The invasion of the extraterritorial demons was imminent, and Taiwu Tianzun not only did not prepare for war, but also put most of his energy on dealing with the reincarnation of the Heavenly Dao.

After the meeting, Taiwu Tianzun joined forces with the nine immortal emperors to launch a global operation to detect martial souls. Their purpose was very clear, to find those with special martial souls and arrest them.

The top few people in the world spoke, and in the martial arts world where the strength gap was very serious, no one dared to go against their will.

So, the martial arts world was completely in chaos.

The morality of the martial arts world collapsed, people's hearts were sinister, and some people who were obsessed with interests even mastered the technology of seizing other people's martial souls.

Before, the martial soul was the most core secret of every martial artist, and very few people knew it. But once the order to detect the martial soul was issued, everyone's martial soul became transparent.

So, since the order was issued, countless young people with outstanding qualifications disappeared every day. Another part of people with great backgrounds and low qualifications suddenly possessed advanced martial souls.

Not only that.

Another part of the existence, using the order of Taiwu Tianzun, randomly accuses people. They use special martial spirits as an excuse to suppress dissidents and seek benefits for themselves.

For a time, countless martial arts forces destroyed their families and countless casual cultivators were persecuted.

Under various circumstances, the civil strife in the martial arts world is destined and cannot be changed.

Although the bottom warriors have no strength, they have the will. As long as they have the will, even if they know that they are not strong enough, they will fight back.

They can't beat the people with high realms in the big forces, but there are always weak people in the big forces.


With a shout, a warrior whose sons and daughters were killed by others burst out with unprecedented courage and beat a core member of a big force into pieces.

If one person resists, there will be ten people who resist, and the upper-level warriors are not all unscrupulous people.

Countless years of resentment, coupled with the hatred of today, the raging war has ignited at the bottom of the martial arts world.

Originally, this little bit of resistance could not shake the rule of Taiwu Tianzun and the nine immortal emperors. In the face of absolute strength, the resistance of the weak is just a joke.

However, when the forces established by Taiwu Tianzun and the nine immortal emperors were about to quell the rebellion, a huge voice sounded between heaven and earth.

Hongxuan Tianzun had a solemn appearance and an extremely huge figure, sitting cross-legged on a vacuum white lotus. Behind him were circles of light wheels and long rivers of faith.


The aura of the Hunyuan Jinxian was released by him without reservation, the heavens trembled, and all living beings were shocked.

Hongxuan Tianzun clasped his hands together, with a look of compassion on his face.

"I am Hongxuan Tianzun, a subordinate of Wusheng Sect Leader. Following the order of the compassionate Wusheng Sect Leader, I have come to rescue the suffering beings in this world and lead those who are destined to enter the vacuum hometown without disasters, pain and suffering."

In the surprised eyes of all beings in the world, a ball of holy fire burned on the vacuum white lotus, instantly igniting Hongxuan Tianzun's whole body.

In the holy fire, Hongxuan Tianzun still had a smile on his face, and his body was like feathers, decomposing and peeling off piece by piece.

These feathers fell with the wind, forming a series of scriptures, which fell into the void and entered the body of every person with a predestined relationship.

Before disappearing, he sent a blessing to all beings:

"The blazing holy fire burns my broken body. What joy is there in life, and what pain is there in death. Pity me, the world, there are so many worries, Wusheng Sect Leader, the vacuum hometown."

Hongxuan Tianzun came quickly and left even faster. Before the creatures in the martial arts world could figure out what was going on, Hongxuan Tianzun disappeared.

The powerful outsiders entered the martial arts world to spread education and deceive people. Taiwu Tianzun and others would certainly not sit idly by.

However, when Hongxuan Tianzun appeared, Shengxin Daojun led the followers of Wushengjiao to launch a war against the martial arts world.

At the edge of the martial arts world, the army of Wushengjiao pressed on, with beacon fires and smoke, and thousands of arrows were fired, sweeping across millions of miles of void.

Taiwu Tianzun and the nine immortal emperors had no time to care about Hongxuan Tianzun, so they could only gather the army of warriors and go forward to fight.

Taiwu Tianzun and others deeply realized what it meant to suffer from one's own actions.

If the heavenly way of the martial arts world was still there, under the protection of the heavenly way, Wushengjiao would never be able to open the battlefield to the martial arts world.

As soon as Wushengjiao came in, it would be bombarded by the eye of heavenly punishment.

However, Taiwu Tianzun and others wanted to slaughter the heavenly way, so that the martial arts world lost its strongest defense. This provided convenience for Wushengjiao to invade the martial arts world.

On the battlefield, the two sides deployed their troops, soldiers against soldiers, generals against generals, in an orderly manner.

"This man is the Wusheng Sect Master mentioned by Hongxuan Tianzun. Judging from the power fluctuations on his body, he is not much stronger than this seat."

His consciousness has been staring at Shengxin Daojun. He thought that Shengxin Daojun was the Wusheng Sect Master.

Taiwu Tianzun selected his opponent, and the nine immortal emperors also confronted the Daluo Jinxian and Daluo Zhenxian of the Wusheng Sect.

Both sides did not even say polite words, and flew out of their respective camps and started a war.

Shengxin Daojun stepped on his feet, crossed the endless space, and appeared in front of Taiwu Tianzun.

"Martial Ancestor Fist!"

Taiwu Tianzun's eyes condensed, and the endless mysteries of martial arts emerged on him.

The images of many great figures in the ancient times, the ancient times, and the medieval times flashed in this punch, as if the martial arts masters of the entire martial arts world transmitted their power to him alone.

The Holy Heart Daojun used the Eighteen Seals of Hell that he had comprehended from the Eighteen Layers of Hell, with a mountain of knives, an oil pan, a grinding wheel, scissors, and an iron hook. He directly attacked them.

He cast a seal, and the martial arts magic of Taiwu Tianzun immediately fell apart.

All the ways return to the origin, no matter which cultivation system it is, when it reaches the stage of Daluo Jinxian and Hunyuan Jinxian, it can be summarized into the same system.

The battle between Hunyuan Jinxian and Daluo Jinxian intensified, and below, the armies of both sides also started fighting.

"What is that?"

The martial arts of the martial arts world were preparing to have a close battle with the outer demons, and suddenly, many treasure ships with a length of 100,000 miles flew out of the camp of the outer demons.

These treasure ships were as big as mountains, with a strong and terrifying aura, and the surface of the body was shining with spiritual light, which was indescribably mysterious.

Before the martial arts practitioners could react, beams of light shot over from the treasure ships on the opposite side. The beam pierced through space, shattering the heaven and earth, turning the stars upside down, and bombarded the army of martial artists.

Boom boom boom!

In the battlefield of martial artists, mountain peaks were blown up, pieces of space were evaporated, earth, fire, wind and water emerged, and endless disasters descended on the world.

The breath of death was everywhere, and all the martial artists were stunned.

"Why are the demons from outside the domain so unethical?"

A Taiyi Jinxian martial artist thought so in his mind after being blown away.

This is not the war he remembered!

The war he knew was that both sides set up the battlefield, displayed martial arts magic, collided with flesh and flesh, and divine weapons collided with divine weapons.

The martial artists who were caught off guard collapsed at the touch and had no ability to resist at all.

The treasure ships formed a huge square formation, constantly shooting destructive divine light, pushing the battle line forward for six million miles, and then stopped.

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