Prehistoric: Starting from Foolish Old Man Moving Mountains

Chapter 365: Twelve-Level Vacuum White Lotus

Just when Nezha was born, a ray of destiny shone from the Vacuum Palace, instantly illuminating the world of destiny.

The sky and the earth, the four poles and eight wildernesses, the infinitesimal worlds, and the small caves were all shrouded by the radiance of the Great Dao of Destiny. The past and future of all living things in the heavens could not escape and were absorbed by the Great Dao of Destiny.

The fifth Great Dao, the Great Dao of Destiny, was completed!

Suddenly, Fang Yang's cultivation was improved again.

"Another great Dao has been cultivated. This innate Pangu method is really extraordinary."

The Holy Heart Taoist whispered.

A Hunyuan Jinxian, no matter how perfect his Dao fruit is, can only carry nine great Daos. If there are more, the natal Great Dao will be backfired by other great Daos.

For example, Tongtian Sect Master, before he became a saint, he only cultivated nine great Daos, including the seven great Daos, the Dao of Formation, and the Dao of Sword contained in the Dao of Cutting the Sky.

After he became a saint, he dared to cultivate the four laws of Zhuxian, Luxian, Xianxian, and Juexian into great Daos.

Tongtian Sect Master is like this, let alone others.

Only the innate Pangu Dharma can not only increase the upper limit of the Dao fruit to accommodate the Great Dao, but also integrate these Great Daos and make them all branches of the Great Dao of the Destiny.

"Hey, is that the direction of the lotus pond?"

The Holy Heart Daoist Lord was sighing, and saw a ray of precious light that penetrated the sky and the earth.

This precious light was extremely dazzling and gorgeous. It rushed up to the sky and poked a hole in the clouds in the sky.

Seeing this, the Holy Heart Daoist Lord moved and went to the direction of the lotus pond.

The Holy Heart Daoist Lord knew that Fang Yang cultivated the seeds of the Karma Fire Red Lotus and the Merit Golden Lotus. In the world of destiny, except Fang Yang, only he can come to the lotus pond.


When the Holy Heart Daoist Lord came to the lotus pond, Fang Yang had already appeared by the lotus pond.

He had just broken through, and his whole body was shrouded in strange phenomena. Countless torrents of destiny and whirlpools of destiny surrounded him, and his breath was terrifying and incomparable. The Saint Heart Daojun did not dare to get too close to Fang Yang, fearing that he would be swept into the torrent of fate.

After Fang Yang nodded slightly, he cast his sight back to the lotus pond.

If you plant flowers with care, they will not bloom, but if you plant willows without care, they will grow into shade.

When he planted the lotus seeds of the Golden Lotus of Merit and the Red Lotus of Karma Fire, he wanted them to produce lotus pedestals as soon as possible. In order to cultivate these two lotus seeds, he spent countless energy and endless wealth.

However, the two lotus seeds refused to produce the ninth-grade lotus pedestal.

He was about to prepare to wait for two kalpas like the old ancestor Ji Du, but the lotus pond suddenly gave him a surprise. The first ninth-grade lotus pedestal was born!

The lotus pond fluctuated violently, and boundless spiritual energy gathered to form a spiritual energy storm that spanned the world.

In the center of the spiritual energy storm, there was a ninth-grade lotus pedestal with brilliant precious light.

This lotus pedestal was produced by the lotus seeds of the Golden Lotus of Merit, and it was golden all over. However, it was not the ninth-grade Golden Lotus of Merit, but the ninth-grade Golden Lotus of Nirvana.

Before it was fully born, it began to emit a breath very similar to that of the Bodhi tree.

If Fang Yang had not known that the relationship between the Saint Jie Yin and the Saint Zhunti was a pure brother-student relationship, he would have thought that the Golden Lotus of Nirvana was the offspring of the two of them.

The innate saints can be male or female, and it is not strange that the essence of two male innate saints combined to give birth to offspring.

After the spiritual energy storm ended, the ninth-grade golden lotus of Nirvana flew up at once, turned into a stream of light, and sank into the void.

The nine-grade lotus platforms belong to the innate, and their power is similar to that of the innate spiritual treasures. Therefore, after they are formed, they will have their own wisdom.

The ninth-grade golden lotus of Nirvana did not know what was going on, and wanted to escape as soon as it was formed.

Seeing this, the Saint Heart Daojun was a little amused.

In the world of destiny, where can the ninth-grade golden lotus of Nirvana escape to?

Sure enough, the next moment the ninth-grade golden lotus of Nirvana flew back dizzy and crashed into Fang Yang's arms.

Fang Yang reached out and grabbed the Ninth Grade Nirvana Golden Lotus firmly in his hand. No matter how the Ninth Grade Nirvana Golden Lotus struggled, it did not move at all.

"Congratulations, Senior Brother. Senior Brother first cultivated the Great Way of Destiny, and then obtained the Ninth Grade Nirvana Golden Lotus. It can be said that it is a double happiness."

"Junior Brother, you are right. It is indeed worth celebrating. After I cultivated the Hunyuan Golden Immortal, the Vacuum White Lotus gradually lost its effect. Now with this Ninth Grade Nirvana Golden Lotus, the Vacuum White Lotus has the hope of being promoted to the twelfth grade. When the Vacuum White Lotus is promoted to the twelfth grade, I can use the Vacuum White Lotus as a treasure to suppress the fate of the Demon Dao."

Fang Yang nodded and agreed.

The Twelfth Grade World-Destroying Black Lotus is good, but it represents Luo Hou.

Fang Yang does not want to become the Demon Ancestor, and the people in the Demon Dao look at the Twelfth Grade World-Destroying Black Lotus, but think of Luo Hou in their hearts.

Luo Hou is a super powerful person at the peak of the Quasi-Sage, and there is a chance to be resurrected.

If Luohou is resurrected, the people of the Demonic Path will be fence-sitters and run to Luohou. Wouldn't he have worked in vain?

"But when Luohou established the Demonic Path, he used the 12th-grade Black Lotus of World Destruction and the Sword Formation of Immortal Execution to suppress the destiny. Without the 12th-grade Black Lotus of World Destruction, the destiny of the Demonic Path will not recognize Senior Brother."

Shengxin Daojun said worriedly.

Fang Yang waved his hand: "It doesn't matter whether the destiny of the Demonic Path recognizes you as a brother. As long as the people of the Demonic Path recognize you as a brother, you are the Demon Ancestor."

After his realm was improved, he looked at the problem more deeply.

He used the 12th-grade Black Lotus of World Destruction to inherit the Demonic Path, and the Demonic Path still belonged to Luohou. Only when he conquered the Demonic Path and took all the people of the Demonic Path under his command, the Demonic Path would belong to him.

What is the 12th-grade Black Lotus of World Destruction? What are the Four Swords of Immortal Execution?

He only needs to kill his way into the demon world, defeat all the powerful demons, and then destroy the Four Swords of Zhuxian and the Twelve-Rank Black Lotus of World Destruction, and then he can destroy the old demons.

After the old demons are destroyed, he will establish a new demon and become the new demon ancestor.

Changing dynasties is as simple as that.

Although the Four Swords of Zhuxian and the Twelve-Rank Black Lotus of World Destruction are both treasures, it is a pity to destroy them. However, the hidden dangers of these two sets of treasures are too great, and he dare not use them at all.

No matter how much Fang Yang calculates and thinks about the treasures that can make Tongtian Master fall into the trap, he is not at ease with them.

Instead of doing so, it is better to destroy them, destroy them completely, so as not to give Luohou a chance to turn over.

If Fang Yang's thoughts are known to other powerful people, they will definitely scold him for squandering heaven's gifts, but Fang Yang doesn't care.

As long as he can achieve the Great Dao of Hunyuan, let alone destroying the Four Swords of Zhuxian, even if he destroys the Immortal Heart Lamp, he will not feel sorry at all.

After the Saint Heart Taoist left, Fang Yang returned to the Vacuum Palace and began to let the Vacuum White Lotus devour the Ninth Grade Nirvana Golden Lotus.

Although the two grew from different lotus seeds, they were all descendants of the Chaos Green Lotus and came from the same source.

The devouring process went very smoothly, and the aura of the Vacuum White Lotus became stronger and stronger, and the origin became more and more vigorous.

The vacuum energy between heaven and earth gathered crazily and was devoured by the Vacuum White Lotus.

When the Ninth Grade Nirvana Golden Lotus completely disappeared, a 12th Grade Vacuum White Lotus was born.

The 12th Grade Vacuum White Lotus was born!

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