Prehistoric: Starting from Foolish Old Man Moving Mountains

Chapter 43 Return to the Primordial Continent

After 7,000 years, Fang Yang stood on the land of the prehistoric continent again, and his mood was extremely complicated.

After many twists and turns, he finally came back.

He looked up at the endless sky, and saw a huge barrier above the dark void, protecting the land of Jiuzhou.

This barrier, from the first heaven to the first layer of the underworld, encompasses the universe and swallows up the eight wastelands, with boundless power.

The Jiuzhou barrier is a large formation arranged with the luck of the human race as the foundation. Any alien race entering it will be suppressed by the barrier.

"Golden Immortal, Taiyi Golden Immortal, Daluo Golden Immortal, Quasi-Sage, I have a very long way to go to cultivate to this point. Now I am just an ant."

After seeing the huge Jiuzhou barrier, Fang Yang suddenly felt a sense of insignificance. This sense of insignificance poured into his heart, and the fire of desire to become stronger in his heart burned fiercely.

Deciding immediately, he slowly rose into the air and flew towards the Jiuzhou barrier.

As soon as he flew into the Jiuzhou barrier, Fang Yang immediately felt an extremely huge force enveloping him, suppressing his consciousness and mana.

His body swayed, and he was almost oppressed by this force and fell down.

However, he was at least a senior immortal who had lived for seven thousand years. Even if he had no mana, he could use the spiritual energy in the void to make himself fly.

He stabilized his body and landed steadily on a hill.

"The suppression of this Jiuzhou barrier is too harsh. My mana at the peak of Xuanxian was suppressed to the level of just breaking through Xuanxian. In this Jiuzhou barrier, the human race is probably the strongest at the same level."

Fang Yang quickly adapted to the oppression of the Jiuzhou barrier.

At this time, he was very fortunate. If he had not eliminated the demonic aura on his body, returning to the Jiuzhou barrier would be tantamount to sending himself to death.

A living example soon appeared.

"Demon, where are you escaping?"

In the distance, a chicken demon with gray hair fled in the direction outside the Jiuzhou barrier, and the one chasing him was a human cultivator.

The chicken demon was originally a true immortal, but under the suppression of the Jiuzhou barrier, it could only exert the strength of a celestial immortal.

So, a chicken demon in the true immortal realm was beaten by a celestial immortal cultivator of the human race and fled madly.

"Stinky bull nose, if you have the ability, chase out of the Jiuzhou barrier."

Looking at the Jiuzhou barrier in front of him, the chicken demon showed a happy expression on his face. He turned his head and said viciously.

But the old Taoist who was chasing him just smiled faintly.

"Evil beast, why do you think you can escape here?"

The chicken demon's face changed suddenly, as if he thought of something. But it was too late.

With a bang, a yellow gourd appeared in the hands of the old Taoist.

"Heaven and earth are boundless, collect!"

The old Taoist chanted a spell, and suddenly, a powerful force sprayed out from the gourd, covering the whole body of the chicken demon.

"Demon Refining Gourd, you actually have this treasure?"

The chicken demon tried to struggle, but his magic power was suppressed too much, and he couldn't get rid of the pull of the demon refining gourd.

After he asked a question, he was pulled into the demon refining gourd.

"With the soul of this real fairyland chicken demon, I can refine a furnace of real fairy pills and increase my Taoism by a thousand years."

After sealing his mouth with a talisman, the old Taoist shook the demon refining gourd in his hand, smiled triumphantly, and flew away.

Fang Yang saw all this clearly. He hid aside and watched the whole process.

He had no intention of commenting on other people's affairs, but this incident reminded him that he must not expose his demon identity in the land of Jiuzhou.

"Let's go to a crowded place first. I have completely changed my body structure at the cellular level. Even if I burst out my magic power, others will only think I am a demon cultivator."

Fang Yang thought to himself.

Most of his understanding of the prehistoric continent came from the memory of the Hundred Poison Boy. The Poison Boy only knew that there were small worlds in the heavens, but he himself didn't know how to find a small world.

Fang Yang needed to go to crowded places to inquire about the news, find the ascenders first, and then find the small world through the ascenders.

Half a month later, he came to a city.

There was not much difference between the cities in the prehistoric continent and the cities in the Jukuzhou. There were large city defense formations, city gate guards, and a large number of human cultivators.

The strength of the human race in the prehistoric continent was one level stronger than that of the human race in the Jukuzhou.

Walking on the street, Fang Yang saw several Xuanxian.

A country in the Jukuzhou was not as powerful as a city in the prehistoric continent.


"Li Zhi."



"How long will you stay in Kunshan City?"

"Two months."

"This is your token. This city will implement a curfew at night. Once the sun sets, no one is allowed to stay outdoors."

After paying some immortal medicine, Fang Yang successfully completed the entry procedures at the city lord's mansion.

After that, he rented a cave in the west of the city.

To call it a cave house is a bit derogatory to the human race. This cave house is not a cave, but a small cave heaven.

There are trees, ponds, houses, flowers, and spiritual cave heaven.

Those below the Golden Immortal can only open up space in their own bodies, while those above the Golden Immortal can open up cave heaven in the outside world.

"It's really expensive! I spent a mid-grade immortal weapon just to live there for two months. No matter which world it is, real estate is a highly profitable industry."

Fang Yang sighed.

He had reason to suspect that the City Lord's Mansion imposed a curfew just to make the monks who came and went rent cave houses in the city.

Even so, he still chose to rent the cave because it was private enough.

With a place to stay, he immediately left the cave and went to the outside world to inquire about the ascended people.

However, as soon as he came out of the cave, the owner of the inn came over.

The owner of the inn is a middle-aged Taoist nun with a friendly smile.

"Fellow Daoist Li, you came out at the right time. Do you have any special needs tonight, fellow Taoist? Our store has business dealings with Luanfeng Tower across the street. If you need it, you, as a guest of our store, can enjoy a 20% discount."

Fang Yang looked weird after hearing this.

He is not a fledgling, and he is very clear about the meaning of "special needs".

"Boss Mom's kindness, I accept it with my heart. But I'm shy in my pocket, so I'm afraid I can't afford it."

Fang Yang said casually.

He almost regarded the boss as Luan Fenglou's mother.

Seeing Fang Yang's refusal, the boss was not annoyed. She smiled stiffly, turned and left.

After leaving the inn, Fang Yang started searching in the human city.

If there were ascended people in the city, there would be no need for him to go around looking for people to ask questions. As long as you find this ascended person, everything will be easy to handle.

His idea was correct, because as soon as he left the inn, he got the information from the Ascended One.

"Listen to all the monks in the city. My young master of the Baili family was injured by an ascended monk. If there is an ascended monk in any store, please hand over the ascended monk as soon as possible. If anyone dares to shelter this ascended monk and does not report it, I The Baili family will definitely destroy his entire family."

A slave society, or a slave society with a background of cultivating immortals. Of course a person with strength can do whatever he wants!

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