. If it weren't for the immortals present, they might not be able to hear it clearly.

Fang Yang looked into the crowd and saw an old Xuanxian who looked a little timid. His age is already four million years old.

"Qiangan Divine Artifact, Kunkun Mystery, the foundation of our Qiankun Sect is to benefit all living beings. Taoists may not trust Xuanmen, but they can completely trust our Qiankun Sect. If you don't believe it, you can go to Penglai Island Travel around and see the creatures on the island. They were originally kept as weapon refining materials by the disciples of the Jie Sect. It was our Qiankun Sect who rescued them and gave them a stable life."

Before the old man Xuanxian entered the venue, he saw the large and small countries on Penglai Island. He knew that Tao Zun Taiyuan was telling the truth.

"Okay, little old man, I'll go on stage now."

Under the leadership of the old man Xuanxian, a complaint meeting began.

In fact, everyone who came to the conference had some grudges with Xuanmen. People who have no grudges against Xuanmen will not come to Penglai Island.

At first, everyone was wary, but later, Taiyuan Dao Zun promised that after this incident, they would be able to move into Yangmei World.

After the safety was guaranteed, the immortals could no longer bear it. They became angry and criticized the saint's disciples verbally and writtenly.

Hearing Taoist Taiyuan's promise, Fang Yang's heart moved slightly.

Next, he will attack Yangmei World. If these primitive creatures moved into Yangmei World, he would be restrained.

He could forcefully attack the creatures in other big worlds regardless of their life or death, but the creatures in the prehistoric world were different.

Fang Yang lived in the primitive world, killing creatures in the primitive world, and was easily entangled in karma. He can use merit to eliminate karma, but if he can avoid being contaminated by karma, it is better not to be contaminated.

"The best is yet to come, I don't need to worry."

Fang Yang felt relieved when he thought of his purpose in proposing to convene the conference.

There are millions of people, but not everyone has the opportunity to go on stage to complain, and then punch, kick, humiliate and torture their enemies.

Taoist Taiyuan selected a thousand people to come to the stage and launched a series of humiliations against Randen Buddha and others.

However, no one thought there was anything wrong with Taiyuan Dao Zun's arrangement. The immortals in the audience and the creatures watching the live broadcast in the prehistoric world were all applauding.

As the saying goes, if you achieve the Tao, you will get a lot of help, but if you lose the Tao, you will get little help. People such as the Deng Deng Buddha usually do not practice good deeds. When they are in trouble, it is normal for someone to bully them.

The grievance meeting lasted for three days and three nights.

Under the illumination of the powerful gods, there is no night on Penglai Island, and the lamp-burning Buddhas are tortured and humiliated all the time.

From the high platform, curses, roars, and curses were heard constantly.

Contrary to the treatment received by Ran Deng Buddha and others, everyone who came to power was extremely grateful to the Qiankun Sect and the Yin Yang Sect, and wished they could join the two major sects.

Seeing this, Taoist Taiyuan and Taoist Wuji all showed satisfied smiles.

On the one hand, it can attack the enemy, and on the other hand, it can recruit talents for itself. This meeting was very successful.

Fang Yang said nothing and watched the performance of the four Taiyuan Taoist Masters.

The methods of these four people are indeed very powerful. He just made a suggestion, and these four people used this suggestion to obtain countless benefits for Yangmei World.

If it weren't for the dispute between everyone, he wouldn't want to be enemies with these four people.

"Kill people to pay their lives, and debts to pay their money. These scum can do evil unscrupulously, and it is the saints of Xuanmen who are blessing them and protecting them. Because of the saints of Xuanmen, everyone feels relieved. Today, we are all out here. When it comes to tone.”

When the grievance meeting is over, it will be time for the final sentencing.

All things must have an end. The meeting has come to an end, and the lives of the Buddha and others have also come to an end.

"Fellow Taoist Fang Yang, the Divine Lantern Club is the enemy of fellow Taoist. The last thing of the conference must be completed by fellow Taoist!"

Taiyuan Dao Zun smiled and conveyed his spiritual thoughts to Fang Yang.


This was the first thought that came to Fang Yang's mind.

Executing the Deng Deng Buddha and others is not an easy task. There is nothing that can attract more hatred than killing the saint's disciples.

The four Taiyuan Taoist Masters did not give Fang Yang a chance, but wanted to send Fang Yang to a dead end.

However, Fang Yang didn't care.

When he annexes the Yangmei World and completes world integration, he will immediately have saint-level combat power. With saint-level combat power and immortality, there is no difference between him and a saint.

When the time comes, he doesn't need to be afraid of the saint at all.


Fang Yang smiled faintly and agreed to this matter.

The four Taiyuan Daozun were surprised to see Fang Yang agreed to their proposal so easily. They had prepared a lot of words to persuade Fang Yang.

Now, these words were prepared in vain.

Fang Yang stood up, walked to the high platform, and said to the immortals below: "All immortals! The crimes committed by Randeng and others are too numerous to list, and the people persecuted by them are more than the stars in the sky. Only by killing them can they know what retribution is. If you want to kill them and take revenge, just come to the stage!"

Hearing Fang Yang's words, the immortals below retreated.

They dared to humiliate the saint's disciples, but they did not dare to kill the saint's disciples. Humiliation and killing are completely different things.

Killing the saint's disciples means fighting with the saint to death. Even if you hide in the Yangmei world, it may not be useful.

"Why, no one wants to take revenge?"

Fang Yang looked down at the stage, searching the crowd for people who were willing to take revenge. However, no one dared to look him in the eye, and all the immortals lowered their heads, fearing that they would be named by him.

Fang Yang felt sad when he saw this. The majesty of the saint was so great that no one dared to take revenge. (End of this chapter)

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