Prehistoric: Starting from Foolish Old Man Moving Mountains

Chapter 366: Substituting one's own way for the way of heaven

In the void of the world, Fang Yang was quietly suspended. In front of him was a magic lamp that would burn forever and never go out.

He had already cultivated the Great Dao of Destiny. Next, he would accomplish something that no one had ever accomplished.

Replace the Way of Heaven with One's own Dao!

The Great Dao of Destiny was not his own Dao, so even if he replaced the Supreme Dao of the Great World of Destiny with the Great Dao of Destiny, it would not have any effect on him.

Moreover, replacing the Way of Heaven with One's own Dao was different from combining oneself with Dao. Combining oneself with Dao was an equal contractual relationship, while replacing the Way of Heaven with One's own Dao was a refining relationship.

If the ancestor Hongjun completed the replacement of the Way of Heaven with one's own Dao, it would be equivalent to refining the prehistoric world and turning the prehistoric world into his property.

"Have you thought it through?"

The flame of the Immortal Heart Lamp flashed, and a paragraph of characters floated out.

At the beginning, Fang Yang brought it into the Great World of Destiny to save it. However, Fang Yang only saved half of it.

It was the sacred artifact of the Heavenly Dao of the Great World of Destiny, and it could only stay in the Great World of Destiny. Once it appeared in the prehistoric world, it would be suppressed by the prehistoric Heavenly Dao.

This big world is a huge cage for it. Not only is it trapped in the cage, but it also has to maintain the operation of the cage.

"Naturally, only by becoming the Heavenly Dao can one understand the Heavenly Dao and then transcend the Heavenly Dao."

Fang Yang answered calmly.

To achieve the Dao and become a saint is to follow the Heavenly Dao, but to achieve the Dao of Hunyuan is the way to go against the flow.

It is easy to say that it is easy to condense the Heavenly Dao in the natal world. However, the moment your Heavenly Dao is condensed, you will be counterattacked by the Heavenly Dao of the Primordial World.

Just like the Immortal Heart Lamp, it is a sacred artifact of the Heavenly Dao in the Destiny World and cannot appear in the Primordial World.

Condensing the Heavenly Dao in the Primordial World will be counterattacked by the Heavenly Dao, but what about in the Chaos World?


Although Fang Yang has not yet comprehended the truth, he always feels that it is impossible to cultivate the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in the Chaos World. Just look at the Twelve Ancestral Witches and Taiyi, they never left the Primordial World until they died.

What exactly is this secret? He is going to ask Hou Tu Niangniang.

He already had a big plan in his mind. As long as he presented this big plan to Hou Tu Niangniang, there was a great chance that he could get the answer to this secret.

After getting a positive answer from Fang Yang, the Immortal Heart Lamp jumped up and down in a humane way, as if nodding.

"Okay! In this case, the future of the world of destiny will be handed over to you. I will take you to the origin space of the Heavenly Dao now. You will refine the origin of the Heavenly Dao, and then use your own destiny to evolve the long river of destiny of all living beings, and you will complete the replacement of the Heavenly Dao with your own Dao."

The origin space of the Heavenly Dao is located in the deepest part of the world. It is the sea of ​​consciousness of the world, and the origin of the Heavenly Dao is the origin of the world.

As soon as Fang Yang entered the origin space of the Heavenly Dao, he felt his body sink, and there were powerful forces of destiny in all directions.

Among these forces of destiny, there are many butterflies. When the butterfly flaps its wings, a force that is overwhelming and shakes the sea of ​​stars is transmitted.

This perfectly explains that a butterfly flapping its wings on the other side of the ocean can cause a tsunami on this side of the ocean.

However, such power is obviously not enough to shake Fang Yang.

First, Fang Yang has the Immortal Heart Lamp to protect him, and the Immortal Heart Lamp is the Heavenly Dao Sacred Artifact of the Destiny World.

Secondly, Fang Yang not only knows the Great Dao of Destiny, but also the Great Dao of Power. The combination of these two great ways can exert enough power to destroy the world.

For example, without the interference of the saints, Fang Yang flicked his fingers on Hengshan Mountain, and Mount Xumi would jump up from the ground.

Fang Yang sat cross-legged, and the light of the Immortal Heart Lamp spread rapidly, helping Fang Yang to refine the origin of the Heavenly Dao.

If he refined the origin of the Heavenly Dao alone, it would be difficult, after all, he is only in the middle stage of the Hunyuan Golden Immortal, and his cultivation is a little lacking.

However, with the help of the Immortal Heart Lamp, the inner ghost, he had almost no difficulty in refining.

A solid fortress is often easy to break from the inside.

Just like Jiejiao, if there were no problems inside Jiejiao, no matter how other saints calculated, they could not calculate Jiejiao to the point of extermination.

Fang Yang's magic power, along with the light of the immortal heart lamp, penetrated into every part of the origin of the heavenly way.

Every time Fang Yang refined a little bit of the origin of the heavenly way, his refining power became stronger, and the resistance of the origin of the heavenly way became weaker.

In less than three years, Fang Yang completed the refining of the origin of the heavenly way of the world of destiny.

During Fang Yang's refining process, the sky of the world of destiny was blood red, and the world itself exuded a sad mood.

The infectious power of this emotion was extremely strong, reaching the depths of the hearts of the native creatures of the world of destiny. In their hearts, it was as if the sky was falling and the earth was sinking, and they were extremely sad.

The creatures from the prehistoric world and the sacrificial world did not have this feeling.

Fang Yang had not yet refined the origin of the heavenly way of the prehistoric world, so the prehistoric creatures would certainly not be sad, but the creatures in the sacrificial world had already been sad.

After the Holy Heart Daojun knew what Fang Yang had done, he immediately summoned the four Daluo Jinxians of wind, fire, thunder and lightning, as well as sixty-eight Taiyi Jinxians, to calm people's hearts.

Shengxin Daojun is the second leader of Wushengjiao. When Fang Yang is away, he handles everything.

After Fang Yang finishes refining the origin of the Heavenly Dao, the Immortal Heart Lamp also takes action.

It swallows up the Destiny River of the Destiny World with one sweep and takes it back into its body.

At this time, the sentient beings in the Destiny World also find that the Destiny River has disappeared. Fortunately, Shengxin Daojun responded in time and sent the Wushengjiao disciples to appease the people.


Fang Yang appeared in the outside world, with billions of heavenly radiances emitting from his body. He became the true master of the world.

All the creatures and cultivators in the world of destiny automatically had Fang Yang's figure in their minds. They looked at Fang Yang's smile and felt very kind, and a feeling of admiration arose spontaneously.

Fang Yang's face was serious, and he stretched out his hand and a surging torrent of destiny appeared in the void.

The torrent of destiny rushed into the void and quickly evolved into a long river of destiny with no beginning and no end, infinite tributaries, and infinite possibilities.

The long river of destiny flowed, covering the heavens and reflecting the worlds. Not only the original creatures of the world of destiny, but all the creatures in the world of destiny became part of the long river of destiny.

The Taoist Lord of the Holy Heart was shocked when he saw this scene.

"Brother, what are you doing? It's fine to pull the people of the Sacrifice World into the new long river of destiny, but why pull the creatures of the prehistoric world into it?"

He didn't know that Fang Yang was setting up a mock exam venue for the prehistoric creatures to prove their Dao.

It's very safe to survive in his long river of destiny, and you won't die if you fail. You can try it at will. When you have tried enough times, you can enter the prehistoric world to prove your Dao, and the chance of proving your Dao will be greatly increased.

The intention here is obviously difficult to understand for the Saint Heart Daojun who doesn't know the concept of mock exams.

But no matter what, once the long river of destiny is completed, Fang Yang's substitution of his own Dao for the Heavenly Dao will be considered a success!

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