Prehistoric: Starting from Foolish Old Man Moving Mountains

Chapter 52 Breakthrough to the Golden Immortal

At the moment when he cultivated the Law of Vacuum, Fang Yang did not feel relaxed because he saw the two chains that were bound to his body.

These two chains, one black and one white, the black chain is full of the breath of death, while the white chain is full of the vitality of life.

They spanned the world, penetrated time and space, and bound Fang Yang's body tightly.

"This is the chain composed of the law of life and death, the power of the innate spiritual treasure of life and death!"

Fang Yang's mind moved and he knew the origin of these two chains.

All sentient beings in the world, all those who have not cultivated to the Golden Immortal level, have their life and death lifespans controlled by the Bodhisattva of Life and Death.

The King of Hell tells you to die at the third watch, how can you keep anyone alive until the fifth watch? With one stroke of the judge's pen, no matter how powerful your magic power is or how strong your magical power is, you will die immediately.

"Now that I have mastered the law, can this chain composed of the law of life and death still be able to lock me? Kill me!"

Fang Yang's body shone brightly, and a sharp sword composed of vacuum laws condensed out of thin air.


A bright sword light was struck out, and Fang Yang used all his strength and courage to strike down the sword.

The boundless and sharp sword energy burst out, cutting through the void. All the mysteries of the vacuum law exploded in this sword.

If you don’t succeed, you will succeed!


The chain composed of the laws of life and death made a crisp sound, and then broke into countless law fragments and returned to the world.

At the same time, in the underworld.

Hei Puan, the first pen judge under King Qin Guang, was looking through the book of life and death, assessing the performance of his subordinates.

It is not easy to be the god of Hades in the underworld. When the seducer seduces the soul, he is often resisted. Not every seduction can be successful. Therefore, the underworld has a corresponding assessment system.

When the black judge turned to the book of life and death of the cat clan, he happened to see the name of a cat clan flashing in the book of life and death. After the last flash, it completely disappeared from the book of life and death.

"To become a Golden Immortal in less than 60,000 years, he must be a second or third generation disciple of some saint sect."

The black judge muttered and turned the page. However, the look of envy on his face could not be concealed.

Although Hades is also immortal, this immortality comes at a price.

Three hundred and sixty-five days a year, all year round. If you do a good job, that's your duty. If you don't do a good job, you will be punished.

How can being an acquired god be as carefree as being an immortal?

Fang Yang, who had broken free from the thin shackles of life and death, felt refreshed.

He had never felt so relaxed, and his realm and cultivation began to increase exponentially.

The Yuanshen changed from an ordinary Yuanshen to a vacuum Yuanshen filled with the power of laws. Then the five internal organs and five gods entered the Yuanshen, completing the five Qi Chaoyuan.

There is only one step left before the three flowers gather at the top, and Fang Yang can break through to the Golden Immortal realm.

Fang Yang knew that the time had come for a breakthrough.

Now that he has understood the law, if he deliberately fails to break through, there is something wrong with his brain.

"I am the vacuum, and the vacuum is me. Essence, Qi, and Shen, the three flowers gather at the top!"

The power of spirit, energy, and spirit is the most mysterious power possessed by living things, and it is also the life essence of living beings.

Three flowers rose to the top of the head, and under the infusion of the power of law, the three flowers bloomed together.

Fang Yang opened his eyes, and a pale golden light flashed through his pupils. He moved slightly, and an immortal aura emanated.

Immortality is not immortality. Immortality is just that it will never decay without the action of external forces.

Just like a diamond, if you leave it there, no matter how time changes or history changes, the diamond will always be there and will not decay or disappear.

At this moment, all the statues of the Inanimate Cult Master in the small world lit up, blooming with divine light.

"The leader has appeared!"

"Long live the leader, may he be immortal for eternity!"

Countless believers came to worship, with fanatical expressions on their faces.

However, no one was happier than Fang Yang.

"Golden Immortal, I finally achieved it!"

In a precarious world, without any strength, you are always frightened and have no sense of security.

Before, he would try again and again to deal with a little immortal, but he didn't dare to take action because he was too weak.

If he were Daluo Jinxian, a quasi-sage, he would take action directly.

But he is just a little Xuanxian. In the prehistoric world, Xuanxian was as weak as an ant, and any Golden Immortal or Taiyi Golden Immortal could crush them to death.

Being promoted to Golden Immortal is different.

The Golden Immortal has the power of law and can activate the acquired spiritual treasure. Even if he encounters the Taiyi Golden Immortal, there is still hope of escape.

With this breakthrough, his sense of security improved a lot.

"First sacrifice the Poison King's Tower and the Hundred Poison Whip. With them, I will return to the ancient world."

Fang Yang took a deep breath to calm down, then took out two acquired spiritual treasures and began to practice them.

It is impossible not to return to the prehistoric times.

His skills can also be cultivated to the Golden Immortal realm. He has no idea how to practice after the Golden Immortal.

He needs to go back to the ancient times to find a way to continue his cultivation.

Moreover, his resources were exhausted.

All the heavenly materials and earthly treasures in his body have been refined by him. If he stays in the small world, his cultivation will stop progressing.

Fang Yang concentrated his energy and devoted himself to refining the acquired spiritual treasure.

The level of the acquired spiritual treasure is much higher than that of the immortal weapon, and it is filled with runes of laws. These runes form acquired restrictions, which are very mysterious.

Every time Fang Yang makes a sacrifice, it takes an extremely long time.

However, refining spiritual treasures is also beneficial, and one can comprehend the principles contained in acquired spiritual treasures.

Three hundred years later, Fang Yang completed the refining of these two acquired spiritual treasures.

The Poison King Tower and the Hundred Poison Whip are only mid-grade acquired spiritual treasures, so they can be refined by him. If they were replaced with high-grade acquired spiritual treasures, he would not be able to refine them completely.

"There are also the Baoguang Bronze Mirror and the Ghost-Exorcising Talisman."

After refining the acquired spiritual treasures, Fang Yang did not forget the Baoguang Bronze Mirror and the Ghost-Exorcising Talisman.

He has now cultivated to the Golden Immortal, and his strength is already above the Baoguang Bronze Mirror. However, he will not forget the protective merits of these two magic weapons.

Without them, he would not have come here at all. He had died in the East China Sea a long time ago, and his body was gone.

It took him another seven years to refine them.

After successfully breaking through the Golden Immortal and refining all the treasures, Fang Yang's goal of this trip to the small world was perfectly achieved.

He used his magical powers to dream to his believers, passed on the last version of the scripture to them, and then flew into the sky and disappeared in the small world.

Passing through the space channel and returning to the prehistoric world with abundant spiritual energy, Fang Yang couldn't help but breathe in the spiritual energy.

The spiritual energy of the small world is too thin!

He looked around, and after more than 40,000 years, the prehistoric world is still the prehistoric world, without much change. In the prehistoric world, the term "change of worlds" does not seem to exist.

Fang Yang was a little confused.

Last time, in order to get rid of the people of the Demon Cult, he deliberately leaked the existence of the Plague Lord Cave Mansion. If nothing unexpected happens, the Plague Lord Cave Mansion may have been destroyed by the Demon Cult.

Moreover, even if the Plague Lord Cave Mansion has not been destroyed, with his strength, he cannot break the Plague Lord's ban and enter it.

When he returned to the prehistoric world, the thing he wanted to do most was to act as an archaeological expert and find the remains of the powerful mansions of the Longhan or Lich period.

Some things should be abandoned. As a human being, you can't hang yourself on a tree.

"The question is, where should I go?"

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