Fang Yang and the evil corpse of the Emperor of Heaven fought fiercely, and the invisible force formed a powerful field, opening up a huge battlefield in the void.

The body of the Emperor of Heaven trembled slightly, and the seamless celestial robe shone, breaking free from zero-dimensionalization and interrupting the process of entering the negative dimension.

However, Fang Yang's attack locked the breath of the soul and ignored the space. Even if he hid outside the billions of parallel time and space, Fang Yang's attack would come at any time.

The Emperor of Heaven displayed his own avenue of nothingness, and the laws spread out from the Haotian Sword. Everything became nothing, and all the ways became nothing, dissolving the waves of attacks from Fang Yang.

Facing an opponent who had cultivated the avenue of space, even if the Emperor of Heaven had a world-class cultivation, he still had a headache.

Under Fang Yang's magic power, the space in the void was changed into a mess, and various dimensions switched back and forth. The Emperor of Heaven's sight and divine thoughts entered the void, just like being trapped in a fog, and he couldn't see anything clearly.


The knife light struck the head of the Emperor without any warning. Under the protection of the seamless heavenly clothes, the Emperor escaped again.

Although the Emperor's head was fine, his whole body fell into a plane. He seemed to be flattened and turned into a beautiful picture.

"Daluo is eternal, time and space are free."

The Emperor tried hard to mobilize his own Daluo Dao fruit, trying to repeat the trick and escape from the two-dimensional state.

However, when he mobilized, he found that the time around him seemed to have stopped. His thoughts and his movements were infinitely slowed down.

Originally, the speed of the light on the body of the great supernatural power was close to infinite. Once the light came out, it could reach any time and space in the heavens and the worlds in an instant.

Now, the Emperor was surprised to find that the divine light on his body spread slower than a snail.

"Time Avenue, Space Avenue, what a Fang Yang, he wants to seal me in this small space and time."

The Emperor knew that something was wrong, so he quickly let go of his thoughts and communicated with the clone inside the system world.

The clone sensed the Emperor's thoughts and immediately took action.

A Heavenly Dao talisman fell from the sky and landed in the void, conveying the cold voice of the Emperor:

"In all the heavens and worlds, all living beings, I am the only true God of the System World. The extraterritorial demons invaded my System World. In order to protect this world, I order all the living beings below the Golden Immortal to sacrifice themselves and sacrifice your flesh and soul to the Heavenly Dao."

As soon as this Heavenly Dao talisman came down, the System World suddenly fell into chaos.

The System World is not one world, but four worlds. How many living beings are below the Golden Immortal? The order of the Emperor is almost the same as slaughtering the System World.

The seven emperors who were paddling shuddered together, and a group of anger rose in their hearts.

An outsider, not only occupied the position of the spokesperson of the Heavenly Dao, but also wanted all living beings to sacrifice blood to the Heavenly Dao. This method is too cruel, without any humanity.

However, thinking of the "Heavenly Contract", no matter how much hatred and reluctance the seven people had, they could not do anything to the Lord God.

"All disciples, listen to my orders, immediately capture all the creatures below the Golden Immortal and let them sacrifice themselves."

The seven emperors also conveyed their orders.

The seven people exchanged glances and had a tacit understanding with each other.


Judging from the current battle situation, the Lord God is being beaten by outsiders. If we wait for a while, the Lord God might be injured.

When the Lord God is injured, it will be their chance.

If he can't beat the enemy, he will let his people sacrifice themselves. Can such a Lord God stay? Today, the Lord God only wants them to sacrifice those below the Golden Immortal, what about in the future? One day, it will be their turn.

As the saying goes, the first to strike is the strongest, and the last to strike will suffer. They took advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to destroy the Lord God.

Not to mention that the system world fell into chaos because of an order from the Emperor of Heaven, Hong Zhou, who had been guarding in the void, found something wrong.

Fang Yang invited Hong Zhou to come, first to prevent himself from being besieged, and second to guard against a sneak attack by a third party.

Don't forget that the Styx Patriarch once attacked the System World. Although the Styx Patriarch was beaten away by the Emperor of Heaven, the Styx Patriarch was definitely not a person who gave up easily.

The moment when the Hongjun Patriarch did not give him the Hongmeng Purple Qi, he decisively abandoned the Xuanmen.

In order to become a saint, he robbed the Hongmeng Purple Qi, created the Asura clan, established the Asura world, and opened up the Asura world. His perseverance was astonishing.

Since he knew the existence of the System World, he would definitely attack it.

Sure enough, after Hong Zhou's consciousness searched the void for 670 billion times, he finally found a trace of unusual breath fluctuations in a certain void.

At this time, it was just when Fang Yang trapped the Emperor of Heaven in a two-dimensional small space and time.

Hong Zhou did not show it when he found someone hiding, and continued to hide in the dark, ready to give the enemy a heavy blow at the critical moment.


The Emperor of Heaven struggled hard, resisting Fang Yang's magical power, hoping to wait for all living beings to sacrifice. But it was too late.

Fang Yang suddenly stopped trapping the Emperor of Heaven, and the sound of dragon roars faintly came from the Tiger Soul Demon Knife in his hand, and a golden dragon head crutch slammed on the Emperor of Heaven's head.

"Dragon head crutch, how is it possible, isn't it the Tiger Soul Demon Knife?"

The Emperor of Heaven couldn't believe that the Tiger Soul Demon Knife actually turned into a dragon head crutch.

The Four Seas Rising Dragon Staff is a top-grade innate spiritual treasure, and its power is far greater than that of the Tiger Soul Demon Knife. The Tiger Soul Demon Knife can't break the defense of the seamless heavenly clothes, but the Four Seas Rising Dragon Staff is different.

The Four Seas Rising Dragon Staff, with unparalleled power, bombarded the Emperor's heavenly spirit, smashing the Emperor's body with one blow, and even acting on the evil corpse's natal world.

Of course, the evil corpse of the Emperor was the spokesperson of the Heavenly Dao, and Fang Yang could not kill him at all. However, Fang Yang could take advantage of the moment when he smashed the Emperor's body to strip off the seamless heavenly clothes on the Emperor's body.

Fang Yang used his mind to conjure two big hands, one hand grabbed the Haotian Sword, and the other hand grabbed the seamless heavenly clothes.

It seemed that Fang Yang was about to take the two treasures, but something unexpected happened.

In the void, a blood shadow suddenly rushed out, and the blood light shot out, rolling towards the treasure of the Emperor.


A large flag appeared, killing immortals and gods, and the flag stretched out, forming a huge barrier to block the blood light outside.

The blood shadow retreated, revealing the figure of an old Taoist in a blood robe.

"Styx?! How dare you come?"

The angry voice of the Emperor of Heaven rang out in the void.

Then, the Emperor of Heaven condensed his body in another direction.

Fang Yang looked at the seamless heavenly clothes in his hand, feeling regretful. He was just a little bit away from taking the Haotian Sword.

However, it seemed that it was also good to take away the Emperor of Heaven's protective magic weapon.

The Emperor of Heaven relied on the seamless heavenly clothes to cause him a lot of trouble. If there was no seamless heavenly clothes, these troubles would not exist. (End of this chapter)

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