Prehistoric: Starting from Foolish Old Man Moving Mountains

Chapter 505 Qiankun Cave Master's Vest Reappears

After the Styx Ancestor appeared, the atmosphere on the battlefield became subtle.

Fang Yang and Hong Zhou are obviously on the same team. Although the Styx Ancestor and the Emperor of Heaven are not on the same team, they don't mind temporarily joining forces to deal with Fang Yang and Hong Zhou.

"Rare visitor, I never expected that so many fellow Taoists would come to my system world."

The Emperor of Heaven knows that he has fallen into the most dangerous situation. Surrounded by a pack of wolves, he may not be able to save the system world.

Ancestor Ming He laughed three times: "Today, Ancestor, I watched a good show. Fellow Daoist Haotian and Fellow Daoist Fang Yang were both not known for their magic power in the ancient world, but unexpectedly they had such cultivation. Fellow Taoist in the ancient world I will be very happy to hear this good news.”

The Emperor of Heaven had no facial features, so his expression did not change. Fang Yang looked at Ancestor Minghe with great interest.

"Fellow Taoist Styx, I have a question. I wonder if you can answer it for me?"

Ancestor Styx nodded: "Ask! However, Ancestor may not answer."

Fang Yang then said: "I heard that fellow Taoist disciples have trained into 480 million Blood God Sons, each of whom has the cultivation level of the Great Luo Golden Immortal. I would like to know, if someone poisons the sea of ​​blood, can it Poison all the Blood God Sons of fellow Taoist?"

He has never believed in this proposition until the sea of ​​blood dries up, and the river of Styx remains immortal.

No matter how big the pond is, if you pour a few more bottles of dichlorvos, all the fish will die. No matter how big the ocean is, if nuclear sewage is discharged for decades, the ocean will become a forbidden land for living things.

If someone refines a poison that can be replicated through blood and drops it into the Netherworld Blood Sea, will there be a mass extinction of life in the blood sea?

Meeting Ancestor Styx today, Fang Yang couldn't help but ask this question.

Of course, this question isn't just a question, it's a warning. If Patriarch Styx is a mean-spirited person who gossips everywhere, then Fang Yang doesn't mind going to the Sea of ​​Blood to do a poison experiment.


Hearing Fang Yang's question, Ancestor Minghe was also stunned.

Back then, Ancestor Ming He and Ancestor Pan Wang had no grievances, but they personally came on stage and sent Ancestor Pan Wang to his final destination.

He did this precisely because he was worried that Ancestor Pan Wang would refine poison that could kill him.

Today, Fang Yang asked the same question, which immediately reminded Patriarch Styx of his fear of being dominated by Patriarch Panwang.

The Emperor of Heaven did not speak, he kept Fang Yang's question firmly in his mind. Fang Yang's question aroused his curiosity.

"The master once refined a pill called the Holy Meteor Pill. According to the old man, the Holy Meteor Pill can poison a saint. If the Holy Meteor Pill is thrown into the sea of ​​blood, it will be diluted by the sea of ​​blood and it can kill saints. Dead Styx?"

Ancestor Minghe suddenly smiled kindly: "If you like it, Fellow Taoist Fang Yang, you might as well try it. Ancestor heard that Fellow Taoist Hengshan Mountain has pleasant scenery and beautiful scenery, and I would like to see it."

Fang Yang threatened him, and he was threatening Fang Yang.

He firmly believed that Fang Yang had no poison that could kill him. As long as he doesn't die, he can take revenge on Fang Yang at any time.

No one can bear the revenge of a great supernatural being.

Facing the threat from Patriarch Minghe, Fang Yang just nodded: "Of course there is. If fellow Taoist arrives at Hengshan, I will definitely sweep up the couch to welcome you."

After the saint left the prehistoric times, many rules have changed. But this is nothing, he is confident that he can solve these problems.

It would be fine if Patriarch Minghe didn't go to Hengshan. If he dared to go, Fang Yang would definitely make it impossible for Patriarch Minghe to come back.

When the four parties were confronting each other, Fang Yang's body in the world of destiny could not sit still.

If there were no third party forces, he would not mind fighting the Emperor of Heaven for another ten or eight years. However, Patriarch Styx came.

With the appearance of Patriarch Styx, the system world is in danger of being exposed to others.

If the Xuanmen Elders or those from the Yangmei World come here, he won't have to fight and will just give it to others.

"Relying on a dharma body is not enough in the end. That's all, I'll just go with my body! The sooner we conquer the world of the system, the sooner we can rest assured."

Fang Yang suddenly transformed into an evil man with double horns, snow-white hair, and a blood-red windbreaker.

After becoming a great supernatural power user, Fang Yang's use of the Qiankun Wanli Gate has reached a superb level. If he activates it at will, he can appear in any time and space in the world without any restrictions.

Before Fang Yang's body rushed over, Dharmakaya had already started to take action.

The Law Body found the Ancestor of Styx, Hong Zhou faced the Emperor of Heaven, and a battle that could destroy a large world began.

Ancestor Minghe is much stronger than the Evil Corpse of the Heavenly Emperor, including Yuantu Abi, Twelve-Rank Industry Fire Red Lotus, and Xuanyuan Controlling Water Flag, but Fang Yang’s Dharma Body only carries two acquired treasures and one top-grade innate spiritual treasure. .

Despite this, Dharmakaya still had a back-and-forth fight with Ancestor Styx.

The battle between Hong Zhou and the Emperor of Heaven became more stable. Fang Yang took off the Emperor of Heaven's treasured clothes. The Emperor of Heaven lacked defensive means and was defensive throughout the whole process.

"If you haven't sacrificed yourself yet, how can you wait?"

Above the system world, the voice of the Emperor of Heaven sounded again.

At this time, the seven emperors had already noticed the fighting situation outside. Three powerful enemies came who were as powerful as the Lord God. They had no hope of winning.

"Depending on the situation, the system world cannot be saved."

"That's right! We can't resist such an enemy."

"Everyone, use all your strength to kill the three Qingye people. This will be the last thing we do for the system world. Once this is over, we will immediately leave the system world and escape into the main world."

The seven emperors discussed again and decided to run away.

They didn't want to stay and die with the system world. They had practiced for countless years and had done enough for the system world.

Even the Emperor of Heaven didn't expect that his men would be so stupid. They would give up even the world.

Just as Hong Zhou and the other four were fighting endlessly, countless skulls flew from afar and came to this void.

After the skulls flew over, they quickly combined to form a large skull. Finally, the large skull turned into a demon with an evil smile on his face.

When Fang Yang looked at the battlefield, a powerful force pressed over. Even the Styx Patriarch was frightened by Fang Yang's power.

After the four stopped, they looked at Fang Yang together.

"I am Fang Yang, the subordinate, and I pay my respects to the cave master!"

When the Dharma body saw the arrival of the main body, a flattering smile immediately appeared on his face and he knelt on one knee.

Seeing this, Hong Zhou's mind was full of question marks.

When did Fang Yang surrender to someone else and become someone else's subordinate?

The Emperor of Heaven and the Patriarch of the Styx were shocked. How powerful must this person be to allow Fang Yang to claim to be his subordinate?

Fang Yang looked at him with a proud look: "I am the supreme ruler of the demon world, the Lord of Qiankun Cave. Fang Yang, why haven't you taken over the system world yet?"

The Dharmakaya hurriedly explained: "I am incompetent, please forgive me, Lord of the Cave!" (End of this chapter)

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