Prehistoric: Starting from Foolish Old Man Moving Mountains

Chapter 429 The inside story of the Conferred God List

Between heaven and earth, there are three books: heaven, earth and man. Each of these three books is a top-quality innate spiritual treasure, containing endless mysteries of heaven and earth.

When Jiang Ziya was refining the List of Gods, some unprecedented insights appeared in his mind.

This realization came very strangely, it was mysterious and wonderful, and a new world appeared before his eyes.

The inner space of the Fengshen Bang is a truly boundless void. No matter how Jiang Ziya extends his consciousness, he cannot reach the end of the void.

In the void, countless stars twinkle, some are bright, some are dim, some are in the process of being conceived, and some have begun to destroy. However, no matter how these stars come and go, the number is always constant.

One life is destroyed, one life is lost, and a delicate balance is achieved.

Of all the stars, there are 129,600 that are the brightest. Each of these stars can compete with the sun and the moon. They swallowed the divine light, flowing into the void one by one, criss-crossing, and weaving into a huge network of heaven and earth.

Jiang Ziya's consciousness floated in this void, observing and comprehending carefully.

"The Conferred Gods List, let me take a look at what the gods in the Conferred Gods List are like."

On the other side, Fang Yang, who sensed all this, moved in his heart and connected his mind with Jiang Ziya's.

After swallowing two big worlds in a row, Fang Yang's cultivation level rose to a higher level again, and he successfully understood the Yin and Yang Dao.

The Avenue of Vacuum, the Avenue of Strength, the Avenue of Yin and Yang, the Avenue of Five Elements, the Avenue of Destiny, and the Avenue of Hatred. So far, Fang Yang has built a total of six avenues.

Although cultivating the Yin-Yang Avenue would not allow him to enter the late stage of Hunyuan Golden Immortal, his own strength has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The two avenues of Yin and Yang and the Five Elements are very powerful avenues. Through the baptism of the Avenue of Power, the power that these two avenues can exert will be even more powerful.

Now, Fang Yang has combined Yin and Yang and the five elements into one, and coupled with the chaotic Tao body he has cultivated, his strength is definitely not as simple as one plus one equals two.

Now, even if he doesn't use the power of the world, he still has the ability to compete with the characters in the late Hunyuan Golden Immortal stage.

Even so, this little bit of progress could no longer move him. His goal is to realize Hunyuan. Before he can realize Hunyuan, this improvement is too insignificant.

At this stage, it is difficult for him to make a big breakthrough without a great adventure. What he has to do is to work steadily, steadily advance, and reach the realm of his dreams.

With the help of the spiritual connection between the clone and the main body, everything the clone sees is completely transmitted into the soul of the main body.

Time passed, and I don’t know how long it took.

At a certain moment, Fang Yang saw a familiar figure in his perception.

This is the King of Demons among the Four Saints of Kowloon Island. He is sitting cross-legged on a bright and bright star, his eyes are closed, and he is merging with the star.

"These stars represent the gods in the sky. But why are there only the gods of the stars, but not the gods of the mountains, the earth, the day traveler, the night traveler, the bedside goddess and other earth gods?"

Fang Yang was very confused, and then Jiang Ziya followed Fang Yang's idea and started searching in the list of gods.

The void has no boundaries and is infinite and unbelievably big. Fortunately, Jiang Ziya's thoughts can roam freely in this void. With just a thought, he can reach anywhere in the void.

After millions of moves and millions of searches, Jiang Ziya finally found it.

At the other end of the void, there is a boundless continent. The shape of the continent is exactly the same as that of the prehistoric world.

On this continent, mountains, rivers, grasslands and forests all exude the unique brilliance of innate Shinto.

The List of Gods is one of the Three Books of Heaven, Earth and Man. The power of Shinto in it is of course the power of innate Shinto, not the power of acquired Shinto.

Jiang Ziya was in it, and the innate divine aura came from the void from all directions.

"These gods are all the marks of the innate gods. Could it be said that the marks of the fallen gods in the past have been collected into the list of gods. Those on the list can become new gods by merging the marks of the gods!"

Fang Yang was greatly shocked.

Jiang Ziya didn't have enough moral knowledge to see through the essence of the Conferred Gods List, but he saw it very clearly.

The list of gods is both canonizing gods and creating gods. If someone can refine the innate avenue in the god's throne and completely refine the marks of the gods, then this person will become a true innate god.

Thinking deeply, the Zhoutian star gods have returned to their positions and all have become innate gods. The result is that the Zhoutian star array will reappear!

Fang Yang was shocked when he learned all this.

Everyone thinks that being on the list of gods is not good. However, as long as you put aside your prejudices and think about it with a calm heart, you will find that being on the list of gods is also a rare opportunity.

Ancestor Hongjun is the founder of Xuanmen. Even if he is harmful to everyone in the world, he will not destroy his own orthodoxy.

There are indeed restrictions on being on the list of gods in the early stages. However, as long as you can cultivate to become an innate god, all restrictions will disappear.

Moreover, only by going through the baptism of countless tribulations and killing their bodies can the bad roots of Xuanmen disciples be cut off and their possibility of killing three corpses increased.

"What a big game of chess! People who can be Dao Ancestors are just different."

After learning about some of the plans of Patriarch Hongjun, Fang Yang felt more and more powerful about this Taoist ancestor.

Ancestor Hongjun never used conspiracy when doing things. Every time he made a move, he always used it in a scheming and upright manner.

However, his enemies knew his plan, and could only watch him succeed, without even thinking of stopping him.

"I feel like I'm trapped in a new chess game. Hongjun Laozu and Hou Tu Niangniang are the chess players, and I'm a chess piece. I just don't know what Hongjun Laozu wants me to do."

Fang Yang instantly realized the situation he was facing.

He thought that he had jumped out of the chessboard and advanced from a chess piece to a chess player, but he didn't expect that he had only jumped out of a small chessboard, and there was a bigger chessboard waiting for him.

"Don't worry, I still have some time to develop. When the innate Pangu Dharma is complete, no matter what secrets are on the chessboard, I have the ability to withdraw."

The more times like this, the calmer Fang Yang is.

So far, he has not sensed any malice from Hongjun Laozu. Hongjun Laozu made two moves, both of which were to give Jiang Ziya benefits. Of course, there were also warnings in the benefits.

Patriarch Hongjun seemed to be saying, "Don't mess around. I know your situation very well."

In fact, Fang Yang had no intention of messing around, and he was even less likely to panic.

"It seems that I have to rent a dojo in Jiuli World. I can't have any accidents before launching the Hunyuan Great Tribulation."

Fang Yang's solution is Jiuli World.

The only way to fight against the way of heaven is the way of earth. He didn't believe that Patriarch Hongjun could do anything to him after he hid in Jiuli World. (End of this chapter)

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