After arranging the relevant matters within the Wusheng Great World, Fang Yang returned to the prehistoric world. He will fulfill his promise and resurrect those who have died.

He not only wants to make up for the regrets of the past, but also tells all sentient beings one thing: Anyone who follows him will definitely have a good death. Even if both body and soul are destroyed, he will save these people.

When Fang Yang returned to Hengshan Cave Heaven, he saw the female demon pacing at the gate. Next to her, there was a man who was as gentle as jade and looked very friendly.

"Sister Female Demon, since the Demon Ancestor has said it, she will definitely fulfill it. We have been waiting for countless years, so what's the harm in waiting a moment longer?"

Chi Songzi was also a person who had lost both body and soul once. After the female demon recovered him, she spent countless energy and used countless miraculous medicines to restore Chi Songzi's memory of her previous life.

His cultivation was also delayed as a result. The female demon has almost become a great magical power, but he is still lingering at the peak of Taiyi Golden Immortal.

However, cultivation is cultivation, and feelings are feelings. In the eyes of him, the eldest brother, the female slayer is always the girl who is being hunted.

The female master smiled bitterly: "How come I don't understand this truth. But when I think of Yinglong's back then, when he was plotted against by the Magic Lamp Society and he was doomed, I can't wait to see him."

Akamatsuko's mood was complicated. He, a girl, had endured too much alone. He couldn't believe what the female slayer relied on to sustain herself after his death.

"Let bygones be bygones, Demon Ancestor has destroyed the Shenlantern Society. Brother Yinglong's revenge can be considered avenged."

"That's right, Fellow Taoist Female Demon. We have an unlimited future, and no disaster can befall us in the future."

Together with his voice, Fang Yang appeared in front of Chisongzi and Nuba.

Seeing Fang Yang, Chisongzi and Nuba quickly greeted him. Although Chi Songzi's cultivation level is low, Fang Yang is willing to have a friendship with Chi Songzi for the sake of the female slayer.

The two men and one woman entered the depths of the Hengshan cave and immediately got down to business.

"Fellow Taoist Fang Yang, I have brought Brother Yinglong's relics."

The female demon took out a box filled with the power of time and handed it to Fang Yang.

Fang Yang could tell at a glance that time in this box had completely stopped. The female slave was afraid that Yinglong's relics could not withstand the ravages of time, so she sealed the relics in time.

Fang Yang nodded slightly. He could understand the mood of the female slave, and said directly: "As long as there are relics. If there are no relics, I can only extract the memory of fellow Taoist and use the memory of fellow Taoist to resurrect Fellow Taoist Yinglong. ”

The female master and Chi Songzi were stunned for a while, resurrecting a person through memory. This method is simply unbelievable.

Fang Yang opened the treasure box, and a black dragon claw flew out of the treasure box. Above the dragon's claws, the cold air was so thick that everything was frozen and there was no life left at all.

"Back then, there was a demon dragon on the Yuanjiang River. Brother Yinglong fought with him and was accidentally injured by the demon dragon's ice soul light. In order to save his life, he cut off one of the dragon's claws himself."

The female demon recalled the past, with a trace of sadness flashing in her eyes, "This dragon claw was the one he chopped off at that time. I sealed it in the hope that one day, when Yinglong is no longer allowed to tolerate the human race, I can hold this dragon's claw." Zhao, argued hard for Brother Yinglong. At that time, there were already voices from people who were not from my race, but they couldn’t tolerate Brother Yinglong in the end.”

Fang Yang gently touched the dragon claw and felt the faint dragon energy contained in it. He nodded: "It is most appropriate to use this dragon claw to resurrect Fellow Daoist Ying Long."

He pointed on the dragon claw, and the dragon claw instantly disintegrated.

The female demon saw this but said nothing. There must be a reason for what Fang Yang wants to do.

The disintegrated dragon claws scattered into a ball of blood mist, and then they quickly condensed to form a miniature man.

Fang Yang once again fired a ray of divine light, and the miniature man expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning into a nine-foot-tall middle-aged man with muscles all over his body.

The strong man's face was glowing red, as if he had come to life, lifelike.

When the female demon saw this person, her eyes flashed, and her eyes showed excitement. She did not disturb Fang Yang, because this Yinglong was just a body, without a mind or a soul.

"The next step is the key to resurrection. I will take Hengshan Cave Heaven out of the real time and space to hide it from the eyes and ears of Heaven. Although I am not afraid of Heaven, if I fight with Heaven, Fellow Taoist Yinglong will definitely not be able to be resurrected. "

Hearing this, Nuba and Chisongzi both nodded excitedly. They only know that they will never make mistakes if they listen to Fang Yang.

Fang Yang's spiritual thoughts had enveloped the ancient land, and he didn't even need to recite the spell. The information and energy that once belonged to Yinglong automatically gathered between heaven and earth.

Even the river of destiny has not escaped Fang Yang's search. Countless images were copied by Fang Yang, forming more information and flowing into the sea of ​​information.

Nvba and Chisongzi watched Fang Yang's every move nervously. They knew that this was the most critical step in the resurrection process. If enough information and energy cannot be collected, Yinglong's resurrection will not be completed.

Fang Yang's spiritual thoughts traveled through the ancient world, and he could feel every tiny fluctuation and every weak call. His mind resonated with this information and energy, guiding them to converge into the Hengshan Cave Sky.

As information and energy converged, a huge vortex formed in the Hengshan Cave Heaven. This vortex slowly rotated, absorbing all the information and energy into it. The center of the vortex was the strong man transformed by the dragon claw.

Seeing this, Fang Yang quickly formed seals with both hands and guided the information and energy in the vortex into the strong man's body. His movements were precise and fast, without the slightest hesitation. He knew that this was the most delicate step in the resurrection process, and the slightest carelessness could lead to the failure of resurrection.

Nv Ba and Chi Songzi held their breath. They could feel that the strong man's body was undergoing earth-shaking changes. Those information and energy merged and reorganized in his body to form a new soul.

Finally, under Fang Yang's guidance, all the information and energy gathered in the strong man's body. His body began to emit a faint light, and a strong vitality was born from it.

"Fellow Daoist Yinglong, wake up."

Fang Yang's voice echoed in the Hengshan Cave Heaven, like a morning bell and an evening drum, awakening the sleeping soul.

The strong man's body shook violently, and he slowly opened his eyes, two sharp eyes piercing the void like lightning.

He looked at Nüba and Chisongzi, and smiled gently: "Nüba, Chisongzi, long time no see."

Nüba looked at Yinglong who had returned, but did not come forward. She smiled calmly: "Yes, long time no see!"

The two looked at each other, and the world was gone. Nothing existed except each other. (End of this chapter)

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