Prehistoric: Starting from Foolish Old Man Moving Mountains

Chapter 741 The Secret of the God-conferring Tribulation

On the high platform, the lamp-burning Buddha glanced at the audience with his last fantasy, and saw millions of immortals under the audience looking at him. Every look in his eyes was sharper than an immortal-killing flying knife, and there was a look of disdain in it. Even people on the sidelines can feel it.

This sight made his soul sting, and he almost died on the spot.

He is the head of Buddhism! Will a Western saint still allow a person whose reputation has been ruined to be the head of Buddhism?

Last time, Yuanshi Tianzun and the Second Saint of the West helped him protect his reputation. This time, not even the King of Heaven can save him.

This means that his future and his path are all ruined!

Looking at the gloomy face of Ran Deng Buddha, Fang Yang thought, "He deserves it." There is no such word as forgiveness in his dictionary. To treat your enemies, you can only repay their kindness to you by abusing your body and mind and killing them all.

In the ancient times, the three major sects of Wu Sheng Sect, Qian Kun Sect, and Yin Yang Sect were not idle. They were ordered to broadcast the scene of the conference live.

In the prehistoric Fairy City, the capital of a secular country, in squares, teahouses, restaurants, brothels, and other places where people gather, the trial conference is being broadcast simultaneously.

As early as five hundred years ago, the three major sects were promoting the conference, so many people came to watch the live broadcast of the conference.

"Those kneeling on the high platform are all disciples of the saint? Can't they be fake?"

"Why are you lying? Before Teacher Pindao passed away, he once took Pindao to the Peach Blossom Conference. At the Peach Blossom Conference, Pindao met these big shots. The old monk with a sallow face was the leader of Buddhism, Randen Buddha. , that person with the immortal spirit and white eyebrows and white beard is the pure and moral true monarch who explains the teaching."

"So, the news in the prehistoric era is true. The Qiankun Sect, Yin Yang Sect, and Wu Sheng Sect are judging saint disciples?"

"Of course it is true. The leaders of these three sects are all great supernatural beings, top beings below saints. How can the news they announced be false?"

"No, it can't be! The True Monarch of Qingxu Daode is a disciple of the Yuanshi Sage. He actually colluded with the Ran Deng Buddha and did such a crazy thing. Isn't he afraid that the Yuanshi Sage will blame him?"

"This great power is the Dragon Light Ancient Buddha of Buddhism and has a very high status in Buddhism. Unexpectedly, he is also a sanctimonious hypocrite."

"Saints know everything and know everything. Do they not care at all when their disciples do evil?"

All sentient beings in the ancient world were shocked when they saw the true face of the saint's disciples.

Time can dilute memories, and the Tu Xuan Alliance has long been submerged in the long river of history. The Hentian Sect, which was so famous back then, has completely become a blank slate.

All sentient beings in the prehistoric world have almost forgotten how the prehistoric world was broken, let alone the petty quarrels of the saint's disciples.

The information conveyed by the conference crazily impacted the hearts of all living beings and refreshed their understanding of the world.

Especially those young monks who have just entered the sect and the world of monasticism. They originally thought that the disciples of the saints were compassionate and that the saints were fair and just. However, reality gave them a wake-up call.

"Below the saints, all are ants. Who cares what the ants think?"

A voice blew through everyone's ears like the wind, but it quickly drifted away.

No one spoke or discussed anymore, because justice was hidden in everyone's heart.

In the chaotic world, in Zixiao Palace, Patriarch Hongjun and Empress Houtu also saw all this.

"Fang Yang is young and energetic, and if he offends someone, I hope that fellow Taoist disciples will be magnanimous and considerate!"

Empress Houtu couldn't see Patriarch Hongjun's anger and anger, but she felt that she had to excuse Fang Yang.

Unexpectedly, Patriarch Hongjun shook his head: "Fellow Taoist Fang Yang is not wrong, it is my disciples who are wrong. They think that they can control everything by becoming saints, and do not regard all creatures in the world as the same kind. Come and see. But they don’t know that they have unknowingly entered the evil path.”

Empress Houtu was greatly surprised. This was not the answer she had imagined. It should be noted that as soon as the Judgment Conference begins, Xuanmen’s preaching will be greatly affected. Ancestor Hongjun doesn’t care about the lives of his disciples, but he doesn’t care about the important matters of preaching?

"Fellow Taoist, do you really think so?"

Ancestor Hongjun raised his head and looked at Houtu Empress, and said calmly: "For a world to grow and be perfect, the way of heaven, the way of earth, and the way of humanity need to be balanced. The relationship between the three must be both antagonistic and unified. Only in this way, you It takes three of us to get to the next level.”

"Is there such a thing?"

Empress Houtu's expression suddenly became solemn. The time of her becoming a saint and the time of becoming a saint were both behind Ancestor Hongjun, and she was a bit weaker than Ancestor Hongjun.

"Naturally. After the human world is formed, the speed of cultivation of Taoist friends should increase, right?"

Empress Houtu nodded.

There was nothing to hide in front of Ancestor Hongjun, and she couldn't hide it either. She is not arrogant and knows the gap between herself and Ancestor Hongjun.

Ancestor Hongjun attained enlightenment earlier than him, and the number of heavenly saints far exceeds the number of earthly saints. She was able to be on an equal footing with Patriarch Hongjun, all because of the tunnel.

Ancestor Hongjun said: "That's it. A single move affects the whole body, and any change in the three realms of heaven, earth, and man will affect us spokesmen. In the past, the saints weakened the way of humanity and used the way of heaven to suppress it. As a result, the way of heaven was destroyed. The backlash of human nature. In order to get rid of human nature, Heaven had to send down calamities to weaken the power of saints. "

"That fellow Taoist Nuwa?"

"She is very smart, the smartest of the six Heavenly Dao saints. However, she is too smart. She noticed the problem between Heavenly Dao and Human Dao, so she wanted to use her body as a battlefield to trigger a war between Heavenly Dao and Human Dao, so as to regain her own life world and prove the Dao of Hunyuan. The result is obvious, she failed. Human Dao separated from her body, and she suffered the backlash of Heavenly Dao to Human Dao."

Hou Tu Niangniang nodded: "No wonder, Daoist Nuwa's performance during the Conferred God was very wrong. She, a saint, would vent her anger on the entire human race because of a small Emperor Xin. It turns out that, She is no longer the Nuwa of the past. But what does this have to do with what Fang Yang is doing now? "

"Those disciples have become a cancer between heaven and earth. If they are not eliminated and allowed to grow, heaven and earth will never have peace. Fellow Daoist, don't look at Fellow Daoist Fang Yang's actions without leaving room for others. In fact, everything he does is of great benefit to heaven and earth. These disciples of Laodao also need a lesson. They have achieved the Tao too smoothly. If they are not allowed to experience some setbacks, they will never become true saints. "

After saying this, Patriarch Hongjun closed his eyes and continued to calculate the position of Hengyu World.

And on Penglai Island, the trial meeting has entered the last procedure: the execution of the saint's disciples! (End of this chapter)

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