Prehistoric: Starting from Foolish Old Man Moving Mountains

Chapter 398 All living beings are like ants

Looking at the people with different thoughts, Taiwu Tianzun felt regretful.

In order to consolidate his position and always stand at the pinnacle of the martial arts world, he sows dissension in the martial arts world and promotes various extreme teachings.

It's okay when there are no external enemies. All living beings are scattered and unable to unite, allowing him to take whatever he wants from all living beings.

When foreign enemies come, the first thing he worries about is internal fighting.

Judging from the performance of the Nine Immortal Emperors, it would be good if they did not stab others on the battlefield. It is impossible for them to work together to fight against foreign enemies.

However, the situation of the nine Immortal Emperors attacking each other has been formed. No matter how regretful or upset Taiwu Tianzun is, it will not help.

People need face and trees need bark. Taiwu Tianzun cannot show his ugly side in front of others, even if other immortal emperors may have long suspected him.

Taiwu Tianzun looked solemn: "Don't underestimate the extraterrestrial demons. The world where the extraterrestrial demons are located has no less powerful people than our world. In this crisis, we must completely join forces to repel the enemy. , to protect our world.”

When he said this, he looked at the Immortal Emperor Juntian.

Juntian Immortal Emperor saw Taiwu Tianzun looking at him, and thought to himself that it was bad luck. But his reaction was not slow. He cupped his hands and said: "What Tianzun said is absolutely true. I believe that we must put aside our prejudices, concentrate our strength, and repel the invading enemies."

Taiwu Tianzun nodded slightly and looked at Chixiao Immortal Emperor.

Immortal Emperor Chixiao secretly complained and said bravely:

"This emperor also agrees with Tianzun's view. Facing a powerful enemy, we can no longer cling to the past grudges. Gratitudes and grudges are nothing in the face of the safety of the world."

Taiwu Tianzun's face looked ugly.

Immortal Emperor Juntian and Immortal Emperor Chixiao’s answers were both beautiful, but they were all nonsense. On the surface, they agreed to join forces to fight against the enemy, but they did not express support in action.

However, Taiwu Tianzun still needs to use them, so there is no way to cause an attack.

"Eternal Immortal Emperor, what do you think?"

The Immortal Emperor Immortal Emperor was a little surprised when he heard this. There were still six people who hadn't asked. Why did they jump to him?

Immortal Emperor Changsheng thought for a while and said: "I think what Fellow Taoist Juntian and Fellow Daoist Chixiao said are very reasonable. I completely agree with their views!"

After hearing the answer from the Immortal Emperor of Immortality, Taiwu Tianzun was so angry that his head was spinning.

He could not have imagined that these Immortal Emperors would still be speaking to him here at a critical moment of life and death.


Taiwu Tianzun roared angrily, and his voice exploded throughout the entire audience. The Nine Immortal Emperors were so impacted that they retreated continuously. The people and futons slid thousands of miles on the ground together, and almost slipped out of the hall.

"How long has it been, and you are still talking nonsense. I tell you that this time, not only will the demons from outside the territory invade, but the Heavenly Dao who was massacred by us together eons ago will also be reincarnated and return."

"The return of heaven!?"

All the immortal emperors were shocked when they heard this.

They don't take threats from the outside seriously. They have cultivated to this point and have met countless opponents, including those from Heaven.

No matter how ferocious the demons outside the realm are, are they as powerful as those of heaven?

However, Taiwu Tianzun told them that the reincarnation of Tiandao was back.

They can't help but be afraid.

Back then, in order to massacre Tiandao. They weaved countless crimes against Tiandao, and finally mobilized the power of all living beings, using hundreds of millions of immortals as soldiers and three thousand Taiyi Golden Immortals as generals, and then massacred Tiandao.

In that battle, half of the world was flooded with the blood of immortals and demons, and it took billions of years to recover.

Seeing that everyone was scared, Taiwu Tianzun nodded with satisfaction: "As long as the world of martial arts still exists, the way of heaven will not die. What we have broken up is only its form. However, the way of heaven will not be destroyed, and it will eventually return. The world. I wonder if you are still in the mood for internal strife after hearing this news?

When the nine immortal emperors heard this, they all became as silent as cicadas, not daring to have any more petty thoughts.

Immortal Emperor Chunyang asked extremely nervously: "I dare to ask Tianzun, who is the reincarnation of Tiandao?"

Taiwu Tianzun shook his head: "It's not like you haven't seen the power of Heavenly Dao. It deliberately hides itself, how can I find out. However, when Heavenly Dao disappeared, it turned into countless martial arts spirits and entered the souls of all living beings. Deep. If Tiandao comes back reincarnated, his reincarnated body must have a special martial soul."

Cultivation in the great world of martial arts requires martial arts, which began with the fall of Tiandao.

Before the fall of Tiandao, no matter whether you had a martial spirit or not, you could sense the aura of heaven and earth and practice. But after the Battle of Tianshou, the rules of the world of martial arts changed, and no one without a martial spirit could practice.

"Special martial spirit!? Regardless of whether it is special or not, let's take action now to exterminate all living things in the world and create the world again to see if the way of heaven can return."

The Immortal Emperor of Extermination is worthy of being the Immortal Emperor of Extermination. As soon as he opened his mouth, he put forward the suggestion of annihilation of the world.

The great powers in the world of martial arts have no sense of preaching. To them, living beings are just tools for their entertainment.

They were happy, recruited one or two disciples, established a force, and fought with each other.

When they are unhappy, they destroy all sentient beings and cleanse everything in the world.

Anyway, there is no merit and karma in the big world, so they can do whatever they want.

"Well, that's indeed a good idea!"

"It doesn't matter if the world is destroyed and re-created. It's really outrageous for living beings today to be filled with resentment after the death of several relatives."

"I agree. Today's sentient beings are so short-sighted that they don't even know how noble the Immortal Emperor is."

As soon as the Immortal Emperor Miejue made the proposal, the other eight Immortal Emperors agreed.

What are sentient beings? Sentient beings are just ants. Who cares about the life and death of ants?

Taiwu Tianzun shook his head and said lightly: "If destroying the world can prevent the return of the Heavenly Dao, I would have done it long ago."

Immortal Emperor Miejue's expression changed: "Could it be that even destroying the world can't kill the Heavenly Dao?"

Taiwu Tianzun looked at Immortal Emperor Miejue: "The Heavenly Dao is immortal. No matter how many times it reincarnates, it will not die. Therefore, even if we destroy the world and reborn, the Heavenly Dao will also be reborn with the destruction of the world."

"What should we do? Destroy the martial arts world?"

Another Immortal Emperor proposed. This Immortal Emperor was called Yinshi Immortal Emperor, and his methods were more cruel than those of Immortal Emperor Miejue.

As soon as Yinshi Immortal Emperor spoke, the other Immortal Emperors looked at him with a look of idiocy.

"Destroying the martial arts world can indeed destroy the Heavenly Dao. But, can you guarantee that you will not be destroyed along with the destruction of heaven and earth?"

Taiwu Tianzun didn't know what to say. This group of Immortal Emperors, apart from their cruel methods, are useless in other aspects.

"I have already made a plan for this matter. However, it requires your cooperation. As long as we find the reincarnation of Tiandao and imprison it before it recovers its strength, we can rest assured forever."

Taiwu Tianzun said proudly.

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