"Master, are the current ascendants so brave? He injured the young master of the Baili tribe just after ascending. Isn't he afraid of the Baili tribe's revenge?"

After the Baili family left, Fang Yang heard someone starting to talk about this matter.

The conversation was between a master and a disciple. The master was a Xuanxian and the disciple was a yet-to-be-immortal. The master and the disciple had strong magic power and harmonious auras. They were obviously not ordinary casual cultivators.

He doesn't have any skills, and he doesn't dare to discuss the affairs of the Baili clan.

"Do you believe what the people of the Baili tribe say? The Baili tribe attaches great importance to Bailihan. Bailihan will always be protected by the four true fairyland guards. Can an ascended person harm him?"

"What's going on?"

"The patriarch of the Baili tribe has a son, Baili Han. Bailihan has been pampered since he was a child. Whatever he likes, the chief of the Baili tribe will be satisfied. It is probably Bailihan who has taken a fancy to something in the ascended person. I was just worried about Daxia's laws and couldn't rob directly, so I looked for an excuse to kill people and seize the treasure."

"No way! In broad daylight, with everything clear, do they still take Daxia's laws seriously?"

"No matter how good the law is, it must be enforced by people. An ancestor of the Baili tribe held an important position in the imperial court. He held a high position and was highly valued by the emperor. Do you think the law is subject to the ascended person or the law? From the Baili Clan? In this world, strength is the only truth.”

"Master, the world outside is too complicated. I want to go back to Crane Temple!"

"Why? Master took you down the mountain to take you to travel around the world and increase your knowledge. From now on, even if you leave Master, you will be able to live well."

Fang Yang frowned while listening to the conversation between master and apprentice.

He just wants to find a clean ascended person, and then use this ascended person to find the location of the small world.

This ascended person who was being hunted by the Baili Clan was in too many troubles. If he got involved, he might get into trouble.

"It's better to search first to see if there are any other Ascended Ones near Kunshan City."

"If there is, naturally it is best. If not, this matter needs to be considered in the long term."

"I still don't know how much this ascended person weighs. If there is another 'Liu Kan', it would be very dangerous for me to act rashly."

“The rest, just improvise.”

Fang Yang thought for a while and made a decision in his heart.

He didn't act recklessly. For some losses, one loss is enough. If you suffer a second loss, you will be a fool.

He walked into the city and eavesdropped on the monks' conversations to gather information.

Through this eavesdropping, he got a lot of information related to Baili's family.

There is no doubt about the background of the Baili clan. One of their ancestors was a general under Emperor Yu, who was a Taiyi Golden Immortal.

This Baili ancestor once followed Emperor Yu and fought against the demon clan together, and made countless contributions.

Because of the existence of this ancestor, the Baili clan has a very high status in the human race.

Although the Baili clan in Kunshan City is just a branch, no one dares to offend the Baili clan.

The ascended person captured by the Baili tribe was very innocent. After he ascended to the prehistoric era, he walked on thin ice and was careful in everything. Even if he encountered oppression, he just laughed it off and endured the humiliation silently.

However, such a character was inexplicably hunted by the Baili tribe. Therefore, some people would speculate on what kind of treasure the ascended person has on his body.

Fang Yang asked about the existence of other ascended people, but the result he got was that there were none.

Fang Yang was mentally prepared for this.

Now, he only has one way left, and that is to fight for people from the Baili tribe.

He doesn't really want to rob people, what he needs is just the ascended person's memory. As long as he confirms that the ascended person is harmless, he can immediately search for its soul and obtain the ascended person's memory.

After searching for souls, the Baili clan can do whatever they want, and he will never interfere.

After thinking of a way to deal with it, Fang Yang returned to the inn and started implementing his plan.

First, he needs to refine a mind-controlling Gu.

It would be unwise to confront the Baili people head-on. If the ancestors of the Baili tribe were alerted, his life would be over.

Therefore, he wants to use the mind-bewitching Gu to control the slave of the Baili tribe and control this slave to accomplish what he wants to accomplish.

Fang Yang took out a fat green insect king, squeezed out a trace of blood from his fingertips, and started refining it with green light surging in his hands.

Gu Technique is a spell with infinite potential. If Patriarch Pan Wang, the founder of Gu Dao, had not died young, Gu Technique would definitely have become famous.

Among the poison, poison, and head-lowering techniques, Fang Yang's favorite was the poison technique.

After a day and night of refining, gradually, a vaguely tiny insect appeared between Fang Yang's palms.

This bug is so small that even if you look at it with mystical consciousness, you can't see it clearly.

"It confuses people's hearts. With this confuse, my big thing will be accomplished!"

Fang Yang was overjoyed.

Being able to refine the mind-confusing Gu in a day and a night was due to his habit of being prepared.

Fang Yang has trained three insect kings in advance. When he needs to refine the Gu, he can directly use the insect kings to refine them, eliminating the time of cultivating the insect kings.

"Next, it's time to find a servant of the Baili Clan and put this confusing mind on him."

Fang Yang looked outside the cave. What he had to do next was the most critical thing.

Only by controlling the slaves of the Baili tribe can we successfully participate in the Baili tribe's pursuit of the ascended ones.

No matter who loses or wins between the Baili clan and the Ascended Ones, all he has to pay is just a Gu worm.

He walked out of the inn and headed towards the city gate.

The Baili tribe's homeland is not in Kunshan City, but in Kunshan's Ziying Valley. At the city gate, you can definitely see the Baili tribe.

He had just sat in a restaurant at the city gate for a while when the sound of a gong came into the city.


"Master Baili Han is going out, everyone retreat!"

This gong sound is not an ordinary gong sound, but the sound of a fairy gong. Once it is struck, golden flowers will fall in the void and fairies will dance.

Fang Yang looked at the city gate. He was shocked by the pomp of Baili Han's outing.

A handsome young man sat cross-legged on a luxurious bed, hugging a cat demon with cat ears on the left and a fox demon with a white tail on the right, laughing wantonly.

This luxurious bed was carried by 4416 celestial fairies. In front of the bed, two true immortals rang the gong to clear the way, and four true immortals followed closely behind.

As soon as Baili Han and his party entered Kunshan City, they began to drive away the pedestrians in front of them, being extremely domineering and arrogant.

"What a grand ceremony! Those who know know that it is Baili Han who has entered the city, while those who don't know think that it is some head of the immortal way or some marquis of Daxia who has come!"

In the restaurant, there was a man who seemed to be dissatisfied with Baili Han's behavior and snorted coldly.

Upon hearing this, all the people in the restaurant changed color.

The man looked around and frowned:

"What are you afraid of! Emperor Yu's territory was fought for the entire human race, not for those who are tyrannical and oppress the people. Above the Baili clan is the court, above the court is the emperor, above the emperor is the religion, above the religion are the sages of Huoyun Cave, and above the sages of Huoyun Cave is the Holy Mother. Can a mere Baili clan cover up the clear blue sky of my human race?"

After saying that, he slammed the table and walked out of the restaurant.

The appearance of this person gave Fang Yang a headache as he had not yet had time to take action.

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