After Fang Yang thought about it for a while, he made a decision: he wanted to travel all over the nine states of the human race.

The human race's Kyushu is the center of the prehistoric world and has always been a battleground for the great prehistoric tribes. Every time a calamity occurs, it breaks out with the nine states of the human race as the center.

The main battlefields of Long Han and Lich are in the Nine States of the human race.

Where calamities occur, there are often more great powers who died here. The probability of finding the remains of great powers in the nine states of the human race is very high.

The human race was able to rise so quickly because of the legacy left by those powerful immortals in the first two calamities.

While searching for the powerful palace, Fang Yang also wanted to take the opportunity to look for other small worlds. When he discovered a new small world, he went in to preach.

The pace of preaching cannot stop!

Finally, Fang Yang planned to travel through the thirty-six caves and seventy-two blessed lands. When he encountered a cave that had no owner or whose owner was still weak, he took the opportunity to occupy the cave.

Without cultivation resources, no matter how deeply you understand Taoism, your cultivation level cannot be improved. If you want to cultivate to a higher level, a good dojo is indispensable.

With these three purposes in mind, Fang Yang embarked on a long journey to visit the nine states of the human race.

His first stop was Lianyun Mountain.

The sword from fifty-five thousand years ago was still fresh in his memory. Now that I have broken through to Jinxian, I must go back and take revenge.

A gentleman's revenge is never too late. He is not a gentleman, he is a monster. It is not too late for a monster to take revenge.

The biggest advantage of becoming a Golden Immortal is that you can freely use the power of space. With a single move of the Golden Immortal's magic power, you can condense thousands of miles of space into a single step.

It only took one day for Fang Yang to fly to Lianyun Mountain.

However, when he came to the sky above the Ten Thousand Demons Kingdom, he found that the Ten Thousand Demons Kingdom was completely deserted. He released his divine consciousness and enveloped the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons, unable to find even a single true immortal-level demon.

With a thought, Fang Yang caught a wolf demon in front of him.

This wolf demon was originally sitting in the cave and practicing. Suddenly, a force of magic came to the cave and awakened him from his practice.

Before he could react, he felt like his eyes were blurred, and he was carried to the sky by the magic power.

The wolf demon was horrified and immediately bowed down when he saw Fang Yang standing in front of him.

"The little demon pays homage to the great immortal!"

Fang Yang's voice was emotionless: "Let me ask you, where is the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Monsters?"

When Fang Yang asked about the Ten Thousand Monsters Kingdom, the wolf demon turned pale with fright. He was afraid that Fang Yang would misunderstand.

"Don't get me wrong, Great Immortal. The Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons moved away fifty-five thousand years ago. The little demon only lived for thirty thousand years and is definitely not a demon from the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons."

Based on his intuition, he believed that Fang Yang was looking for trouble from the Ten Thousand Demon Kingdom. Therefore, he tried his best to distance himself from the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Monsters.

"Fifty-five thousand years, so the Ten Thousand Monsters Kingdom moved away as soon as I left the Great Desolate Continent? Was it because I exposed the location of the Ten Thousand Monsters Kingdom?"

When Fang Yang heard this, such thoughts flashed through his mind.

"Then why did the Ten Thousand Demon Kingdom move away?"

Seeing that Fang Yang didn't take action against him, the wolf demon finally felt relieved.

"Xiaoyao heard from Xiaoyao's grandma's grandfather that the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons was taken over by a great immortal from the heaven."

"Which great immortal?"

"The little demon remembers that this great immortal's name seems to be eunuch."

The wolf demon answered cautiously, his voice trembling because he was too nervous.

Fang Yang raised his eyebrows: "Eunuch, is there such a great immortal in the sky?"

This name is too outrageous. What normal person would call himself an eunuch?

The wolf demon's heart tightened and he smiled apologetically:

"Xiao Yao's grandma and grandpa heard about this from the grapevine. The Great Immortal also knows that there are many theories in the grapevine. However, Xiao Yao is sure that the Ten Thousand Demon Kingdom has indeed gone to the heaven."

"Just let the eunuchs be eunuchs! Okay, you can go back."

Fang Yang waved his sleeves and sent the wolf demon back to his cave.

He was slightly disappointed when he learned that the Queen of Ten Thousand Demons had gone to the heaven.

With the ability, of course he wants revenge, but he is not obsessed with revenge.

If you can repay hatred, retaliate; if you can't retaliate, just put it aside.

He is not the son of Heaven. Things are impermanent and he cannot do whatever he wants.

Therefore, he was only slightly disappointed, rather than greatly disappointed.

"Yu Gong said back then that his descendants would be endless. Fifty-five thousand years have passed. Does he still have any descendants?"

Fang Yang’s second stop is Shijie Village.

When he returned here, Wangwu Mountain and Taihang Mountain had disappeared, and the former mountains turned into a desolate desert.

If it were before, he would definitely be shocked. After all, what was being moved were two mountain ranges!

Now, he feels nothing because he can do it himself.

His cave sky shrouds him, and he can move away even mountains that are a million miles away, not to mention mountains that are a hundred thousand miles away.

Fang Yang looked towards Shijie Village. The village back then was long gone. The original location of Shikai Village has become a desert.

After a little calculation, he figured out the reason.

For a long time, the villagers of Shijie Village have relied on medicinal materials, game and other resources in the mountains to earn wealth, and use streams and springs in the mountains to irrigate farmland and produce life.

Without Wangwushan, these things would be gone.

At the end of their rope, the villagers had no other option but to move away from Shijie Village.

"If you don't listen to the words of the sage, you will suffer the consequences."

Fang Yang sighed in his heart.

Wuwei does not mean doing nothing, but going with the flow. In layman's terms, it means respecting science, respecting nature, and handling things in a scientific way.

In the mythology of the earth, Houyi left the last sun unshot, and Dayu dredged the river, both of which were expressions of respect for nature.

Yugong moving the mountains, when heard as a story, can indeed reflect the spirit of perseverance, but if it happens in reality, it is ridiculous.

Behaviors that violate the laws of nature will inevitably be retaliated by nature.

Fang Yang took a step forward and instantly reached a hill thousands of miles away.

On this mountain, he saw a familiar ghost.

In a dark canyon, a male ghost with a pale face and sunken eyes was healing.

His ghost body was sometimes illusory and sometimes solid, and a golden airflow was running around in his body, and he could not suppress it no matter what.

This golden airflow was emitted by a golden immortal. It was a miracle that the male ghost survived.

Fang Yang walked into the canyon and ejected a magic power to suppress the male ghost's injuries.

The male ghost slowly exhaled a breath of Yin Qi and opened his eyes.

"Thank you, Great Immortal, for saving my life!"

Although he didn't understand why someone would come to save him, it was a good thing to be alive.

"I recognize you, you are the Yin Hun Bu San under the command of the Snake God."

Fang Yang called out the name.

Hearing that Fang Yang knew the Snake God, the Yin Hun Bu San instantly became excited.

"Great Immortal, you know the Great Immortal of the Snake God, and you saved me, you must know what happened to the Great Immortal of the Snake God. I heard that the Great Immortal of the Snake God was thrown into the Chonghua Palace in the Heavenly Court. Is this true?"

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